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作者姓名: 洛可可

指导教师: 苏文妙

所在学院: 外国语学院

专业(系): 英语教育

班级(届): 2013届

完成日期 2013 年 5 月 6 日

An Analysis on the Character of Tom Sawyer


Yu Haixia

Su Wenmiao, Tutor

A Thesis Submitted to Department of English

Language and Literature in Partial

Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English

At Hebei Normal University

May 6th , 2013


As one of Mark Twain’s representative works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an 1876 novel about a young boy, Tom Sawyer , growing up along the Mississippi River. Since the book was published, it is greatly reviewed by thousands of Americans, both children and grown-ups, as this novel is not solely a description of children, but also a symbol of the author’s ironic attitude to the way . The reason why people worship Tom Sawyer from generation to generation is that people’s dream for freedom and goodness never die easily. His character precious research ,t his paper probes into the analysis of Tom Sawyer’s character in three aspects, namely, innocence and romance, wit and leadership, rebellion

and ...........................................................................................................1 Chapter1Tom Sawyer ’s Innocence and


A. Tom Sawyer ’s


B. Tom Sawyer ’s


Chapter 2 Tom Sawyer ’s Wit and


A. Tom Sawyer ’s


B. Tom

Sawyer ’s


Chapter 3 Tom Sawyer ’s Rebellion and

Heroism............................................ 14

A. Tom Sawyer ’s


B. Tom Sawyer ’s






Bibliography ...................................................................................................



Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), well known by name Mark Twain, was an American author, 1876 when the United States ended the Civil War. The nation issued Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Emancipation Proclamation made the Negro slaves free from the oppression of Capitalists. The traditional ec onomic model was corrupting, and doomed to be replaced by Capitalism coming from the North. People in this country all lived with new become one of the well-known characters through American literary writing about childhood experiences, Mark Twain shows the trustworthiness of the in children, the pleasure of rural American as seen through children’s eyes, the moral decline that could accompany growing up and the sense of loss when childhood is gone. If Mark Twain does not criticize the social directly as a theorist, the fact more effective in that , society’s the big society background through exposing the importance of religious teaching in the face of temptation and the iniquity of slavery. In sum, Mark Twain’s assault of the the adult world shows that ’s Innocence and goodness in is not a good romanticist because the real world. The innocent character built by Mark Twain always aims to irony the the adult world. As an ironist, Mark Twain allows us to see the adult through the eyes of a child, and to see the child through the adult’s perspective. His greatest gift is therefore Mark Twain deeply extended to Americans encountering Europe. In much encounters, the irony of “innocence” mocks both the American naivety and the European pretentiousness. America and Europe

take on the same ironic dynamisms that involve a child and an adult.

So far, there many writers or literary lovers studied Mark Twain's The adventures of Tom Sawyer. Either writers, literary enthusiasts, or the ordinary readers, are impressed by Tom. On Tom's personality everyone and analysis. No matter what kind of interpretation and analysis, undoubtedly, Tom is a clever, playful, adventurous child. The adventures of Tom Sawyer is so welcome, because Tom's character said that Tom is full of fantasy and adventure, not willing to endure the individuality, boring life, . He overcomes fear to save the innocent people. Therefore, pe ople’ of multiple roles. He epitomized the wisdom, strategy, justice, courage and leadership. The story of Tom, fold Author Mark Twin from childhood personality -- rebellious, lively, active, machine Spirit. This is not just a description of a child, the child can see the agency Will defects -- backward in education system, education method to the extreme and pedantic, on the children caused of or the man with a new idea to the social system challenges the positive significance, it makes the society full of adults' like, and . In the novel, are not willing to make. He stole, lie, truancy and even fight. All behavior shows that adults’ people’ said that under the pen of Mark Twin,Tom Soya is so lively and lovely. He is not only in the minds of the people of the United States, and across the border, across the ocean, as the world’s children's partner, the world's people ’s love son. Almost everyone can find the same with your dream picture from Tom's story. Tom Soya is not only a multifaceted character, but also a fairy in people’s dream of childhood. Tom is one of American literature fight. Aunt Polly said I more naughty children than as one of the most famous

urchin image in the literature beings: desire romance, adventure and freedom life. For practical reasons, people reading the novel, nature is recovered. So, Tom fact, the fence itself represents the shackles, the fetters of if Tom did not want to go out, but when instinct .Shi Lanhua said that He is an ordinary boy, though escape punishment. This behavior also shows , at the same time is also a thoughtful young man. In order not to let the girl be punished, He is willing to replace general, Tom is not a bad child, instead, the children’ Personality characteristics. His rebellion is the inevitable result of the civil war .His rebellion is the general children dare not do. So the Literature.

Based on the above research scholars, we found that Tom . His character and so on. Therefore, if we want to know the deep meaning of Tom's character, we still need more effort.

