其一,有些动词须以动名词宾语,它们可用 “MP\4r\ caf\ disk”来记,即“宪兵带着4把手枪在咖啡馆里看光盘”(把字母 r 想象成手枪)。
M指mind, miss, mention
When I mention playing football, he says he’s too busy.
He just missed being run over by a truck.
P指prevent, permit, postpone, pardon, practice
We don’t permit smoking in the office.
Practice throwing the ball into the net .
4R指risk, resist, resent,resume:
Informing the truth risks destroying the patients’ hope.
Jill couldn’t resist making jokes about his baldness.
Nurses may bitterly resent having to take part in deceiving patients. c 指consider, contemplate
we’re considering going to USA.
I don’t contemplate (预料) him opposing my plan.
a指admit, avoid, appreciate, anticipate
He admitted having done wrong.
I appreciate hearing from you again.
We anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture. f指face, fancy, finish
Fancy his being so rude!
e指excuse, enjoy, escape
He escaped being punished.
Excuse my interrupting you.
d指delay, defer, deny, dispute(不同意), detest(痛恨)
She defers(暂缓) making a decision.
Why have you delayed opening the school.
He denied (否认) knowing anything about it.
i指imagine, involve
I can’t imagine living anywhere but Australia.
The job involves me living in London.
I suggested taking the children to the zoo.
The inserts keep reproducing themselves.
其二,有些动词必须以不定式作宾语,它们是:(口诀二) 三w 、h c ,五a领着四d 、p, 一r m二l、b, 接不定式o, u, e。
它包括了三个以w开头的单词,三个以h开头的单词,三个以c开头的单词,五个以a开头的单词,分别以d 、p开头的单词各四个,分别以l、b开头的单词各两个,分别以r, m, o, u, e开头的单词各一个。
注:3 w、 hc是want, wish, wait和 hope , help, hesitate以及care, choose, consent Anna is waiting to have a word with you.
He hesitated to buy the coat.
We chose to go by train.
二l、b是learn, long:和beg, bear.
I can’t bear him to deceive me.
I long to go abroad.
五a是: agree, ask., afford, arrange, attempt
She agreed to help me with computer.
四d是dare , demand, determine, decide,
She demanded to be told everything.
四p是 plan, pretend, promise, prepare
He promised to give me a stove oven.
以r, m, o, u, e开头的五个单词分别是refuse ,manage ,offer, undertake, expect He managed\ offered to reserve two berths for us.
He undertook\ expect \ refuse to act as our guide.
其三,有16个动词既可以动名词宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,意思基本不变。因为接动名词、不定式均可,情况又变得简单起来,只需记住一句话就行,即:(口诀三)双方一旦开始(begin, start, ),无论喜欢(like, prefer )与否(hate, dislike),都得继续(continue)下去。都不能打算(intend,attempt, propose)忽视(neglect)开始(commence)的爱(love)。习惯(be accustom to)也好,害怕(afraid to do \ of doing)也好,难以容忍( can’t bear)也好。(参见Michael Swan:《英语用法指南》第339条)
I’m afraid to tell \ of telling her.
She can’t bear to get \getting her coat dirty.
He is accustom to work \to working hard.
其四,有9个动词既可以动名词作宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,意思却不同。歌诀(四)曰:remember、forget, try、mean、stop、regret,want、 need、require 。
注:remember to do sth.指记住(别忘记)要做某事,remember doing sth.记得(回忆起)曾做过某事;forget to do sth指忘了要做某事,forget doing sth.忘了要做某事;try to do sth指试图做某事,try doing sth.试试看(试过);mean to do sth指打算,有意图,mean doing sth.意味着,就是;stop to do sth停下来做某事,此为目的状语,stop doing sth.停止做某事。Regret to do sth对现在要发生的事表示“遗憾”,regret doing sth.对发生过的事表示“后悔”。want to do sth指希望,想要;want doing sth.需要,该;need\ require to do sth都是需要require\need doing sth.该都是动名词主动式表示被动。因这9个单词既可接不定式,又可接动名词,我们比之为“九条两头蛇。” 时态一致原则
歌诀(五)为:一般/进行时间同,后主将来先完成。真理不受时间限,具体时间过去从。 注:“一般/进行时间同”,指从句用了一般过去时或过去进行时,表示从句与主句的谓语动词的动作同时发生。如:I explained to them my friend knew no French. He wondered what the boys were doing there.
