第3期 王 群 填料塔支承梁的设计计算・21・
王群:1989年毕业于武汉化工学院化工设备与机械专业, 工程师, 从事化工设备设计工作。
, 建立了不同的力学模型, 推导并提设计人员可直接利用公式对支承梁进行设计计算。
关键词 填料塔 支承梁 设计计算
1 引 言
在填料塔的结构设计中, 需考虑填料支承装置下的支承梁设计。散堆填料, 目前较多采用波纹多孔板支承结构, 俗称“驼峰板”, 一般用不锈钢制造, 厚度2~3mm 。驼峰板不但要承受填料及其所含液体的重量, 而且要分布气体, 因此不仅要有足够的强度和刚度, 而且要有较大的开孔率。支承梁应能保证有足够的强度和刚度, 支承梁设计按下列选取。
塔径D N (mm )
D N ≤2500
M 2=P ×D/6=qD /
图1 单梁载荷分布示意图
D N >4000
图1(d ) w 2=q ・D/2
R 3=w 2D/4=qD 2/8
M 3=R 3・D/2-w 2・D/4・D/8
2 力学模型及公式
在计算支承横梁载荷时, 考虑塔内支持圈的部分支承作用。同时, 将支承梁看成是承受均布载荷的简支梁, 略去填料对塔壁的摩擦阻力。2. 1 单梁计算方法
(c ) 、(d ) 载荷分布如图1(a ) , 可分解为(b ) 、
=3qD 3/64
则R =R 1+R 2+R 3
=w 1×D/2+qD 2/16+qD 2/8=w 1D/2+3qD 2/16
M =M 1+M 2+M 3
由材料力学理论可方便地求出以下公式:图1(b ) R 1=w 1×D/2
M 1=w 1D /8
=w 1D 2/8+qD 3/96+3qD 3/64=w 1D 2/8+11qD 3/192
2. 2 双梁计算方法
图1(c ) P =q ×1/2×(D/4) 2×2
=q ×(D/4) 2
R 2=P =q ×(D/4) 2=qD 2/16
载荷分布如图2(g ) , 可分解成(h ) 、(i ) 、(j ) 3种受力状况进行叠加。
同理, 由材料力学理论可以求出以下公式:图2(h ) R 1=w 1×L /2
M 1=w 1L /8
化肥设计 2000年第38卷
(4) 求梁的最大弯曲应力σ=M /W ;
(5) 满足σ≤[σ], 校核合格。
图2(i ) P =q ×1/2×(D/6+2D/6) ×L /4
=qDL /16
R 2=P =qDL /16
M 2=P ×5L /36=5qDL /576
4 符号说明
F ———一层填料段上的总载荷,N ; 包括湿填
图2(j ) w 2=q ×D/3
R 3=w 2L /4=qDL /12
M 3=R 3×L /2-w 2×L /4×L /8
=qDL 2/32
则R =R 1+R 2+R 3
=w 1/+/=w 1L /2/48…………(2-3)
M =M 1+M 2+M 3
D 2H γ×F (10-9/4+Q ) ×9. 81
G ———一根横梁上承受的载荷,N ; 包括湿填料重量及其它需要计及的重量。
G =(HS γ×10-9+Q ) ×9. 81H ———填料高度, mm ; S ———承载面积, mm 2; γ———填料和液体的组合堆积重度,kgf/m 3; 无确切数据时, 不锈钢填料可取填料
堆积重度的1. 4倍; 塑料填料可取塑料填料堆积重度与30%不锈钢填料堆积重度之和作为组合堆积重度。Q ———其他部件(如填料支承板、填料压板
等) 作用在梁上的载荷, kgf ;
q ———均布载荷,N/mm ;
q =F /πD /4=4F /πD D ———塔体内径, mm ; L ———支承横梁长度, mm ;
=w 1L 2/8+5qDL 2/576+qDL 2/32=w 1L 2/8+23qDL 2/576……(2-4)
σ———设计温度下梁的最大弯曲应力, MPa ; [σ]———设计温度下梁的许用弯曲应力,
MPa ;
图2 双梁载荷分布示意图
M ———梁上的总弯矩, N -mm ;
M =M 1+M 2+M 3
W ———梁的抗弯截面模数, mm 3;
R ———总支点反力, N ; R =R 1+R 2+R 3P ———集中力, N ; T ———梁的自重, kgf ;
w 1———梁单位长度自重载荷, N/mm ;
w 1=T/L 9. 81
w 2———梁中部单位长度均布载荷, N/mm ; C ———腐蚀裕量, mm ;
(收稿日期 2000-02-29)
3 设计步骤
(1) 根据塔径、受到的载荷及其工作要求,
选择适当的材料, 确定型钢梁的数量、截面形状
(2) 根据公式(2-1) 、(2-2) 和(2-3) 、(2-4) , 按不同情况求梁的最大弯矩M ;
(3) 计算型钢梁的抗弯截面模数W (计算时
应考虑双面腐蚀, 即截面的计算厚度δ=δn -2C ) ;
Vol. 38 No. 3 June 2000(total No. 195)
Advance of GT L T echnology in The World
Zheng Zhenan
are studied. An optimized case of steam balance for Braun type plant is presented.
K ey w ords Braun process , balance , optimization
Abstract It reviews the advance of TG L technology from large petrochemical companies in the world. It is considered that setting up some GTL plant at moderate scale in remote area is suitable for purpose of environment protection and rational gas.
