
Topic 5 The Significance of Volunteer Services 志愿服务的意义

Recently, more and more college volunteers are actively engaged in social activities. Even though students are busy with their studies, they get themselves involved in all kinds of events.

During the Olympic Games, many college students threw themselves into volunteer services. When the Wenchuan earthquake took place, many students volunteered to help with disaster relief work.Volunteer service is of great significance. Firstly, volunteer service signifies solidarity and responsibility. Their motto goes like “To make the entire world our concern, from our neighbors to our most distant fellowmen”. Secondly, volunteer service benefits not only the people being helped but also those who volunteers. Volunteers believe that helping others is respectable. What’s more, volunteers put what they have learned into practice and contribute to forming a harmonious world.

As far as I’m concerned, I strongly hold that we should serve the society. One person’s power is limited, but the happiness and help one brings cannot be quantified. Let’s take an active part in volunteer activities.

Topic 5 The Significance of Volunteer Services 志愿服务的意义

Recently, more and more college volunteers are actively engaged in social activities. Even though students are busy with their studies, they get themselves involved in all kinds of events.

During the Olympic Games, many college students threw themselves into volunteer services. When the Wenchuan earthquake took place, many students volunteered to help with disaster relief work.Volunteer service is of great significance. Firstly, volunteer service signifies solidarity and responsibility. Their motto goes like “To make the entire world our concern, from our neighbors to our most distant fellowmen”. Secondly, volunteer service benefits not only the people being helped but also those who volunteers. Volunteers believe that helping others is respectable. What’s more, volunteers put what they have learned into practice and contribute to forming a harmonious world.

As far as I’m concerned, I strongly hold that we should serve the society. One person’s power is limited, but the happiness and help one brings cannot be quantified. Let’s take an active part in volunteer activities.


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