"后主将来”指从句谓语动词的动作“后于”主句谓语动词的动作,从句须用过去将来时;“先完成”指从句谓语动词的动作“先于”主句谓语动词的动作,从句须用过去完成时。如:The Swede was warned that Napoleon would probably ask him 3 questions. I asked him where he had been.
“真理不受时间限”指如从句表述的是客观真理,即便是主句用的是过去时,从句仍用一般现在时。例:Copernicus discovered that Earth revolves around the sun.
“具体时间过去从” 指从句中有具体的时间状语,从句要用一般过去时,即便是从句谓语动词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前也如此。如:
She said she was born in 1980.
歌诀(六)的名字就是:锁定 that
The only, the very,The same, no 、any, 两项并列人与物,不定、序数、最高级。 注:前两句指先行词前有The only, the very, the same, no , any修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词一定用that。例:That’s the
only thing that we can do at the moment.
They talked about the countries and people that they had visited
Is there anything ( that ) I can do for you?
The first person that I remind is John.
The best materials that you should recite are your texts.
主语从句用Whether,宾语从句or not,不定式前介词后,取代if别条件。
Whether there’ll be seats left it is doubtful.
He doesn’t know whether to stay or not.
It depends on whether he is ready.
Let me know whether he has left for Canberra.
祝愿句、感叹句,only 、so 、 as;开始为副词,否定句首时。
注:倒装句是将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前。在only 、so 、 as 中,only指only所修饰的副词、介词短语、状语从句放在句首时,形成倒装。如:Only then did I know the importance of learning English .
You can keep the secret, so can I.
(如后面的句子单纯重复前一句子,则不倒装。如:It’s cold today, so it is.) as指当 as作“虽然”解的让步状语从句中,造成倒装。如:Child as she is, she knows a lot about the world.
“开始为副词”指以here, there, then, now或out, up, down, away等开头的句子,这种倒装多见于描述性的文体。如:There comes a bus.
Out rushed a train from the cave.
Not until you told me did I know the fact.
Not only can he speak English but also his daughter.
歌诀九: 省略句
After dining at the Jones’ (house), I met him at my tailor’s (shop). Vingo tightened his face,
as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment.
歌诀十: 定冠词
“序数、方位、最高级,乐器、党派和阶级”,如:The Third Wave,
join the Party, play the electronic organ( 中国乐器常常无冠词,如play dizi)。 “地理名词去湖泊,独一无二Space” 指地理名词要有定冠词,如:the Alps, the Sahara, the Nile,但湖泊例外,如:Lake Baikal。
“独一无二Space” 指独一无二的事物要加定冠词,但Space(“太空”),society(“社会”),man(“人类”)前无冠词。
“普通名词专有化”后要加定冠词,如:the United Nations, the
Ministry of Education.
“一类人、物看回指” 指定冠词和单数可数名词连用可指“一类人或物”,如:The lion is the king of beasts.
歌诀十一: 零冠词
一日三餐有职位,物主、指代、every。季节、月份与星期,棋类、球类、节假日。 “一日三餐有职位” 指一日三餐前、表示职位的名词前用零冠词,即无冠词,如:Her husband had been made Mayor.
play volleyball, Saint Valentine’s Day, the Spring Festival
歌诀十二: 不定代词之一
either、neither谓语单,none指人时同 no one; one复数是ones, another可置few前。
“either、neither谓语单”指either或neither作主语时谓语动词为单数,如:Either\ Neither sentence is correct English.
Every、no只定语, each每个重个体,lots只有肯定句,other复数 others.
it代替同一物,that代替不可数;none作主语none of, 谓语可单也可复。All、both部分否。
The population of China is large than that of USA.
“none作主语none of,谓语可单也可复”,如:None of us agree \
agrees with what he said.