K ey w ords GTL , , , Exxon A GC -21, syntroleum
eight of C atalyst Layer ’s
Sinking in Ammonia Converter
Chen FengJi ng
Abstract Catalyst layer ’s sinking in ammonia converter is an 2alyzed. A model , in which pile porosity and thermal deforming are considered , and a general formula to calculate the height of sinking ,
Analysis to C ause of Deterioration of All Low T emp Shift C atalyst and Count Measures
Zhou Hongj un , W ang Dongmei , W u Quangui etal.
are derived.
K ey w ords catalyst bed , pile porosity , thermal deforming , sinking height , rate of sinking
Abstract Cause of deterioration of all low temperature shift catalyst is analyzed , Count measures are put forward.
K ey w ords shift process all under low temperature , catalyst , deterioration
Output Pow er C alculation for G L 20Scraper
L i Yeqi n
Abstract Method and formula to calculate output power of G L20scraper , which is used at the bottom of urea prilling tower are
Study on R eactor and Process in Double N eutralizing Method to Produce DAP from MAP Slurry
Xia Daikuan , W ang Jianhua , L i u Qichong
introduced in detail.
K ey w ords G L20type scraper , output power , calculation
C alculation of Support B eam in P acking Tow er
W ang Qun
Abstract The property of concentrated MAP slurry , which is made from wet phosphoric acid and mid grade phosphate rock , is studied. Tubing reactor ’s structure and design parameter are de 2scribed. Double neutralization process is determined. Tubing reactor at scale of 33104t DAP/a is designed. 72hours test production has been achieved in steady and reliable condition. Now 63104t DAP/a plant is under construction.
K ey w ords double neutralization , tubing reactor , new process
Abstract Mechanic models for different diameter of packing tower and operation condition are set up. Calculation formula for supporting beam (either single or double beam ) are deducted and put forward for the purpose of easy use to designer.
K ey w ords packing tower , support beam , calculation
R adar Liquid Level T ransmitter
and Its Application
Optimization of Steam System in B raun Type Ammonia Plant
Kang W anz hong , Xiao Zhenpi ng
Peng Ji ng
Abstract Radar liquid level transmitter becomes widely used in chemical fields. It introduces principle of application. Some items in the selection and installation are described.
