
Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Schools(私立学校的利与弊)





More and more private schools are being set up. To a certain degree, these schools have made up for the shortage of schools in our country. As soon as private schools came into being, many people showed great interests. As a result, many students enrolled in these schools.

Private schools have many advantages. First of all, they relieve the financial burden of the government. Although the government has kept providing money for establishing public schools, it cannot satisfy the increasing demand of public education. Besides, these schools usually provide a better study environment for students consisting of better facilities and better teaching equipment. Furthermore, the pay of teachers in private schools is higher than that in public schools. Therefore, they can attract qualified teachers.

However, private schools also have some disadvantages.  The first is that the tuition in these schools are usually too high for most of the working people. The second is that the students in these schools often become too proud of themselves and their parents, because they are the ones who can afford the high tuition. If not well guided and disciplined, there may be some side effects.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Schools(私立学校的利与弊)





More and more private schools are being set up. To a certain degree, these schools have made up for the shortage of schools in our country. As soon as private schools came into being, many people showed great interests. As a result, many students enrolled in these schools.

Private schools have many advantages. First of all, they relieve the financial burden of the government. Although the government has kept providing money for establishing public schools, it cannot satisfy the increasing demand of public education. Besides, these schools usually provide a better study environment for students consisting of better facilities and better teaching equipment. Furthermore, the pay of teachers in private schools is higher than that in public schools. Therefore, they can attract qualified teachers.

However, private schools also have some disadvantages.  The first is that the tuition in these schools are usually too high for most of the working people. The second is that the students in these schools often become too proud of themselves and their parents, because they are the ones who can afford the high tuition. If not well guided and disciplined, there may be some side effects.


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