“All、both部分否”,指All、both和not连用时是部分否定,而非全部否定。如:All that glitters is not gold.( 发光的未必都是金子。)
口诀十三: 连系动词
“特征、状态”指第一类单纯表示一种特征、状态,如:be, seem, appear, feel, look, sound, taste, smell,
“保态”指保持原有状态,如:remain, keep , continue
“变态”指改变原有状态,如:become, get, grow, come, go, turn, fall, prove 歌诀十四: 情态动词之一
否定may时 mustn’t,否定must(为)needn’t。祝愿句中只用 may,把握不大用might。如:May you succeed.
ought 、should两相通,语气ought to较重。该做没做用完成。
“该做没做用完成”是说ought to、should的完成时表示本该做的事,实际没做,有责备意。如:You should have been here 10 minutes earlier.
情态need常否、疑,接完成时“本不必”;肯定should 、 must,动名、不定为实意。 此段表述的是need的用法,情态动词need多用于否定句、疑问句,接完成时是“本不必做实际做了”,肯定句中用should 、 must 、have to来代替,后接动名词、不定式时已为实意动词,而非情态动词。如:The motorcycle needs to be repaired.
Your hair needs washing badly.
条件、疑问与否定,dare to do表实动。
此段表述的是dare的用法,情态动词dare多用于条件句、否定句、疑问句,dare to do表示实意动词。如:Who dare touch my teeth? He dared to do so.
歌诀十五:介词except 与 except for
尽管介词except 与 except for殊难区分,然一旦记住上面的六字口诀,问题便迎刃而解。具体是说,在表示“除外”时,besides是“加上”,except 和except for都是“减去”。在表示“减去”时,except 表示的是“减去”的内容属于同一类,否则用except for。 None of them can speak English except my teacher.(my teacher和 them是同类)
Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. (Composition和spelling mistakes不是同类)
except 还可接介词短语、不定式和从句,except for则不能接这些结构。如: The farmer rarely went to the city except to hospital.
He can do everything except give birth.
They had no idea where the hotel was,
except that it was near a post office.
“程、状、地”指先后顺序,如:Children played fairly (程度) well (状态) there (地点)yesterday.
“地、状、频”,如:I have been to Germany (地点) delightfully (状态) twice (频度) in 2002. “时间状语是殿军”指时间状语总是放在最后面。
其一,有些动词须以动名词宾语,它们可用 “MP\4r\ caf\ disk”来记,即“宪兵带着4把手枪在咖啡馆里看光盘”(把字母 r 想象成手枪)。
M指mind, miss, mention
When I mention playing football, he says he’s too busy.
He just missed being run over by a truck.
P指prevent, permit, postpone, pardon, practice
We don’t permit smoking in the office.
Practice throwing the ball into the net .
4R指risk, resist, resent,resume:
Informing the truth risks destroying the patients’ hope.
Jill couldn’t resist making jokes about his baldness.
Nurses may bitterly resent having to take part in deceiving patients. c 指consider, contemplate
we’re considering going to USA.
I don’t contemplate (预料) him opposing my plan.
a指admit, avoid, appreciate, anticipate
He admitted having done wrong.
I appreciate hearing from you again.
We anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture. f指face, fancy, finish
Fancy his being so rude!
e指excuse, enjoy, escape
He escaped being punished.
Excuse my interrupting you.
d指delay, defer, deny, dispute(不同意), detest(痛恨)
She defers(暂缓) making a decision.
Why have you delayed opening the school.
He denied (否认) knowing anything about it.
i指imagine, involve
I can’t imagine living anywhere but Australia.
The job involves me living in London.
I suggested taking the children to the zoo.
The inserts keep reproducing themselves.
其二,有些动词必须以不定式作宾语,它们是:(口诀二) 三w 、h c ,五a领着四d 、p, 一r m二l、b, 接不定式o, u, e。
它包括了三个以w开头的单词,三个以h开头的单词,三个以c开头的单词,五个以a开头的单词,分别以d 、p开头的单词各四个,分别以l、b开头的单词各两个,分别以r, m, o, u, e开头的单词各一个。
注:3 w、 hc是want, wish, wait和 hope , help, hesitate以及care, choose, consent Anna is waiting to have a word with you.
He hesitated to buy the coat.
We chose to go by train.
二l、b是learn, long:和beg, bear.
I can’t bear him to deceive me.
I long to go abroad.
