

(20 14 —20 15 学年第 二 学期)

课号: 017K08S01 课程名称: 证券投资学 改卷教师: 苏小松 学号: 126150121 姓 名: 卓婷婷 得 分:

The Overall Analysis of Da Tong Gas


In this thesis, Da Tong Gas is picked out to be a sample to analyze. The content includes company brief introduction, business scope statement, industrial

development and competition, technical analysis and financial situation.


1. Brief introduction

Da Tong Gas:

The full name of this company is Gas Development Corp. It belongs to city gas pipeline industry and retail goods, that is of comprehensive industry. The company's service philosophy is

Its predecessor is Chengdu Aquatic Co., after years of joint-stock operation, the company has developed into a large-scale wholesale and retail combined and mainly retail-oriented commercial listed companies.

2. Business Scope

Da Tong Gas mainly focuses on urban gas pipeline and retail.

But its business scope is very wide, including city gas pipeline industry, retail trade, manufacturing, marketing, western medicine, pharmaceutical raw materials, Chinese herbal medicines and health products; research and development of hi-tech

technology and products; investment and development of real estate projects; wholesale and retail trade catering; warehousing services, industrial investment...

3. Industrial development and competition

In terms of urban gas pipeline:

The State Council recently issued a clear overall objectives on “2014-2020 Strategic Action Plan for Energy Development”.

It put forward strategies and tasks to adjust energy development, proposed to actively develop clean energy, reduce the proportion of coal consumption, and promote the continuous optimization of energy structure. Therefore, natural gas will be used as main energy in short and medium term to achieve the goal.

At present, international oil price goes down, which brings opportunities to domestic energy price revolution. Then natural gas prices will become more rationalized, and it will gradually establish a price linkage mechanism. It will attract more consumption of gas, and finally pushes economy to better stage.

It is predicted that by 2020, China's consumption of natural gas will reach 375 billion cubic meters, taking up more than 10% consumption of proportion of national energy. All above is positive for the development of Da Tong Gas in gas industry.

In terms of the retail industry:

According to the National Bureau of Statistics data, in 2014 China's total retail sales reached 262,394 hundred million yuan, increasing by 12% (after deducting price factors, the actual growth is 10.9%). While online retail sales is 27,898 hundred

million yuan, 49.7 percent than the previous year. E-commerce develops more rapidly than the real retail trade. Sales-based retail faces a challenge caused by E-commerce, resulting in revenue decline. While the labor cost is still huge, retail has to adjust mode of operation, find more new profit point and other multiple issues.

The integrated industry of city gas pipeline and retail, Da Tong Gas has two

subsidiaries in the city gas pipeline industry in an exclusive monopoly, both of whom hold a steady growth in revenue and profit advantage.

Another subsidiary Chengdu Hualian Co., Ltd. is located in the downtown business district. It owns an universal acceptance from customers and trust of major suppliers in recent years, and it has stepped out for construction of membership. Despite the industry challenge caused by E-commerce, fortunately Da Tong is trying to be more competitive.

4. Technical analysis


Figure 4-1 shows the daily level of K-line diagram, and the five-day average line is moving up to ten-day average line→outlook bullish.

On June 4th and 5th, it presents two little overcast Crosses. A few days before the stock price does not rise while the overall market is increasing, so we can predict that two little overcast Crosses are just in the middle of rising. It represents a temporary break, but the original upward trend has not changed.

Figure 4-2

Figure 4-2 is the kdj trend of Da Tong Gas, we can see a positive buying signal.

Figure 4-3

Figure 4-4

Combined with the figure 4-3, Bolling Rail, figure 4-4 appears a doji at the fourth wave, and it is a strong twist resistance. We can predict that the price may goes up five waves, in which the price is around 19.40. It is near the top rail on Bolling, so it may be a strong resistance level.

Figure 4-5

In figure 4-5, MACD figure, the change of the gap between two lines MACD didn’t become so bigger much, and the price just adjusted down a little. On the overall forecast, although the pillars’ outlook of MACD chart may change red again, but the next red pillars’ area is mostly likely to be smaller than previous one red pillars’ area.

Figure 4-6

In figure 4-6, daily sub-waves in thirty minutes of the fourth wave ended at a position, and this position appeared hanging line, which is a strong support with a price of 16.05.

The most safe operation of Tong Gas is to buy in low while put in high by concerned with the supporting price and pressure price in bull market.

5. Financial situation

Data show that the total market value of Da Tong Gas is 4.718 hundred million, besides its market capitalization is 3.758 hundred million. The company has higher circulation rate.

By 2015-06-08, three financial institutions has predicted annual financial performance of Da Tong Gas in 2015. Generally they comes to an agreement that in 2015, earnings per share will be 0.11 yuan, increasing by 80.33 percent on year-on-year basis, and net profit may be 0.31 million hundred, 83.24 percent over last year.

So the financial prospects of Da Tong Gas is good in the future at least in 2015.


Da Tong Gas is a gas and retail integrated company located in Si Chuan Province. After mainly analyzing its technical aspect, we can see an upward tendency in stock market. And the comprehensive looking into of the company are based on valid

information searching and data analysis. Overall, Da Tong Gas has a big possibility to own a positive future.



