On the Pros and Cons of Starbucks in the Chinese Market
Introduction of Starbucks
Enterprise Background: Set up in 1971, Starbucks is a globally leading coffee retailer, baker, and brand possessor. It owns over 30 branches of products, including top-level coconut, upgrading hand-made coffee, various cool or hot coffee drinks, delicious cakes as well as multifarious coffee machines and cups.
Target Consumers: Starbucks sets itself as “a luxury affordable for the majority”, and targets its customers as the white-collars, most of which are well-educated, high-income, and greatly loyal intellectuals, taking a fancy to quality goods, yummy and art.
Expansion Strategy: Starbucks follows the strategy of setting foot in large cities first, and then expanding towards peripheral towns after it has gained a reputation, during the process of which it will take the local population structure into consideration and will not enter the market unless suitable customer groups are guaranteed.
Starbucks in China: Starbucks is determined to seek long-term development in the prospective market of China. Since its entry into China in 1998, Starbucks has set up over 430 branches
throughout the country including regions of Hongkong, Taiwan and Macao, with about 200 in the mainland. It is currently exploring actively markets on the second front in the mainland, aimed to develop China as the second largest market after America.
Corporation Culture: Starbucks views its products as far more than merely coffee. Coffee is but a carrier, through which Starbucks conveys to its customers a unique style. Coffee consumption is to a large degree a consumption on the basis of perceptual and culture needs, and what cultural communication strives for is exactly an influential environment culture and the friendly interaction experience.
The advantage of Starbucks in the Chinese Market
1. 迎合中国人的风俗习惯,但仍保留了它独有的咖啡特色.
Starbucks satisfies Chinese customers' needs , producing such traditional Chinese food as Starbucks moon cakes which yet remain the unique original flavour of coffee.
2. 与异业结盟。
Starbucks allies itself with other companies to develop new products like bottled coffee, espresso coffee , ice cream ,tea and so on. The variety of products and originality of service programmes have sharply and stably improved its competitive capability.
3. 星巴克总部统一领导,目的是控制品质标准.
Starbucks is put under unified management with the aim of maintaining high quality. That is embodied in that employees are trained under the same standard, that the freshest materials are provided and that the most advanced techniques are employed.
4. 营造独特的“星巴克体验”。
Starbucks creates the special "Starbucks Experience". In addition to the same external design, each branch has its own characteristic. Each intends to create a noble, modern, romantic and cultural atmosphere with different creative ideas including piano performance, European decoration style etc.
5. 公司会通过体现企业社会责任的活动回馈社会,改善环境,回报合作伙伴和咖啡产区农民,争做负责任的中国企业公民。
如2005年9月,公司出资4000万元人民币设立 “星巴克中国教育项目”,专门用于改善中
To requite society , Starbucks ,to the largest extent, undertakes its social responsibilities in various fields ---politics, education, culture and so forth. Via these strategies, it effectively improves its image.
6. 市场的定位是爱好精品、美食和艺术,而且是收入较高、忠诚度极高的消费阶层——城
Starbucks targets at urban white-collars who have high income and pursue delicious food. Not only does it guarantees its sales, but this market position brings with it new customers.
Starbucks has established a good reputation with its own regard for customers through its introduction of the customer evaluation system, which provides it with more accurate and updating information.
星巴克每年会有固定的调薪。员工加班会开心,因为加班员工可以享受公司提供的各种额外福利措施,甚至是员工家庭的补贴,这在同行业中极为罕见。这对一些二,三线城市的居民来说,是一种非常好的福利政策,能大大提高人民生活水平,减轻一些家庭负担。此外还可以按照规定低价购买公司的股票期权。员工可以通过各种途径献计献策,并得到高度重视。星巴克决策变得更加灵活,也更有应变力, 团队内部信任、尊重与沟通氛围,工作更有激情。
Starbucks supplies its employees with good salary and welfare, boosting their enthusiasm for work. Besides, employees are encouraged to come up with various ideas, which helps Starbucks' decision system become more flexible and more effective.