五a是: agree, ask., afford, arrange, attempt
She agreed to help me with computer.
四d是dare , demand, determine, decide,
She demanded to be told everything.
四p是 plan, pretend, promise, prepare
He promised to give me a stove oven.
以r, m, o, u, e开头的五个单词分别是refuse ,manage ,offer, undertake, expect He managed\ offered to reserve two berths for us.
He undertook\ expect \ refuse to act as our guide.
其三,有16个动词既可以动名词宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,意思基本不变。因为接动名词、不定式均可,情况又变得简单起来,只需记住一句话就行,即:(口诀三)双方一旦开始(begin, start, ),无论喜欢(like, prefer )与否(hate, dislike),都得继续(continue)下去。都不能打算(intend,attempt, propose)忽视(neglect)开始(commence)的爱(love)。习惯(be accustom to)也好,害怕(afraid to do \ of doing)也好,难以容忍( can’t bear)也好。(参见Michael Swan:《英语用法指南》第339条)
I’m afraid to tell \ of telling her.
She can’t bear to get \getting her coat dirty.
He is accustom to work \to working hard.
其四,有9个动词既可以动名词作宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,意思却不同。歌诀(四)曰:remember、forget, try、mean、stop、regret,want、 need、require 。
注:remember to do sth.指记住(别忘记)要做某事,remember doing sth.记得(回忆起)曾做过某事;forget to do sth指忘了要做某事,forget doing sth.忘了要做某事;try to do sth指试图做某事,try doing sth.试试看(试过);mean to do sth指打算,有意图,mean doing sth.意味着,就是;stop to do sth停下来做某事,此为目的状语,stop doing sth.停止做某事。Regret to do sth对现在要发生的事表示“遗憾”,regret doing sth.对发生过的事表示“后悔”。want to do sth指希望,想要;want doing sth.需要,该;need\ require to do sth都是需要require\need doing sth.该都是动名词主动式表示被动。因这9个单词既可接不定式,又可接动名词,我们比之为“九条两头蛇。” 时态一致原则
歌诀(五)为:一般/进行时间同,后主将来先完成。真理不受时间限,具体时间过去从。 注:“一般/进行时间同”,指从句用了一般过去时或过去进行时,表示从句与主句的谓语动词的动作同时发生。如:I explained to them my friend knew no French. He wondered what the boys were doing there.
"后主将来”指从句谓语动词的动作“后于”主句谓语动词的动作,从句须用过去将来时;“先完成”指从句谓语动词的动作“先于”主句谓语动词的动作,从句须用过去完成时。如:The Swede was warned that Napoleon would probably ask him 3 questions. I asked him where he had been.
“真理不受时间限”指如从句表述的是客观真理,即便是主句用的是过去时,从句仍用一般现在时。例:Copernicus discovered that Earth revolves around the sun.
“具体时间过去从” 指从句中有具体的时间状语,从句要用一般过去时,即便是从句谓语动词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前也如此。如:
She said she was born in 1980.
歌诀(六)的名字就是:锁定 that
The only, the very,The same, no 、any, 两项并列人与物,不定、序数、最高级。 注:前两句指先行词前有The only, the very, the same, no , any修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词一定用that。例:That’s the
only thing that we can do at the moment.
They talked about the countries and people that they had visited
Is there anything ( that ) I can do for you?
The first person that I remind is John.
The best materials that you should recite are your texts.
主语从句用Whether,宾语从句or not,不定式前介词后,取代if别条件。
Whether there’ll be seats left it is doubtful.
He doesn’t know whether to stay or not.
It depends on whether he is ready.
Let me know whether he has left for Canberra.
祝愿句、感叹句,only 、so 、 as;开始为副词,否定句首时。
注:倒装句是将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前。在only 、so 、 as 中,only指only所修饰的副词、介词短语、状语从句放在句首时,形成倒装。如:Only then did I know the importance of learning English .
You can keep the secret, so can I.
(如后面的句子单纯重复前一句子,则不倒装。如:It’s cold today, so it is.) as指当 as作“虽然”解的让步状语从句中,造成倒装。如:Child as she is, she knows a lot about the world.
“开始为副词”指以here, there, then, now或out, up, down, away等开头的句子,这种倒装多见于描述性的文体。如:There comes a bus.
