

Subject to the paragraph below, this letter is solely addressed to you solely for your benefit in

connection with the release of the existing Pledge and the creation of the new pledge under the Pledge Agreement. Subject to the paragraph below, this letter may not be relied upon by you for any other purpose, or furnished to, or assigned to or relied upon by any other person, firm or entity for any purpose, without our prior written consent, which may be granted or withheld in our discretion, provided that a copy of this opinion may be disclosed for information purposes only, but not relied upon by, to (a) your affiliates and to your legal and other professional advisers, regulators, auditors and ; (b) to any person (and its legal advisers) who is considering becoming transferee or assignee of the interest in the loans of the Original Lenders under the Facility Agreement, and ( c) where required by law or regulation, in each case provided that prior to such disclosure it is understood and acknowledged by each such recipient that (i)it may not rely upon this letter by virtue of such disclosure, and (ii) it is not permitted to disclose or quote this letter to any other person (except where required by law or regulation)

根据以下段落,为阁下利益起见本放弃现有质押并创立新质押之信函被单独的送达阁下。根据以下段落,在没有我们在先的书面同意情况下,本信函不可被阁下用于任何其他目的,或提供、让与或被任何其他人、事务所或公司以任何目的采用,我们将有给予或者拒绝给予的任意决定权。提供本意见之拷贝应仅以揭示信息为目的,但不应被依靠用于(a )与阁下法律或其他专业的顾问、法规顾问、审计员或评级机构之意见合并使用;(b ) 对意图成为原基金合同下只贷款利息的出借人受让人或受托人的人;(c )依照法律和法规的规定,在每次提供如此披露之前,每个接受者应了解且公认 (i )不可依靠本信函做如此披露 (ii )揭露或引用本信函给任何其他人是不被允许的(被法律或法规强制要求的除外)

At your request, we hereby consent to reliance hereon by any future transferee or assignee of the interest in the loans of the Original Lenders under the Facility Agreement pursuant to a transfer or an assignment by such Original Lender that is made and consented to in accordance with the express provisions of Clause [29] (Changes to the Lenders) of the Facility of Agreement and (i)as part of the primary syndication thereof and (ii) in any event within six months of the date thereof or such earlier date as specified by the relevant Arranger on the condition and understanding that (a) this letter speaks only as of the date hereof, (b) we have no responsibility or obligation to update this letter, to consider its applicability or correctness to other than its addressee, or to take into account changes in law, facts or any other developments of which we may later become aware, and (c)any such reliance by a by a future transferee or assignee must be actual and reasonable under the circumstances existing at the time of transfer or assignment, including any changes in law, facts or any other developments known to or reasonably knowable by the transferee or assignee at such time.


Subject to the paragraph below, this letter is solely addressed to you solely for your benefit in

connection with the release of the existing Pledge and the creation of the new pledge under the Pledge Agreement. Subject to the paragraph below, this letter may not be relied upon by you for any other purpose, or furnished to, or assigned to or relied upon by any other person, firm or entity for any purpose, without our prior written consent, which may be granted or withheld in our discretion, provided that a copy of this opinion may be disclosed for information purposes only, but not relied upon by, to (a) your affiliates and to your legal and other professional advisers, regulators, auditors and ; (b) to any person (and its legal advisers) who is considering becoming transferee or assignee of the interest in the loans of the Original Lenders under the Facility Agreement, and ( c) where required by law or regulation, in each case provided that prior to such disclosure it is understood and acknowledged by each such recipient that (i)it may not rely upon this letter by virtue of such disclosure, and (ii) it is not permitted to disclose or quote this letter to any other person (except where required by law or regulation)

根据以下段落,为阁下利益起见本放弃现有质押并创立新质押之信函被单独的送达阁下。根据以下段落,在没有我们在先的书面同意情况下,本信函不可被阁下用于任何其他目的,或提供、让与或被任何其他人、事务所或公司以任何目的采用,我们将有给予或者拒绝给予的任意决定权。提供本意见之拷贝应仅以揭示信息为目的,但不应被依靠用于(a )与阁下法律或其他专业的顾问、法规顾问、审计员或评级机构之意见合并使用;(b ) 对意图成为原基金合同下只贷款利息的出借人受让人或受托人的人;(c )依照法律和法规的规定,在每次提供如此披露之前,每个接受者应了解且公认 (i )不可依靠本信函做如此披露 (ii )揭露或引用本信函给任何其他人是不被允许的(被法律或法规强制要求的除外)

At your request, we hereby consent to reliance hereon by any future transferee or assignee of the interest in the loans of the Original Lenders under the Facility Agreement pursuant to a transfer or an assignment by such Original Lender that is made and consented to in accordance with the express provisions of Clause [29] (Changes to the Lenders) of the Facility of Agreement and (i)as part of the primary syndication thereof and (ii) in any event within six months of the date thereof or such earlier date as specified by the relevant Arranger on the condition and understanding that (a) this letter speaks only as of the date hereof, (b) we have no responsibility or obligation to update this letter, to consider its applicability or correctness to other than its addressee, or to take into account changes in law, facts or any other developments of which we may later become aware, and (c)any such reliance by a by a future transferee or assignee must be actual and reasonable under the circumstances existing at the time of transfer or assignment, including any changes in law, facts or any other developments known to or reasonably knowable by the transferee or assignee at such time.


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