
一、1-5 ACAAC 6-10 BDACA

二、1-5 ABCCB 6-10 AADCB

三、1-5 BBADC 6-10 CBDDA

四、1-5 CDBAB 6-10 ABCCA

五、KEY: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B

六、Key: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A












Part A在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的句子,选出与所听句子相匹配的图片。(读两


No. 1. I like the round cake with two dogs on it.

2. Lucy went to Shanghai by train yesterday. 3. I think last Sunday was May 17th. 4. I often have noodles for lunch. 5. Look! They are playing football.

Part B在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的三个句子。找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最


No. 6. Mary told me she would buy a present for her mother.

7. He has already left. 8. He said that he was very glad to see her. 9. Many big ships can be built in China. 10. Tom was against me.

Part C在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的三个答语。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的


No. 11. What’s this sweater made of?

12. Can you tell me the way to the hospital?

13. Where are you going to plant tree? 14. How long is the great Wall? 15. Could you bring me the dictionary?

Part D下面你将听到五组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的三个选项中找出能


No. 16. W: How are you feeling these days?

M: Much better, thanks. I should be coming home in a few days and the doctors say I will get well very


Q: Where is the man now?

17. M: I’m getting old. I can’t work as hard as I used to.

W: But I can say you still work harder than Bob.

Q: What does the man mean?

Part E听下面一段对话, 对话的后面有几个问题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(读



M: Hello, madam. What can I do for you?

W: I’d like a bike for my son’s birthday.

M: A birthday present?

W: Yes. My son Tom will be fifteen two weeks from now.

M: Oh, I see. What do you think of the blue bike, Size 26, over there?

W: Erm… The Size is all right, but I’m afraid he doesn’t like the color.

M: What about this black one, Size 26, then? I think your son will like it.

W: It looks nice. And I think Tom will like the black color. OK, I’ll take a black one, Size 26, then.


No. 18. Who is the present for?

No. 19. What present is the woman going to buy?

No. 20. What size is the present ?

听力测试结束, 请继续答题。




1---5. CABAB 6---10. CCABA 11---15. CABCB 16---20. BCBAC

21---25. DBD 26---30. BCDA 31---35. DCA 36---40. CBBA

41---45. DACBC 46---50. DCABA 51---55. ADABD 56---60. DACDA

61---65. BCCAD

66-67. increasing; challenge

68-69. sounds; beautiful

70-71. trapped; mountain

72-73. stole; necklace

74-75. teamwork; alive

76. Do you like animals?

77. How interesting it is to keep (so many) animals/pets!

78. My father/He is a doctor for animals/vet.

79. Are they often ill?

80. Can I go and look at your animals/pets?

81. Without 82. thousands

86. why 87. brightest

One possible version: On Tuesday, he played tennis/had a tennis match with his friend. It was really exciting. Then on Wednesday, he went fishing by the lake/river. After that on Thursday, he flew a kite in the field/park. On Friday, he painted/drew a picture at home. Finally, on Saturday, he fed his lovely dog/played with his dog. What a terrific week Dave had!



I .情景反应:你将听到5个问题,每个问题你将看到供选择的三个答案。请根据你所听到的问句选择适当的答语。听一遍。

1. I'm going to Beijing next week, you know it's one of the most beautiful cities in China.

2. Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.

3. Jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. It's dangerous!

4. When did you move to America?

5. Don't forget to come to my party this evening!

II .图片理解。 你将听到一段小故事,请按故事情节给下面的图片排序。听一遍。

It was Monday. Cathy got up early. After breakfast, she hurried to school by bike. At school, she listened to the teachers carefully and studied hard. She had lunch with her best friend, Kate, at school. In the afternoon, she played tennis for an hour. She got home at 5 o'clock. After a short rest she started to do some cooking for her parents. What a nice girl she is! III .单句理解:请选择与你所听到的句子意思相近的选项。听两遍。

11. Look! How fast Li Lei and Jim are running! They are almost neck and neck!

12. He began to do his homework at 7 and finished it at 9 o' clock.

13. Dick hopes to be an engineer like his brother in the future.

14. It's too dangerous to swim in the deep river.

15. He couldn't afford the ticket, so he didn't go to the concert.

IV .对话理解:你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个问题。请根据你所听到的对话内容选择适当的答语。听两遍。



W: Come on, Jack. The picnic is ready.

M: I'm coming. Oh, there are so many things to eat and drink.

W: Would you like something to drink? 83. night 88. away 84. only 89. know 85. nearer 90. Nothing

M: Coke, please. Coke is my favourite.

W: Here you are. Would you like a chicken sandwich?

M: No, thanks. I'd better not. I'd like a tomato sandwich.



W: Good morning, doctor.

M: Good morning, Mrs Brown. Well, what's wrong with this young man?

