• 春秋时齐国发生饥荒,有人在路上施舍饮食, 对一个饥饿的人说“嗟,来食”, 饥饿的人说, 我就是不吃“嗟来之食”。终于不食而死 (见于《礼记·檀弓》)。后泛指带有侮辱性的施舍。 • a handout(施舍); Hand-out Food
• One year, there was a great famine in the State of Qi.
• One year, the State of Qi saw a great famine.
有个富人,名叫黔敖。他在大路旁边设摊,摆了许多食物,等饥饿的人来了,就施舍给他们。 • 有个富人,名叫黔敖:可以处理成一个句子↓
• Once there was a rich man named(whose name was)Qian’ao.
• 也可以处理成一个短语,去掉后面的“他”,做后面句子的主语。↓
• Once a man by the name of Qian’ao set up a stall by the side of a road with a lot of food and handed out some of it to hungry people who / when they came to him.
不一会儿,一个饿得发慌的人,用衣袖蒙着头,用绳子绑着鞋,昏昏沉沉地走了过来。 • After a short while, a starving man walked over in a befuddled way, with his head covered by his sleeve and his shoes tied up with strings.
• When Qian’ao saw this, he held food in his left hand and tea in his right hand, shouting:
• The man raised his head suddenly, with his eyes wide open, and said angrily: “It is exactly because I don't take the food other people hand out to me by shouting that I have starved to such an extent!
because he was unwilling to take his food. • At this, Qian’ao quickly apologized to the man. But eventually the man starved to death
• 春秋时齐国发生饥荒,有人在路上施舍饮食, 对一个饥饿的人说“嗟,来食”, 饥饿的人说, 我就是不吃“嗟来之食”。终于不食而死 (见于《礼记·檀弓》)。后泛指带有侮辱性的施舍。 • a handout(施舍); Hand-out Food
• One year, there was a great famine in the State of Qi.
• One year, the State of Qi saw a great famine.
有个富人,名叫黔敖。他在大路旁边设摊,摆了许多食物,等饥饿的人来了,就施舍给他们。 • 有个富人,名叫黔敖:可以处理成一个句子↓
• Once there was a rich man named(whose name was)Qian’ao.
• 也可以处理成一个短语,去掉后面的“他”,做后面句子的主语。↓
• Once a man by the name of Qian’ao set up a stall by the side of a road with a lot of food and handed out some of it to hungry people who / when they came to him.
不一会儿,一个饿得发慌的人,用衣袖蒙着头,用绳子绑着鞋,昏昏沉沉地走了过来。 • After a short while, a starving man walked over in a befuddled way, with his head covered by his sleeve and his shoes tied up with strings.
• When Qian’ao saw this, he held food in his left hand and tea in his right hand, shouting:
• The man raised his head suddenly, with his eyes wide open, and said angrily: “It is exactly because I don't take the food other people hand out to me by shouting that I have starved to such an extent!
because he was unwilling to take his food. • At this, Qian’ao quickly apologized to the man. But eventually the man starved to death