Safety Rules for construction units
For the maximum safe of the property, guests and employee, Avoid fire or any incident happen, we institute this manage rules in details, this will supervised by Security and Engineer department, the contents as following:
一、The construction units should get the work card from security or Engineering dept. before they go into hotel and begin to work, and they must obey the hotel `s manage. 凡进入酒店的施工单位,必须到酒店保安部(工程部)办理施工证及有关手续后,方可施工,施工期间,必须绝对服从酒店方管理。
二、The work card should kept well, and should not be lent out or altered privately, wear the card on left chest. It will be deduct part of construction fund if the work card lost, lent out or damaged or altered privately and it will be fined RMB 200 as a punishment if the unit begin to work without any procedures.
三、We will receive RMB 10 deposit and RMB 10 cost for work card , the work card need to be return back to security department after the construction finished and we’ll send back the deposit to construction team or builders. 办理施工证需收取押金10元,工本费10元,
四、The builders should transact the stay certificate in local Police Office and hold it .施工人员必须到当地派出所办理暂住证后,方可在酒店施工。
五、The builders should pass in and out the hotel by goods elevator only and the toilet of F4 is the designated toilet for them and use 6# exit only. They should work in designated area, and loafing, staying in other area of hotel will be fined RMB 50.
六、The builders smoke in hotel will be fined RMB100.
七、Non-work actions such as Chess playing, card playing or assembling to meal in hotel will be fined RMB 50. 施工人员不得在施工点做与工作无关的事情,如聚众打牌、就餐等,一经发现,每人罚款50员。
八、Using guest areas, facilities or guest elevators without prior authorization of hotel will be fined RMB 50, Dismantle hotel`s establishment, equipments (such as smoke annunciator, temperature annunciator and sprinklers etc.) and lead to damaged should be compensate the loss as the value and the concerned person and relevant construction unit will be amerced or affixed the legal responsibility for the loss.
九、For the fire safety of hotel, the construction team should equipped enough fire extinguishers on the work spot by itself, or rent them from hotel , the rent price is RMB 10/day for one extinguisher.
十、The public security and fire control safety of work spot take charged by the work units and builders, If some hidden troubles exist in work area been found ,the unit will be informed to amendment the problems immediately and be fined according to the situation, the serious accident caused on illy manage, the construction unit will be fined more than RMB1000 and hotel will affix the legal responsibility of them for the loss.
施工现场的治安、消防安全由施工单位及施工人员负责,凡发现施工区域存在治安、消防隐患的,除责令立即整改外,视情节予以经济处罚,施工期间因管理不善造成火灾或其他较严重后果的,处以至少1000元以上的罚款,并依法追究其法律责任。 十一、Get the fire permit in advance to Engineering or Security Dept. if need to make fire work on spot. The fire operator should hold relevant permits, if not, he will be cancelled the work right in hotel and be fined RMB 100, if any serious loss or consequences, hotel will affix his legal responsibility.
十二、The builders and the construction material must pass in and out through the designated entry & exit, and can not use other passages, the articles need to take out should
hold the “hotel gate pass” which opened by Engineering Department and article list.
施工人员及施工材料的进出,必须经由酒店指定的出入口,不得从其他通道进出,施工物品需运出酒店时,必须到工程部开具“出门证”与明细表,否则不予放行。 十三、The construction rubbish should be cleaned timely, and placed the dangerous things such as thinner, paint, paring and sawdust in disorder is prohibited, or it will be fined RMB100 at least, and will affix the legal responsibility if any damages was lead.
十四、Shouting ,ran and quarrel and fight noisy, barebacked or bustup in hotel will be fined RMB 100 at least as per the seriousness ,and will cancel the work right in hotel.
十五、If the guest complaint the noise caused by construction, the builders should stop or decrease the noise, or negotiate the right time slicing with Engineering and Security department and obey the time slicing strictly.
十六、Construction garbage to be stored temporarily next to our existing garbage room, but contractor should clear those garbage everyday.
十七、Contractor construction time for Chinese restaurant is 08:00 am to 22:00 pm. If there is function on 7th floor, advance information to be given to the contractors.
