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[摘要] 目的 分析带线锚钉缝合与同种异体跟腱重建韧带治疗膝关节内侧副韧带近端Ⅲ度近期损伤的临床效果。 方法 选取2009年6月~2013年4月本院收治的膝关节内侧副韧带近端Ⅲ度近期损伤患者32例(32膝),随机分为A 组16膝,采用带线锚钉缝合法;B 组16膝,采用同种异体跟腱重建。术前、术后1年按照Lysholm 标准评分及IKDC 评分评价膝关节功能。 结果 32例患者均获得随访,术后平均随访12个月(6~16个月),A 组及B 组术后Lysholm 标准评分分别为(86.4±3.34)分和(88.7±2.26)分,IKDC 评分分别为(82.3±2.62)分和(81.5±1.76)分,两组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。两组患者术后各项评分均明显优于术前,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。 结论 采用带线锚钉缝合与同种异体跟腱重建韧带治疗膝关节内侧副韧带近端Ⅲ度损伤均可取得满意的临床效果。

[关键词] 膝关节;内侧副韧带;带线锚钉固定;同种异体跟腱重建

[中图分类号] R686.5[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)03(c )-0058-03 Effect analysis of different methods in treatment of acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament


Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China

[Abstract] Objective To compare the clinic effect of sutured with driver pitons with wire and allogeneic tendon ligament reconstruction in treatment of acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament. Methods 32 cases(32 knees) of acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament were randomly divided into A group(sutured with driver pitons with wire) and B group(treated with allogeneic tendon ligament reconstruction).the Lysholm scale score and the IKDC score were recorded before and after surgery.Results All the 32 patients were followed up for 12 months(6-16 months).The Lysholm scale score of the knees between the A group and B group was(86.4±3.34) and(88.7±2.26)scores respectively,and the Lysholm scale score was(82.3±2.62) and(81.5±1.76)scores respectively,compared between the two groups,the differences were all statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion For treating the acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament,both the sutured with anchor and allogeneic tendon ligament reconstruction can obtain satisfactory clinical effect

龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn




[摘要] 目的 分析带线锚钉缝合与同种异体跟腱重建韧带治疗膝关节内侧副韧带近端Ⅲ度近期损伤的临床效果。 方法 选取2009年6月~2013年4月本院收治的膝关节内侧副韧带近端Ⅲ度近期损伤患者32例(32膝),随机分为A 组16膝,采用带线锚钉缝合法;B 组16膝,采用同种异体跟腱重建。术前、术后1年按照Lysholm 标准评分及IKDC 评分评价膝关节功能。 结果 32例患者均获得随访,术后平均随访12个月(6~16个月),A 组及B 组术后Lysholm 标准评分分别为(86.4±3.34)分和(88.7±2.26)分,IKDC 评分分别为(82.3±2.62)分和(81.5±1.76)分,两组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。两组患者术后各项评分均明显优于术前,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。 结论 采用带线锚钉缝合与同种异体跟腱重建韧带治疗膝关节内侧副韧带近端Ⅲ度损伤均可取得满意的临床效果。

[关键词] 膝关节;内侧副韧带;带线锚钉固定;同种异体跟腱重建

[中图分类号] R686.5[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)03(c )-0058-03 Effect analysis of different methods in treatment of acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament


Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China

[Abstract] Objective To compare the clinic effect of sutured with driver pitons with wire and allogeneic tendon ligament reconstruction in treatment of acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament. Methods 32 cases(32 knees) of acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament were randomly divided into A group(sutured with driver pitons with wire) and B group(treated with allogeneic tendon ligament reconstruction).the Lysholm scale score and the IKDC score were recorded before and after surgery.Results All the 32 patients were followed up for 12 months(6-16 months).The Lysholm scale score of the knees between the A group and B group was(86.4±3.34) and(88.7±2.26)scores respectively,and the Lysholm scale score was(82.3±2.62) and(81.5±1.76)scores respectively,compared between the two groups,the differences were all statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion For treating the acute grade Ⅲ recent injury of knee joint medial collateral ligament,both the sutured with anchor and allogeneic tendon ligament reconstruction can obtain satisfactory clinical effect


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