



课 程:《翻译理论与实践》


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班 级:翻译硕士英语笔译

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Discussion on Metaphor and Related English-Chinese Translation

Abstract: According to the translation theory of Newmark, an English translator, metaphor can be divided into five types-“dead”, “cliché”, “stock”, “recent” and “origina1”, which will be subject to the analysis in this text in terms of their features. Meanwhile, on the basis of the translation theories learned, there are many kinds of methods for translation of metaphor. And this text also deals with the following approaches to translation of metaphor-literal translation, free translation, domestication and alienation. In addition, metaphor also serves as a way of thinking of people in western world and there are some traps in the translation of metaphor. So, it is not an easy task to carry out the translation of metaphor properly.

Key words: metaphor; literal translation; free translation; domestication; alienation; trap

1. Preface

Metaphor is a common kind of rhetorical device in English. To bring the metaphor into the translation study can facilitate our interpretation of the original text and achieve the balance of various manners of recognition of the world and ourselves between two different kinds of languages and cultures so as to draw on others’ merits widely.

2. Classification of Metaphor

In his work Approaches to Translation, Newmark divides metaphor into five types, namely “dead”, “cliché”, “stock”, “recent” and “origina1”.

(1) Dead

The “dead” metaphor means the metaphor related with the ordinary words describing time, space, human body, natural environment and human activities with the vehicle almost not realized by people. In English, words like “space, field, top, bottom, arm, circle, drop, fall, rise” usually carry meanings of metaphor in order to ensure the explicit and clear expression of concepts and ideas. For instance, in the field of human knowledge, at the bottom of the mountain, the rise and fall off the Roman Empire, etc.

(2) Cliché

“Cliché” refers to many common metaphor methods that have lost their former influence. For example, one says the first one comparing woman as flower can be called genius and the second on who uses such comparison is called also-ran. This type of metaphor, cliché-some though, has its application value. For instance, “So, let us in the next five years, start a new

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课 程:《翻译理论与实践》


姓 名:

班 级:翻译硕士英语笔译

学 号:

Discussion on Metaphor and Related English-Chinese Translation

Abstract: According to the translation theory of Newmark, an English translator, metaphor can be divided into five types-“dead”, “cliché”, “stock”, “recent” and “origina1”, which will be subject to the analysis in this text in terms of their features. Meanwhile, on the basis of the translation theories learned, there are many kinds of methods for translation of metaphor. And this text also deals with the following approaches to translation of metaphor-literal translation, free translation, domestication and alienation. In addition, metaphor also serves as a way of thinking of people in western world and there are some traps in the translation of metaphor. So, it is not an easy task to carry out the translation of metaphor properly.

Key words: metaphor; literal translation; free translation; domestication; alienation; trap

1. Preface

Metaphor is a common kind of rhetorical device in English. To bring the metaphor into the translation study can facilitate our interpretation of the original text and achieve the balance of various manners of recognition of the world and ourselves between two different kinds of languages and cultures so as to draw on others’ merits widely.

2. Classification of Metaphor

In his work Approaches to Translation, Newmark divides metaphor into five types, namely “dead”, “cliché”, “stock”, “recent” and “origina1”.

(1) Dead

The “dead” metaphor means the metaphor related with the ordinary words describing time, space, human body, natural environment and human activities with the vehicle almost not realized by people. In English, words like “space, field, top, bottom, arm, circle, drop, fall, rise” usually carry meanings of metaphor in order to ensure the explicit and clear expression of concepts and ideas. For instance, in the field of human knowledge, at the bottom of the mountain, the rise and fall off the Roman Empire, etc.

(2) Cliché

“Cliché” refers to many common metaphor methods that have lost their former influence. For example, one says the first one comparing woman as flower can be called genius and the second on who uses such comparison is called also-ran. This type of metaphor, cliché-some though, has its application value. For instance, “So, let us in the next five years, start a new

第 2 页 共 9 页


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