


1. W: Is that your notebook, Tom? M: No, it isn’t. it’s his.

2. W: Are those erasers?

M: No, they aren’t. They’re pencil boxes. They’re Bob’s.

3. W: Who is this boy? M: He is Frank. He is my cousin.

4. W: Look, a room card. M: What’s the number? W: Room 403.

5. W: Where’s Susan, Sally? M: Is she on her chair?

W: No, she isn’t. Ha, she is under your bed.


W: Good morning. I’m Grace. What’s your name, please?

M: Jack Brown.

W: Nice to meet you, Jack. What’s your school ID card number?

M: It’s 120625.

W: OK. And what’s your phone number?

M: It is 84504864.

W: 84508464, right?

M: No, it’s 84504864.

W: Oh, thank you.


W: Good morning, Bob.

M: Hello. Is this your photo, Lucy?

W: Yes. Look, this is my aunt, Alice.

M: Who’s this man?

W: He is my aunt’s teacher, Mr. Brown.

M: Mr. Brown? He is my mother’s teacher, too.

W: What is your mother’s name?

M: Jenny.

W: Oh, dear. Your mother and my aunt are friends.


This is Paul’s room. His English book is in the bookcase. And his notebook is on the desk. It’s black. His father’s notebook is on the bed. It’s blue. What are those under the telephone? They are his three rulers. His hat and his jacket are on the chair. And his computer game is under the bed.



1. W: Is that your notebook, Tom? M: No, it isn’t. it’s his.

2. W: Are those erasers?

M: No, they aren’t. They’re pencil boxes. They’re Bob’s.

3. W: Who is this boy? M: He is Frank. He is my cousin.

4. W: Look, a room card. M: What’s the number? W: Room 403.

5. W: Where’s Susan, Sally? M: Is she on her chair?

W: No, she isn’t. Ha, she is under your bed.


W: Good morning. I’m Grace. What’s your name, please?

M: Jack Brown.

W: Nice to meet you, Jack. What’s your school ID card number?

M: It’s 120625.

W: OK. And what’s your phone number?

M: It is 84504864.

W: 84508464, right?

M: No, it’s 84504864.

W: Oh, thank you.


W: Good morning, Bob.

M: Hello. Is this your photo, Lucy?

W: Yes. Look, this is my aunt, Alice.

M: Who’s this man?

W: He is my aunt’s teacher, Mr. Brown.

M: Mr. Brown? He is my mother’s teacher, too.

W: What is your mother’s name?

M: Jenny.

W: Oh, dear. Your mother and my aunt are friends.


This is Paul’s room. His English book is in the bookcase. And his notebook is on the desk. It’s black. His father’s notebook is on the bed. It’s blue. What are those under the telephone? They are his three rulers. His hat and his jacket are on the chair. And his computer game is under the bed.


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