Out rushed a train from the cave.
Not until you told me did I know the fact.
Not only can he speak English but also his daughter.
歌诀九: 省略句
After dining at the Jones’ (house), I met him at my tailor’s (shop). Vingo tightened his face,
as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment.
歌诀十: 定冠词
“序数、方位、最高级,乐器、党派和阶级”,如:The Third Wave,
join the Party, play the electronic organ( 中国乐器常常无冠词,如play dizi)。 “地理名词去湖泊,独一无二Space” 指地理名词要有定冠词,如:the Alps, the Sahara, the Nile,但湖泊例外,如:Lake Baikal。
“独一无二Space” 指独一无二的事物要加定冠词,但Space(“太空”),society(“社会”),man(“人类”)前无冠词。
“普通名词专有化”后要加定冠词,如:the United Nations, the
Ministry of Education.
“一类人、物看回指” 指定冠词和单数可数名词连用可指“一类人或物”,如:The lion is the king of beasts.
歌诀十一: 零冠词
一日三餐有职位,物主、指代、every。季节、月份与星期,棋类、球类、节假日。 “一日三餐有职位” 指一日三餐前、表示职位的名词前用零冠词,即无冠词,如:Her husband had been made Mayor.
play volleyball, Saint Valentine’s Day, the Spring Festival
歌诀十二: 不定代词之一
either、neither谓语单,none指人时同 no one; one复数是ones, another可置few前。
“either、neither谓语单”指either或neither作主语时谓语动词为单数,如:Either\ Neither sentence is correct English.
Every、no只定语, each每个重个体,lots只有肯定句,other复数 others.
it代替同一物,that代替不可数;none作主语none of, 谓语可单也可复。All、both部分否。
The population of China is large than that of USA.
“none作主语none of,谓语可单也可复”,如:None of us agree \
agrees with what he said.
“All、both部分否”,指All、both和not连用时是部分否定,而非全部否定。如:All that glitters is not gold.( 发光的未必都是金子。)
口诀十三: 连系动词
“特征、状态”指第一类单纯表示一种特征、状态,如:be, seem, appear, feel, look, sound, taste, smell,
“保态”指保持原有状态,如:remain, keep , continue
“变态”指改变原有状态,如:become, get, grow, come, go, turn, fall, prove 歌诀十四: 情态动词之一
否定may时 mustn’t,否定must(为)needn’t。祝愿句中只用 may,把握不大用might。如:May you succeed.
ought 、should两相通,语气ought to较重。该做没做用完成。
“该做没做用完成”是说ought to、should的完成时表示本该做的事,实际没做,有责备意。如:You should have been here 10 minutes earlier.
情态need常否、疑,接完成时“本不必”;肯定should 、 must,动名、不定为实意。 此段表述的是need的用法,情态动词need多用于否定句、疑问句,接完成时是“本不必做实际做了”,肯定句中用should 、 must 、have to来代替,后接动名词、不定式时已为实意动词,而非情态动词。如:The motorcycle needs to be repaired.
Your hair needs washing badly.
条件、疑问与否定,dare to do表实动。
此段表述的是dare的用法,情态动词dare多用于条件句、否定句、疑问句,dare to do表示实意动词。如:Who dare touch my teeth? He dared to do so.
歌诀十五:介词except 与 except for
尽管介词except 与 except for殊难区分,然一旦记住上面的六字口诀,问题便迎刃而解。具体是说,在表示“除外”时,besides是“加上”,except 和except for都是“减去”。在表示“减去”时,except 表示的是“减去”的内容属于同一类,否则用except for。 None of them can speak English except my teacher.(my teacher和 them是同类)
Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. (Composition和spelling mistakes不是同类)
except 还可接介词短语、不定式和从句,except for则不能接这些结构。如: The farmer rarely went to the city except to hospital.
He can do everything except give birth.
They had no idea where the hotel was,
except that it was near a post office.
“程、状、地”指先后顺序,如:Children played fairly (程度) well (状态) there (地点)yesterday.
“地、状、频”,如:I have been to Germany (地点) delightfully (状态) twice (频度) in 2002. “时间状语是殿军”指时间状语总是放在最后面。