2016年中压开关柜 行业.国内.国际标准

2016年中压开关柜 行业、国内、国际标准


DL/T 402-2007

DL/T 403-2000

DL/T 404-2007

DL/T 593-2006

DL/T 620-1997

DL/T 5137-2001


GB 311.1-2012

GB 1984-2014

GB 1985-2014

GB 3804-2004

GB 3906-2006

GB/T 4109-2008




GB/T 11022-2011

GB/T 13540-2009

GB/T 14285-2006

GB 20840.2-2014

GB 20840.3-2013

GB/T 50062-2008

GB/T 50063-2008

GB/T 50064-2014

GB/T 50065-2011


IEC 60044-1-2003

IEC 60044-2-2003 交流高压断路器订货技术条件 12KV~40.5KV高压真空断路器订货技术条件 3.6kV~40.5kV交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求 交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合 电测量及电能计量装置设计技术规程 绝缘配合 第1部分:定义、原则和规则 高压交流断路器 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关 3.6 kV~40.5 kV 高压交流负荷开关 3.6kV~40.5kV交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备 交流电压高于1000V 的绝缘套管 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件 第1部分–第9部分 电线电缆识别标志方法 第5部分:电力电缆绝缘线芯识别标志 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求 高压开关设备和控制设备的抗震要求 继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程 互感器 第2部分:电流互感器的补充技术要求 互感器 第3部分:电磁式电压互感器的补充技术要求 电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范 电力装置的电测量仪表装置设计规范 交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合设计规范 交流电气装置的接地设计规范 Instrument transformers - Part 1: Current transformers Instrument transformers - Part 2 : Inductive voltage

IEC 60051

IEC 60056

IEC 60255

IEC 60265

IEC 60269

IEC 60282-1

IEC 60298

IEC 60445

IEC 60470

IEC 60473

IEC 60529

IEC 60688

IEC 60694

IEC/TR 60932

IEC 60947-2

IEC 62052-11 transformers Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories High-voltage switchgear a.c. circuit-breakers Electrical relays High-voltage switches - Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear High-voltage fuses - Part 1: Current-limiting fuses A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and incl. 52 kV Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors, including general rules for an alphanumeric system High-voltage alternating current contactors and contactor-based motor-starters Dimensions for panel-mounted indicating and recording electrical measuring instruments Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c. electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals Corrigendum 1 - Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards Additional requirements for enclosed switchgear and controlgear from 1 kV to 72.5 kV to be used in severe climatic conditions Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements,

IEC 62053-11

IEC 62271-100

IEC 62271-102

IEC 62271-200 tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 100: High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 200: A.C. metal-

enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1

kV and up to and including 52 kV

2016年中压开关柜 行业、国内、国际标准


DL/T 402-2007

DL/T 403-2000

DL/T 404-2007

DL/T 593-2006

DL/T 620-1997

DL/T 5137-2001


GB 311.1-2012

GB 1984-2014

GB 1985-2014

GB 3804-2004

GB 3906-2006

GB/T 4109-2008




GB/T 11022-2011

GB/T 13540-2009

GB/T 14285-2006

GB 20840.2-2014

GB 20840.3-2013

GB/T 50062-2008

GB/T 50063-2008

GB/T 50064-2014

GB/T 50065-2011


IEC 60044-1-2003

IEC 60044-2-2003 交流高压断路器订货技术条件 12KV~40.5KV高压真空断路器订货技术条件 3.6kV~40.5kV交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求 交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合 电测量及电能计量装置设计技术规程 绝缘配合 第1部分:定义、原则和规则 高压交流断路器 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关 3.6 kV~40.5 kV 高压交流负荷开关 3.6kV~40.5kV交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备 交流电压高于1000V 的绝缘套管 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件 第1部分–第9部分 电线电缆识别标志方法 第5部分:电力电缆绝缘线芯识别标志 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求 高压开关设备和控制设备的抗震要求 继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程 互感器 第2部分:电流互感器的补充技术要求 互感器 第3部分:电磁式电压互感器的补充技术要求 电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范 电力装置的电测量仪表装置设计规范 交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合设计规范 交流电气装置的接地设计规范 Instrument transformers - Part 1: Current transformers Instrument transformers - Part 2 : Inductive voltage

IEC 60051

IEC 60056

IEC 60255

IEC 60265

IEC 60269

IEC 60282-1

IEC 60298

IEC 60445

IEC 60470

IEC 60473

IEC 60529

IEC 60688

IEC 60694

IEC/TR 60932

IEC 60947-2

IEC 62052-11 transformers Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories High-voltage switchgear a.c. circuit-breakers Electrical relays High-voltage switches - Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear High-voltage fuses - Part 1: Current-limiting fuses A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and incl. 52 kV Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors, including general rules for an alphanumeric system High-voltage alternating current contactors and contactor-based motor-starters Dimensions for panel-mounted indicating and recording electrical measuring instruments Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c. electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals Corrigendum 1 - Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards Additional requirements for enclosed switchgear and controlgear from 1 kV to 72.5 kV to be used in severe climatic conditions Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements,

IEC 62053-11

IEC 62271-100

IEC 62271-102

IEC 62271-200 tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 100: High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 200: A.C. metal-

enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1

kV and up to and including 52 kV


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