

let’s check out how serious the environmental situation is in the world. recent years have seen an increasing number of reports on the extinction of species, soil erosion as well as air pollution. the history of industrialization and urbanization has been a history of declining environmental quality. we may be satisfied with our so called modern life, but please do not turn a blind eye to what’s happened around us. water is polluted. animals are killed. resources are devoured. and farmlands turn into desserts.

ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in our hands. save it, or destroy it, it’s our choice. our efforts will be powerful enough to save the world. if everyone, including you and me, is engaged in this world-saving project, environment will never ever be my top concern.篇二:外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿

what we can not afford to lose

good morning ladies and gentlemen,i am shibing.today i will talk about what we can not afford to lose.

to begin with,i want to mention that we will get a lot in our whole life.meanwhile,we will lose a lot of things in our life.but the most important thing is that we can not afford to lose honesty.

honesty is a basic standard of being a human.beside, honesty is a traditional moral of china.since ancient times,we all take

honesty as a standard of judge a person’s quality.we can not afford to lose honesty because losing honesty means to be fail.

in business,losing honesty means losing money or customers,then you will fail in your business.take a simple example,a seller who

always gives short weight to the customers ,he will earn less money or even lose the customers in the long term,because customers are more likely to buy things from the seller who is honest,and we won’t buy things from the seller if we know he is dishonest. in career,losing honesty means losing a job or the opportunity to apply for a job.when i was watching the tv program zhi lai zhi wang ,there is a beautiful lady who fail to apply the job because of her fake academic credential.on the contrary,a man who succeed in applying the job because he is honest.

in our daily life,losing honesty means losing friends or otherpeople’s trust to us. if a person is dishonest,no one would like to get along with him,and on one want to be a friend with him.in

addiction,being honest can ger respect from others,the opposite to dishonest. all in all,honesty is very important for being a human,we can nor afford to lose it. so much for my speaking, thanks for your listening!

2012.11.3篇三:change the unchangeable外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿

外研社杯演讲比赛2014年---- change the unchangeable

(一)change the unchangeable

good morning, everyone. it’s my pleasure to deliver this speech here. the subject of my presentation is “change the unchangeable”, which means try your best to make a change when stuck in an unchangeable situation.

no wonder that there exists something unchangeable in our life, getting into the way

of striving for what we want. there are plenty of unchangeable obstacles for us. they are serious and they are many. they will hardly be meet. but know this, my friends, they will be meet. once you believe in yourself, the unchangeable is going to be changed.

nothing is impossible, and in a sense, nothing is unchangeable! the thing absolutely unchangeable does not exist. sometimes, adversities seems really unchangeable for the moment, but we must realize that they can be changed in some way. moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of god. as we can also see in the film “the king’s speech”, stammer is unchangeable for the king, the duke of york. but once his realized that he need to make a change and inspired by the words “to be or not to be, it is a question”, he returned to the hospital, and accepted the retreatment again. with the help of the doctor lionel logue, he gradually made progress and managed to get over his unchangeable physicaldisability.

these were the people who managed to change the unchangeable. some of them make a change in a direct way, and others do not change the adversity unchangeable exactly, but they succeed in changing what they could do in the unchangeable situation. they changed the authoritative view the majority put on them. and this is the right way in which we can change the unchangeable.

to conclude, i appeal to all of you for doubting the unchangeable and trying to change the unchangeable.

(二)change the unchangeable

you think that you are a victim. in fact, you’re not a victim. so stop blaming other people or your circumstances for your problems, just because you don’t like where you are now doesn’t mean that you can’t take personal responsibility to change it for the better. so get rid of that mentality because it doesn’t help anything. actually, it acts as an obstacle to success. realize that you, and only you, are responsible for your destiny.

in a word, you just make great effort; keep the right attitude, and believe that everything is possible if you try to do it. change the unchangeable; your life will be better.

(三)change the unchangeable

when i was about 10 years old in primary school, i believed that my future would have nothing to do with two things: music and english. now, i play my guitar nearly every day and in the near future i will be hosting an english salon.

impassioned speech


on friday, first lady michelle obama gave an impassioned speech on diversity to high school graduates in topeka, kansas, where the landmarkbrown v. board of education case started.



