手机影响我们的生活 英语

Phone on some extent disrupted our life

Now has a mobile phone in the hands of all of us. Mobile phones will allow us to communicate with our parents, chatting with friends, not restricted by region. Along with economic development, mobile phone constantly upgrading, feature more and more, not only can send text messages, phone, can play games, watch videos, QQ chat. We all become "thumb tribe" and "bow".

Meanwhile, we are spending more time on the phone. See, class, the side of the road, people are playing down the phones, are not sensitive to the people and things around them.

At home, the children also like to play down the phone, neglecting their

families. Many times my mother said to me: "don't play with your mobile phone, speak with me. "I don't care, but looked up and suddenly found that MOM was frustrated, lonely sitting there. I think I went home less and less, I can with her for how long?

At the party, friends have been playing with the phones, lack of

communication of friendship. So we gather the phones, then we chat with each other.

People rely too much on phones is a serious social problem, here are two

pictures, one is a Qing dynasty’s person lying in bed and he is smoking opium, another is a child lying in bed and playing with mobile phone. Together, these two pictures is that they erode our spirit, and endangers our health.

In the dormitory, mobile phones still shine at night , as if the phones are our sleeping pills, if you don't play a game before going to bed, we couldn’t sleep.

I hope you could put down the phone, talk with our families, and people

around, or go out to nature, which allow our vision to become more broad, rather than just to stay on the small screen.

Phone on some extent disrupted our life

Now has a mobile phone in the hands of all of us. Mobile phones will allow us to communicate with our parents, chatting with friends, not restricted by region. Along with economic development, mobile phone constantly upgrading, feature more and more, not only can send text messages, phone, can play games, watch videos, QQ chat. We all become "thumb tribe" and "bow".

Meanwhile, we are spending more time on the phone. See, class, the side of the road, people are playing down the phones, are not sensitive to the people and things around them.

At home, the children also like to play down the phone, neglecting their

families. Many times my mother said to me: "don't play with your mobile phone, speak with me. "I don't care, but looked up and suddenly found that MOM was frustrated, lonely sitting there. I think I went home less and less, I can with her for how long?

At the party, friends have been playing with the phones, lack of

communication of friendship. So we gather the phones, then we chat with each other.

People rely too much on phones is a serious social problem, here are two

pictures, one is a Qing dynasty’s person lying in bed and he is smoking opium, another is a child lying in bed and playing with mobile phone. Together, these two pictures is that they erode our spirit, and endangers our health.

In the dormitory, mobile phones still shine at night , as if the phones are our sleeping pills, if you don't play a game before going to bed, we couldn’t sleep.

I hope you could put down the phone, talk with our families, and people

around, or go out to nature, which allow our vision to become more broad, rather than just to stay on the small screen.


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