The Disadvantage of Starbucks in the Chinese Market
1. 健康问题上对中国市场有隐瞒Dishonesty in the issue of health
代糖(供糖尿病患者食用)对肾脏的负担很大,且有致癌可能!星巴克的所有“代糖”包装上都有英文的标注:“UNSUITABLE FOR PHENYLKENTONURICS”,同时按照规定将这些标注进行翻译。深圳版和香港版的包装上的英文基本一样,而汉语翻译在成分等介绍方面也完全一样,唯一不同的却是在对“代糖”危害性的翻译上出现了不同。香港版提示为:“苯酮尿症患者不宜使用”。而深圳版的翻译却是:苯酮尿症患者:含苯胺基丙酸。
Sugar substitute(for diabetics) inflicts a huge burden on kidneys, and poses the threat of cancer. All the packages of Starbucks goods are labelled with an English note:” UNSUITABLE FOR PHENYLKENTONURICS”, with the translation as is regulated. The English versions offered by Shenzhen and Hongkong branches are nearly the same, with the Chinese translation and introduction of components identical, while the only difference lies in the translation of the harms of “sugar substitute”. The Hongkong version warns that “苯酮尿症患者不宜使用”, while the Shenzhen version translates it as “苯酮尿症患者:含苯胺基丙酸”.
Associate Prof. Liu Yi, dean of English Department of Shenzhen University Language School, who has been long devoted to the research of the English major, applied linguistics and translation, points out that the English tip should be correctly translated as ““该品不适于苯酮尿症患者食用”or“因为含有阿斯巴甜成分,不适于苯酮尿症患者食用”as it is in the Hongkong version, and therefore the Shenzhen version proves wrong.
Hence the Starbucks is suspected of underplaying the potential dangers through translation. Besides, foreign Starbucks branches label the low-calorie sugar bag with bright red signals,
warning that the products contain saccharin, which has been verified to contribute to cancer in the laboratory animals, whereas there are no such signals on Chinese packaging.
2.全英文的收银条,让顾客很困惑Confusion caused by the receipt in English
全英文的收银条,只有少数人能看懂,不能保证让大部分消费者明白自己都消费了什么,剥夺了消费者的知情权 。星巴克的菜单和店内的价目单都是中英文对照的,消费后的结账小票只是用于店员内部沟通。此外,因国内部分店的软件系统直接使用国外版本的,所以结账小票就会是全英文账单。中文作为中国法定语言和文字,在任何账单和消费商品上都应注有中文,任何商家都应使用法定语言告知消费者。而星巴克的全英文账单剥夺了消费者知情权的实现。这种现象在一些经济不太发达,文化水平相对不高的二,三线城市表现的尤为明显,所以,应该在收银条上增加中文说明,让不懂英文的中国消费者一目了然。
Given that only a minority of customers are able to understand the receipt in English, the majority are deprived of the right to know since they cannot know what they have paid for. Starbucks menus and price lists are all written in Chinese and English, while the bill records are only kept for internal communication. Moreover, the bill records are all in English because of the directly introduced foreign software in Starbucks. As the official language of China, Chinese must be attached to all bills and commodities, and used by all sellers to provide information for customers. The receipt in English, however, deprives customers of their right to know. Thus, Chinese translation should be attached to the receipt so as to serve the Chinese customers who do not know English.
3.位居高档消费区,只卖高档咖啡Limitation of target customers
Starbucks has been always selecting to set up branches in the busiest commercial districts in China in order to attract its major consumer groups—businessmen and lovers, which reveals its defect in its strategy of targeting at fashion producers and chasers. Unlike European countries and America, where coffee is indispensable, China is a country without coffee history. Therefore, Chinese customers’ preference for coffee lies more often in the location instead of coffee itself. Although Starbucks lowered its prices during the economic recession, it remains a luxury coffee brand. Instant coffee, which has no association with high quality, has been disdained by Starbucks who takes coffee quality and consumption experience as life.
Lack of understanding of Chinese Tea Culture
The majority of Chinese do not drink or learn about coffee, neither do they want to. Tea is much more popular in China than in other countries, for the thousands of years of tea culture lead many people to take a fancy to tea. Starbucks, who knows little of Chinese tea culture, is still conducting surveys in preparation of its launching of new tea drinks, which incorporate tea into its culture, and thus is expected to confront many challenges.
