
摘要】 《野草在歌唱》是多丽丝·莱辛的处女之作,她书写了在男权社会中,南非白人女性的悲惨命运。运用文学伦理学批评方法探讨该部作品中所揭示的人与社会、人与人、人与自然之间的伦理道德,并从这三个方面深层次分析酿造女主人公玛丽的悲剧一生的原因。通过深度解读,笔者感受到莱辛对建立起真诚关爱的和谐人际关系的期望,同时该部作品也彰显了莱辛的人道主义价值观。

【Abstract】 The Grass is Singing is Doris Lessing’s first novel. In this novel, she describes the miserable life of white women living in South Africa in a patriarchal society. This paper attempts to apply literary ethical criticism to interpret the novel in order to display the ethics between men and society, men and men, men and nature, from which we can probe into the factors resulting in the protagonist’s tragic life. Through the close analysis, we can also feel Lessing’s hope for the establishment of a harmonious world based on the mutual sincerity and care.Besides,the movie also displays Lessing’s humanitarian values. 更多还原

摘要】 《野草在歌唱》讲述的是女主人公玛丽的悲剧故事。造成玛丽悲剧的原因是多方面的,但主人公的意识谬误是一个重要因由。蒙昧的主体意识及自卑情结,萎缩的性意识和扭曲的种族意识将主人公一步步推向了难以自拔的深渊。

【Abstract】 The Grass Is Singing written by Doris Lessing tells a tragedy of the heroine, Mary, whose death is attributed to various reasons, but the fallacies in her consciousness can not be neglected. It is her unlighted subject consciousness, inferiority complex, undeveloped sex consciousness and distorted race consciousness that lead her to the doomed fate gradually and inevitably. 更多还原


【摘要】 本文旨在从后殖民角度解读英国著名女作家多利丝·莱辛(1919- )的第一部作品《野草在歌唱》(1950)。通过对小说中的人物描写和象征手法进行分析与研究,可以领悟作者对殖民统治下土著人悲惨境地的深切同情。莱辛曾经说过:“我们生活在一所所名为种族、阶级、男性与女性的监狱中。这样的分类总是存在的。”她通过《野草在歌唱》向读者展示了在“种族的监狱”中、在殖民者的“东方主义者注视”下,土著人是如何被描述为一群懒惰的、野蛮的、暴力的下等民族;在二者的对话中,前者自诩为“我者”,强占了中心地位,后者被驱逐成为边缘地势上的“他者”。在殖民统治者的压迫下,小说中土著人的反抗是无言的、徒劳的,《野草在歌唱》的真正内涵实为悲惨的土著在痛苦地哀鸣。 更多还原

【Abstract】 This paper is dedicated to the postcolonial study of Doris Lessing’s (1919- ) first novel—The Grass Is Singing (1950), indicating the author’s strong sympathy for the colonized through the examination of the characters and symbols. Doris Lessing once remarked that” we live in a series of prisons called race, class, male and female. There are always those classifications.” Through this novel she successfully presented to the readers how the natives had been described as a group of lazy, barbarous and violent race of inferiority under the imposed“orientalist gaze” in the“prison of race”. In the discourse between the colonizer and the colonized, the former assumed themselves as” Self”, seizing the center; meanwhile they drove the latter to the periphery, labeling

them as“Other”. In the novel, the natives’revolt turned out to be voiceless and futile under the oppression of the whites. Thus the real implied meaning of The Grass Is Singing is that the wretched natives are depressingly wailing.


An Interpretation of the Morality in Doris Lessing’s Novels

摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛的处女作《野草在歌唱》通过描写女人向男权社会的抗争及失败后导致的家庭解体,来解构男性中心主义;通过叙说大自然对人类更无情的"报复"来解构人类中心主义。在完成对逻各斯中心主义双重解构的同时,莱辛还以其远见卓识,揭露和批判了人与自然、人与人之间长期存在的"中心与边缘"的不正常关系,体现了作者强烈的生态责任感。

【Abstract】 In her first novel Grass Is Singing, Doris Lessing succeeds in deconstructing the patriarchal society by describing the struggle of the female and the disintegration of families. She also overthrows anthropocentrism by recounting the more merciless vengeance which nature has taken on man. With far-sightedness, Lessing exposes and criticizes the unbalanced relationship of “Center/margin" between man and nature, man and man.