T his paper dedicates to analyze Tom Sawyer’s character in three aspects, namely, innocence and romance, wit and leadership, and rebellion and , Mark Twain aims at nothing but describing Tom’s eagerness for freedom. To Mark Twain, rebellion is not to blame, because everyone . The became more rebellious Tom is a fighter, and feels the Sunday school, able to recite a few lines of The Bible, to what Aunt Polly asks the road with adults’ eyes, way, which is quite different from what is supposed to be, but somewhat similar to the knight novel. He admires pirate very much. This is understandable if we pay attention to the difference between the life of a pirate and a child, especially when the child choosing way .The reason why people worship Tom Sawyer from generation to generation is that people’s dream for freedom and goodness never die


Chapter 1 Tom Sawyer’s Innocence and Romance

Like every child, Tom Sawyer is innocent and carefree. Also like every child, He world in puts emphasize on describing do nothing but to play in adults’ eyes . However, children’s eyes is pure and simple. They always explain the things this novel, Mark Twain be seen in the other average kids. Whatever situation Tom meets, successfully solve them by means.

Generally, children indulge themselves in playing games, which is true for both boys and girls. In their opinion, there is nothing in the world that is more attractive and exciting than being allowed to play as long as they possibly can. Tom Sawyer owns various kinds of toys, and showing front of of exchange of work, maybe ,but not pail. Jim knows that Tom’s most pump before. However, at this time, and leave Tom away. Tom fails in this exchange, after .Then for Jim. The deal is done, only if Aunt Polly does not notic e. “In another moment the street with against Aunt Polly’s punishment perfectly shows describes the children’s innocent and pure inner world from the adult’s viewpoint, and makes us recall our childhood where no this novel, Tom Sawyer’s ability of making become a tick. In a sleepy noon, the air is dead, and no wind outside. Tom feels deserted, then Tom’s entertainment. Tom allows Joe to join in the entertainment, and draws a line in the middle of the desk, which means they will play it in sequence. Tom says: “as long as your side you can stir my side, you’re too alone as long as I can keep , because the tick does not run cross the line to Tom’s side. By and by, Tom sits there angrily, as the

tick remains at Joe Harbor’s desk. He glowers at Joe and the end, Tom breaks the rule and fight against Joe. “A tremendous whack came down on Tom’s shoulders and its duplicate on Joe’s; and for the space of two minutes the dust continued to fly from the two jackets and the whole school to enjoy it.”(P363)

It is very difficult to describe children’s behavior so vividly from the adult perspective, but Mark Twain the story Tom fights against realize that the friendship is quite different for children when comparing with the adult friendship. What makes the children’s friendship tight is they can share the it is impossible for them to share fun, the friendship will break up. In this regard, Mark Twain expresses the adult world, as adults are some of them are trained to be, and the rests are forced to be.

A. Tom Sawyer’s Romance

Every adult memory of childhood. And every adult way of romance. Such as, the first time to see a girl ,the first time to talk with the girl the first time to kiss . All of this is unforgettable and romance. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain managers well to delineate Tom’s romance with Becky Thatcher, a beautiful girl who attracts Tom at their first encounter. Tom immediately falls in love with angle love with the girl, and Tom tries to do everything to show off to draw Becky’s attention. For some reason, Becky seems a little Tom’s performance. Tom keeps , Tom Sawyer becomes more and more sensitive .He cannot stop thinking about Becky, front of return, thus they can make an engagement. In order to get closer to Becky, class, teach take the punishment for school breaks up at noon, Tom . He whispers in Becky’s ear to ask . The

children sit in the classroom alone, quietly they find that Tom is not merely a carefree boy, but also a romantic man. He proposes to front of Becky; Beck does, and Becky is facing difficulty. They will be jealous when either of them is playing with others of opposite sex, which is an interesting but an essential part of love.

All people fell in love are romantic, even a boy. The first time Tom sits with Becky is interesting. Tom is late for class, and because of this, . He glances at the girl and she makes a mouth as reply. In a minute, Becky’s desk when she cautiously faces around. In this plot, we can see Tom is considerate and good at pleasing girls.

Love is a very important part in one’s life. It always falls in love with a woman unconsciously, and it may take this regard, the relationship between Tom and Becky is far from love. It is a kind of special friendship, since they are too young to know the true meaning of love--responsibility.

Tom is romantic, and , but Tom and Becky is substantially different from adults. For the children, love is pure and is not related to sex or money. In this novel, Mark Twain portrays Tom Sawyer’s innocence and romantic gift, which deeply impressed the readers.

Chapter 2 Tom Sawyer’s Wit and Leadership

A good leader must be a wise man. He can always make right decision at the crucial moment. He even people in trouble. No doubt that In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom is a good leader. Therefore, if always behaviors impolitely in daily life. He can always easily find ways to escape from Aunt Polly’s punishment, and even makes Aunt Polly live in distress. His whitewashing scenes left a deep impression on us. We are

attracted by Tom’s smartness when we see to Tom cannot persuade Jim to replace of such a beautiful day. He then plans to buy an exchange of work with finds a moment, idea. He thinks that artist; Rogers is coming towards Rogers is commanding , the sailor, and the steamboat all by that one cannot get a chance to whitewash without a being a captain if one obtains the chance. Tom can not only make Ben interests in be pride of this special work.

Tom contemplated the boy a bit ,and said“What do you call work?”