“no dream is too big, no vision is too bold, she said on may 10. as long as we stay hungry for education and let that hunger be our north star, there is nothing, graduates,

nothing, that we cannot achieve.”


at the university of massachusetts lowell on sunday, bill nye had a similar message for graduates: change the world.



let’s check out how serious the environmental situation is in the world. recent years have seen an increasing number of reports on the extinction of species, soil erosion as well as air pollution. the history of industrialization and urbanization has been a history of declining environmental quality. we may be satisfied with our so called modern life, but please do not turn a blind eye to what’s happened around us. water is polluted. animals are killed. resources are devoured. and farmlands turn into desserts.

ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in our hands. save it, or destroy it, it’s our choice. our efforts will be powerful enough to save the world. if everyone, including you and me, is engaged in this world-saving project, environment will never ever be my top concern.篇二:外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿

what we can not afford to lose

good morning ladies and gentlemen,i am shibing.today i will talk about what we can not afford to lose.

to begin with,i want to mention that we will get a lot in our whole life.meanwhile,we will lose a lot of things in our life.but the most important thing is that we can not afford to lose honesty.

honesty is a basic standard of being a human.beside, honesty is a traditional moral of china.since ancient times,we all take

honesty as a standard of judge a person’s quality.we can not afford to lose honesty because losing honesty means to be fail.

in business,losing honesty means losing money or customers,then you will fail in your business.take a simple example,a seller who

always gives short weight to the customers ,he will earn less money or even lose the customers in the long term,because customers are more likely to buy things from the seller who is honest,and we won’t buy things from the seller if we know he is dishonest. in career,losing honesty means losing a job or the opportunity to apply for a job.when i was watching the tv program zhi lai zhi wang ,there is a beautiful lady who fail to apply the job because of her fake academic credential.on the contrary,a man who succeed in applying the job because he is honest.

in our daily life,losing honesty means losing friends or otherpeople’s trust to us. if a person is dishonest,no one would like to get along with him,and on one want to be a friend with him.in

addiction,being honest can ger respect from others,the opposite to dishonest. all in all,honesty is very important for being a human,we can nor afford to lose it. so much for my speaking, thanks for your listening!

2012.11.3篇三:change the unchangeable外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿

外研社杯演讲比赛2014年---- change the unchangeable

(一)change the unchangeable

good morning, everyone. it’s my pleasure to deliver this speech here. the subject of my presentation is “change the unchangeable”, which means try your best to make a change when stuck in an unchangeable situation.

no wonder that there exists something unchangeable in our life, getting into the way

of striving for what we want. there are plenty of unchangeable obstacles for us. they are serious and they are many. they will hardly be meet. but know this, my friends, they will be meet. once you believe in yourself, the unchangeable is going to be changed.

nothing is impossible, and in a sense, nothing is unchangeable! the thing absolutely unchangeable does not exist. sometimes, adversities seems really unchangeable for the moment, but we must realize that they can be changed in some way. moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of god. as we can also see in the film “the king’s speech”, stammer is unchangeable for the king, the duke of york. but once his realized that he need to make a change and inspired by the words “to be or not to be, it is a question”, he returned to the hospital, and accepted the retreatment again. with the help of the doctor lionel logue, he gradually made progress and managed to get over his unchangeable physicaldisability.

these were the people who managed to change the unchangeable. some of them make a change in a direct way, and others do not change the adversity unchangeable exactly, but they succeed in changing what they could do in the unchangeable situation. they changed the authoritative view the majority put on them. and this is the right way in which we can change the unchangeable.

to conclude, i appeal to all of you for doubting the unchangeable and trying to change the unchangeable.

(二)change the unchangeable

you think that you are a victim. in fact, you’re not a victim. so stop blaming other people or your circumstances for your problems, just because you don’t like where you are now doesn’t mean that you can’t take personal responsibility to change it for the better. so get rid of that mentality because it doesn’t help anything. actually, it acts as an obstacle to success. realize that you, and only you, are responsible for your destiny.

in a word, you just make great effort; keep the right attitude, and believe that everything is possible if you try to do it. change the unchangeable; your life will be better.

(三)change the unchangeable

when i was about 10 years old in primary school, i believed that my future would have nothing to do with two things: music and english. now, i play my guitar nearly every day and in the near future i will be hosting an english salon.

impassioned speech


on friday, first lady michelle obama gave an impassioned speech on diversity to high school graduates in topeka, kansas, where the landmarkbrown v. board of education case started.



“no dream is too big, no vision is too bold, she said on may 10. as long as we stay hungry for education and let that hunger be our north star, there is nothing, graduates,

nothing, that we cannot achieve.”


at the university of massachusetts lowell on sunday, bill nye had a similar message for graduates: change the world.



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