




【英文摘要】Amended in 2005 in China, “Company Law” for the first time formally established in law the derivative

action, the shareholders of the qualifications of the plaintiff, the defendant, pre-litigation procedures and actions in four areas can be provided for complaints. However, the new

“Company Law” provisions of the derivative action is too principles, such as, qualification of the plaintiff,

pre-litigation procedure, the company’s litigation position, the burden of proof allocation, limitation of actions,

litigation costs and other commitments and guarantees, lawsuit jurisdiction and so on, or the legislation does not clear, or is the system loss, leading to the practice, there are many

difficulties. In this paper, the new provisions of Article 152 of the Companies Act, from the derivative action legislative situation, analyzes the inadequacies and practical

difficulties in judicial practice. The use of comparison, analysis, learn England, United States, Japan and other countries (regions) on the derivative action litigation

legislative provisions and judicial practices, focusing on the idea of the system put forward a sound proposal to make the transplant system of extraterritorial localization to the development of modern society.This article is divided into introduction and body two parts. The body consists of four parts. The first part leads to a real case to discuss the subject of this article. The second part analyzes our country derivative action in the judicial practice realistic difficult position. This part mainly practices two aspects from our country

derivative action legislative provisions and the plight of judicial practice, analyzes this system existence the

deficiency. The third part from the perspective of comparative law inspects the extra-regional derivative action legislation. The second part of difficult position analysis and the third part of Investigation of extraterritorial legislation

consummate conception of this system for the later word

discussion to lay down the foreshadowing. The fourth part based on our country’s actual judicial difficult position, learn from the overseas related legislation experience, proposes that consummates ponder of this system. The author draws on England, United States, Japan and other major countries related this system’s concrete provision, combines with the actual situation in China, put forwards the target-oriented

legislative proposals. lnd, Improve the qualifications of the plaintiff shareholders. Increases subjective restrictions. Namely establishes the clean hand rule.2nd, Stipulates

explicitly the company is the legal status of participants in the proceedings.3rd,In the ordinary circumstances the derivative action by the company locus court exclusive

jurisdiction. Moreover the Intermediate people’s court enjoys the first trial jurisdiction.4rd,Through judicial

interpretation of the pre-program the exception of

the”emergency”type into the session to limitation of actions and so on situations.5rd,To limitation of actions period makes specially the stipulation.6rd, Explicitly determines the

nature of the derivative action case as the non-property case, simultaneously establishes the winning shareholder litigation expense compensatory regime and the security for costs system

7rd, Provides the company interior personnel as defendant in the derivative action,applying the onus of proof upside down principles. Third person outside the company as a defendant,is suitable the common people to sue the rule.8rd,Establishes the derivative action reconciliation system.

【关键词】股东代表诉讼 立法缺陷 司法困境 立法完善

【英文关键词】Derivative action Legislative

deficiencies Judicial trouble legislative improvement



12-13Abstract7-8引言11-1212内容摘要一、问题的提出(二) 案件引发的(一) 案情简介及法院裁判


12-131. 我国股东代表诉讼制度的立法状况13二、我国股东代表诉2. 案件引发的若干思考




15(一) 困境之一:原告的主体资(二) 困境之二:公司诉讼地位的立法(三) 困境之三:诉讼管辖原则的空缺(四) 困境之四:如何认定豁免前置程序的”情况紧

(五) 困境之五:缺乏诉讼时效制度的规定

(六) 困境之六:诉讼费用承担与担保制度的缺失

(七) 困境之七:如何分配股东代表诉讼的举证责任

(八) 困境之八:没有规定和解制度的立法缺憾急”15-1616-171717-18


18-23三、国外(地区)股东代表诉讼制度的比较考察(一) 股东代表诉讼中的原告18-20

2. 大陆法参考19-20

(三) 诉讼管辖原则

21-221. 英美法参考18-19的法律地位20用承担与担保制度


23-30(二) 公司在诉讼中20-21(四) 诉讼费(五) 股东代表诉讼之和解四、我国股东代表诉讼制度完善之思考(一) 提起股东代表诉讼的原告资格23-24(二) 公司乃股东代表诉讼的诉讼参加人24-25


标准26-27(三) 股东代表诉讼(四) 前置程序例外的”情况紧急”的认定(六) 股(五) 股东代表诉讼的诉讼时效27



致谢30-31(七) 股东代表诉讼(八) 股东代表诉讼之和解制度28-30参考文献31-32





【英文摘要】Amended in 2005 in China, “Company Law” for the first time formally established in law the derivative

action, the shareholders of the qualifications of the plaintiff, the defendant, pre-litigation procedures and actions in four areas can be provided for complaints. However, the new