(20 14 —20 15 学年第 二 学期)

课号: 017K08S01 课程名称: 证券投资学 改卷教师: 苏小松 学号: 126150121 姓 名: 卓婷婷 得 分:

The Overall Analysis of Da Tong Gas


In this thesis, Da Tong Gas is picked out to be a sample to analyze. The content includes company brief introduction, business scope statement, industrial

development and competition, technical analysis and financial situation.


1. Brief introduction

Da Tong Gas:

The full name of this company is Gas Development Corp. It belongs to city gas pipeline industry and retail goods, that is of comprehensive industry. The company's service philosophy is

Its predecessor is Chengdu Aquatic Co., after years of joint-stock operation, the company has developed into a large-scale wholesale and retail combined and mainly retail-oriented commercial listed companies.

2. Business Scope

Da Tong Gas mainly focuses on urban gas pipeline and retail.

But its business scope is very wide, including city gas pipeline industry, retail trade, manufacturing, marketing, western medicine, pharmaceutical raw materials, Chinese herbal medicines and health products; research and development of hi-tech

technology and products; investment and development of real estate projects; wholesale and retail trade catering; warehousing services, industrial investment...

3. Industrial development and competition

In terms of urban gas pipeline:

The State Council recently issued a clear overall objectives on “2014-2020 Strategic Action Plan for Energy Development”.

It put forward strategies and tasks to adjust energy development, proposed to actively develop clean energy, reduce the proportion of coal consumption, and promote the continuous optimization of energy structure. Therefore, natural gas will be used as main energy in short and medium term to achieve the goal.

At present, international oil price goes down, which brings opportunities to domestic energy price revolution. Then natural gas prices will become more rationalized, and it will gradually establish a price linkage mechanism. It will attract more consumption of gas, and finally pushes economy to better stage.

It is predicted that by 2020, China's consumption of natural gas will reach 375 billion cubic meters, taking up more than 10% consumption of proportion of national energy. All above is positive for the development of Da Tong Gas in gas industry.

In terms of the retail industry:

According to the National Bureau of Statistics data, in 2014 China's total retail sales reached 262,394 hundred million yuan, increasing by 12% (after deducting price factors, the actual growth is 10.9%). While online retail sales is 27,898 hundred

million yuan, 49.7 percent than the previous year. E-commerce develops more rapidly than the real retail trade. Sales-based retail faces a challenge caused by E-commerce, resulting in revenue decline. While the labor cost is still huge, retail has to adjust mode of operation, find more new profit point and other multiple issues.

The integrated industry of city gas pipeline and retail, Da Tong Gas has two

subsidiaries in the city gas pipeline industry in an exclusive monopoly, both of whom hold a steady growth in revenue and profit advantage.

Another subsidiary Chengdu Hualian Co., Ltd. is located in the downtown business district. It owns an universal acceptance from customers and trust of major suppliers in recent years, and it has stepped out for construction of membership. Despite the industry challenge caused by E-commerce, fortunately Da Tong is trying to be more competitive.

4. Technical analysis


Figure 4-1 shows the daily level of K-line diagram, and the five-day average line is moving up to ten-day average line→outlook bullish.

On June 4th and 5th, it presents two little overcast Crosses. A few days before the stock price does not rise while the overall market is increasing, so we can predict that two little overcast Crosses are just in the middle of rising. It represents a temporary break, but the original upward trend has not changed.

Figure 4-2

Figure 4-2 is the kdj trend of Da Tong Gas, we can see a positive buying signal.

Figure 4-3

Figure 4-4

Combined with the figure 4-3, Bolling Rail, figure 4-4 appears a doji at the fourth wave, and it is a strong twist resistance. We can predict that the price may goes up five waves, in which the price is around 19.40. It is near the top rail on Bolling, so it may be a strong resistance level.

Figure 4-5

In figure 4-5, MACD figure, the change of the gap between two lines MACD didn’t become so bigger much, and the price just adjusted down a little. On the overall forecast, although the pillars’ outlook of MACD chart may change red again, but the next red pillars’ area is mostly likely to be smaller than previous one red pillars’ area.

Figure 4-6

In figure 4-6, daily sub-waves in thirty minutes of the fourth wave ended at a position, and this position appeared hanging line, which is a strong support with a price of 16.05.

The most safe operation of Tong Gas is to buy in low while put in high by concerned with the supporting price and pressure price in bull market.

5. Financial situation

Data show that the total market value of Da Tong Gas is 4.718 hundred million, besides its market capitalization is 3.758 hundred million. The company has higher circulation rate.

By 2015-06-08, three financial institutions has predicted annual financial performance of Da Tong Gas in 2015. Generally they comes to an agreement that in 2015, earnings per share will be 0.11 yuan, increasing by 80.33 percent on year-on-year basis, and net profit may be 0.31 million hundred, 83.24 percent over last year.

So the financial prospects of Da Tong Gas is good in the future at least in 2015.


Da Tong Gas is a gas and retail integrated company located in Si Chuan Province. After mainly analyzing its technical aspect, we can see an upward tendency in stock market. And the comprehensive looking into of the company are based on valid

information searching and data analysis. Overall, Da Tong Gas has a big possibility to own a positive future.



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