“Why, ain’t that work?”

Tom resumed ’t .All I know is ,it suits Tom Sawyer.”

“Oh come, now, you don’t mean to let on that you like it?”

The brush continued to move.

“Like it? Well, I don’t see why I oughtn’t to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?”(p310--p311)

Ben is not able to see through the tricks; a chance with bargaining chip, the apple. He successfully makes a deal with Ben and many other boys.

That afternoon, being a poor, poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom is literally rolling in wealth. However, the most important is that the whole board fence whitewashed. At last, Tom discovers a great law of action: in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make it difficult to attain. Mark Twain thoughts. The difference between play and work, Mark Twain points out that work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do and play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. He powerfully criticizes the luxury of the aristocratic life.

The wealthy gentlemen do not work but indulge themselves in wasting wealth.

To portray a intentionally enlarges Tom Sawyer’s wit. For example, when Tom and Becky get lost in the cave, Tom behaves not like a child; , the situation of choosing life or death.

A. Tom Sawyer’s Leadership

Tom’s wit is embodied not only in play, but also in something more significant. He is a good commander, which is testified in the whole process of adventure to an island named Jackson. The island is narrow but long, lies in the middle for Mississippi.

Tom makes up is trampled by Becky. He feels like being abandoned by the world, , and they soon draw an agreement. Tom suggests that maybe Huckleberry would like to join them. The night they set off under the command of Tom, they bring food, and each of them is granted a title. Tom’s title is Black Avenger of the Spanish Main, Joe Harbor the Terror of seas, Huck Finn the Red-Handed. It is interesting when we judge the children’s dream. Actually, the title shows their dream, their sense of justice. Children always admire their way to the Jackson Island, Tom’s desire of being captain is entirely satisfied when crossing the river. “They shoved off, presently, Tom in command, Huck at the after oar and Joe at the forward. Tom stood amidships, gloomy browed, and with folded arms, and gave a low, stern whisper that Luff, bring of the small boat, but it shows the movie Pirates of The Caribbean, we love captain Jack Sparrow for Tom and the other boys reach the destination, they immediately settle down, spread the tent as their bed. Since it is dark, they light a fire, with

which they are capable of roasting food. Huck is smoking, which makes Tom and Joe jealous a lot, then they resolve to acquire. Tom thinks a real pirate should be able to smoke. He knows a lot about pirate, the way they work, talk and the rule they obey. He talks perkily when Joe asks them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there is ghosts and things to watch it, and kill everybody in the ships--make them walk a plank.” (p420)The first night of the adventure makes them excited very much; they do not sleep well except Huck who .

Their disappearing upsets the whole town. Their family falls into deep sorrow, and people in the town begin to search the children’s corpses, as they are convinced the boys they to their family and the people all through this village.

However, the ecstasy does not last long. The boys become depressed when they are thinking about their family. Joe speaks out something suggest on their cowardice. His excellent eloquence oppresses the insurgency. Tom misses Aunt Polly too, but others do. After a serious consideration, Tom makes up that they were not dead. Tom is a good boy at this point. He loves . It shows Tom’s paradox, keep living the free life and leave Aunt Polly in deep sorrow, or tell the truth to abandon the adventure. The decision is a compromise. Tom sneaks back to Aunt Polly’s room, and leaves a paper where the truth.

Mark Twain does not like dull boy. He thinks a boy should be active and vigorous, and able to deal with problems. Those children performs well at school are production of the unenlightened education system. In this novel, there created an opposite character, Sid, who is Tom’s cousin. Sid is

a well-cultivated boy, a real pedant. He studies the same family with Tom, but behaves completely different. Tom always makes fun of Sid, and Sid cries every time. Mark Twain satirizes the Sunday school by praising Tom and mocking Sid.

Chapter 3 Tom Sawyer’s Rebellion and Heroism

A. “Mark Twain adopts material from the place and people’s life

which is most familiar for be applied to novel writing is not

culture and education, but the rea l experience.” [2] In The

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain duplicates Tom Sawyer

that is why depict Tom Sawyer’s character so vividly. Tom

Sawyer is a boy with a great deal of charms, thus not simply as

good or bad. He is an “also are also evil” character. Not everyone like naughty boy, but when reading the book, they find deep inside,

everybody nature, the eager for freedom. Due to the realistic

reasons, people reading Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer

Tom do not like the Sunday school. He would prefer to swim rather than study, even at the expense of being scolded by Aunt Polly. Perhaps this was everyone experienced .Tom wants to do what of the pedantic teacher. Every Sunday morning, Aunt Polly will take Tom to the church, with which Tom is completely tired. In Tom's eyes, Sunday is troublesome and reparative, since the church makes Tom suffocate; Lengthy dull sermon. He wishes , carefully in class, and recite The Bible . These are all Tom’s such a complicated world where everything a senseless reiteration. His feels despair when way, that is why conclusion, Tom’s rebellious is for the formal social system. In Chapter 1 of this novel, Tom easily crosses the

fence in the backyard. And the same plot appear several times in later chapters. Tom’ desire for crossing fence is funny but meaningful. The fence itself symbolizes the shackles of when Tom does not want to go out, life, the fence fetter of being punished. Everyone longs for freedom, but in the rules in the real world. In front of these barriers, people spirit is free. Human can be in pursuit of freedom spiritually. Tom’s character reflects the instinct, awakens people’s feral side, and gives people a permanent free complex.

