
1. 品茶用具:

炭炉:charcoal stove 电随手泡:an instant electrical kettle

陶壶:a pottery kettle 紫砂壶:a boccaro teapot

瓷壶:a porcelain teapot 盖碗:a covered teacup

闻香杯:sniff-cup/fragrance –smelling cup

品茗杯:the tea-sipping cup 茶叶罐:a tea canister

水盂:a tea basin 茶盘:a tea tray 托盘:a tea serving tray

公道杯:a Fair mug (Gongdao Mug) 过滤网:a filter

茶夹:the tea longs

2. 茶食点心

黑茶:dark tea 普洱茶:puer tea/Puaru 红茶:black tea

绿茶:Green Tea 乌龙茶:Oolong tea 大红袍:Dahonggpao Tea

铁观音:Tieguanyin Tea 凤凰单枞:Phoenix Dahongpao Tea

台湾高山茶:Taiwan High Mountain Tea

朥饼: 绿豆饼:Green Bean Cake 肉脯:Muscle Drysaltery

油粿:iuciahke 豆仁邦:peanut cake

粽子:zongzi/traditional Chinese rice-pudding

3. 泡茶过程

烧水:heat up water 茶艺表演:tea ceremony performance

盖碗:the lid is for the sky , the bottom is for the earth, and the body is for the person. When we combine these three things together, we call it 三才cup

温杯、洁具:pour into the hot water until half-full,then throw the water out of the teapot. It can warm up the teacup

乌龙入宫:we use the shovel to get some tea and put the oolong tea into the teapot

悬壶高冲:lift up the pot and pour the water into the pot, the tea-leaf will flowing with the water, in this way, we can wash the tea and force the smell of tea come out

春风拂面:we use the cover of teacup to scratch the bubble on the surface

若琛出浴:use the tea to warm up the cup, in this process, we should turn the cup around

关公巡城:pour the tea into every cup in order, we should bear these four words in mind: low,fast, even and尽

韩信点兵:when the tea is nearly ran out, put the rest of tea into every cup. Every drop of water should be distributed evenly

敬奉香茗:now it is time for our guests to enjoy the tea.

三龙护鼎:use the thumb and the index finger to hold the body of the cup,and use the middle finger to 顶 the cup

鉴赏汤色Now we can drink the tea, before that, we should watch its color carefully. If it is in good quality, the color should be clear, golden. Bright and bring a sense of enjoyment

细闻幽香Then we can smell its fragrance, the laurel smell, the orchid smell will definitely make you pleasant

品啜甘霖now we can drink the tea. There is a special kind of feeling when you hold the tea in your mouth and drink it very slowly into your heart

4. 工夫茶文化

紫砂壶产于江苏宜兴:The boccaro teapots are producted in Yixing,J iangsu Province.

紫砂壶是珍贵工艺品,有收藏价值:The bbccaro ceramic tea-wares are precious handicrafts ,which are collecting as objects of art .

白瓷品茗杯的内壁容易挂香,便于在品茶后细闻杯底留香:The inside wall of the white porcelain tea-sipping cup preserves the fragrance . It allows the drinker to smell the frangrance remained in the cup after sipping the tea .

水盂用于装载洗杯水或果皮等杂物:The tea basin is used for washing teacups or holding litters

such as fruit skins ,peedings ,and seeds .

公道杯主要用来均匀茶汤浓度:The Fair Mug is mainly used to balance the thicknees of tea liquor .

绿茶是没有经过发酵的茶,它的品质特点是“一嫩三绿”。即采的“茶清嫩,外形绿、汤水绿、叶底绿。” Green tea is a non-fermentesd tea with qualities often known as “one tender and three green”. “one tender ” refers to tender tea leaves , and “three green”refers to thegreen colored tea leaves ,the green colored tea liquid ,and the green colored tea dregs . 红茶属于全发酵的茶,我国是红茶的创制国Black tea is the compiete fermented tea .

乌龙茶的品种很多,主要有大红袍、铁观音、凤凰单枞和台湾高山茶Oolong tea has big varieties ,main types include Dahonggpao Tea ,Tieguanyin Tea ,Phoenix Dahongpao Tea ,and Taiwan High Mountain Tea

大红袍是“中国茶王”,产于中国武夷山Dahongpao (Big Red Robe),also known as the “King of Tea ”,grown in Wu-Yi Mountain ,Fujian Province

铁观音是知名度最高的乌龙茶,产于福建安溪Tieguanyin tea (Iron Mercy Goddess )is the most farmous Oolong tea ,which is grown in Anxi ,Fujian Province .

