


(16)这周的经济学人出了Special report,是关于Hispanic的,这个词不要去查字典,因为这个词在美国的语境中现在是这个意思:American residents of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South and central American descent. (拉美裔的美国人);给大家补充这个知识点


Reflecting Iowa’s clout as host of the first caucuses of the presidential election cycle, the summit lured nine putative candidates, all of them Republicans.

词汇突破:clout: power or influence 权力,影响力

Caucus: meeting 特指政党召开的决策干部的会议,这是美国政治中很常见的一个单词;就是推选当地政党“扛把子”的会议,常常充满明争暗斗。

Putative:generally supposed to be; 公认的



主干识别:the summit lured nine putative candidates

其他成分:Reflecting Iowa’s clout as host of the first caucuses of the presidential election cycle


all of them Republicans




家庭作业:查一下Iowa的中文怎么写,在美国的那个位置。 结合语境我做了修改。


(17)A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.

这是一个很经典的GRE的句子,不过很适合考研同学学习。 词汇突破: A long-held view 长久以来的观点


Dominated 主导

Imperial policy 帝国政策

expansionist militarist objective 扩张主义的军事目标 (顺便说一下:名词也可以做定语:eligibility age = eligible age) 主干识别: A long-held view has beenthat„and that...

其他成分: of the history of the Englishcolonies that became the United States ( view 的修饰成分)

England’spolicy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests 表语从句一

a change tomore imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generatedthe tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.表语从句二

微观分析: of the history of the Englishcolonies that became the United States


a change tomore imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generatedthe tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.表语从句二

主干:a change to more imperial policy generated the tensions that ultimatelyled to the American Revolution.

其他成分:, dominated by expansionist militarist objective,(这里主要从语义入手就好了,说其实定语和状语都是可以的)

参考译文: 对于后来成为了美国的英国殖民地,人们一直以来持有下面的观点:1.在1763年之前,英国对于这些殖民地的政策被经济利益所支配。2.之后在扩张主义的军事目标的左右下转向了一种帝国政策,这样形成了一种紧张局势,并最终导致了美国革命。

翻译点拨: 先理清楚句子的结构,保证理解的正确。断开后再根据中文的表达习惯进行调整。


Houston is an oil town. It is not pretty,but it thrives. 但是现在全球油价在大幅下降这必然对这座石油之城造成影响。 With reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliersare sure to go bust, says Patrick Jankowski, an economist with the Greater Houston Partnership, a local lobby. But the real question is whether a more general slump follows. If high-paying corporate posts go, the effect on therest of the Houston economy could be dramatic. Yet there are signs that, this time,Houston’s spectacular growth will be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump.


1.Bust:衰退,破产;反义词 boom (描述宏观经济的时候常这样说:

boom and bust 兴衰)

2.Lobby :游说团体

3.Slump:衰退;oil slump 油价下跌


5.Dramatic: 严重的同义词:drastic / dreadful ; dreadfulheadline 负面报道



With reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliersare sure to go bust, says Patrick Jankowski, an economist with the GreaterHouston Partnership, a local lobby.

主干:many small manufacturers andsuppliers are sure to go bust. 其他成分:, says Patrick Jankowski, 主谓做插入语

With reduceddemand, 状语

an economistwith the Greater Houston Partnership,

alocal lobby同位语

参考译文:Patrick Jankowski是当地一家游说团体the Greater Houston Partnership的经济学家,他说随着需求的减少,很多小的制造商和供应商一定会破产。


But the real question is whether a moregeneral slump follows. 但是真正的问题是会不会产生更大范围的衰退。


If high-paying corporate posts go, theeffect on the rest of the Houston economy could be dramatic.



Yet there are signs that, this time, Houston’s spectacular growthwill be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump. 但是有迹象表明,这一次,休斯顿辉煌的增长会由于油价下跌放缓而不是停止。




Sprawl may not be pretty—but it seems to work.





