基于石墨烯材料的柔性超级电容器研究 石吉磊,杜文城,殷雅侠,郭玉国*,万立骏*
*Email: ygguo@iccas.ac.cn, wanlijun@iccas.ac.cn
我们通过简单的水热技术制备了一种3D有序的石墨烯基材料并用于构建柔性超级电容器器件[1]。所制备的柔性超级电容器器件表现出高的比电容(220F g-1),优良的柔性以及循环稳定性。弯曲状态下循环10000圈比电容保持率大于80%。这一优良的电化学性能主要归因于其有序的3D结构有利于离子的快速传输。此外,该材料的合成过程及柔性电极片的制备均简单、环境友好、具备普适性,不仅可以用于制备超级电容器电极材料也可应用于柔性锂离子电池等领域。
Fig. 1 (a) Nyquist plots of rGO and H-rGO, (b)H-rGO both normal and bending state Cyclic voltammograms at a scan rate of 200 mV s-1 (c), (d) Two H-rGO devices connected in series can power the digital temperature and humidity meter at both normal and bending state. (e) H-rGO 10,000 cycles at a scan rate of 200 mV s-1under bending state.
[1] Shi J. L.; Du W. C.; Yin Y. X.; Guo Y. G.; Wan L. J., J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4TA01547A, in press.
Graphene-based materials for flexible supercapacitor devices * and Li-Jun Wan *
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
In our work, a facile hydrothermal reduction of self-assembled 3D graphene oxide (GO) is reported. Binder-free flexible supercapacitor is fabricated using the as-obtained 3D graphene, which exhibits high gravimetric capacitance (up to 220 F g–1) and excellent cycle stability with >80% capacitance retention over 10,000 cycles under bending state.
基于石墨烯材料的柔性超级电容器研究 石吉磊,杜文城,殷雅侠,郭玉国*,万立骏*
*Email: ygguo@iccas.ac.cn, wanlijun@iccas.ac.cn
我们通过简单的水热技术制备了一种3D有序的石墨烯基材料并用于构建柔性超级电容器器件[1]。所制备的柔性超级电容器器件表现出高的比电容(220F g-1),优良的柔性以及循环稳定性。弯曲状态下循环10000圈比电容保持率大于80%。这一优良的电化学性能主要归因于其有序的3D结构有利于离子的快速传输。此外,该材料的合成过程及柔性电极片的制备均简单、环境友好、具备普适性,不仅可以用于制备超级电容器电极材料也可应用于柔性锂离子电池等领域。
Fig. 1 (a) Nyquist plots of rGO and H-rGO, (b)H-rGO both normal and bending state Cyclic voltammograms at a scan rate of 200 mV s-1 (c), (d) Two H-rGO devices connected in series can power the digital temperature and humidity meter at both normal and bending state. (e) H-rGO 10,000 cycles at a scan rate of 200 mV s-1under bending state.
[1] Shi J. L.; Du W. C.; Yin Y. X.; Guo Y. G.; Wan L. J., J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4TA01547A, in press.
Graphene-based materials for flexible supercapacitor devices * and Li-Jun Wan *
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
In our work, a facile hydrothermal reduction of self-assembled 3D graphene oxide (GO) is reported. Binder-free flexible supercapacitor is fabricated using the as-obtained 3D graphene, which exhibits high gravimetric capacitance (up to 220 F g–1) and excellent cycle stability with >80% capacitance retention over 10,000 cycles under bending state.