Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could reach these fantasies is through a process called cloning. Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. There are many advantages and disadvantages of cloning.
One disadvantage is whether if cloning is ethical. Cloning will bring up a great controversy on whether if cloning is the “right” thing to do or not. This controversy is currently going on right now and will be even a greater controversy if the government allows cloning. Many people think that nature should just take its course.
A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart
then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning.
Another disadvantage of cloning is that it has not been perfect yet. The cloning of the sheep Dolly had 276 failures before successfully cloning a sheep. With these kinds of figures we should not even go near trying to demonstrate cloning on humans.Someone is going to do it, legal or illegal. But it seems only logical to do it under strict government supervision with the best trained professionals rather than letting some maniacal(癫狂的) scientists do it and let his clone run loose.Now cloning is banned in the United States. The government is not supporting the experiment of cloning through any means.
Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful for Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’s DNA order, so we can save lots of people.
Huxley illustrates the future with people having One more disadvantage of cloning can be studied through the works of Aldous Huxley in his book the “Brave New World.” “total loss of individuality, creativity, and freedom. ” This is because if humans are then there would be a lot of the same people in the future. An example would be if a person is cloned and was cloned 3 times. This would cause trouble because none of these
clones will have anything unique about themselves. The future of cloning is very questionable.
Nature itself exists cloning phenomenon. In nature, there are many plants which are born with the instinct of cloning, such as potato, rose. Grafting is a clone. Besides, clone have already existed in natural animal and microbe. For example, monozygotic twins is actually a clone.
In conclusion,To reduce the risk of having more
disadvantages of Cloning, human cloning should not be prohibited simply because it does not insure immediate benefits, but it should be experimented with for potential future use.And cloning is a study in
biotechnology that has unlimited possibilities. There are disadvantages such as not perfecting the technique of cloning. Despite this fact, cloning will be an ongoing process and will be tested. Hopefully,cloning will not be a downfall to human history but rather a step closer to a better society.
Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. It is favorable for human’s development.
I think that your points have some deviation from the the subject of English debate contest. Our debate points is whether human cloning should be allowed. So you should be back to the subject.
Thank you for reminding me, but I cite these examples to illustrate clone has become an important technology today.It can be used for the benefit of mankind, for example, used in organ transplantation.
It can cause some unexpective results because the cloning technology is still immature(不成熟的). Cloning experiments in animals that appear in the high failure rate and high risk.
However,I think the cloning technology for organ transplantation has many benefits. It can seek more extensive sources for organ transplantation, reduce the immunological rejection and improve the success rate of transplantation. For example, cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. Adults can’t regenerate nerve cells. but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury.
Although what you say is an actual fact,Some people may use the clone technology to clone human and harvest for organs transplanting. Then what we human are? I think it is a violation of human rights. Furthermore, most religious people are on the down-side of cloning. So Many people say that cloning is messing with the natural
order of things.
I want to say that a single organ cloning isn’t a violation of human rights. In addition, Cloning technology can also be used to multiply valuable genes. For example, in medicine realm, insulin is produced to treat diabetes. Through genetic selection, we can control the genetic disease.
There are some problems .Firstly, the cloning technology is difficult, very difficult to reach a certain number, even if there are so few clones will come into the world, it may be a threat(威胁) to human survival.
But the acceptance of things that people have a process, the human moral concepts can be changed. Recently, a father wrote that his 5-year-old son died of leukemia(白血病),the father grieved,and eager to rapid progress in cloning the country, became the first beneficiary. Requires clone of his dead child can not say that sub-human nature, right?
The law does not prevent the development of technology, but it provides guidance and limitations, which gain sufficient time to prepare and psychological, institutional preparation, in order to fully and estimated the negative effects of technological development, while avoiding disadvantages, the establishment of a set operation systems and rules, as
long as the Government to strengthen management, cloning can minimize the harm.
You said that cloning is beneficial to curing diseases. But now the technique of it is not proven and it is under the base of contributing human beings' organs. If we continue to research in it deeply,maybe we will waste precious contributed organs and hunt donators. Meanwhile, how can we assure its safety?The answer is not transparent now.
Again, the development of technology has its own internal rules, the cell technology is unstoppable. In life science research, cloning is a very useful technique. Even if people disagree on the cloning of people do not say categorically do not need to engage in human society, human cloning. Human cloning research will address some theoretical issues in developmental biology provide an opportunity, but also may provide useful technique to humans. Do not always think about the ethics of human cloning, legal and moral, which easily tied the hands of scientists and creativity. cloning technology itself will be in play and social development in the future of its great potential. As long as it is conducive to improving the quality of human survival and sustainable development of cloning technology as a standard of value, can make them better for the cloning of human and social services.From what have been said above, our team strikes that human cloning is not good.
Hello, everyone,next, I will summarize,cloning is not good.First, opening proposition illustrated a lot of advantages of cloning. It is true. But for most of people,we can say that cloning is useless and even that it can't link to our daily lives. And then,you also said that cloning is good for agriculture. Maybe it can come true someday. But now we have organic plants and relatively serious management of agriculture. Why we still challenge and take a risk? It's not really realistic. Improving production of organic plants can solve the problems too.Obviously, it's much practical. On balance, actually cloning is beneficial to some areas, but it is not practical to popularize and spread.If cloning is spread, it is likely to raise panic and troubles.It is controversial. And it is against moral appeals and conscience. It's possible that lawbreakers especially terrorists make use of cloning to do something bad for human beings for the world.If diving in cloning, it should be under strict government supervision with the best trained professionals rather than letting some scientists do it and let his clone run loose.Considering the severe consequences,we emphasize that the disadvantages of cloning outweigh the advantages.From what have been said above, our team strikes that human cloning is not good.
