



Course Coordinator

Zhao Junshu

Email: [email protected]


This course will:

introduce you to some basic concepts and requirements of thesis writing ;

lead you through the whole process of thesis writing from pre-writing stage to post-writing stage;

offer you opportunities to analyze and evaluate the sample papers by using the ideas and rules introduced in our lectures.


At the end of the course, you will:

• have a general idea about thesis writing;

• be clear about the rules and formats of thesis writing;

• get familiar with the macrostructure of a thesis;

• know what needs to be included in each part of a thesis;

• be more or less prepared for your BA thesis writing.

Main Topics

1. A brief introduction to thesis writing

2. Pre-writing: locating your interests and finding a topic

3. Pre-writing: researching the topic

4. While-writing: writing the outline and research proposal


5. While-writing: title and abstract

6. While-writing: introduction and literature review

7. While-writing: main body of a research paper

8. While-writing: conclusion

9. While-writing: references, appendixes and acknowledgements

10. Post-writing: final draft submission and oral defense

Format of Delivery

A seminar format, lecture input, small group discussions, presentations

Core Textbook

Huang, G.W. , Ghadessy, M., & Zhang M.F. (2010). How to write a research paper. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press.

Textbooks for Reference

程爱民,祈寿华. 英语学术论文写作纲要[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2006.

黄国文,葛达西. 英语学位论文写作教程[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2008.

Fabb, N. & Durant, A. (2003). How to write essays, dissertations and theses in literary studies. Sichuan: Sichuan University Press(四川大学出版社).

Jenny, W. & Andrew C. (2004). A beginner’s guide to doing research in translation studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (上海外语教育出版社).

Wayne, B., Gregory, C. & Joseph, W. (2003).The craft of research. (该书已由陈美霞、徐毕卿、许甘霖译为中文版《研究是一门艺术》,新华出版社出版)


You will be assessed on your class attendance (10%), class participation and performance (10%), presentation* (15%),study journal* (15%) , study folder*(5%), and final exam (45%).

* Each of you will have about 3 to 5 minutes to report to the whole class about what you have done for the preparation of your graduation thesis writing. Some of the following aspects may be included in your presentation: your interest, your weekly reading, your topic, your research questions, your writing outline, macrostructure of your thesis and your references.


* You are required to keep a study journal in English which is made up of seven weekly entries. In each of the entries, you are supposed to (1) reflect on what you’ve learned from lecture(s); (2) keep a faithful record of your weekly reading. Your weekly reading is to include the assigned reading and the free reading. The assigned reading is the compulsory reading prescribed by your lecturer (see the following table); whereas the free reading refers to the reading done by yourselves according to your own interests. The free reading is a very important part of your reading task for it is especially designed to develop your abilities to (1) read extensively to locate your interests and find a proper topic for your BA thesis; (2) take notes effectively; (3) make proper documentation. In the following, a template is provided for you to use.

Every time we meet in classroom for this course, you are expected to bring your study journal of the previous week to the class.

Every week a student will be my teaching assistant to read through and grade the study journals of the whole class. EXTRA MARKS (5 marks) will be given to each teaching assistant as a reward.

* You are expected to have A FOLDER to hold everything concerning this course, including handouts, your study journals, and reading materials you collect week by week. At the end of this semester, I will check on your folders ONE BY ONE.


1. A brief introduction to thesis writing Chapter 1

2. Pre-writing: locating your interests and finding a Chapter 1


3. Pre-writing: researching the topic Chapter 1

4. While-writing: writing the outline and research Chapter 1


5. While-writing: writing the title and abstract Chapter 2

6. While-writing: writing the introduction Chapter 3

7. While-writing: writing the main body of a Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 &

research paper Chapter 6

8. While-writing: writing the conclusion Chapter 7

9. While-writing: writing the references, Chapter 8

appendixes & acknowledgement

10. Post-writing: submitting the final draft and

preparing for the oral defense


Course E-mail Box

User’s name: [email protected]

Pass word: enthesiswriting

The slides of each lecture (the incomplete version) will be sent to this e-mail box weekly. Please do visit this mail-box the day before our class. You are expected to (1) have the incomplete slides downloaded and printed and (2) bring them to the class.


Week 1

Name: Student ID:

• Assigned Reading

Topic of

lecture this week’s

My own summary of this week’s lecture (word limit: 150 words) (You are encouraged to present this part in the form of a succinct outline) My reflection on this week’s lecture and assigned reading

• Free Reading


Book/ article title Year of publication Publisher Place of publication

Useful or interesting ideas/ information for my BA thesis



3. …


You are expected to read at least ONE article from an academic journal or one chapter from a book according your own interests. Moreover, you are strongly encouraged to read articles or books under the SAME topic, so that you can focus your attention to a specific area of research and make better preparation for your BA thesis writing. You may read some articles or books in Chinese at the beginning stage, but gradually you need to shift your reading focus to English materials only. No matter what materials (both Chinese and English) you may choose to read, you need to keep your journal in ENGLISH.





