摘 要
结论:临床药师参与临床的治疗过程,可促进临床合理用药,切实保障医疗质量安全。 关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病;药学监护;临床药师;合理用药
Pharmaceutical care for one case with acute exacerbation of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the role of pharmaceutical care by clinical pharmacists for the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: Through the practice by clinical pharmacists in clinical ward inspection, cooperation with physicians in making individualized treatment plan, reasonable pharmaceutical care measures and health education program were put forward focusing on the suitability of drug selection, adverse drug reaction and drug interaction. Results: The pharmaceutical care of clinical pharmacist can improve the drug therapeutic effect and patient compliance and reduce the risk of drug medication. Conclusion: Clinical pharmacist’s participation in clinical treatment can promote the rational drug use and ensure the quality and safety of medical treatment.
[KEY WORDS]: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;Pharmaceutical Care;Clinical Pharmacist;Rational Drug Use
1 病例资料
患者有吸烟史30年,平均20支/日;饮酒史30年,平均250ml/日。否认高血 1
摘 要
结论:临床药师参与临床的治疗过程,可促进临床合理用药,切实保障医疗质量安全。 关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病;药学监护;临床药师;合理用药
Pharmaceutical care for one case with acute exacerbation of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the role of pharmaceutical care by clinical pharmacists for the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: Through the practice by clinical pharmacists in clinical ward inspection, cooperation with physicians in making individualized treatment plan, reasonable pharmaceutical care measures and health education program were put forward focusing on the suitability of drug selection, adverse drug reaction and drug interaction. Results: The pharmaceutical care of clinical pharmacist can improve the drug therapeutic effect and patient compliance and reduce the risk of drug medication. Conclusion: Clinical pharmacist’s participation in clinical treatment can promote the rational drug use and ensure the quality and safety of medical treatment.
[KEY WORDS]: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;Pharmaceutical Care;Clinical Pharmacist;Rational Drug Use
1 病例资料
患者有吸烟史30年,平均20支/日;饮酒史30年,平均250ml/日。否认高血 1