In Chapter 4 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, there is a vivid descri ption about Tom’s showing off in Sunday school. Since every child were supposed to recite certain paragraphs of The Bible , Tom well as usual. But Tom could not recite even the shortest one, though trying to. Before Tom enters into the church, they walk closer; who return. In the end, blue ones, which is enough for the reward, The Holy Bible. When Mr. Walter, the principal of Sunday school, asks if there is anyone possess enough tickets to get a Bible, Tom puts satires the Sunday school. A naughty boy is rewarded with The Bible that belongs to the this world, and people are forced to obey once it is constituted. That is the rule. Mr. Walter is a sanctimonious man, front of lawyer Thatcher, fact get nothing, one of them even becomes insane. In this way, Mark Twain is strongly dissatisfied with the Sunday school, ’s minds imprisoned by it.

On the other . He able to recite The Bible, and does not show front of anyone of authority. Mark Twain pours the decayed American education system, by laughing at the primary school principal.

B. Tom Sawyer’s Heroism

Every child we were kids, we were playing a game of cops and robbers, none of us is willing to play a thief. Tom is no exception. He dreaming to be a pirate or a soldier. He wants to be a Joe asks the island, the batter filed. He will get the greatest glory. Then triumphantly return to ability is very strong, and somewhat influences their growing. The things they imitate range from the real world to the virtual one, for example, the novel, but no matter where it comes from, they probably share one common point--exist only in adult world.

Tom is brave. He sneaks to the deserted graveyard with Huck at mid-night. In fact, the court, which saves Muff Potter who is a kind man. His courage is then praised by the adults. All the villagers recognize worship Joe, who is known for . Tom and Huck decides to trace. They know the murderer some secret place. They track Injun Joe, and keep watching on sequence, which is a dangerous task even for an adult. Tom is smart, is works well. Injun Joe does not notice them until the day arranged a romantic plot. It is a picnic organized by Sunday school. The children enjoy themselves a lot. Near the place, there is a deep Cave, the children walk in and play, so are Tom and Becky. When it is time for back, Tom and Becky get lost. The adults are panic, since the Cave is deep and dark, and there lies lots of sideways. People all of the town worry about the two kids, since they know the children must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise, the children would be thirsty to die. Much to their surprise, Tom and Becky survive from the death, which is really a miracle. Furthermore, they find out the treasure unintentionally. Tom becomes a shows us a bad boy is possible to be a great merely be a spectator. Mark Twain exaggerates

Tom Sawyer’s braveness to express traditional educational system.

Mark Twain longs for freedom too. He reminds the many grown-ups’ memory of everlasting childhood. Many of us Tom Sawyer, both in soul and reality.


Tom Sawyer is naughty, adventurous, and desirous for freedom. Almost everyone can find the same from Tom in your dream. His characters are full of charm. Even though most adults are good at the bottom of the other side of literary literary work because of its of every kind of people ’s character. Mark Twain's most children are not well educated, and are regarded as bad boys. Their parents and teachers all do not like them for their impolite behaviors. In everyday conversation, they use non-standard oral English, even mingles with a patois slang, which are not grammatically right. The language they speak is incompatible with the “civilized” social situation in Saint Petersburg where Tom lives. The bad boys’ uneducated behav iors show their protest to the decayed world in which all is ruled. People feel tired with the regulations they built themselves, which is really funny. In fact, they are forced to adjust for living, but gradually, they need it in the end. Mark Twain shows the paradox and ionizes it through the description of Tom Sawyer.

In short, “Mark Twain is unique, that cannot be compared, in American

literary this novel, on the one gilded age, and criticizes the restrictions and fetters of the children’s education of capitalism, and the the other think the world should be free, should be full of . All things are not changed until we feel the changes, therefore, the world

is become , The Adventures of Tom Sawyer[M]. New York: Bantam Books, Inc. 1966.



Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer[M]. 上海译文出版社. 张建平译

Wagenknecht & Edward. Mark Twain: The Man and His Work[M]. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967.

陈建华. 外国文学经典--文选与解读[M]. 合肥: 安徽文艺出版社,2003. 常耀信. 美国文学选读(上册)[M]. 天津: 南开大学出版社,1991.

卢慧萍. 汤姆·索亚: 永远的“坏男孩”.2007

刘树魁. 汤姆·索亚历险记[M]. 马克·吐温精品集,长春:长春出版社,1995. 刘晓丹. 浅析《汤姆·索亚历险记》. 新乡学院学报( 社会科学版),2011 . 马克·吐温. 汤姆·索亚历险记[M]. 海口: 南海出版公司,2001.

王迪生. 《汤姆索亚历险记》简论[J]. 外国文学研究,1987,(4).

吴娟. 赏顽童形象品别样童年———汤姆·索亚形象欣赏. 海南大学外国语学院.