【摘要】 当代西方社会人与人之间的冷漠隔阂即爱的缺失是诸多危机和悲剧的根源。人类只有通过对同情、人道和关爱等高尚道德情感的不断追求,并诉诸道德情感的力量,建立人与人之间和谐的伙伴关系,用爱的给予填补爱的缺失,才能克服重重危机,在混乱中重新找回失落的价值追求。在不同时期不同风格的作品里,莱辛始终以人类生存为着眼点,在人类所经历的不同困惑和危机里寻求和探索人类生存的和谐之道,她的文学道德观因此也是一种以整个人类为着眼点的生存伦理观。

【Abstract】 Indifference and alienation between human beings result in many crises and tragedies in the contemporary western society. Only by pursuing and appealing to those noble moral sentiments of compassion, humanitarianism and love can human beings build a harmonious fellowship. Giving of love not only makes up for disintegration of love, but also helps people overcome various crises and get back their lost values.In her novels of different phases and styles, Lessing has always been seeking a way to a harmo... 更多还原


An Archetypal Interpretation of Doris Lessing’s The Grass Is Singing

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当代外国文学 , Contemporary Foreign Literature,

【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛的《野草在歌唱》内涵丰富,备受评论家关注。评论家从女权主义批评、生态主义、女性生态主义、后殖民批评等不同角度解读过这部作品。本文意图从原型的角度研究这部小说。这些原型包括圣经原型、经典作品原型和一些模糊原型。莱辛以这些原型为基础,塑造了拯救者形象、无能者形象,并描写了小人物的苦难历程。

【Abstract】 Dorr’s Lessing’s The Grass is Singing is rich in its connotation and has captured the attention of critics. They have made analyses of this novel from various perspectives such as feminism,ecocriticism,and post colonialism. This paper,however,tries to develop an archetypal approach into the novel. It argues that archetypes from the Bible and other sources abound in Lessing’s novel. Based on these archetypes, Lessing has created the image of a savior, the image of the incompetent and impotent addressing the hardship of ordinary people. A tacit understanding of these archetypes enables an enjoyable reading of the novel.


The Imbalance of Colonial Society and Individual Alienation: Interpretation of Lessen’s The Grass Is Singing

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外国语文 , Foreign Language and Literature,




[给本刊投稿] 【作者】 杨颖;

【Author】 YANG Ying

【机构】 重庆文理学院外国语学院;

【摘要】 《野草在歌唱》给我们叙述了这样一个现实:殖民制度造成了人与自身、与其他人、与自然、与社会之间的联系的异化,在这种制度下人与人之间的关系在本质上是陌生的,社会结构处于一种失衡状态。人为构置的这种殖民制度使得本应平等、和睦相处的种族之间、个人与集体之间、性别之间失去了应有的沟通和交流。

【Abstract】 The Grass Is Singing tells us the truth that the colonial system alienates people from themselves, other people, nature and society. In such a society, people to each other cold are and the original communication between different groups, between men and women, between individuals and community is all missing. 更多还原

【关键词】 《野草在歌唱》; 殖民社会; 失衡; 异化;

【Key words】 The Grass Is Singing; colonial society; imbalance; alienation


Towards Harmonious Coexistence Analyzing Doris Lessing Writing’s Multi-Motifs Phenomenen from Ecofeminism Perspective

分页下载 分章下载 整本下载 在线阅读 不支持迅雷等下载工具。

【作者】 罗艳;

【导师】 王尔勃;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学, 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing,1919 - )这位见解独到、风格多变的英国小说家,素有“文学老祖母”和“文坛常青树”之称,与伍尔夫合称“英国文坛双星”。卓越厚重的文学成就使得88岁高龄的莱辛以“女性经验的史诗作家,用怀疑、想象和远见卓识对一个分裂的文明进行了审视”荣获了2007年的诺贝尔文学奖。多丽丝·莱辛在她60年的创作生涯中,写出了近30部长篇小说、80篇左右的中短篇小说、两部剧本、一本诗集以及多部论文集和回忆录。莱辛的创作取材极其广阔,涉及到多个主题及领域。本文从贯穿莱辛创作不同阶段的三个基本主题——种族、性别、自然出发,挖掘出莱辛作品中所蕴含的生态女性主义思想,进而从生态女性主义视野解读莱辛创作的多主题现象。生态女性主义是20世纪后期走向批评前沿的女性主义批评理论,它试图通过探寻贬低异族贬低女性和贬低自然之间的特殊关系,找出导致异族、女性和自然受到压迫的根源——父权制文化,倡导建立一种文化与文化、男性与女性、人类与自然之间和谐相处的新型关系。本文主要围绕多丽丝·莱辛创作生涯中富有代表性的四部小说《野草在歌唱》、《金色笔记》、《三四五区间的联姻》、《玛拉和丹恩历险记》进行分析解读,指出莱辛创作主题不断发生转移与跨越的背后隐藏着她期待构建一种多元文化共生、男女两性和谐、人类与自然“合一”的生态理想。