签 字
Head of construction unit 施工单位负责人 Security manager 保安部负责人
Chief Engineer 工程部负责人
Safety Rules for construction units
For the maximum safe of the property, guests and employee, Avoid fire or any incident happen, we institute this manage rules in details, this will supervised by Security and Engineer department, the contents as following:
一、The construction units should get the work card from security or Engineering dept. before they go into hotel and begin to work, and they must obey the hotel `s manage. 凡进入酒店的施工单位,必须到酒店保安部(工程部)办理施工证及有关手续后,方可施工,施工期间,必须绝对服从酒店方管理。
二、The work card should kept well, and should not be lent out or altered privately, wear the card on left chest. It will be deduct part of construction fund if the work card lost, lent out or damaged or altered privately and it will be fined RMB 200 as a punishment if the unit begin to work without any procedures.
三、We will receive RMB 10 deposit and RMB 10 cost for work card , the work card need to be return back to security department after the construction finished and we’ll send back the deposit to construction team or builders. 办理施工证需收取押金10元,工本费10元,
四、The builders should transact the stay certificate in local Police Office and hold it .施工人员必须到当地派出所办理暂住证后,方可在酒店施工。
五、The builders should pass in and out the hotel by goods elevator only and the toilet of F4 is the designated toilet for them and use 6# exit only. They should work in designated area, and loafing, staying in other area of hotel will be fined RMB 50.
六、The builders smoke in hotel will be fined RMB100.
七、Non-work actions such as Chess playing, card playing or assembling to meal in hotel will be fined RMB 50. 施工人员不得在施工点做与工作无关的事情,如聚众打牌、就餐等,一经发现,每人罚款50员。
八、Using guest areas, facilities or guest elevators without prior authorization of hotel will be fined RMB 50, Dismantle hotel`s establishment, equipments (such as smoke annunciator, temperature annunciator and sprinklers etc.) and lead to damaged should be compensate the loss as the value and the concerned person and relevant construction unit will be amerced or affixed the legal responsibility for the loss.
九、For the fire safety of hotel, the construction team should equipped enough fire extinguishers on the work spot by itself, or rent them from hotel , the rent price is RMB 10/day for one extinguisher.
十、The public security and fire control safety of work spot take charged by the work units and builders, If some hidden troubles exist in work area been found ,the unit will be informed to amendment the problems immediately and be fined according to the situation, the serious accident caused on illy manage, the construction unit will be fined more than RMB1000 and hotel will affix the legal responsibility of them for the loss.
施工现场的治安、消防安全由施工单位及施工人员负责,凡发现施工区域存在治安、消防隐患的,除责令立即整改外,视情节予以经济处罚,施工期间因管理不善造成火灾或其他较严重后果的,处以至少1000元以上的罚款,并依法追究其法律责任。 十一、Get the fire permit in advance to Engineering or Security Dept. if need to make fire work on spot. The fire operator should hold relevant permits, if not, he will be cancelled the work right in hotel and be fined RMB 100, if any serious loss or consequences, hotel will affix his legal responsibility.
十二、The builders and the construction material must pass in and out through the designated entry & exit, and can not use other passages, the articles need to take out should
hold the “hotel gate pass” which opened by Engineering Department and article list.
施工人员及施工材料的进出,必须经由酒店指定的出入口,不得从其他通道进出,施工物品需运出酒店时,必须到工程部开具“出门证”与明细表,否则不予放行。 十三、The construction rubbish should be cleaned timely, and placed the dangerous things such as thinner, paint, paring and sawdust in disorder is prohibited, or it will be fined RMB100 at least, and will affix the legal responsibility if any damages was lead.
十四、Shouting ,ran and quarrel and fight noisy, barebacked or bustup in hotel will be fined RMB 100 at least as per the seriousness ,and will cancel the work right in hotel.
十五、If the guest complaint the noise caused by construction, the builders should stop or decrease the noise, or negotiate the right time slicing with Engineering and Security department and obey the time slicing strictly.
十六、Construction garbage to be stored temporarily next to our existing garbage room, but contractor should clear those garbage everyday.
十七、Contractor construction time for Chinese restaurant is 08:00 am to 22:00 pm. If there is function on 7th floor, advance information to be given to the contractors.
签 字
Head of construction unit 施工单位负责人 Security manager 保安部负责人
Chief Engineer 工程部负责人