石兰华. 汤姆·索亚与哈克贝利的形象. 湖南科技学院学报,2010, (2).

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作者姓名: 洛可可

指导教师: 苏文妙

所在学院: 外国语学院

专业(系): 英语教育

班级(届): 2013届

完成日期 2013 年 5 月 6 日

An Analysis on the Character of Tom Sawyer


Yu Haixia

Su Wenmiao, Tutor

A Thesis Submitted to Department of English

Language and Literature in Partial

Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English

At Hebei Normal University

May 6th , 2013


As one of Mark Twain’s representative works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an 1876 novel about a young boy, Tom Sawyer , growing up along the Mississippi River. Since the book was published, it is greatly reviewed by thousands of Americans, both children and grown-ups, as this novel is not solely a description of children, but also a symbol of the author’s ironic attitude to the way . The reason why people worship Tom Sawyer from generation to generation is that people’s dream for freedom and goodness never die easily. His character precious research ,t his paper probes into the analysis of Tom Sawyer’s character in three aspects, namely, innocence and romance, wit and leadership, rebellion

and ...........................................................................................................1 Chapter1Tom Sawyer ’s Innocence and


A. Tom Sawyer ’s


B. Tom Sawyer ’s


Chapter 2 Tom Sawyer ’s Wit and


A. Tom Sawyer ’s


B. Tom

Sawyer ’s


Chapter 3 Tom Sawyer ’s Rebellion and

Heroism............................................ 14

A. Tom Sawyer ’s


B. Tom Sawyer ’s






Bibliography ...................................................................................................



Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), well known by name Mark Twain, was an American author, 1876 when the United States ended the Civil War. The nation issued Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Emancipation Proclamation made the Negro slaves free from the oppression of Capitalists. The traditional ec onomic model was corrupting, and doomed to be replaced by Capitalism coming from the North. People in this country all lived with new become one of the well-known characters through American literary writing about childhood experiences, Mark Twain shows the trustworthiness of the in children, the pleasure of rural American as seen through children’s eyes, the moral decline that could accompany growing up and the sense of loss when childhood is gone. If Mark Twain does not criticize the social directly as a theorist, the fact more effective in that , society’s the big society background through exposing the importance of religious teaching in the face of temptation and the iniquity of slavery. In sum, Mark Twain’s assault of the the adult world shows that ’s Innocence and goodness in is not a good romanticist because the real world. The innocent character built by Mark Twain always aims to irony the the adult world. As an ironist, Mark Twain allows us to see the adult through the eyes of a child, and to see the child through the adult’s perspective. His greatest gift is therefore Mark Twain deeply extended to Americans encountering Europe. In much encounters, the irony of “innocence” mocks both the American naivety and the European pretentiousness. America and Europe

take on the same ironic dynamisms that involve a child and an adult.

So far, there many writers or literary lovers studied Mark Twain's The adventures of Tom Sawyer. Either writers, literary enthusiasts, or the ordinary readers, are impressed by Tom. On Tom's personality everyone and analysis. No matter what kind of interpretation and analysis, undoubtedly, Tom is a clever, playful, adventurous child. The adventures of Tom Sawyer is so welcome, because Tom's character said that Tom is full of fantasy and adventure, not willing to endure the individuality, boring life, . He overcomes fear to save the innocent people. Therefore, pe ople’ of multiple roles. He epitomized the wisdom, strategy, justice, courage and leadership. The story of Tom, fold Author Mark Twin from childhood personality -- rebellious, lively, active, machine Spirit. This is not just a description of a child, the child can see the agency Will defects -- backward in education system, education method to the extreme and pedantic, on the children caused of or the man with a new idea to the social system challenges the positive significance, it makes the society full of adults' like, and . In the novel, are not willing to make. He stole, lie, truancy and even fight. All behavior shows that adults’ people’ said that under the pen of Mark Twin,Tom Soya is so lively and lovely. He is not only in the minds of the people of the United States, and across the border, across the ocean, as the world’s children's partner, the world's people ’s love son. Almost everyone can find the same with your dream picture from Tom's story. Tom Soya is not only a multifaceted character, but also a fairy in people’s dream of childhood. Tom is one of American literature fight. Aunt Polly said I more naughty children than as one of the most famous

urchin image in the literature beings: desire romance, adventure and freedom life. For practical reasons, people reading the novel, nature is recovered. So, Tom fact, the fence itself represents the shackles, the fetters of if Tom did not want to go out, but when instinct .Shi Lanhua said that He is an ordinary boy, though escape punishment. This behavior also shows , at the same time is also a thoughtful young man. In order not to let the girl be punished, He is willing to replace general, Tom is not a bad child, instead, the children’ Personality characteristics. His rebellion is the inevitable result of the civil war .His rebellion is the general children dare not do. So the Literature.

Based on the above research scholars, we found that Tom . His character and so on. Therefore, if we want to know the deep meaning of Tom's character, we still need more effort.