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing(1919- ) is a knowledgeable writer who owns original ideas and her works have different kinds of styles. She is extolled as the“Grandmother and Evergreen Tree in British Literary World”. She was also called the“Double Strain British Literary World” with Woolf. In 2007, Lessing won the Nobel Prize in Literature. She was described by the Swedish Academy as” that elicits of the female experience, who with skepticism, fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilization to scrutiny”. In her 60 years creating career, Doris Lessing has written nearly 30 novels, about 80 short stories, two scripts and a poetry anthology. In addition, she has also written several essays and memoirs. Her creating selections were extremely broad, which involved a number of themes and fields. To reveal the ecofeminism thought in Lessing’s works, this thesis chooses three basic themes of Lessing’s different creating periods, which is the race, the gender and the nature. And then interpreted Lessing cresting’s multi-motifs phenomenon from Ecofeminism perspective. Ecofeminism is a feminism critical theory which moves toward the frontal criticism in the late 20th century. It attempts explore the special relationship between belittle the alien race, the female and the nature to find out the root cause, that is patriarchy culture. It advocates establishing a new harmonious relationship between cultures, genders and man- and-nature. This thesis mainly enclosed Doris Lessing’s four masterpieces,” The Grass is Singing”,“The Golden Notebook”,” The Marriages between Zones Three, Four and Five”and“Mara and Dann”. By analyzing these works, it concludes that behind Lessing’s unceasing shifts and surmounts themes, there is an ecological ideal, which is, Lessing anticipates to build a coexistence between cultures, harmony between male and female, the“unites”between the humanity and the nature.

【关键词】 多丽丝·莱辛; 多主题; 生态女性主义; 和谐共生;

【Key words】 Doris Lessing; multi-motifs; ecofeminism; harmonious coexistence;

摘要】 《野草在歌唱》是多丽丝·莱辛的处女之作,她书写了在男权社会中,南非白人女性的悲惨命运。运用文学伦理学批评方法探讨该部作品中所揭示的人与社会、人与人、人与自然之间的伦理道德,并从这三个方面深层次分析酿造女主人公玛丽的悲剧一生的原因。通过深度解读,笔者感受到莱辛对建立起真诚关爱的和谐人际关系的期望,同时该部作品也彰显了莱辛的人道主义价值观。

【Abstract】 The Grass is Singing is Doris Lessing’s first novel. In this novel, she describes the miserable life of white women living in South Africa in a patriarchal society. This paper attempts to apply literary ethical criticism to interpret the novel in order to display the ethics between men and society, men and men, men and nature, from which we can probe into the factors resulting in the protagonist’s tragic life. Through the close analysis, we can also feel Lessing’s hope for the establishment of a harmonious world based on the mutual sincerity and care.Besides,the movie also displays Lessing’s humanitarian values. 更多还原

摘要】 《野草在歌唱》讲述的是女主人公玛丽的悲剧故事。造成玛丽悲剧的原因是多方面的,但主人公的意识谬误是一个重要因由。蒙昧的主体意识及自卑情结,萎缩的性意识和扭曲的种族意识将主人公一步步推向了难以自拔的深渊。

【Abstract】 The Grass Is Singing written by Doris Lessing tells a tragedy of the heroine, Mary, whose death is attributed to various reasons, but the fallacies in her consciousness can not be neglected. It is her unlighted subject consciousness, inferiority complex, undeveloped sex consciousness and distorted race consciousness that lead her to the doomed fate gradually and inevitably. 更多还原


【摘要】 本文旨在从后殖民角度解读英国著名女作家多利丝·莱辛(1919- )的第一部作品《野草在歌唱》(1950)。通过对小说中的人物描写和象征手法进行分析与研究,可以领悟作者对殖民统治下土著人悲惨境地的深切同情。莱辛曾经说过:“我们生活在一所所名为种族、阶级、男性与女性的监狱中。这样的分类总是存在的。”她通过《野草在歌唱》向读者展示了在“种族的监狱”中、在殖民者的“东方主义者注视”下,土著人是如何被描述为一群懒惰的、野蛮的、暴力的下等民族;在二者的对话中,前者自诩为“我者”,强占了中心地位,后者被驱逐成为边缘地势上的“他者”。在殖民统治者的压迫下,小说中土著人的反抗是无言的、徒劳的,《野草在歌唱》的真正内涵实为悲惨的土著在痛苦地哀鸣。 更多还原