凤凰单枞是香型最丰富的茶类,产于广东省Grown in Guangdong Province ,Phoenix Dancong Tea (Fenghuang Unique Bush ) possesses the largest varieties of fragrance

按茶性不同,普洱可分为生普洱和熟普洱两类Judging by their different characters ,pu’er can be divided into two categories as raw pu’er and fermented pu’er .

普洱生茶是用云南大叶种茶树的嫩叶为原料加工而成的晒青茶Raw pu’er tea ,which is made of the tender leaves of the broad-leaf tea tree in Yunnan province ,is the green tea dried in sun. 普洱熟茶是在有益微生物和湿热条件的共同作用下经过后发酵的茶类Cooked pu’er is fermenting with the useful microorganisms in the humiod and hot condition

在清代,普洱茶是贡茶的一种In the Qing Dynasty ,pu’er was one of tribute teas

普洱茶有明显的减肥和降血脂的功效Pu’er tea have effectiveness in renducing body weight and blood fat

“水是茶之母。”水质对茶汤的品质至关重要“Water is the mother of tea .”The quality of water is essential to the flavor of tea .

用软水泡茶茶汤浓。茶味醇When soft water is used to make tea ,the tea will have a melloe taste

5. 台词

Gongfu tea is famous in every household in chaoshan district. It is often the case that they make tea and serve their guests. Chaoshan gongfu tea is very well-known custom in China culture and it is one of four Golden Flower in the southern place. The fundamental spirit of it can be seen as the following: peace, love refinement and nobleness. Peace represents the harmonious atmosphere. Love represents the kindness, refinement represents the beauty of tea set and the particular way of making tea and nobleness represents the nobility of the mind.

It is really a satisfaction if you can taste the unique charming of the Kwan-yin tea. I hope the performance will leave a good memory in all of you. Thank you

1. 品茶用具:

炭炉:charcoal stove 电随手泡:an instant electrical kettle

陶壶:a pottery kettle 紫砂壶:a boccaro teapot

瓷壶:a porcelain teapot 盖碗:a covered teacup

闻香杯:sniff-cup/fragrance –smelling cup

品茗杯:the tea-sipping cup 茶叶罐:a tea canister

水盂:a tea basin 茶盘:a tea tray 托盘:a tea serving tray

公道杯:a Fair mug (Gongdao Mug) 过滤网:a filter

茶夹:the tea longs

2. 茶食点心

黑茶:dark tea 普洱茶:puer tea/Puaru 红茶:black tea

绿茶:Green Tea 乌龙茶:Oolong tea 大红袍:Dahonggpao Tea

铁观音:Tieguanyin Tea 凤凰单枞:Phoenix Dahongpao Tea

台湾高山茶:Taiwan High Mountain Tea

朥饼: 绿豆饼:Green Bean Cake 肉脯:Muscle Drysaltery

油粿:iuciahke 豆仁邦:peanut cake

粽子:zongzi/traditional Chinese rice-pudding

3. 泡茶过程

烧水:heat up water 茶艺表演:tea ceremony performance

盖碗:the lid is for the sky , the bottom is for the earth, and the body is for the person. When we combine these three things together, we call it 三才cup

温杯、洁具:pour into the hot water until half-full,then throw the water out of the teapot. It can warm up the teacup

乌龙入宫:we use the shovel to get some tea and put the oolong tea into the teapot

悬壶高冲:lift up the pot and pour the water into the pot, the tea-leaf will flowing with the water, in this way, we can wash the tea and force the smell of tea come out

春风拂面:we use the cover of teacup to scratch the bubble on the surface

若琛出浴:use the tea to warm up the cup, in this process, we should turn the cup around

关公巡城:pour the tea into every cup in order, we should bear these four words in mind: low,fast, even and尽

韩信点兵:when the tea is nearly ran out, put the rest of tea into every cup. Every drop of water should be distributed evenly

敬奉香茗:now it is time for our guests to enjoy the tea.