(16)这周的经济学人出了Special report,是关于Hispanic的,这个词不要去查字典,因为这个词在美国的语境中现在是这个意思:American residents of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South and central American descent. (拉美裔的美国人);给大家补充这个知识点


Reflecting Iowa’s clout as host of the first caucuses of the presidential election cycle, the summit lured nine putative candidates, all of them Republicans.

词汇突破:clout: power or influence 权力,影响力

Caucus: meeting 特指政党召开的决策干部的会议,这是美国政治中很常见的一个单词;就是推选当地政党“扛把子”的会议,常常充满明争暗斗。

Putative:generally supposed to be; 公认的



主干识别:the summit lured nine putative candidates

其他成分:Reflecting Iowa’s clout as host of the first caucuses of the presidential election cycle


all of them Republicans




家庭作业:查一下Iowa的中文怎么写,在美国的那个位置。 结合语境我做了修改。


(17)A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.

这是一个很经典的GRE的句子,不过很适合考研同学学习。 词汇突破: A long-held view 长久以来的观点


Dominated 主导

Imperial policy 帝国政策

expansionist militarist objective 扩张主义的军事目标 (顺便说一下:名词也可以做定语:eligibility age = eligible age) 主干识别: A long-held view has beenthat„and that...

其他成分: of the history of the Englishcolonies that became the United States ( view 的修饰成分)

England’spolicy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests 表语从句一

a change tomore imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generatedthe tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.表语从句二

微观分析: of the history of the Englishcolonies that became the United States


a change tomore imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generatedthe tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.表语从句二

主干:a change to more imperial policy generated the tensions that ultimatelyled to the American Revolution.

其他成分:, dominated by expansionist militarist objective,(这里主要从语义入手就好了,说其实定语和状语都是可以的)

参考译文: 对于后来成为了美国的英国殖民地,人们一直以来持有下面的观点:1.在1763年之前,英国对于这些殖民地的政策被经济利益所支配。2.之后在扩张主义的军事目标的左右下转向了一种帝国政策,这样形成了一种紧张局势,并最终导致了美国革命。

翻译点拨: 先理清楚句子的结构,保证理解的正确。断开后再根据中文的表达习惯进行调整。


Houston is an oil town. It is not pretty,but it thrives. 但是现在全球油价在大幅下降这必然对这座石油之城造成影响。 With reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliersare sure to go bust, says Patrick Jankowski, an economist with the Greater Houston Partnership, a local lobby. But the real question is whether a more general slump follows. If high-paying corporate posts go, the effect on therest of the Houston economy could be dramatic. Yet there are signs that, this time,Houston’s spectacular growth will be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump.


1.Bust:衰退,破产;反义词 boom (描述宏观经济的时候常这样说:

boom and bust 兴衰)

2.Lobby :游说团体

3.Slump:衰退;oil slump 油价下跌


5.Dramatic: 严重的同义词:drastic / dreadful ; dreadfulheadline 负面报道



With reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliersare sure to go bust, says Patrick Jankowski, an economist with the GreaterHouston Partnership, a local lobby.

主干:many small manufacturers andsuppliers are sure to go bust. 其他成分:, says Patrick Jankowski, 主谓做插入语

With reduceddemand, 状语

an economistwith the Greater Houston Partnership,

alocal lobby同位语

参考译文:Patrick Jankowski是当地一家游说团体the Greater Houston Partnership的经济学家,他说随着需求的减少,很多小的制造商和供应商一定会破产。


But the real question is whether a moregeneral slump follows. 但是真正的问题是会不会产生更大范围的衰退。


If high-paying corporate posts go, theeffect on the rest of the Houston economy could be dramatic.



Yet there are signs that, this time, Houston’s spectacular growthwill be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump. 但是有迹象表明,这一次,休斯顿辉煌的增长会由于油价下跌放缓而不是停止。




Sprawl may not be pretty—but it seems to work.




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