【Abstract】 This paper is dedicated to the postcolonial study of Doris Lessing’s (1919- ) first novel—The Grass Is Singing (1950), indicating the author’s strong sympathy for the colonized through the examination of the characters and symbols. Doris Lessing once remarked that” we live in a series of prisons called race, class, male and female. There are always those classifications.” Through this novel she successfully presented to the readers how the natives had been described as a group of lazy, barbarous and violent race of inferiority under the imposed“orientalist gaze” in the“prison of race”. In the discourse between the colonizer and the colonized, the former assumed themselves as” Self”, seizing the center; meanwhile they drove the latter to the periphery, labeling

them as“Other”. In the novel, the natives’revolt turned out to be voiceless and futile under the oppression of the whites. Thus the real implied meaning of The Grass Is Singing is that the wretched natives are depressingly wailing.


An Interpretation of the Morality in Doris Lessing’s Novels

摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛的处女作《野草在歌唱》通过描写女人向男权社会的抗争及失败后导致的家庭解体,来解构男性中心主义;通过叙说大自然对人类更无情的"报复"来解构人类中心主义。在完成对逻各斯中心主义双重解构的同时,莱辛还以其远见卓识,揭露和批判了人与自然、人与人之间长期存在的"中心与边缘"的不正常关系,体现了作者强烈的生态责任感。

【Abstract】 In her first novel Grass Is Singing, Doris Lessing succeeds in deconstructing the patriarchal society by describing the struggle of the female and the disintegration of families. She also overthrows anthropocentrism by recounting the more merciless vengeance which nature has taken on man. With far-sightedness, Lessing exposes and criticizes the unbalanced relationship of “Center/margin" between man and nature, man and man.

【摘要】 当代西方社会人与人之间的冷漠隔阂即爱的缺失是诸多危机和悲剧的根源。人类只有通过对同情、人道和关爱等高尚道德情感的不断追求,并诉诸道德情感的力量,建立人与人之间和谐的伙伴关系,用爱的给予填补爱的缺失,才能克服重重危机,在混乱中重新找回失落的价值追求。在不同时期不同风格的作品里,莱辛始终以人类生存为着眼点,在人类所经历的不同困惑和危机里寻求和探索人类生存的和谐之道,她的文学道德观因此也是一种以整个人类为着眼点的生存伦理观。

【Abstract】 Indifference and alienation between human beings result in many crises and tragedies in the contemporary western society. Only by pursuing and appealing to those noble moral sentiments of compassion, humanitarianism and love can human beings build a harmonious fellowship. Giving of love not only makes up for disintegration of love, but also helps people overcome various crises and get back their lost values.In her novels of different phases and styles, Lessing has always been seeking a way to a harmo... 更多还原


An Archetypal Interpretation of Doris Lessing’s The Grass Is Singing

推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载

当代外国文学 , Contemporary Foreign Literature,

【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛的《野草在歌唱》内涵丰富,备受评论家关注。评论家从女权主义批评、生态主义、女性生态主义、后殖民批评等不同角度解读过这部作品。本文意图从原型的角度研究这部小说。这些原型包括圣经原型、经典作品原型和一些模糊原型。莱辛以这些原型为基础,塑造了拯救者形象、无能者形象,并描写了小人物的苦难历程。

【Abstract】 Dorr’s Lessing’s The Grass is Singing is rich in its connotation and has captured the attention of critics. They have made analyses of this novel from various perspectives such as feminism,ecocriticism,and post colonialism. This paper,however,tries to develop an archetypal approach into the novel. It argues that archetypes from the Bible and other sources abound in Lessing’s novel. Based on these archetypes, Lessing has created the image of a savior, the image of the incompetent and impotent addressing the hardship of ordinary people. A tacit understanding of these archetypes enables an enjoyable reading of the novel.