On the Pros and Cons of Starbucks in the Chinese Market
Introduction of Starbucks
Enterprise Background: Set up in 1971, Starbucks is a globally leading coffee retailer, baker, and brand possessor. It owns over 30 branches of products, including top-level coconut, upgrading hand-made coffee, various cool or hot coffee drinks, delicious cakes as well as multifarious coffee machines and cups.
Target Consumers: Starbucks sets itself as “a luxury affordable for the majority”, and targets its customers as the white-collars, most of which are well-educated, high-income, and greatly loyal intellectuals, taking a fancy to quality goods, yummy and art.
Expansion Strategy: Starbucks follows the strategy of setting foot in large cities first, and then expanding towards peripheral towns after it has gained a reputation, during the process of which it will take the local population structure into consideration and will not enter the market unless suitable customer groups are guaranteed.
Starbucks in China: Starbucks is determined to seek long-term development in the prospective market of China. Since its entry into China in 1998, Starbucks has set up over 430 branches
throughout the country including regions of Hongkong, Taiwan and Macao, with about 200 in the mainland. It is currently exploring actively markets on the second front in the mainland, aimed to develop China as the second largest market after America.
Corporation Culture: Starbucks views its products as far more than merely coffee. Coffee is but a carrier, through which Starbucks conveys to its customers a unique style. Coffee consumption is to a large degree a consumption on the basis of perceptual and culture needs, and what cultural communication strives for is exactly an influential environment culture and the friendly interaction experience.
The advantage of Starbucks in the Chinese Market
1. 迎合中国人的风俗习惯,但仍保留了它独有的咖啡特色.
Starbucks satisfies Chinese customers' needs , producing such traditional Chinese food as Starbucks moon cakes which yet remain the unique original flavour of coffee.
2. 与异业结盟。
Starbucks allies itself with other companies to develop new products like bottled coffee, espresso coffee , ice cream ,tea and so on. The variety of products and originality of service programmes have sharply and stably improved its competitive capability.
3. 星巴克总部统一领导,目的是控制品质标准.
Starbucks is put under unified management with the aim of maintaining high quality. That is embodied in that employees are trained under the same standard, that the freshest materials are provided and that the most advanced techniques are employed.
4. 营造独特的“星巴克体验”。
Starbucks creates the special "Starbucks Experience". In addition to the same external design, each branch has its own characteristic. Each intends to create a noble, modern, romantic and cultural atmosphere with different creative ideas including piano performance, European decoration style etc.
5. 公司会通过体现企业社会责任的活动回馈社会,改善环境,回报合作伙伴和咖啡产区农民,争做负责任的中国企业公民。
如2005年9月,公司出资4000万元人民币设立 “星巴克中国教育项目”,专门用于改善中
To requite society , Starbucks ,to the largest extent, undertakes its social responsibilities in various fields ---politics, education, culture and so forth. Via these strategies, it effectively improves its image.
6. 市场的定位是爱好精品、美食和艺术,而且是收入较高、忠诚度极高的消费阶层——城
Starbucks targets at urban white-collars who have high income and pursue delicious food. Not only does it guarantees its sales, but this market position brings with it new customers.
Starbucks has established a good reputation with its own regard for customers through its introduction of the customer evaluation system, which provides it with more accurate and updating information.
星巴克每年会有固定的调薪。员工加班会开心,因为加班员工可以享受公司提供的各种额外福利措施,甚至是员工家庭的补贴,这在同行业中极为罕见。这对一些二,三线城市的居民来说,是一种非常好的福利政策,能大大提高人民生活水平,减轻一些家庭负担。此外还可以按照规定低价购买公司的股票期权。员工可以通过各种途径献计献策,并得到高度重视。星巴克决策变得更加灵活,也更有应变力, 团队内部信任、尊重与沟通氛围,工作更有激情。
Starbucks supplies its employees with good salary and welfare, boosting their enthusiasm for work. Besides, employees are encouraged to come up with various ideas, which helps Starbucks' decision system become more flexible and more effective.
