

Conversation 1

A: Good morning , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ?

B: Yes , please . I’d like to open an account ,but I don’t know what account it should be .

A: Do you often deposit money and draw money ?

B: Yes ,I do . I often draw my money to buy the things I like.

A: So , it’ll be a good idea for you to open a current account .

B: Is it convenient ?

A: Yes , you may draw the money at any time . You just need to present your deposit book . B: It sounds great . But would you please tell me something about the fixed account ?

A: Certainly. If it’s a time deposit , ,the interest rate is higher than the current one ,and you can only draw your money at the predetermined time . Unless you don’t want your favorable interest , you can advance your money drawing .

B: I see . What about the interest on this account .

A: We have a floating rate system . I mean the rates fluctuate according to the relationship between demand and supply . Besides , it also depends on the term .

B: Well , I’m interest in current account .

A: OK , Please fill in this signature card and give me your ID card . We’ll inform you when everything is done .

B: Oh , I don’t know how to fill out it . A: I’ll help you .

B: It’s so kind of you . Thank you !

A: You’re welcome .

B: Goodbye .

A: Goodbye .

Conversation 2

A: Hello , you look so worried , what has happened ?

B: Yes , I opened an account with you two days ago . But I’ve lost my deposit book .

A: Don’t worry , sir . Can you remember you account number ?

B: Well , may be 123456789 , I just remember the last nine digits .

A: It’s doesn’t matter , I’ll check it right now . ___Yes , I have your account number here .

B: Can you tell me how much money is in account ?

A: 2000 dollars .

B: That’s great .

A: You are lucky . I’m going to change your account . Do you have your ID card with you ? B: Yes .

A: All right . First , please fill out this lost certificate slip and write down your secret code . And need your ID card , please .

B: OK . Here are completed slip and ID card . A: All right . Please excuse me for waiting me a

moment .

B: OK .

A: Everything is done . Here is your new deposit book . Please keep your deposit book safe . B: Thank you so much . By the way , when does the bank close ?

A: It closes at 6:00 pm.

B: What if I want to withdraw money after 6:00 pm.

A: Oh , you can use the machine anything , ATM machine , day or night , even when the bank is closed . It’s outside the gate .

B: Thank you .

A: You’re welcome .

B: Goodbye .

A: Goodbye .


Conversation 1

A: Good morning , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ?

B: Yes , please . I’d like to open an account ,but I don’t know what account it should be .

A: Do you often deposit money and draw money ?

B: Yes ,I do . I often draw my money to buy the things I like.

A: So , it’ll be a good idea for you to open a current account .

B: Is it convenient ?

A: Yes , you may draw the money at any time . You just need to present your deposit book . B: It sounds great . But would you please tell me something about the fixed account ?

A: Certainly. If it’s a time deposit , ,the interest rate is higher than the current one ,and you can only draw your money at the predetermined time . Unless you don’t want your favorable interest , you can advance your money drawing .

B: I see . What about the interest on this account .

A: We have a floating rate system . I mean the rates fluctuate according to the relationship between demand and supply . Besides , it also depends on the term .

B: Well , I’m interest in current account .

A: OK , Please fill in this signature card and give me your ID card . We’ll inform you when everything is done .

B: Oh , I don’t know how to fill out it . A: I’ll help you .

B: It’s so kind of you . Thank you !

A: You’re welcome .

B: Goodbye .

A: Goodbye .

Conversation 2

A: Hello , you look so worried , what has happened ?

B: Yes , I opened an account with you two days ago . But I’ve lost my deposit book .

A: Don’t worry , sir . Can you remember you account number ?

B: Well , may be 123456789 , I just remember the last nine digits .

A: It’s doesn’t matter , I’ll check it right now . ___Yes , I have your account number here .

B: Can you tell me how much money is in account ?

A: 2000 dollars .

B: That’s great .

A: You are lucky . I’m going to change your account . Do you have your ID card with you ? B: Yes .

A: All right . First , please fill out this lost certificate slip and write down your secret code . And need your ID card , please .

B: OK . Here are completed slip and ID card . A: All right . Please excuse me for waiting me a

moment .

B: OK .

A: Everything is done . Here is your new deposit book . Please keep your deposit book safe . B: Thank you so much . By the way , when does the bank close ?

A: It closes at 6:00 pm.

B: What if I want to withdraw money after 6:00 pm.

A: Oh , you can use the machine anything , ATM machine , day or night , even when the bank is closed . It’s outside the gate .

B: Thank you .

A: You’re welcome .

B: Goodbye .

A: Goodbye .


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