
How to Be Yourself Extraordinary A lazy youth, a lousy age,you know ,I like this saying very much.So ,just think about it,life is fairly short,and everybody shall cherish it ,especially when we`re young, when we`re enegetic.Do not waste one day,one hour and even one minute.And this is what l wanna emphasize---charish youth,and be yourself extraordinary.

Above I referred to why we should be ourselves,and I just told you life is short,right? Thersfore we should know well about how to be oneself extraordinary before we gonna do it. Everybody knows who was the leader of Mongolian in ancient China,with great ambition he dominated a large area from east Europe to Asia.And I appreciate him very much.So,the first thing we need have is ambition,no matter it`s large or small.With ambition,one can do things with right order,and not make a mess of something.Just imagine,when you do something with the right order,there`s no hurry,less mistakes,and you finish it with a fast speed,how do you feel? It`s fabulous,isn`t it right?And you will enjoy this special feeling.Later,the butterfly effect will take place,and you like the feeling more and more,and you will be more and more ambitious.

∙ As a college student ,to be oneself extraordinary is not that easy. To be an

extraordinary person doesn`t mean that one is good at his study only.You need to know in most times,we can`t adapt to the society outside our school if we are bookworms.The boss will not employ such staff,and he won`t get along very well with his workmates,for they are two different kinds of people,they don`t have much common to talk about.So what I want to say is try to learn different skills,but not only study.Shakespeare said that an actor should be versatile,and everybody in fact is an actor performing on different stages,and we need to be versatile.With more skills,one can deal with things freely,adapt to the society easily,and be successful in much shorter time.So take part in different activities,develop different skills,build up the base of your future.

∙ Last but not least,keep up with the trend of the world. Arm your thought with the

latest ideas and try not to be restricted by others.Be a man with content inside. ∙ This is my own idea about how to be yourself extraordinary,and I hope it can do for

you,too. Thanks for your time! ∙

How to Be Yourself Extraordinary A lazy youth, a lousy age,you know ,I like this saying very much.So ,just think about it,life is fairly short,and everybody shall cherish it ,especially when we`re young, when we`re enegetic.Do not waste one day,one hour and even one minute.And this is what l wanna emphasize---charish youth,and be yourself extraordinary.

Above I referred to why we should be ourselves,and I just told you life is short,right? Thersfore we should know well about how to be oneself extraordinary before we gonna do it. Everybody knows who was the leader of Mongolian in ancient China,with great ambition he dominated a large area from east Europe to Asia.And I appreciate him very much.So,the first thing we need have is ambition,no matter it`s large or small.With ambition,one can do things with right order,and not make a mess of something.Just imagine,when you do something with the right order,there`s no hurry,less mistakes,and you finish it with a fast speed,how do you feel? It`s fabulous,isn`t it right?And you will enjoy this special feeling.Later,the butterfly effect will take place,and you like the feeling more and more,and you will be more and more ambitious.

∙ As a college student ,to be oneself extraordinary is not that easy. To be an

extraordinary person doesn`t mean that one is good at his study only.You need to know in most times,we can`t adapt to the society outside our school if we are bookworms.The boss will not employ such staff,and he won`t get along very well with his workmates,for they are two different kinds of people,they don`t have much common to talk about.So what I want to say is try to learn different skills,but not only study.Shakespeare said that an actor should be versatile,and everybody in fact is an actor performing on different stages,and we need to be versatile.With more skills,one can deal with things freely,adapt to the society easily,and be successful in much shorter time.So take part in different activities,develop different skills,build up the base of your future.

∙ Last but not least,keep up with the trend of the world. Arm your thought with the

latest ideas and try not to be restricted by others.Be a man with content inside. ∙ This is my own idea about how to be yourself extraordinary,and I hope it can do for

you,too. Thanks for your time! ∙


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