英语科技论文常用句型结构 new


1. Introduction(引言):引言中作者通常提出问题并说明论文的研究目的。

1) 研究目的

(1)论文导向 使用paper, thesis 或dissertation 这样的特征名词,直接提及研究论文本身,而且此类句子通常采用一般现在时态。常用的句型有:

The purpose of this paper is …/The aim of this report is …/The objective of the paper is to obtain quantitative about the particles size distribution/to model the dynamic behavior in the super-or near-critical CO2 extraction.

(2)研究导向 study, research, investigation或experiment 等特征名词被用来强调研究活动本身。这类句子是表达已经过去的事情,所以使用一般过去时态。

The purpose of the experiment reported here was…/The aim of this study was…/The objective of this research was to determine the preferred viewing distance for work at a visual display unit./to examine the apparent osmotic behavior of some contemporary commercial reverse osmosis membranes.

或用被动结构:In the research described here, /In this study, /In the present investigation, /In this research, /In the experiments

reported here, vertical nutrient mixing in late summer in a test area 20 kilometers off the coast was examined.

描述研究目的时,最简单的句型是用this paper, this study, this project, this research 等词做主语,后面用实意动词作谓语,如investigate, discuss, examine, test等,宾语为研究内容。即

This paper/This study/This project/The present study/This research/Our project/This survey/This thesis concerns/tests/investigates/reports/discusses/describes/explains/calculates/examines/analyses/proposes/demonstrates/evaluates/measures….


Although much research has been devoted to A, /While much work has been done on A, /Although many studies have been published concerning A, / While many researchers have investigated A, /Although much literature is available on A, little research has been done on B. / little attention has been paid to B. /little information is available on B. / little work has been published on B. /few researchers have studied B. / few studies have investigated B.


2. Body (正文)

1)theory base理论分析的常用句型


Substituting M in/into N, we obtain/have/get ….

Substituting M/Substitution of M in/into N gives/yields/ produces/ results in….

Let us now consider the case: the dynamic link parameters are unknown.

If m=1.2, then we have the following equations:….

Given that m =1.2, we obtain….

The equation for Aˊcan be written(expressed)as….

The relationship between m and n is as follows:….

A is inversely proportional to B, as shown below.

If the same material is used, the above equation reduces to…. We will now reduce Eq. (3) to a simpler form:….

The mass velocity G is defined as.…

We will now integrate Equation (2) in order to derive the solution.

2) diagram图表文字说明中的常用句型

在文字说明中,如果提及图表,表格用“Table+序号”表示,如“Table 1 shows…”。其他各种类型的图都可以用“Figure+序号”表示,如“From Figure 2 we learn…”。“Figure”这个词可以简缩为“Fig.”,

但必须做到前后统一,如用缩写,便都用缩写。动词要用一般现在时态。常用动词有show, provide, give, present, summarize, illustrate, reveal, display, indicate, suggest 等。例如:

·Table 1 shows the majority of the participants have previous knowledge of the elements of a safe well.

·Table 2 provides details of the test results.

·Figure 4.2 gives the results of the experiment.

·Both of these questions receive very high ratings (see Table1). ·The results show that 92% used information on water testing in local news outlets (Figure2).


· As shown in Table 3, …

· As can be seen from the data in Table 1, …

· As described on page 24, …

3)result 介绍研究成果的常用句型


These results suggest that untrained octopuses can learn a task more quickly by observing the behavior of another octopus than by reward-and-punishment methods.


These findings are understandable because the initial

annealing temperature dictates the state of conformational structures.

(3)作者对此次研究结果与其他研究者曾发生的结果作比较。 These results agree with Gerner’s analysis, in that Q max varies inversely with length and to the third power of the pipe width.

The recognition rate of our system is significantly higher than that reported for Token’s system.


The measured temperatures along the heat pipe are all highly consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model.

The experimental measurements are very close to the predicted values.

· There is a high level of agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data.


当评论的内容为对研究结果可能的证明时,句子的主要动词之前通常加上may 或can 等一般现在时态的情态动词。例如:

· The layer structural or some other mixed complex material may be the most suitable refrigerants for the Ericsson magnetic refrigerator.

