

(Beauty is fortune or misfortune)



第一辨: 各位老师大家好,我方观点是美丽是福不是祸. 我将从三个方面阐释我方观点: 第一:何为美丽?美丽之于物, 是大千世界的色彩斑斓, 是我们身边的一草一木。第二:何为福, 祸? 福, 幸福福气 第三:如果美丽是祸不是福,为什么爱美之心人皆有之呢?

Hello everybody ,Beauty is fortune is Our views 。I will explain our point of view the following three aspects:The first :What is beautiful? The beauty of the thing , is worlds of the colorful plants and trees around us. The second:What is a blessing , What is a misfortune? Blessing, happiness good fortune; The third :If beauty is a misfortune not a fortune , and why everyone wants beautiful?


第一辨:各位老师大家好:首先请问对方辩友 你的美丽学是以谁的标准呢?



Hello everybody,First of all I would like to ask each other debates Friends ,What is your beautiful standard ?Beauty is a curse or a blessing is not from the perspective of art appreciation can be explained. Like a beautiful painting, a beautiful deep-living temple if you cannot judge his blessing or a curse for. So today's topic requires us to discuss the beauty on the social relationships. Complex society and the cruel reality to bring beauty is a curse not a blessing. So Beauty is fortune


第二辨:我们并不那样认为。外表美丽的人往往会有很好的人缘,尤其是异性缘。这就间接的助于择偶问题。 漂亮的人往往在择偶方面有较多的选择。

We do not think that way 。Appearance of the beautiful people tend to have good karma ,Especially the Heterosexual fate 。This indirectly contribute to the problem choosing a spouse 。Beautiful people tend to have more choice of spouse selection


第二辨:事实证明并不是那样的,人长得漂亮,有时候会自视甚高,择偶反而相对困难。 我们身边的大龄女性,有一部分也是美女,因为她们觉得自己漂亮,所以总是挑三拣四,迟迟不嫁。美丽耽误了他们

Proved not like that, people look beautiful, sometimes complacent, but relatively difficult to choose a spouse 。Some older women around us, some are beautiful, because they feel beautiful, so always pick and choose, always reluctant to get married. They wasted beauty



their beauty is Not only does not impede them, but to help them. Nowadays this situation,from the employment point of view. Indeed, beauty has played a significant role. We cannot deny, the appearance of the beautiful people, they are more competitive when they are looking for work, beauty makes them duck to water.


第三辨:一个人的外表若是较好,那么她的心思往往会大块的放在外表上,从而忽略了内在的修养。 花瓶式美女就此诞生了,除了美丽,她们一无所有,所以美丽是一种祸。

If a person's appearance is better, her thoughts are often on the appearance of large pieces, so ignore their own self-cultivation.

Vase-style beauty was born, in addition to beauty, they have nothing, so beautiful is a misfortune.


第一辨:何为福, 祸? 福, 幸福福气; 祸, 祸事灾害.” 福是祸所依,祸乃福所伏” 福与祸并不能截然分开.我们在判断一个东西带来的究竟是福还是祸时,其实是判断福与祸孰大孰小,孰轻孰重.

What is a blessing, What is a misfortune? Blessing, happiness good fortune; misfortune, calamity disaster。Misfortune,that is where happiness

depends;happiness,that is where misfortune underlies. We judge a thing is a fortune or a misfortune, the fortune and the misfortune is to determine which is more important.


第一辨:自古红颜多祸水。 男人为女人的美丽大打出手的不在少数。如果美丽是福 那么红颜祸水怎么解释呢?而现在,包括敏感的婚外恋。小三的角色通常是美女扮演的。

Down the ages,a beauty who is a source of trouble。There are many men fight for the beauty of a woman. If beauty is fortune,Dangerous Beauty how to explain it? Now, including the sensitive extra-marital affair. The role of mistress is usually played by beautiful women



The answer is that men Love Beauties more than the Rivers and Mountains. It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to

Helen of Troy.



As the saying goes " tall trees catch much wind", The nail that sticks up mostly gets hammered down. Beautiful people are often vulnerable to jealousy. Milan. Kundera once said, "the greatest enemy of a beautiful woman not a man, but other women. Once people cannot have it, will try to destroy it. Bring disaster to continue.



If beauty is a misfortune not a fortune , and why everyone wants beautiful? Why does the pursuit of beauty in the highest level? Is this not getting himself into trouble it?


第三辨:自古红颜多薄命,《红楼梦》中美艳女子无数,但最终每个女子都是命运多揣. 很难让人看到美丽的给他们带来幸福的结局,即便往日有了欢乐与奢华,但到了最后却在茫茫人海中消失。你们相信美丽会给你们带来幸福吗? Since acient times ,many pretty ladies had suffered a unlucky life. There are many, many beautiful woman in the Story of the Stone, but in the end the fate of each woman is more than surmise. It hard to bring people to see a beautiful happy ending for them . Even past with joy and luxury, but in the end they lost in a big crowd. Are you believe beauty will bring you a happy?