T his paper dedicates to analyze Tom Sawyer’s character in three aspects, namely, innocence and romance, wit and leadership, and rebellion and , Mark Twain aims at nothing but describing Tom’s eagerness for freedom. To Mark Twain, rebellion is not to blame, because everyone . The became more rebellious Tom is a fighter, and feels the Sunday school, able to recite a few lines of The Bible, to what Aunt Polly asks the road with adults’ eyes, way, which is quite different from what is supposed to be, but somewhat similar to the knight novel. He admires pirate very much. This is understandable if we pay attention to the difference between the life of a pirate and a child, especially when the child choosing way .The reason why people worship Tom Sawyer from generation to generation is that people’s dream for freedom and goodness never die


Chapter 1 Tom Sawyer’s Innocence and Romance

Like every child, Tom Sawyer is innocent and carefree. Also like every child, He world in puts emphasize on describing do nothing but to play in adults’ eyes . However, children’s eyes is pure and simple. They always explain the things this novel, Mark Twain be seen in the other average kids. Whatever situation Tom meets, successfully solve them by means.

Generally, children indulge themselves in playing games, which is true for both boys and girls. In their opinion, there is nothing in the world that is more attractive and exciting than being allowed to play as long as they possibly can. Tom Sawyer owns various kinds of toys, and showing front of of exchange of work, maybe ,but not pail. Jim knows that Tom’s most pump before. However, at this time, and leave Tom away. Tom fails in this exchange, after .Then for Jim. The deal is done, only if Aunt Polly does not notic e. “In another moment the street with against Aunt Polly’s punishment perfectly shows describes the children’s innocent and pure inner world from the adult’s viewpoint, and makes us recall our childhood where no this novel, Tom Sawyer’s ability of making become a tick. In a sleepy noon, the air is dead, and no wind outside. Tom feels deserted, then Tom’s entertainment. Tom allows Joe to join in the entertainment, and draws a line in the middle of the desk, which means they will play it in sequence. Tom says: “as long as your side you can stir my side, you’re too alone as long as I can keep , because the tick does not run cross the line to Tom’s side. By and by, Tom sits there angrily, as the

tick remains at Joe Harbor’s desk. He glowers at Joe and the end, Tom breaks the rule and fight against Joe. “A tremendous whack came down on Tom’s shoulders and its duplicate on Joe’s; and for the space of two minutes the dust continued to fly from the two jackets and the whole school to enjoy it.”(P363)

It is very difficult to describe children’s behavior so vividly from the adult perspective, but Mark Twain the story Tom fights against realize that the friendship is quite different for children when comparing with the adult friendship. What makes the children’s friendship tight is they can share the it is impossible for them to share fun, the friendship will break up. In this regard, Mark Twain expresses the adult world, as adults are some of them are trained to be, and the rests are forced to be.

A. Tom Sawyer’s Romance

Every adult memory of childhood. And every adult way of romance. Such as, the first time to see a girl ,the first time to talk with the girl the first time to kiss . All of this is unforgettable and romance. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain managers well to delineate Tom’s romance with Becky Thatcher, a beautiful girl who attracts Tom at their first encounter. Tom immediately falls in love with angle love with the girl, and Tom tries to do everything to show off to draw Becky’s attention. For some reason, Becky seems a little Tom’s performance. Tom keeps , Tom Sawyer becomes more and more sensitive .He cannot stop thinking about Becky, front of return, thus they can make an engagement. In order to get closer to Becky, class, teach take the punishment for school breaks up at noon, Tom . He whispers in Becky’s ear to ask . The

children sit in the classroom alone, quietly they find that Tom is not merely a carefree boy, but also a romantic man. He proposes to front of Becky; Beck does, and Becky is facing difficulty. They will be jealous when either of them is playing with others of opposite sex, which is an interesting but an essential part of love.

All people fell in love are romantic, even a boy. The first time Tom sits with Becky is interesting. Tom is late for class, and because of this, . He glances at the girl and she makes a mouth as reply. In a minute, Becky’s desk when she cautiously faces around. In this plot, we can see Tom is considerate and good at pleasing girls.

Love is a very important part in one’s life. It always falls in love with a woman unconsciously, and it may take this regard, the relationship between Tom and Becky is far from love. It is a kind of special friendship, since they are too young to know the true meaning of love--responsibility.

Tom is romantic, and , but Tom and Becky is substantially different from adults. For the children, love is pure and is not related to sex or money. In this novel, Mark Twain portrays Tom Sawyer’s innocence and romantic gift, which deeply impressed the readers.

Chapter 2 Tom Sawyer’s Wit and Leadership

A good leader must be a wise man. He can always make right decision at the crucial moment. He even people in trouble. No doubt that In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom is a good leader. Therefore, if always behaviors impolitely in daily life. He can always easily find ways to escape from Aunt Polly’s punishment, and even makes Aunt Polly live in distress. His whitewashing scenes left a deep impression on us. We are

attracted by Tom’s smartness when we see to Tom cannot persuade Jim to replace of such a beautiful day. He then plans to buy an exchange of work with finds a moment, idea. He thinks that artist; Rogers is coming towards Rogers is commanding , the sailor, and the steamboat all by that one cannot get a chance to whitewash without a being a captain if one obtains the chance. Tom can not only make Ben interests in be pride of this special work.