The Disadvantage of Starbucks in the Chinese Market
1. 健康问题上对中国市场有隐瞒Dishonesty in the issue of health
代糖(供糖尿病患者食用)对肾脏的负担很大,且有致癌可能!星巴克的所有“代糖”包装上都有英文的标注:“UNSUITABLE FOR PHENYLKENTONURICS”,同时按照规定将这些标注进行翻译。深圳版和香港版的包装上的英文基本一样,而汉语翻译在成分等介绍方面也完全一样,唯一不同的却是在对“代糖”危害性的翻译上出现了不同。香港版提示为:“苯酮尿症患者不宜使用”。而深圳版的翻译却是:苯酮尿症患者:含苯胺基丙酸。
Sugar substitute(for diabetics) inflicts a huge burden on kidneys, and poses the threat of cancer. All the packages of Starbucks goods are labelled with an English note:” UNSUITABLE FOR PHENYLKENTONURICS”, with the translation as is regulated. The English versions offered by Shenzhen and Hongkong branches are nearly the same, with the Chinese translation and introduction of components identical, while the only difference lies in the translation of the harms of “sugar substitute”. The Hongkong version warns that “苯酮尿症患者不宜使用”, while the Shenzhen version translates it as “苯酮尿症患者:含苯胺基丙酸”.
Associate Prof. Liu Yi, dean of English Department of Shenzhen University Language School, who has been long devoted to the research of the English major, applied linguistics and translation, points out that the English tip should be correctly translated as ““该品不适于苯酮尿症患者食用”or“因为含有阿斯巴甜成分,不适于苯酮尿症患者食用”as it is in the Hongkong version, and therefore the Shenzhen version proves wrong.
Hence the Starbucks is suspected of underplaying the potential dangers through translation. Besides, foreign Starbucks branches label the low-calorie sugar bag with bright red signals,
warning that the products contain saccharin, which has been verified to contribute to cancer in the laboratory animals, whereas there are no such signals on Chinese packaging.
2.全英文的收银条,让顾客很困惑Confusion caused by the receipt in English
全英文的收银条,只有少数人能看懂,不能保证让大部分消费者明白自己都消费了什么,剥夺了消费者的知情权 。星巴克的菜单和店内的价目单都是中英文对照的,消费后的结账小票只是用于店员内部沟通。此外,因国内部分店的软件系统直接使用国外版本的,所以结账小票就会是全英文账单。中文作为中国法定语言和文字,在任何账单和消费商品上都应注有中文,任何商家都应使用法定语言告知消费者。而星巴克的全英文账单剥夺了消费者知情权的实现。这种现象在一些经济不太发达,文化水平相对不高的二,三线城市表现的尤为明显,所以,应该在收银条上增加中文说明,让不懂英文的中国消费者一目了然。
Given that only a minority of customers are able to understand the receipt in English, the majority are deprived of the right to know since they cannot know what they have paid for. Starbucks menus and price lists are all written in Chinese and English, while the bill records are only kept for internal communication. Moreover, the bill records are all in English because of the directly introduced foreign software in Starbucks. As the official language of China, Chinese must be attached to all bills and commodities, and used by all sellers to provide information for customers. The receipt in English, however, deprives customers of their right to know. Thus, Chinese translation should be attached to the receipt so as to serve the Chinese customers who do not know English.
3.位居高档消费区,只卖高档咖啡Limitation of target customers
Starbucks has been always selecting to set up branches in the busiest commercial districts in China in order to attract its major consumer groups—businessmen and lovers, which reveals its defect in its strategy of targeting at fashion producers and chasers. Unlike European countries and America, where coffee is indispensable, China is a country without coffee history. Therefore, Chinese customers’ preference for coffee lies more often in the location instead of coffee itself. Although Starbucks lowered its prices during the economic recession, it remains a luxury coffee brand. Instant coffee, which has no association with high quality, has been disdained by Starbucks who takes coffee quality and consumption experience as life.
Lack of understanding of Chinese Tea Culture
The majority of Chinese do not drink or learn about coffee, neither do they want to. Tea is much more popular in China than in other countries, for the thousands of years of tea culture lead many people to take a fancy to tea. Starbucks, who knows little of Chinese tea culture, is still conducting surveys in preparation of its launching of new tea drinks, which incorporate tea into its culture, and thus is expected to confront many challenges.