五年级新概念 49-55



姓名_____ 班级______ 教师____ 分数_____


1. 实情_____ 2.February _______ 3. 通常_______ 4. 话题___________

5.either______ 6.steak______ 7.pleasant_____ 8. 气候________

9.December_______ 10. 八月______ 11.weather_______ 12. 秋天_________

13. 十二月_______ 14.south______ 15. 总是_______ 16.season ________

17. 到达 ______ 18. 一起_______ 19.wet________ 20.rise________

二. 选择题(10分)

( )1. Do you like English ________ Japanese?

A. or B. and C. with

( )2. My father often goes to work ___________ car.

A. in B.at C. by

( )3. I can do it, but he __________.

A .isn’t B. can’t C. doesn’t

( )4. He _______ bread, but he doesn’t want __________.

A. like; some B. likes; some C. likes; any

( )5. We are working hard, but he ___________.

A. isn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t

( )6. What __________ Kate usually do?

A. do B. does C. is

( )7. I often watch TV_________ noon.

A. at B. in C. on

( )He doesn’t like chicken. I don’t like chicken, __________.

A. either B. too D. also

( )9. He likes potatoes, but I __________.

A. doesn’t B. don’t C. am not

( )10. John often goes to ____________ by bike.

A. the school B. school C. a school

三. 短语连线(10分)

1. take …… to 每天

2. at the butcher’s 把……带到……

3. every day 像……. 样?

4. What’s …….like? 在肉店

5. go to work 去上班


1. 早上,Sawyer 先生去上班,孩子们去上学.


2. 我喜欢羊肉,但我的丈夫不喜欢.


3. 你们国家的气候怎么样?


4. 北部的天气常常寒冷,东部则常常刮风.


5. 他们的爸爸每天带他们去上学.


6.The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.


7.The sun rises early and sets late.


8.What ’s the weather like in spring?


8. It ’s mild, but it’s not always pleasant


9. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.



A: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?

B: Beef , please。 A: This lamb is very good.



One day, Kate and Lisa go to the park. Kate has a camera(照相机). They see a nice house. So they want to (照相)in front of the house. Then a beautiful girl takes a picture for them. They thank her for her help(帮助).

( ) 1. Kate and Lisa go to the park one day.

( ) 2. The camera is Lisa’s.

( ) 3. They take a picture in front of the house.

( ) 4. It’s a nice house.

( ) 5. A girl helps them.


以My school为题,写一篇不少于五句话的文章




姓名_____ 班级______ 教师____ 分数_____


1. 实情_____ 2.February _______ 3. 通常_______ 4. 话题___________

5.either______ 6.steak______ 7.pleasant_____ 8. 气候________

9.December_______ 10. 八月______ 11.weather_______ 12. 秋天_________

13. 十二月_______ 14.south______ 15. 总是_______ 16.season ________

17. 到达 ______ 18. 一起_______ 19.wet________ 20.rise________

二. 选择题(10分)

( )1. Do you like English ________ Japanese?

A. or B. and C. with

( )2. My father often goes to work ___________ car.

A. in B.at C. by

( )3. I can do it, but he __________.

A .isn’t B. can’t C. doesn’t

( )4. He _______ bread, but he doesn’t want __________.

A. like; some B. likes; some C. likes; any

( )5. We are working hard, but he ___________.

A. isn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t

( )6. What __________ Kate usually do?

A. do B. does C. is

( )7. I often watch TV_________ noon.

A. at B. in C. on

( )He doesn’t like chicken. I don’t like chicken, __________.

A. either B. too D. also

( )9. He likes potatoes, but I __________.

A. doesn’t B. don’t C. am not

( )10. John often goes to ____________ by bike.

A. the school B. school C. a school

三. 短语连线(10分)

1. take …… to 每天

2. at the butcher’s 把……带到……

3. every day 像……. 样?

4. What’s …….like? 在肉店

5. go to work 去上班


1. 早上,Sawyer 先生去上班,孩子们去上学.


2. 我喜欢羊肉,但我的丈夫不喜欢.


3. 你们国家的气候怎么样?


4. 北部的天气常常寒冷,东部则常常刮风.


5. 他们的爸爸每天带他们去上学.


6.The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.


7.The sun rises early and sets late.


8.What ’s the weather like in spring?


8. It ’s mild, but it’s not always pleasant


9. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.



A: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?

B: Beef , please。 A: This lamb is very good.



One day, Kate and Lisa go to the park. Kate has a camera(照相机). They see a nice house. So they want to (照相)in front of the house. Then a beautiful girl takes a picture for them. They thank her for her help(帮助).

( ) 1. Kate and Lisa go to the park one day.

( ) 2. The camera is Lisa’s.

( ) 3. They take a picture in front of the house.

( ) 4. It’s a nice house.

( ) 5. A girl helps them.


以My school为题,写一篇不少于五句话的文章



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