K ey w ords Radar liquid lever transmitter , metrology
Abstract Based on the existed problems in steam balance at the second fertilizer plant of Urmoqi Petrochemical Corp. Different cases
第3期 王 群 填料塔支承梁的设计计算・21・
王群:1989年毕业于武汉化工学院化工设备与机械专业, 工程师, 从事化工设备设计工作。
, 建立了不同的力学模型, 推导并提设计人员可直接利用公式对支承梁进行设计计算。
关键词 填料塔 支承梁 设计计算
1 引 言
在填料塔的结构设计中, 需考虑填料支承装置下的支承梁设计。散堆填料, 目前较多采用波纹多孔板支承结构, 俗称“驼峰板”, 一般用不锈钢制造, 厚度2~3mm 。驼峰板不但要承受填料及其所含液体的重量, 而且要分布气体, 因此不仅要有足够的强度和刚度, 而且要有较大的开孔率。支承梁应能保证有足够的强度和刚度, 支承梁设计按下列选取。
塔径D N (mm )
D N ≤2500
M 2=P ×D/6=qD /
图1 单梁载荷分布示意图
D N >4000
图1(d ) w 2=q ・D/2
R 3=w 2D/4=qD 2/8
M 3=R 3・D/2-w 2・D/4・D/8
2 力学模型及公式
在计算支承横梁载荷时, 考虑塔内支持圈的部分支承作用。同时, 将支承梁看成是承受均布载荷的简支梁, 略去填料对塔壁的摩擦阻力。2. 1 单梁计算方法
(c ) 、(d ) 载荷分布如图1(a ) , 可分解为(b ) 、
=3qD 3/64
则R =R 1+R 2+R 3
=w 1×D/2+qD 2/16+qD 2/8=w 1D/2+3qD 2/16
M =M 1+M 2+M 3
由材料力学理论可方便地求出以下公式:图1(b ) R 1=w 1×D/2
M 1=w 1D /8
=w 1D 2/8+qD 3/96+3qD 3/64=w 1D 2/8+11qD 3/192
2. 2 双梁计算方法
图1(c ) P =q ×1/2×(D/4) 2×2
=q ×(D/4) 2
R 2=P =q ×(D/4) 2=qD 2/16
载荷分布如图2(g ) , 可分解成(h ) 、(i ) 、(j ) 3种受力状况进行叠加。
同理, 由材料力学理论可以求出以下公式:图2(h ) R 1=w 1×L /2
M 1=w 1L /8
化肥设计 2000年第38卷
(4) 求梁的最大弯曲应力σ=M /W ;
(5) 满足σ≤[σ], 校核合格。
图2(i ) P =q ×1/2×(D/6+2D/6) ×L /4
=qDL /16
R 2=P =qDL /16
M 2=P ×5L /36=5qDL /576
4 符号说明
F ———一层填料段上的总载荷,N ; 包括湿填
图2(j ) w 2=q ×D/3
R 3=w 2L /4=qDL /12
M 3=R 3×L /2-w 2×L /4×L /8
=qDL 2/32
则R =R 1+R 2+R 3
=w 1/+/=w 1L /2/48…………(2-3)
M =M 1+M 2+M 3
D 2H γ×F (10-9/4+Q ) ×9. 81
G ———一根横梁上承受的载荷,N ; 包括湿填料重量及其它需要计及的重量。
G =(HS γ×10-9+Q ) ×9. 81H ———填料高度, mm ; S ———承载面积, mm 2; γ———填料和液体的组合堆积重度,kgf/m 3; 无确切数据时, 不锈钢填料可取填料
堆积重度的1. 4倍; 塑料填料可取塑料填料堆积重度与30%不锈钢填料堆积重度之和作为组合堆积重度。Q ———其他部件(如填料支承板、填料压板
等) 作用在梁上的载荷, kgf ;
q ———均布载荷,N/mm ;
q =F /πD /4=4F /πD D ———塔体内径, mm ; L ———支承横梁长度, mm ;
=w 1L 2/8+5qDL 2/576+qDL 2/32=w 1L 2/8+23qDL 2/576……(2-4)
σ———设计温度下梁的最大弯曲应力, MPa ; [σ]———设计温度下梁的许用弯曲应力,
MPa ;
图2 双梁载荷分布示意图
M ———梁上的总弯矩, N -mm ;
M =M 1+M 2+M 3
W ———梁的抗弯截面模数, mm 3;
R ———总支点反力, N ; R =R 1+R 2+R 3P ———集中力, N ; T ———梁的自重, kgf ;
w 1———梁单位长度自重载荷, N/mm ;
w 1=T/L 9. 81
w 2———梁中部单位长度均布载荷, N/mm ; C ———腐蚀裕量, mm ;
(收稿日期 2000-02-29)
3 设计步骤
(1) 根据塔径、受到的载荷及其工作要求,
选择适当的材料, 确定型钢梁的数量、截面形状
(2) 根据公式(2-1) 、(2-2) 和(2-3) 、(2-4) , 按不同情况求梁的最大弯矩M ;
(3) 计算型钢梁的抗弯截面模数W (计算时
应考虑双面腐蚀, 即截面的计算厚度δ=δn -2C ) ;
Vol. 38 No. 3 June 2000(total No. 195)
Advance of GT L T echnology in The World
Zheng Zhenan
are studied. An optimized case of steam balance for Braun type plant is presented.
K ey w ords Braun process , balance , optimization
Abstract It reviews the advance of TG L technology from large petrochemical companies in the world. It is considered that setting up some GTL plant at moderate scale in remote area is suitable for purpose of environment protection and rational gas.
