
1、One, when you are sad, bored, please look up and have a look of the stars in the sky, the light is the largest our God Jesus, it is watching you, care about you, he wants you safe and happy! Happy happy! He will bring you the best wishes and happy.
  2、Two, when you encounter difficulties and suffering the hands hold note to consult God, God will give you the answer! After the disappointment and struggle when asked the Lord, the Lord will show you the way and direction! Of sorrow when close to the Lord, the Lord will give you comfort! Tired of looking up to the Lord, the Lord will give you the strength! The lack of possessions of worship the Lord, the Lord will give you supply!
  3、Three, the Lord now sentenced you joy without period, deprived of depressed power lifelong, confiscated all the lonely worry, no appeal, immediate execution! Please render unconditional obedience to all this! Lord Jesus declaration!
  3、主现在判处你喜乐无期,剥夺郁闷权力终身,并处没收全部寂寞烦恼,不得上诉,立即执行!请无条件服从这一切吧! 耶稣大人宣言!
  4、Four, the earth hill running crack, the sea wind mad and, please don't be sad, because there the Lord beside you, when you're hungry pain when sad, when you are weak, will never stand up, God will help you, call you soul to rest in peace, life more brilliant!
  5、Five, my dearest friend, occasionally busy, do not forget; not to greetings, this time with compensation, in this beautiful season, the Lord may you mood ripples; happy life, happiness forever.

1、One, when you are sad, bored, please look up and have a look of the stars in the sky, the light is the largest our God Jesus, it is watching you, care about you, he wants you safe and happy! Happy happy! He will bring you the best wishes and happy.
  2、Two, when you encounter difficulties and suffering the hands hold note to consult God, God will give you the answer! After the disappointment and struggle when asked the Lord, the Lord will show you the way and direction! Of sorrow when close to the Lord, the Lord will give you comfort! Tired of looking up to the Lord, the Lord will give you the strength! The lack of possessions of worship the Lord, the Lord will give you supply!
  3、Three, the Lord now sentenced you joy without period, deprived of depressed power lifelong, confiscated all the lonely worry, no appeal, immediate execution! Please render unconditional obedience to all this! Lord Jesus declaration!
  3、主现在判处你喜乐无期,剥夺郁闷权力终身,并处没收全部寂寞烦恼,不得上诉,立即执行!请无条件服从这一切吧! 耶稣大人宣言!
  4、Four, the earth hill running crack, the sea wind mad and, please don't be sad, because there the Lord beside you, when you're hungry pain when sad, when you are weak, will never stand up, God will help you, call you soul to rest in peace, life more brilliant!
  5、Five, my dearest friend, occasionally busy, do not forget; not to greetings, this time with compensation, in this beautiful season, the Lord may you mood ripples; happy life, happiness forever.


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