W: He's my son Jim. He's a headache.

M: Did you take his temperature?

W: Yes, his temperature seems to be OK.

M: Did he have anything to eat for breakfast this morning?

W: Yes. He had only a little porridge.

M: Well, Mrs Brown. I think he has a cold.

W: Shall I keep him out of school?

M: No, it will be all right for him to go to school.

W: OK, thank you. Doctor.

Ⅴ. 短文理解:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的内容选择正确的答案回答问题,听两遍

It was very cold last Sunday. Paul and his friends Allan, Bill and Betty went to the lake after breakfast. They began to skate on the ice. Paul skated better than his three friends. He skated fast and didn't know a piece of ice was broken. He fell into the water. His friends were afraid and called for help. Just then two workers walked there and heard them. They ran there quickly and helped the boy come out of the water. Then they took him to a hospital. Paul and his parents thanked them very much.


1-5:ACBAB 6-10:DBECA 11-15:BCCAA 16-20:CBBBC

21-25:ABBCC 26-30:BDCBA 31-35:CABAB 36-40:ADDCB

41-45:BABCC 46-50:BDBAC 51-55:DBBDD 56-60:CCCAB

61-65:CBBCC 66. studying, lonely 67. help, stop 68. meet, himself

69. doctor, parents 70. confidence, happiness

71. She is the writer of the book “ Harry Potter”.

72. When she was 6 years old.

73. She had the idea when she was on a train.

74. Because they were warmer than her small house.

75. Yes. Because it's interesting.

76. well 77. nothing 78. stayed 79. never 80. Visiting 81. reading

82. certainly 83. tired 84. by the way 85. health


参考答案 I .1.Sooner 2.Neither 3 .library 4 .mistakes 6.crossing 7.lost 8.waiting 9.worrie d 10.awake 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A

II . 1. C 2.C 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. B

16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. D 23. B 24. B 25.A

III .1.to have 2.cleaning 3.helps 4.doesn’t rain 5.ask 6.to learn 7.going 8.were, doing 9. called 10.stop

Ⅳ.1. Both, and, are students 2.It seems that 3.with these words 4. Nothing is 5.better not

V.1.matter 2.help 3.hospital 4.ill 5.way 6.get 7.Walk/Go 8.reach 9.turn 10.miss VI .1- 5 CADDB 6 - 10 ACBAB

VII.1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D

一、1-5 ACAAC 6-10 BDACA

二、1-5 ABCCB 6-10 AADCB

三、1-5 BBADC 6-10 CBDDA

四、1-5 CDBAB 6-10 ABCCA

五、KEY: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B

六、Key: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A












Part A在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的句子,选出与所听句子相匹配的图片。(读两


No. 1. I like the round cake with two dogs on it.

2. Lucy went to Shanghai by train yesterday. 3. I think last Sunday was May 17th. 4. I often have noodles for lunch. 5. Look! They are playing football.

Part B在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的三个句子。找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最


No. 6. Mary told me she would buy a present for her mother.

7. He has already left. 8. He said that he was very glad to see her. 9. Many big ships can be built in China. 10. Tom was against me.

Part C在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的三个答语。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的


No. 11. What’s this sweater made of?

12. Can you tell me the way to the hospital?

13. Where are you going to plant tree? 14. How long is the great Wall? 15. Could you bring me the dictionary?

Part D下面你将听到五组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的三个选项中找出能


No. 16. W: How are you feeling these days?

M: Much better, thanks. I should be coming home in a few days and the doctors say I will get well very


Q: Where is the man now?

17. M: I’m getting old. I can’t work as hard as I used to.

W: But I can say you still work harder than Bob.

Q: What does the man mean?

Part E听下面一段对话, 对话的后面有几个问题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(读



M: Hello, madam. What can I do for you?

W: I’d like a bike for my son’s birthday.

M: A birthday present?

W: Yes. My son Tom will be fifteen two weeks from now.

M: Oh, I see. What do you think of the blue bike, Size 26, over there?

W: Erm… The Size is all right, but I’m afraid he doesn’t like the color.

M: What about this black one, Size 26, then? I think your son will like it.

W: It looks nice. And I think Tom will like the black color. OK, I’ll take a black one, Size 26, then.


No. 18. Who is the present for?

No. 19. What present is the woman going to buy?

No. 20. What size is the present ?