The Imbalance of Colonial Society and Individual Alienation: Interpretation of Lessen’s The Grass Is Singing

推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载

外国语文 , Foreign Language and Literature,




[给本刊投稿] 【作者】 杨颖;

【Author】 YANG Ying

【机构】 重庆文理学院外国语学院;

【摘要】 《野草在歌唱》给我们叙述了这样一个现实:殖民制度造成了人与自身、与其他人、与自然、与社会之间的联系的异化,在这种制度下人与人之间的关系在本质上是陌生的,社会结构处于一种失衡状态。人为构置的这种殖民制度使得本应平等、和睦相处的种族之间、个人与集体之间、性别之间失去了应有的沟通和交流。

【Abstract】 The Grass Is Singing tells us the truth that the colonial system alienates people from themselves, other people, nature and society. In such a society, people to each other cold are and the original communication between different groups, between men and women, between individuals and community is all missing. 更多还原

【关键词】 《野草在歌唱》; 殖民社会; 失衡; 异化;

【Key words】 The Grass Is Singing; colonial society; imbalance; alienation


Towards Harmonious Coexistence Analyzing Doris Lessing Writing’s Multi-Motifs Phenomenen from Ecofeminism Perspective

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【作者】 罗艳;

【导师】 王尔勃;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学, 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing,1919 - )这位见解独到、风格多变的英国小说家,素有“文学老祖母”和“文坛常青树”之称,与伍尔夫合称“英国文坛双星”。卓越厚重的文学成就使得88岁高龄的莱辛以“女性经验的史诗作家,用怀疑、想象和远见卓识对一个分裂的文明进行了审视”荣获了2007年的诺贝尔文学奖。多丽丝·莱辛在她60年的创作生涯中,写出了近30部长篇小说、80篇左右的中短篇小说、两部剧本、一本诗集以及多部论文集和回忆录。莱辛的创作取材极其广阔,涉及到多个主题及领域。本文从贯穿莱辛创作不同阶段的三个基本主题——种族、性别、自然出发,挖掘出莱辛作品中所蕴含的生态女性主义思想,进而从生态女性主义视野解读莱辛创作的多主题现象。生态女性主义是20世纪后期走向批评前沿的女性主义批评理论,它试图通过探寻贬低异族贬低女性和贬低自然之间的特殊关系,找出导致异族、女性和自然受到压迫的根源——父权制文化,倡导建立一种文化与文化、男性与女性、人类与自然之间和谐相处的新型关系。本文主要围绕多丽丝·莱辛创作生涯中富有代表性的四部小说《野草在歌唱》、《金色笔记》、《三四五区间的联姻》、《玛拉和丹恩历险记》进行分析解读,指出莱辛创作主题不断发生转移与跨越的背后隐藏着她期待构建一种多元文化共生、男女两性和谐、人类与自然“合一”的生态理想。

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing(1919- ) is a knowledgeable writer who owns original ideas and her works have different kinds of styles. She is extolled as the“Grandmother and Evergreen Tree in British Literary World”. She was also called the“Double Strain British Literary World” with Woolf. In 2007, Lessing won the Nobel Prize in Literature. She was described by the Swedish Academy as” that elicits of the female experience, who with skepticism, fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilization to scrutiny”. In her 60 years creating career, Doris Lessing has written nearly 30 novels, about 80 short stories, two scripts and a poetry anthology. In addition, she has also written several essays and memoirs. Her creating selections were extremely broad, which involved a number of themes and fields. To reveal the ecofeminism thought in Lessing’s works, this thesis chooses three basic themes of Lessing’s different creating periods, which is the race, the gender and the nature. And then interpreted Lessing cresting’s multi-motifs phenomenon from Ecofeminism perspective. Ecofeminism is a feminism critical theory which moves toward the frontal criticism in the late 20th century. It attempts explore the special relationship between belittle the alien race, the female and the nature to find out the root cause, that is patriarchy culture. It advocates establishing a new harmonious relationship between cultures, genders and man- and-nature. This thesis mainly enclosed Doris Lessing’s four masterpieces,” The Grass is Singing”,“The Golden Notebook”,” The Marriages between Zones Three, Four and Five”and“Mara and Dann”. By analyzing these works, it concludes that behind Lessing’s unceasing shifts and surmounts themes, there is an ecological ideal, which is, Lessing anticipates to build a coexistence between cultures, harmony between male and female, the“unites”between the humanity and the nature.

【关键词】 多丽丝·莱辛; 多主题; 生态女性主义; 和谐共生;

【Key words】 Doris Lessing; multi-motifs; ecofeminism; harmonious coexistence;


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