· The results can be explained by a giant magnetic entropy


· A possible explanation for this is that the hank visual programming language can avoid some of the syntactic problems associated with textual programming languages.

4)discussion 讨论部分的常用句型


The results indicate/ prove/ show/ reveal that….

· These results provide substantial evidence for the original assumptions.

· These experimental results support the original hypothesis that …

· Our findings are in substantial agreement with those of Davis. · The present results are consistent with those reported in our earlier work.

· The experimental values are all lower (higher) than the theoretical predictions.

· These results contradict the original hypothesis.

· These results appear to refute the original assumptions.

· Overall, our study revealed a variety of patterns at the community and population levels, none of which seem to indicate obvious decline in southeastern Ohio’s oak-hickory forests.

· The results given in Figure 4 validate (support) the second



· It should be noted that this study has examined only …

· This analysis has concentrated on …

· The findings of this study are restricted to …

· This study has addressed only the question of …

· The limitations of this study are clear …

· We should like to point out that we have not …

· However, the findings do not imply …

· The result of the study cannot be taken as evidence for …

· Unfortunately, we are unable to determine from this data that …

5)conclusion 结论部分的常用句型

· Two factors to influence mold filling have been studied ….

· Through the example of a 60-storey building, it has demonstrated that a simplified approach can be used ….

· Overall, our study has revealed a variety of patterns at the community and population levels.

用主动语态时,常常用this paper, this investigation, this study, this survey, the results, the analysis或we 做主语。

This study/This investigation/The result clearly demonstrates that/discovers that/reveals that/has described/has described/has

shown/has proposed/discusses/represents)…

作者有时对自己研究结果采取慎重的态度,不那么肯定地说“结果说明了……“、”证明了……“等,用情态动词是常用的技巧。最常用的情态动词有will, can, may,及其过去式would, could, might等,表示“可能”之意。例如:

· Evaluation of decline symptoms in smaller size classes might provide additional useful information to be used in understanding the oak regeneration problem.

· Changes occurring due to insects and pathogens may be a natural and necessary phenomenon.

· Participation in a science fair beyond the local level and supportive help from parents and other adults may also improve the effectiveness of student science projects.


1. Introduction(引言):引言中作者通常提出问题并说明论文的研究目的。

1) 研究目的

(1)论文导向 使用paper, thesis 或dissertation 这样的特征名词,直接提及研究论文本身,而且此类句子通常采用一般现在时态。常用的句型有:

The purpose of this paper is …/The aim of this report is …/The objective of the paper is to obtain quantitative about the particles size distribution/to model the dynamic behavior in the super-or near-critical CO2 extraction.

(2)研究导向 study, research, investigation或experiment 等特征名词被用来强调研究活动本身。这类句子是表达已经过去的事情,所以使用一般过去时态。

The purpose of the experiment reported here was…/The aim of this study was…/The objective of this research was to determine the preferred viewing distance for work at a visual display unit./to examine the apparent osmotic behavior of some contemporary commercial reverse osmosis membranes.

或用被动结构:In the research described here, /In this study, /In the present investigation, /In this research, /In the experiments

reported here, vertical nutrient mixing in late summer in a test area 20 kilometers off the coast was examined.

描述研究目的时,最简单的句型是用this paper, this study, this project, this research 等词做主语,后面用实意动词作谓语,如investigate, discuss, examine, test等,宾语为研究内容。即

This paper/This study/This project/The present study/This research/Our project/This survey/This thesis concerns/tests/investigates/reports/discusses/describes/explains/calculates/examines/analyses/proposes/demonstrates/evaluates/measures….


Although much research has been devoted to A, /While much work has been done on A, /Although many studies have been published concerning A, / While many researchers have investigated A, /Although much literature is available on A, little research has been done on B. / little attention has been paid to B. /little information is available on B. / little work has been published on B. /few researchers have studied B. / few studies have investigated B.


2. Body (正文)

1)theory base理论分析的常用句型


Substituting M in/into N, we obtain/have/get ….

Substituting M/Substitution of M in/into N gives/yields/ produces/ results in….

Let us now consider the case: the dynamic link parameters are unknown.

If m=1.2, then we have the following equations:….

Given that m =1.2, we obtain….

The equation for Aˊcan be written(expressed)as….