(Beauty is fortune or misfortune)



第一辨: 各位老师大家好,我方观点是美丽是福不是祸. 我将从三个方面阐释我方观点: 第一:何为美丽?美丽之于物, 是大千世界的色彩斑斓, 是我们身边的一草一木。第二:何为福, 祸? 福, 幸福福气 第三:如果美丽是祸不是福,为什么爱美之心人皆有之呢?

Hello everybody ,Beauty is fortune is Our views 。I will explain our point of view the following three aspects:The first :What is beautiful? The beauty of the thing , is worlds of the colorful plants and trees around us. The second:What is a blessing , What is a misfortune? Blessing, happiness good fortune; The third :If beauty is a misfortune not a fortune , and why everyone wants beautiful?


第一辨:各位老师大家好:首先请问对方辩友 你的美丽学是以谁的标准呢?



Hello everybody,First of all I would like to ask each other debates Friends ,What is your beautiful standard ?Beauty is a curse or a blessing is not from the perspective of art appreciation can be explained. Like a beautiful painting, a beautiful deep-living temple if you cannot judge his blessing or a curse for. So today's topic requires us to discuss the beauty on the social relationships. Complex society and the cruel reality to bring beauty is a curse not a blessing. So Beauty is fortune


第二辨:我们并不那样认为。外表美丽的人往往会有很好的人缘,尤其是异性缘。这就间接的助于择偶问题。 漂亮的人往往在择偶方面有较多的选择。

We do not think that way 。Appearance of the beautiful people tend to have good karma ,Especially the Heterosexual fate 。This indirectly contribute to the problem choosing a spouse 。Beautiful people tend to have more choice of spouse selection


第二辨:事实证明并不是那样的,人长得漂亮,有时候会自视甚高,择偶反而相对困难。 我们身边的大龄女性,有一部分也是美女,因为她们觉得自己漂亮,所以总是挑三拣四,迟迟不嫁。美丽耽误了他们

Proved not like that, people look beautiful, sometimes complacent, but relatively difficult to choose a spouse 。Some older women around us, some are beautiful, because they feel beautiful, so always pick and choose, always reluctant to get married. They wasted beauty



their beauty is Not only does not impede them, but to help them. Nowadays this situation,from the employment point of view. Indeed, beauty has played a significant role. We cannot deny, the appearance of the beautiful people, they are more competitive when they are looking for work, beauty makes them duck to water.


第三辨:一个人的外表若是较好,那么她的心思往往会大块的放在外表上,从而忽略了内在的修养。 花瓶式美女就此诞生了,除了美丽,她们一无所有,所以美丽是一种祸。

If a person's appearance is better, her thoughts are often on the appearance of large pieces, so ignore their own self-cultivation.

Vase-style beauty was born, in addition to beauty, they have nothing, so beautiful is a misfortune.


第一辨:何为福, 祸? 福, 幸福福气; 祸, 祸事灾害.” 福是祸所依,祸乃福所伏” 福与祸并不能截然分开.我们在判断一个东西带来的究竟是福还是祸时,其实是判断福与祸孰大孰小,孰轻孰重.

What is a blessing, What is a misfortune? Blessing, happiness good fortune; misfortune, calamity disaster。Misfortune,that is where happiness

depends;happiness,that is where misfortune underlies. We judge a thing is a fortune or a misfortune, the fortune and the misfortune is to determine which is more important.


第一辨:自古红颜多祸水。 男人为女人的美丽大打出手的不在少数。如果美丽是福 那么红颜祸水怎么解释呢?而现在,包括敏感的婚外恋。小三的角色通常是美女扮演的。

Down the ages,a beauty who is a source of trouble。There are many men fight for the beauty of a woman. If beauty is fortune,Dangerous Beauty how to explain it? Now, including the sensitive extra-marital affair. The role of mistress is usually played by beautiful women



The answer is that men Love Beauties more than the Rivers and Mountains. It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to

Helen of Troy.



As the saying goes " tall trees catch much wind", The nail that sticks up mostly gets hammered down. Beautiful people are often vulnerable to jealousy. Milan. Kundera once said, "the greatest enemy of a beautiful woman not a man, but other women. Once people cannot have it, will try to destroy it. Bring disaster to continue.



If beauty is a misfortune not a fortune , and why everyone wants beautiful? Why does the pursuit of beauty in the highest level? Is this not getting himself into trouble it?


第三辨:自古红颜多薄命,《红楼梦》中美艳女子无数,但最终每个女子都是命运多揣. 很难让人看到美丽的给他们带来幸福的结局,即便往日有了欢乐与奢华,但到了最后却在茫茫人海中消失。你们相信美丽会给你们带来幸福吗? Since acient times ,many pretty ladies had suffered a unlucky life. There are many, many beautiful woman in the Story of the Stone, but in the end the fate of each woman is more than surmise. It hard to bring people to see a beautiful happy ending for them . Even past with joy and luxury, but in the end they lost in a big crowd. Are you believe beauty will bring you a happy?


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