“Company Law” provisions of the derivative action is too principles, such as, qualification of the plaintiff,

pre-litigation procedure, the company’s litigation position, the burden of proof allocation, limitation of actions,

litigation costs and other commitments and guarantees, lawsuit jurisdiction and so on, or the legislation does not clear, or is the system loss, leading to the practice, there are many

difficulties. In this paper, the new provisions of Article 152 of the Companies Act, from the derivative action legislative situation, analyzes the inadequacies and practical

difficulties in judicial practice. The use of comparison, analysis, learn England, United States, Japan and other countries (regions) on the derivative action litigation

legislative provisions and judicial practices, focusing on the idea of the system put forward a sound proposal to make the transplant system of extraterritorial localization to the development of modern society.This article is divided into introduction and body two parts. The body consists of four parts. The first part leads to a real case to discuss the subject of this article. The second part analyzes our country derivative action in the judicial practice realistic difficult position. This part mainly practices two aspects from our country

derivative action legislative provisions and the plight of judicial practice, analyzes this system existence the

deficiency. The third part from the perspective of comparative law inspects the extra-regional derivative action legislation. The second part of difficult position analysis and the third part of Investigation of extraterritorial legislation

consummate conception of this system for the later word

discussion to lay down the foreshadowing. The fourth part based on our country’s actual judicial difficult position, learn from the overseas related legislation experience, proposes that consummates ponder of this system. The author draws on England, United States, Japan and other major countries related this system’s concrete provision, combines with the actual situation in China, put forwards the target-oriented

legislative proposals. lnd, Improve the qualifications of the plaintiff shareholders. Increases subjective restrictions. Namely establishes the clean hand rule.2nd, Stipulates

explicitly the company is the legal status of participants in the proceedings.3rd,In the ordinary circumstances the derivative action by the company locus court exclusive

jurisdiction. Moreover the Intermediate people’s court enjoys the first trial jurisdiction.4rd,Through judicial

interpretation of the pre-program the exception of

the”emergency”type into the session to limitation of actions and so on situations.5rd,To limitation of actions period makes specially the stipulation.6rd, Explicitly determines the

nature of the derivative action case as the non-property case, simultaneously establishes the winning shareholder litigation expense compensatory regime and the security for costs system

7rd, Provides the company interior personnel as defendant in the derivative action,applying the onus of proof upside down principles. Third person outside the company as a defendant,is suitable the common people to sue the rule.8rd,Establishes the derivative action reconciliation system.

【关键词】股东代表诉讼 立法缺陷 司法困境 立法完善

【英文关键词】Derivative action Legislative

deficiencies Judicial trouble legislative improvement



12-13Abstract7-8引言11-1212内容摘要一、问题的提出(二) 案件引发的(一) 案情简介及法院裁判


12-131. 我国股东代表诉讼制度的立法状况13二、我国股东代表诉2. 案件引发的若干思考




15(一) 困境之一:原告的主体资(二) 困境之二:公司诉讼地位的立法(三) 困境之三:诉讼管辖原则的空缺(四) 困境之四:如何认定豁免前置程序的”情况紧

(五) 困境之五:缺乏诉讼时效制度的规定

(六) 困境之六:诉讼费用承担与担保制度的缺失

(七) 困境之七:如何分配股东代表诉讼的举证责任

(八) 困境之八:没有规定和解制度的立法缺憾急”15-1616-171717-18


18-23三、国外(地区)股东代表诉讼制度的比较考察(一) 股东代表诉讼中的原告18-20

2. 大陆法参考19-20

(三) 诉讼管辖原则

21-221. 英美法参考18-19的法律地位20用承担与担保制度


23-30(二) 公司在诉讼中20-21(四) 诉讼费(五) 股东代表诉讼之和解四、我国股东代表诉讼制度完善之思考(一) 提起股东代表诉讼的原告资格23-24(二) 公司乃股东代表诉讼的诉讼参加人24-25


标准26-27(三) 股东代表诉讼(四) 前置程序例外的”情况紧急”的认定(六) 股(五) 股东代表诉讼的诉讼时效27



致谢30-31(七) 股东代表诉讼(八) 股东代表诉讼之和解制度28-30参考文献31-32


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