The relationship between m and n is as follows:….

A is inversely proportional to B, as shown below.

If the same material is used, the above equation reduces to…. We will now reduce Eq. (3) to a simpler form:….

The mass velocity G is defined as.…

We will now integrate Equation (2) in order to derive the solution.

2) diagram图表文字说明中的常用句型

在文字说明中,如果提及图表,表格用“Table+序号”表示,如“Table 1 shows…”。其他各种类型的图都可以用“Figure+序号”表示,如“From Figure 2 we learn…”。“Figure”这个词可以简缩为“Fig.”,

但必须做到前后统一,如用缩写,便都用缩写。动词要用一般现在时态。常用动词有show, provide, give, present, summarize, illustrate, reveal, display, indicate, suggest 等。例如:

·Table 1 shows the majority of the participants have previous knowledge of the elements of a safe well.

·Table 2 provides details of the test results.

·Figure 4.2 gives the results of the experiment.

·Both of these questions receive very high ratings (see Table1). ·The results show that 92% used information on water testing in local news outlets (Figure2).


· As shown in Table 3, …

· As can be seen from the data in Table 1, …

· As described on page 24, …

3)result 介绍研究成果的常用句型


These results suggest that untrained octopuses can learn a task more quickly by observing the behavior of another octopus than by reward-and-punishment methods.


These findings are understandable because the initial

annealing temperature dictates the state of conformational structures.

(3)作者对此次研究结果与其他研究者曾发生的结果作比较。 These results agree with Gerner’s analysis, in that Q max varies inversely with length and to the third power of the pipe width.

The recognition rate of our system is significantly higher than that reported for Token’s system.


The measured temperatures along the heat pipe are all highly consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model.

The experimental measurements are very close to the predicted values.

· There is a high level of agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data.


当评论的内容为对研究结果可能的证明时,句子的主要动词之前通常加上may 或can 等一般现在时态的情态动词。例如:

· The layer structural or some other mixed complex material may be the most suitable refrigerants for the Ericsson magnetic refrigerator.

· The results can be explained by a giant magnetic entropy


· A possible explanation for this is that the hank visual programming language can avoid some of the syntactic problems associated with textual programming languages.

4)discussion 讨论部分的常用句型


The results indicate/ prove/ show/ reveal that….

· These results provide substantial evidence for the original assumptions.

· These experimental results support the original hypothesis that …

· Our findings are in substantial agreement with those of Davis. · The present results are consistent with those reported in our earlier work.

· The experimental values are all lower (higher) than the theoretical predictions.

· These results contradict the original hypothesis.

· These results appear to refute the original assumptions.

· Overall, our study revealed a variety of patterns at the community and population levels, none of which seem to indicate obvious decline in southeastern Ohio’s oak-hickory forests.

· The results given in Figure 4 validate (support) the second



· It should be noted that this study has examined only …

· This analysis has concentrated on …

· The findings of this study are restricted to …

· This study has addressed only the question of …

· The limitations of this study are clear …

· We should like to point out that we have not …

· However, the findings do not imply …

· The result of the study cannot be taken as evidence for …

· Unfortunately, we are unable to determine from this data that …

5)conclusion 结论部分的常用句型

· Two factors to influence mold filling have been studied ….

· Through the example of a 60-storey building, it has demonstrated that a simplified approach can be used ….

· Overall, our study has revealed a variety of patterns at the community and population levels.

用主动语态时,常常用this paper, this investigation, this study, this survey, the results, the analysis或we 做主语。

This study/This investigation/The result clearly demonstrates that/discovers that/reveals that/has described/has described/has

shown/has proposed/discusses/represents)…

作者有时对自己研究结果采取慎重的态度,不那么肯定地说“结果说明了……“、”证明了……“等,用情态动词是常用的技巧。最常用的情态动词有will, can, may,及其过去式would, could, might等,表示“可能”之意。例如:

· Evaluation of decline symptoms in smaller size classes might provide additional useful information to be used in understanding the oak regeneration problem.

· Changes occurring due to insects and pathogens may be a natural and necessary phenomenon.

· Participation in a science fair beyond the local level and supportive help from parents and other adults may also improve the effectiveness of student science projects.


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