Course Coordinator

Zhao Junshu

Email: [email protected]


This course will:

introduce you to some basic concepts and requirements of thesis writing ;

lead you through the whole process of thesis writing from pre-writing stage to post-writing stage;

offer you opportunities to analyze and evaluate the sample papers by using the ideas and rules introduced in our lectures.


At the end of the course, you will:

• have a general idea about thesis writing;

• be clear about the rules and formats of thesis writing;

• get familiar with the macrostructure of a thesis;

• know what needs to be included in each part of a thesis;

• be more or less prepared for your BA thesis writing.

Main Topics

1. A brief introduction to thesis writing

2. Pre-writing: locating your interests and finding a topic

3. Pre-writing: researching the topic

4. While-writing: writing the outline and research proposal


5. While-writing: title and abstract

6. While-writing: introduction and literature review

7. While-writing: main body of a research paper

8. While-writing: conclusion

9. While-writing: references, appendixes and acknowledgements

10. Post-writing: final draft submission and oral defense

Format of Delivery

A seminar format, lecture input, small group discussions, presentations

Core Textbook

Huang, G.W. , Ghadessy, M., & Zhang M.F. (2010). How to write a research paper. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press.

Textbooks for Reference

程爱民,祈寿华. 英语学术论文写作纲要[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2006.

黄国文,葛达西. 英语学位论文写作教程[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2008.

Fabb, N. & Durant, A. (2003). How to write essays, dissertations and theses in literary studies. Sichuan: Sichuan University Press(四川大学出版社).

Jenny, W. & Andrew C. (2004). A beginner’s guide to doing research in translation studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (上海外语教育出版社).

Wayne, B., Gregory, C. & Joseph, W. (2003).The craft of research. (该书已由陈美霞、徐毕卿、许甘霖译为中文版《研究是一门艺术》,新华出版社出版)


You will be assessed on your class attendance (10%), class participation and performance (10%), presentation* (15%),study journal* (15%) , study folder*(5%), and final exam (45%).

* Each of you will have about 3 to 5 minutes to report to the whole class about what you have done for the preparation of your graduation thesis writing. Some of the following aspects may be included in your presentation: your interest, your weekly reading, your topic, your research questions, your writing outline, macrostructure of your thesis and your references.


* You are required to keep a study journal in English which is made up of seven weekly entries. In each of the entries, you are supposed to (1) reflect on what you’ve learned from lecture(s); (2) keep a faithful record of your weekly reading. Your weekly reading is to include the assigned reading and the free reading. The assigned reading is the compulsory reading prescribed by your lecturer (see the following table); whereas the free reading refers to the reading done by yourselves according to your own interests. The free reading is a very important part of your reading task for it is especially designed to develop your abilities to (1) read extensively to locate your interests and find a proper topic for your BA thesis; (2) take notes effectively; (3) make proper documentation. In the following, a template is provided for you to use.

Every time we meet in classroom for this course, you are expected to bring your study journal of the previous week to the class.

Every week a student will be my teaching assistant to read through and grade the study journals of the whole class. EXTRA MARKS (5 marks) will be given to each teaching assistant as a reward.

* You are expected to have A FOLDER to hold everything concerning this course, including handouts, your study journals, and reading materials you collect week by week. At the end of this semester, I will check on your folders ONE BY ONE.


1. A brief introduction to thesis writing Chapter 1

2. Pre-writing: locating your interests and finding a Chapter 1


3. Pre-writing: researching the topic Chapter 1

4. While-writing: writing the outline and research Chapter 1


5. While-writing: writing the title and abstract Chapter 2

6. While-writing: writing the introduction Chapter 3

7. While-writing: writing the main body of a Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 &

research paper Chapter 6

8. While-writing: writing the conclusion Chapter 7

9. While-writing: writing the references, Chapter 8

appendixes & acknowledgement

10. Post-writing: submitting the final draft and

preparing for the oral defense


Course E-mail Box

User’s name: [email protected]

Pass word: enthesiswriting

The slides of each lecture (the incomplete version) will be sent to this e-mail box weekly. Please do visit this mail-box the day before our class. You are expected to (1) have the incomplete slides downloaded and printed and (2) bring them to the class.


Week 1

Name: Student ID:

• Assigned Reading

Topic of

lecture this week’s

My own summary of this week’s lecture (word limit: 150 words) (You are encouraged to present this part in the form of a succinct outline) My reflection on this week’s lecture and assigned reading

• Free Reading


Book/ article title Year of publication Publisher Place of publication

Useful or interesting ideas/ information for my BA thesis



3. …


You are expected to read at least ONE article from an academic journal or one chapter from a book according your own interests. Moreover, you are strongly encouraged to read articles or books under the SAME topic, so that you can focus your attention to a specific area of research and make better preparation for your BA thesis writing. You may read some articles or books in Chinese at the beginning stage, but gradually you need to shift your reading focus to English materials only. No matter what materials (both Chinese and English) you may choose to read, you need to keep your journal in ENGLISH.



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