K ey w ords GTL , , , Exxon A GC -21, syntroleum
eight of C atalyst Layer ’s
Sinking in Ammonia Converter
Chen FengJi ng
Abstract Catalyst layer ’s sinking in ammonia converter is an 2alyzed. A model , in which pile porosity and thermal deforming are considered , and a general formula to calculate the height of sinking ,
Analysis to C ause of Deterioration of All Low T emp Shift C atalyst and Count Measures
Zhou Hongj un , W ang Dongmei , W u Quangui etal.
are derived.
K ey w ords catalyst bed , pile porosity , thermal deforming , sinking height , rate of sinking
Abstract Cause of deterioration of all low temperature shift catalyst is analyzed , Count measures are put forward.
K ey w ords shift process all under low temperature , catalyst , deterioration
Output Pow er C alculation for G L 20Scraper
L i Yeqi n
Abstract Method and formula to calculate output power of G L20scraper , which is used at the bottom of urea prilling tower are
Study on R eactor and Process in Double N eutralizing Method to Produce DAP from MAP Slurry
Xia Daikuan , W ang Jianhua , L i u Qichong
introduced in detail.
K ey w ords G L20type scraper , output power , calculation
C alculation of Support B eam in P acking Tow er
W ang Qun
Abstract The property of concentrated MAP slurry , which is made from wet phosphoric acid and mid grade phosphate rock , is studied. Tubing reactor ’s structure and design parameter are de 2scribed. Double neutralization process is determined. Tubing reactor at scale of 33104t DAP/a is designed. 72hours test production has been achieved in steady and reliable condition. Now 63104t DAP/a plant is under construction.
K ey w ords double neutralization , tubing reactor , new process
Abstract Mechanic models for different diameter of packing tower and operation condition are set up. Calculation formula for supporting beam (either single or double beam ) are deducted and put forward for the purpose of easy use to designer.
K ey w ords packing tower , support beam , calculation
R adar Liquid Level T ransmitter
and Its Application
Optimization of Steam System in B raun Type Ammonia Plant
Kang W anz hong , Xiao Zhenpi ng
Peng Ji ng
Abstract Radar liquid level transmitter becomes widely used in chemical fields. It introduces principle of application. Some items in the selection and installation are described.
K ey w ords Radar liquid lever transmitter , metrology
Abstract Based on the existed problems in steam balance at the second fertilizer plant of Urmoqi Petrochemical Corp. Different cases