
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, My name is Yang Jiyan from Class(6) Grade(8). My topic is how to keep healthy.

Everybody needs a healthy body. It means that we can’t do most of the things without a healthy body. But how to keep healthy, different people have different pinions. According to my personal experiences, there are several ways building a strong body.

First of all, having a good diet is very important. As I know, many of my classmates do not have breakfast before they go to school. It's a quite bad habit and it's bad for your health. Maybe you don't have time to have breakfast, but you couldn't learn well in your classes if you don't eat anything. So good and regular diet is a necessary thing in our daily life. Therefore, we should know how to have correct diet. In brief, we need to drink eight cups of boiled water everyday and eat all kinds of food, including fresh vegetables and fruits and kinds of meat.

Secondly, physical exercise is an essential part of our life, experts advise us to have physical exercise four times a week. And many people take sports as physical exercise, so we have abundant choices such as swimming, jogging, running, tennis and so on. I always play badminton which is considered a very good form of exercise for people of all ages. After a year of paying badminton, I not only lost weight but also get a stronger body.

Thirdly, making some good friends is also another good way to keep fit. When you have some sorrow, sadness or happiness, you can tell your friends and share with them and you will feel relax and less stressful. In your spare time, you can go out for a holiday together. You will have a good time with them.

Fourthly, Kicking off your some bad habits, liking smoking, drinking alcohol, staying up too late, eating too many candies and so on. It is better to try and give up these things or at least do them less.

Finally, You should ask your doctor for a health check once a year. The doctor will be able to help you spot other problems that you might not have noticed.

In other words, health is more important than anything else.

Ladies and gentleman, let’s do them and build a strong and healthy body to make our life colorful and happy. That’s all. Thank you very much!

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, My name is Yang Jiyan from Class(6) Grade(8). My topic is how to keep healthy.

Everybody needs a healthy body. It means that we can’t do most of the things without a healthy body. But how to keep healthy, different people have different pinions. According to my personal experiences, there are several ways building a strong body.

First of all, having a good diet is very important. As I know, many of my classmates do not have breakfast before they go to school. It's a quite bad habit and it's bad for your health. Maybe you don't have time to have breakfast, but you couldn't learn well in your classes if you don't eat anything. So good and regular diet is a necessary thing in our daily life. Therefore, we should know how to have correct diet. In brief, we need to drink eight cups of boiled water everyday and eat all kinds of food, including fresh vegetables and fruits and kinds of meat.

Secondly, physical exercise is an essential part of our life, experts advise us to have physical exercise four times a week. And many people take sports as physical exercise, so we have abundant choices such as swimming, jogging, running, tennis and so on. I always play badminton which is considered a very good form of exercise for people of all ages. After a year of paying badminton, I not only lost weight but also get a stronger body.

Thirdly, making some good friends is also another good way to keep fit. When you have some sorrow, sadness or happiness, you can tell your friends and share with them and you will feel relax and less stressful. In your spare time, you can go out for a holiday together. You will have a good time with them.

Fourthly, Kicking off your some bad habits, liking smoking, drinking alcohol, staying up too late, eating too many candies and so on. It is better to try and give up these things or at least do them less.

Finally, You should ask your doctor for a health check once a year. The doctor will be able to help you spot other problems that you might not have noticed.

In other words, health is more important than anything else.

Ladies and gentleman, let’s do them and build a strong and healthy body to make our life colorful and happy. That’s all. Thank you very much!


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