Tom contemplated the boy a bit ,and said“What do you call work?”

“Why, ain’t that work?”

Tom resumed ’t .All I know is ,it suits Tom Sawyer.”

“Oh come, now, you don’t mean to let on that you like it?”

The brush continued to move.

“Like it? Well, I don’t see why I oughtn’t to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?”(p310--p311)

Ben is not able to see through the tricks; a chance with bargaining chip, the apple. He successfully makes a deal with Ben and many other boys.

That afternoon, being a poor, poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom is literally rolling in wealth. However, the most important is that the whole board fence whitewashed. At last, Tom discovers a great law of action: in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make it difficult to attain. Mark Twain thoughts. The difference between play and work, Mark Twain points out that work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do and play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. He powerfully criticizes the luxury of the aristocratic life.

The wealthy gentlemen do not work but indulge themselves in wasting wealth.

To portray a intentionally enlarges Tom Sawyer’s wit. For example, when Tom and Becky get lost in the cave, Tom behaves not like a child; , the situation of choosing life or death.

A. Tom Sawyer’s Leadership

Tom’s wit is embodied not only in play, but also in something more significant. He is a good commander, which is testified in the whole process of adventure to an island named Jackson. The island is narrow but long, lies in the middle for Mississippi.

Tom makes up is trampled by Becky. He feels like being abandoned by the world, , and they soon draw an agreement. Tom suggests that maybe Huckleberry would like to join them. The night they set off under the command of Tom, they bring food, and each of them is granted a title. Tom’s title is Black Avenger of the Spanish Main, Joe Harbor the Terror of seas, Huck Finn the Red-Handed. It is interesting when we judge the children’s dream. Actually, the title shows their dream, their sense of justice. Children always admire their way to the Jackson Island, Tom’s desire of being captain is entirely satisfied when crossing the river. “They shoved off, presently, Tom in command, Huck at the after oar and Joe at the forward. Tom stood amidships, gloomy browed, and with folded arms, and gave a low, stern whisper that Luff, bring of the small boat, but it shows the movie Pirates of The Caribbean, we love captain Jack Sparrow for Tom and the other boys reach the destination, they immediately settle down, spread the tent as their bed. Since it is dark, they light a fire, with

which they are capable of roasting food. Huck is smoking, which makes Tom and Joe jealous a lot, then they resolve to acquire. Tom thinks a real pirate should be able to smoke. He knows a lot about pirate, the way they work, talk and the rule they obey. He talks perkily when Joe asks them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there is ghosts and things to watch it, and kill everybody in the ships--make them walk a plank.” (p420)The first night of the adventure makes them excited very much; they do not sleep well except Huck who .

Their disappearing upsets the whole town. Their family falls into deep sorrow, and people in the town begin to search the children’s corpses, as they are convinced the boys they to their family and the people all through this village.

However, the ecstasy does not last long. The boys become depressed when they are thinking about their family. Joe speaks out something suggest on their cowardice. His excellent eloquence oppresses the insurgency. Tom misses Aunt Polly too, but others do. After a serious consideration, Tom makes up that they were not dead. Tom is a good boy at this point. He loves . It shows Tom’s paradox, keep living the free life and leave Aunt Polly in deep sorrow, or tell the truth to abandon the adventure. The decision is a compromise. Tom sneaks back to Aunt Polly’s room, and leaves a paper where the truth.

Mark Twain does not like dull boy. He thinks a boy should be active and vigorous, and able to deal with problems. Those children performs well at school are production of the unenlightened education system. In this novel, there created an opposite character, Sid, who is Tom’s cousin. Sid is

a well-cultivated boy, a real pedant. He studies the same family with Tom, but behaves completely different. Tom always makes fun of Sid, and Sid cries every time. Mark Twain satirizes the Sunday school by praising Tom and mocking Sid.

Chapter 3 Tom Sawyer’s Rebellion and Heroism

A. “Mark Twain adopts material from the place and people’s life

which is most familiar for be applied to novel writing is not

culture and education, but the rea l experience.” [2] In The

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain duplicates Tom Sawyer

that is why depict Tom Sawyer’s character so vividly. Tom

Sawyer is a boy with a great deal of charms, thus not simply as

good or bad. He is an “also are also evil” character. Not everyone like naughty boy, but when reading the book, they find deep inside,

everybody nature, the eager for freedom. Due to the realistic

reasons, people reading Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer

Tom do not like the Sunday school. He would prefer to swim rather than study, even at the expense of being scolded by Aunt Polly. Perhaps this was everyone experienced .Tom wants to do what of the pedantic teacher. Every Sunday morning, Aunt Polly will take Tom to the church, with which Tom is completely tired. In Tom's eyes, Sunday is troublesome and reparative, since the church makes Tom suffocate; Lengthy dull sermon. He wishes , carefully in class, and recite The Bible . These are all Tom’s such a complicated world where everything a senseless reiteration. His feels despair when way, that is why conclusion, Tom’s rebellious is for the formal social system. In Chapter 1 of this novel, Tom easily crosses the

fence in the backyard. And the same plot appear several times in later chapters. Tom’ desire for crossing fence is funny but meaningful. The fence itself symbolizes the shackles of when Tom does not want to go out, life, the fence fetter of being punished. Everyone longs for freedom, but in the rules in the real world. In front of these barriers, people spirit is free. Human can be in pursuit of freedom spiritually. Tom’s character reflects the instinct, awakens people’s feral side, and gives people a permanent free complex.