三龙护鼎:use the thumb and the index finger to hold the body of the cup,and use the middle finger to 顶 the cup

鉴赏汤色Now we can drink the tea, before that, we should watch its color carefully. If it is in good quality, the color should be clear, golden. Bright and bring a sense of enjoyment

细闻幽香Then we can smell its fragrance, the laurel smell, the orchid smell will definitely make you pleasant

品啜甘霖now we can drink the tea. There is a special kind of feeling when you hold the tea in your mouth and drink it very slowly into your heart

4. 工夫茶文化

紫砂壶产于江苏宜兴:The boccaro teapots are producted in Yixing,J iangsu Province.

紫砂壶是珍贵工艺品,有收藏价值:The bbccaro ceramic tea-wares are precious handicrafts ,which are collecting as objects of art .

白瓷品茗杯的内壁容易挂香,便于在品茶后细闻杯底留香:The inside wall of the white porcelain tea-sipping cup preserves the fragrance . It allows the drinker to smell the frangrance remained in the cup after sipping the tea .

水盂用于装载洗杯水或果皮等杂物:The tea basin is used for washing teacups or holding litters

such as fruit skins ,peedings ,and seeds .

公道杯主要用来均匀茶汤浓度:The Fair Mug is mainly used to balance the thicknees of tea liquor .

绿茶是没有经过发酵的茶,它的品质特点是“一嫩三绿”。即采的“茶清嫩,外形绿、汤水绿、叶底绿。” Green tea is a non-fermentesd tea with qualities often known as “one tender and three green”. “one tender ” refers to tender tea leaves , and “three green”refers to thegreen colored tea leaves ,the green colored tea liquid ,and the green colored tea dregs . 红茶属于全发酵的茶,我国是红茶的创制国Black tea is the compiete fermented tea .

乌龙茶的品种很多,主要有大红袍、铁观音、凤凰单枞和台湾高山茶Oolong tea has big varieties ,main types include Dahonggpao Tea ,Tieguanyin Tea ,Phoenix Dahongpao Tea ,and Taiwan High Mountain Tea

大红袍是“中国茶王”,产于中国武夷山Dahongpao (Big Red Robe),also known as the “King of Tea ”,grown in Wu-Yi Mountain ,Fujian Province

铁观音是知名度最高的乌龙茶,产于福建安溪Tieguanyin tea (Iron Mercy Goddess )is the most farmous Oolong tea ,which is grown in Anxi ,Fujian Province .

凤凰单枞是香型最丰富的茶类,产于广东省Grown in Guangdong Province ,Phoenix Dancong Tea (Fenghuang Unique Bush ) possesses the largest varieties of fragrance

按茶性不同,普洱可分为生普洱和熟普洱两类Judging by their different characters ,pu’er can be divided into two categories as raw pu’er and fermented pu’er .

普洱生茶是用云南大叶种茶树的嫩叶为原料加工而成的晒青茶Raw pu’er tea ,which is made of the tender leaves of the broad-leaf tea tree in Yunnan province ,is the green tea dried in sun. 普洱熟茶是在有益微生物和湿热条件的共同作用下经过后发酵的茶类Cooked pu’er is fermenting with the useful microorganisms in the humiod and hot condition

在清代,普洱茶是贡茶的一种In the Qing Dynasty ,pu’er was one of tribute teas

普洱茶有明显的减肥和降血脂的功效Pu’er tea have effectiveness in renducing body weight and blood fat

“水是茶之母。”水质对茶汤的品质至关重要“Water is the mother of tea .”The quality of water is essential to the flavor of tea .

用软水泡茶茶汤浓。茶味醇When soft water is used to make tea ,the tea will have a melloe taste

5. 台词

Gongfu tea is famous in every household in chaoshan district. It is often the case that they make tea and serve their guests. Chaoshan gongfu tea is very well-known custom in China culture and it is one of four Golden Flower in the southern place. The fundamental spirit of it can be seen as the following: peace, love refinement and nobleness. Peace represents the harmonious atmosphere. Love represents the kindness, refinement represents the beauty of tea set and the particular way of making tea and nobleness represents the nobility of the mind.

It is really a satisfaction if you can taste the unique charming of the Kwan-yin tea. I hope the performance will leave a good memory in all of you. Thank you


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