听力测试结束, 请继续答题。




1---5. CABAB 6---10. CCABA 11---15. CABCB 16---20. BCBAC

21---25. DBD 26---30. BCDA 31---35. DCA 36---40. CBBA

41---45. DACBC 46---50. DCABA 51---55. ADABD 56---60. DACDA

61---65. BCCAD

66-67. increasing; challenge

68-69. sounds; beautiful

70-71. trapped; mountain

72-73. stole; necklace

74-75. teamwork; alive

76. Do you like animals?

77. How interesting it is to keep (so many) animals/pets!

78. My father/He is a doctor for animals/vet.

79. Are they often ill?

80. Can I go and look at your animals/pets?

81. Without 82. thousands

86. why 87. brightest

One possible version: On Tuesday, he played tennis/had a tennis match with his friend. It was really exciting. Then on Wednesday, he went fishing by the lake/river. After that on Thursday, he flew a kite in the field/park. On Friday, he painted/drew a picture at home. Finally, on Saturday, he fed his lovely dog/played with his dog. What a terrific week Dave had!



I .情景反应:你将听到5个问题,每个问题你将看到供选择的三个答案。请根据你所听到的问句选择适当的答语。听一遍。

1. I'm going to Beijing next week, you know it's one of the most beautiful cities in China.

2. Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.

3. Jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. It's dangerous!

4. When did you move to America?

5. Don't forget to come to my party this evening!

II .图片理解。 你将听到一段小故事,请按故事情节给下面的图片排序。听一遍。

It was Monday. Cathy got up early. After breakfast, she hurried to school by bike. At school, she listened to the teachers carefully and studied hard. She had lunch with her best friend, Kate, at school. In the afternoon, she played tennis for an hour. She got home at 5 o'clock. After a short rest she started to do some cooking for her parents. What a nice girl she is! III .单句理解:请选择与你所听到的句子意思相近的选项。听两遍。

11. Look! How fast Li Lei and Jim are running! They are almost neck and neck!

12. He began to do his homework at 7 and finished it at 9 o' clock.

13. Dick hopes to be an engineer like his brother in the future.

14. It's too dangerous to swim in the deep river.

15. He couldn't afford the ticket, so he didn't go to the concert.

IV .对话理解:你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个问题。请根据你所听到的对话内容选择适当的答语。听两遍。



W: Come on, Jack. The picnic is ready.

M: I'm coming. Oh, there are so many things to eat and drink.

W: Would you like something to drink? 83. night 88. away 84. only 89. know 85. nearer 90. Nothing

M: Coke, please. Coke is my favourite.

W: Here you are. Would you like a chicken sandwich?

M: No, thanks. I'd better not. I'd like a tomato sandwich.



W: Good morning, doctor.

M: Good morning, Mrs Brown. Well, what's wrong with this young man?

W: He's my son Jim. He's a headache.

M: Did you take his temperature?

W: Yes, his temperature seems to be OK.

M: Did he have anything to eat for breakfast this morning?

W: Yes. He had only a little porridge.

M: Well, Mrs Brown. I think he has a cold.

W: Shall I keep him out of school?

M: No, it will be all right for him to go to school.

W: OK, thank you. Doctor.

Ⅴ. 短文理解:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的内容选择正确的答案回答问题,听两遍

It was very cold last Sunday. Paul and his friends Allan, Bill and Betty went to the lake after breakfast. They began to skate on the ice. Paul skated better than his three friends. He skated fast and didn't know a piece of ice was broken. He fell into the water. His friends were afraid and called for help. Just then two workers walked there and heard them. They ran there quickly and helped the boy come out of the water. Then they took him to a hospital. Paul and his parents thanked them very much.


1-5:ACBAB 6-10:DBECA 11-15:BCCAA 16-20:CBBBC

21-25:ABBCC 26-30:BDCBA 31-35:CABAB 36-40:ADDCB

41-45:BABCC 46-50:BDBAC 51-55:DBBDD 56-60:CCCAB

61-65:CBBCC 66. studying, lonely 67. help, stop 68. meet, himself

69. doctor, parents 70. confidence, happiness

71. She is the writer of the book “ Harry Potter”.

72. When she was 6 years old.

73. She had the idea when she was on a train.

74. Because they were warmer than her small house.

75. Yes. Because it's interesting.

76. well 77. nothing 78. stayed 79. never 80. Visiting 81. reading

82. certainly 83. tired 84. by the way 85. health


参考答案 I .1.Sooner 2.Neither 3 .library 4 .mistakes 6.crossing 7.lost 8.waiting 9.worrie d 10.awake 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A

II . 1. C 2.C 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. B

16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. D 23. B 24. B 25.A

III .1.to have 2.cleaning 3.helps 4.doesn’t rain 5.ask 6.to learn 7.going 8.were, doing 9. called 10.stop

Ⅳ.1. Both, and, are students 2.It seems that 3.with these words 4. Nothing is 5.better not

V.1.matter 2.help 3.hospital 4.ill 5.way 6.get 7.Walk/Go 8.reach 9.turn 10.miss VI .1- 5 CADDB 6 - 10 ACBAB

VII.1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D


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