不要撒谎 ,"Don't lie "!
我的名字叫致远,My name is Jiazhiyuan是五年级五班的学生I'm a student of class five , grade five .我讲的故事是:不要撒谎.My story is :"Don't lie "!
在一个遥远的国家,In a distant country , 有一个小男孩.there was a little boy.他照看羊群. He looked after sheep. 但是他很无聊.But the boy was very bored .
一天,One day, 他跑到村子里,he ran to the village, 大声喊:he shouted : "狼来了, 狼来了, 快来救命啊!"" wolf , wolf, come and help! " 人们跑到山上,The people ran to the hill,但是没有狼.but there was no wolf. 人们回家了. The people went home. 第二天,The next day, 男孩又开始无聊.the boy was bored again. .他又跑到村子里,He ran to the village again, 并且叫到:狼, 狼. 救命!and shouted : wolf, wolf. Help! 人们跑到田地里,.The people ran to the field, 但是没有狼. but there was no wolf (.) 人们回到家,The people went home, 非常生气.. They were very angry.
一会儿, 狼真的来了.Then, the wolf really came. 他想吃掉羊. It wanted to eat the sheep. 男孩又跑到村子里,The boy ran to the village , 但是人们不去帮他.but the people did not go to help him . 他们说:不要撒谎.They said: Don't tell lies .
狼把羊都吃了,The wolf ate all the sheep,男孩很伤心 the boy was very sad (.这个古老的故事告诉我们This old story tells us : 要诚实, 不要撒谎 "Honest, don't lie !"
我的故事讲完了, 谢谢大家!
My story finishing, thank you very much!
朋友, 你千万不要做一个爱撒谎的孩子, 要做一个诚实的人
Friend, you must not make one like child that lie , should it make first honest people to take
不要撒谎 ,"Don't lie "!
我的名字叫致远,My name is Jiazhiyuan是五年级五班的学生I'm a student of class five , grade five .我讲的故事是:不要撒谎.My story is :"Don't lie "!
在一个遥远的国家,In a distant country , 有一个小男孩.there was a little boy.他照看羊群. He looked after sheep. 但是他很无聊.But the boy was very bored .
一天,One day, 他跑到村子里,he ran to the village, 大声喊:he shouted : "狼来了, 狼来了, 快来救命啊!"" wolf , wolf, come and help! " 人们跑到山上,The people ran to the hill,但是没有狼.but there was no wolf. 人们回家了. The people went home. 第二天,The next day, 男孩又开始无聊.the boy was bored again. .他又跑到村子里,He ran to the village again, 并且叫到:狼, 狼. 救命!and shouted : wolf, wolf. Help! 人们跑到田地里,.The people ran to the field, 但是没有狼. but there was no wolf (.) 人们回到家,The people went home, 非常生气.. They were very angry.
一会儿, 狼真的来了.Then, the wolf really came. 他想吃掉羊. It wanted to eat the sheep. 男孩又跑到村子里,The boy ran to the village , 但是人们不去帮他.but the people did not go to help him . 他们说:不要撒谎.They said: Don't tell lies .
狼把羊都吃了,The wolf ate all the sheep,男孩很伤心 the boy was very sad (.这个古老的故事告诉我们This old story tells us : 要诚实, 不要撒谎 "Honest, don't lie !"
我的故事讲完了, 谢谢大家!
My story finishing, thank you very much!
朋友, 你千万不要做一个爱撒谎的孩子, 要做一个诚实的人
Friend, you must not make one like child that lie , should it make first honest people to take