

A: Hi, B. You look so terrible, what’s wrong with you?

B: I am afraid of my test. Maybe I will fail to pass it.

A: Don’t worry too much about it. The test results have not come out. Maybe you will get the top of our class.

B: Thank you for comforting me.

A: You’re welcome, my friend. We have been working very hard the whole school year. The holiday is coming. Don’t you think we need a nice holiday?

B: Absolutely. Any suggestions?

A: I am planning a trip. Do you want to join me?

B: Why not? I’d love to go with you.

A: Great! But I can’t make up my mind as to which city we should go. B: Err. What about going to Mount Tai?

A: Sounds great! The sunrise on the top of Mount Tai is a spectacle.

B: The dream that I am standing on the top of Mount Tai, seeing the sun rising from the sea always keep in my mind. I am exciting that my dream will come true.

A: When would you like to start out?

B: I will be free three days later. What about you?

A: Well, let me see. We should leave sooner rather than later. Today is Monday, we can go there on Friday.

B: Ok. Before that, we should make enough preparations for this trip. Necessary supplies including flashlight,tent and money, should be taken.

A: What’s more, we should also check some information on net to make sure our safety.

B: I can’t wait for this trip.

A: Me neither. I will give you a call later. It’s time to go home. Bye. B: OK. Bye.


A: Hi, B. You look so terrible, what’s wrong with you?

B: I am afraid of my test. Maybe I will fail to pass it.

A: Don’t worry too much about it. The test results have not come out. Maybe you will get the top of our class.

B: Thank you for comforting me.

A: You’re welcome, my friend. We have been working very hard the whole school year. The holiday is coming. Don’t you think we need a nice holiday?

B: Absolutely. Any suggestions?

A: I am planning a trip. Do you want to join me?

B: Why not? I’d love to go with you.

A: Great! But I can’t make up my mind as to which city we should go. B: Err. What about going to Mount Tai?

A: Sounds great! The sunrise on the top of Mount Tai is a spectacle.

B: The dream that I am standing on the top of Mount Tai, seeing the sun rising from the sea always keep in my mind. I am exciting that my dream will come true.

A: When would you like to start out?

B: I will be free three days later. What about you?

A: Well, let me see. We should leave sooner rather than later. Today is Monday, we can go there on Friday.

B: Ok. Before that, we should make enough preparations for this trip. Necessary supplies including flashlight,tent and money, should be taken.

A: What’s more, we should also check some information on net to make sure our safety.

B: I can’t wait for this trip.

A: Me neither. I will give you a call later. It’s time to go home. Bye. B: OK. Bye.


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