In Chapter 4 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, there is a vivid descri ption about Tom’s showing off in Sunday school. Since every child were supposed to recite certain paragraphs of The Bible , Tom well as usual. But Tom could not recite even the shortest one, though trying to. Before Tom enters into the church, they walk closer; who return. In the end, blue ones, which is enough for the reward, The Holy Bible. When Mr. Walter, the principal of Sunday school, asks if there is anyone possess enough tickets to get a Bible, Tom puts satires the Sunday school. A naughty boy is rewarded with The Bible that belongs to the this world, and people are forced to obey once it is constituted. That is the rule. Mr. Walter is a sanctimonious man, front of lawyer Thatcher, fact get nothing, one of them even becomes insane. In this way, Mark Twain is strongly dissatisfied with the Sunday school, ’s minds imprisoned by it.

On the other . He able to recite The Bible, and does not show front of anyone of authority. Mark Twain pours the decayed American education system, by laughing at the primary school principal.

B. Tom Sawyer’s Heroism

Every child we were kids, we were playing a game of cops and robbers, none of us is willing to play a thief. Tom is no exception. He dreaming to be a pirate or a soldier. He wants to be a Joe asks the island, the batter filed. He will get the greatest glory. Then triumphantly return to ability is very strong, and somewhat influences their growing. The things they imitate range from the real world to the virtual one, for example, the novel, but no matter where it comes from, they probably share one common point--exist only in adult world.

Tom is brave. He sneaks to the deserted graveyard with Huck at mid-night. In fact, the court, which saves Muff Potter who is a kind man. His courage is then praised by the adults. All the villagers recognize worship Joe, who is known for . Tom and Huck decides to trace. They know the murderer some secret place. They track Injun Joe, and keep watching on sequence, which is a dangerous task even for an adult. Tom is smart, is works well. Injun Joe does not notice them until the day arranged a romantic plot. It is a picnic organized by Sunday school. The children enjoy themselves a lot. Near the place, there is a deep Cave, the children walk in and play, so are Tom and Becky. When it is time for back, Tom and Becky get lost. The adults are panic, since the Cave is deep and dark, and there lies lots of sideways. People all of the town worry about the two kids, since they know the children must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise, the children would be thirsty to die. Much to their surprise, Tom and Becky survive from the death, which is really a miracle. Furthermore, they find out the treasure unintentionally. Tom becomes a shows us a bad boy is possible to be a great merely be a spectator. Mark Twain exaggerates

Tom Sawyer’s braveness to express traditional educational system.

Mark Twain longs for freedom too. He reminds the many grown-ups’ memory of everlasting childhood. Many of us Tom Sawyer, both in soul and reality.


Tom Sawyer is naughty, adventurous, and desirous for freedom. Almost everyone can find the same from Tom in your dream. His characters are full of charm. Even though most adults are good at the bottom of the other side of literary literary work because of its of every kind of people ’s character. Mark Twain's most children are not well educated, and are regarded as bad boys. Their parents and teachers all do not like them for their impolite behaviors. In everyday conversation, they use non-standard oral English, even mingles with a patois slang, which are not grammatically right. The language they speak is incompatible with the “civilized” social situation in Saint Petersburg where Tom lives. The bad boys’ uneducated behav iors show their protest to the decayed world in which all is ruled. People feel tired with the regulations they built themselves, which is really funny. In fact, they are forced to adjust for living, but gradually, they need it in the end. Mark Twain shows the paradox and ionizes it through the description of Tom Sawyer.

In short, “Mark Twain is unique, that cannot be compared, in American

literary this novel, on the one gilded age, and criticizes the restrictions and fetters of the children’s education of capitalism, and the the other think the world should be free, should be full of . All things are not changed until we feel the changes, therefore, the world

is become , The Adventures of Tom Sawyer[M]. New York: Bantam Books, Inc. 1966.



Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer[M]. 上海译文出版社. 张建平译

Wagenknecht & Edward. Mark Twain: The Man and His Work[M]. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967.

陈建华. 外国文学经典--文选与解读[M]. 合肥: 安徽文艺出版社,2003. 常耀信. 美国文学选读(上册)[M]. 天津: 南开大学出版社,1991.

卢慧萍. 汤姆·索亚: 永远的“坏男孩”.2007

刘树魁. 汤姆·索亚历险记[M]. 马克·吐温精品集,长春:长春出版社,1995. 刘晓丹. 浅析《汤姆·索亚历险记》. 新乡学院学报( 社会科学版),2011 . 马克·吐温. 汤姆·索亚历险记[M]. 海口: 南海出版公司,2001.

王迪生. 《汤姆索亚历险记》简论[J]. 外国文学研究,1987,(4).

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