Thank you for your listening.
Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could reach these fantasies is through a process called cloning. Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. There are many advantages and disadvantages of cloning.
One disadvantage is whether if cloning is ethical. Cloning will bring up a great controversy on whether if cloning is the “right” thing to do or not. This controversy is currently going on right now and will be even a greater controversy if the government allows cloning. Many people think that nature should just take its course.
A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart
then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning.
Another disadvantage of cloning is that it has not been perfect yet. The cloning of the sheep Dolly had 276 failures before successfully cloning a sheep. With these kinds of figures we should not even go near trying to demonstrate cloning on humans.Someone is going to do it, legal or illegal. But it seems only logical to do it under strict government supervision with the best trained professionals rather than letting some maniacal(癫狂的) scientists do it and let his clone run loose.Now cloning is banned in the United States. The government is not supporting the experiment of cloning through any means.
Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful for Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’s DNA order, so we can save lots of people.
Huxley illustrates the future with people having One more disadvantage of cloning can be studied through the works of Aldous Huxley in his book the “Brave New World.” “total loss of individuality, creativity, and freedom. ” This is because if humans are then there would be a lot of the same people in the future. An example would be if a person is cloned and was cloned 3 times. This would cause trouble because none of these
clones will have anything unique about themselves. The future of cloning is very questionable.
Nature itself exists cloning phenomenon. In nature, there are many plants which are born with the instinct of cloning, such as potato, rose. Grafting is a clone. Besides, clone have already existed in natural animal and microbe. For example, monozygotic twins is actually a clone.
In conclusion,To reduce the risk of having more
disadvantages of Cloning, human cloning should not be prohibited simply because it does not insure immediate benefits, but it should be experimented with for potential future use.And cloning is a study in
biotechnology that has unlimited possibilities. There are disadvantages such as not perfecting the technique of cloning. Despite this fact, cloning will be an ongoing process and will be tested. Hopefully,cloning will not be a downfall to human history but rather a step closer to a better society.
Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. It is favorable for human’s development.
I think that your points have some deviation from the the subject of English debate contest. Our debate points is whether human cloning should be allowed. So you should be back to the subject.
Thank you for reminding me, but I cite these examples to illustrate clone has become an important technology today.It can be used for the benefit of mankind, for example, used in organ transplantation.
It can cause some unexpective results because the cloning technology is still immature(不成熟的). Cloning experiments in animals that appear in the high failure rate and high risk.
However,I think the cloning technology for organ transplantation has many benefits. It can seek more extensive sources for organ transplantation, reduce the immunological rejection and improve the success rate of transplantation. For example, cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. Adults can’t regenerate nerve cells. but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury.
Although what you say is an actual fact,Some people may use the clone technology to clone human and harvest for organs transplanting. Then what we human are? I think it is a violation of human rights. Furthermore, most religious people are on the down-side of cloning. So Many people say that cloning is messing with the natural
order of things.
I want to say that a single organ cloning isn’t a violation of human rights. In addition, Cloning technology can also be used to multiply valuable genes. For example, in medicine realm, insulin is produced to treat diabetes. Through genetic selection, we can control the genetic disease.
There are some problems .Firstly, the cloning technology is difficult, very difficult to reach a certain number, even if there are so few clones will come into the world, it may be a threat(威胁) to human survival.
But the acceptance of things that people have a process, the human moral concepts can be changed. Recently, a father wrote that his 5-year-old son died of leukemia(白血病),the father grieved,and eager to rapid progress in cloning the country, became the first beneficiary. Requires clone of his dead child can not say that sub-human nature, right?
The law does not prevent the development of technology, but it provides guidance and limitations, which gain sufficient time to prepare and psychological, institutional preparation, in order to fully and estimated the negative effects of technological development, while avoiding disadvantages, the establishment of a set operation systems and rules, as
long as the Government to strengthen management, cloning can minimize the harm.
You said that cloning is beneficial to curing diseases. But now the technique of it is not proven and it is under the base of contributing human beings' organs. If we continue to research in it deeply,maybe we will waste precious contributed organs and hunt donators. Meanwhile, how can we assure its safety?The answer is not transparent now.
Again, the development of technology has its own internal rules, the cell technology is unstoppable. In life science research, cloning is a very useful technique. Even if people disagree on the cloning of people do not say categorically do not need to engage in human society, human cloning. Human cloning research will address some theoretical issues in developmental biology provide an opportunity, but also may provide useful technique to humans. Do not always think about the ethics of human cloning, legal and moral, which easily tied the hands of scientists and creativity. cloning technology itself will be in play and social development in the future of its great potential. As long as it is conducive to improving the quality of human survival and sustainable development of cloning technology as a standard of value, can make them better for the cloning of human and social services.From what have been said above, our team strikes that human cloning is not good.
Hello, everyone,next, I will summarize,cloning is not good.First, opening proposition illustrated a lot of advantages of cloning. It is true. But for most of people,we can say that cloning is useless and even that it can't link to our daily lives. And then,you also said that cloning is good for agriculture. Maybe it can come true someday. But now we have organic plants and relatively serious management of agriculture. Why we still challenge and take a risk? It's not really realistic. Improving production of organic plants can solve the problems too.Obviously, it's much practical. On balance, actually cloning is beneficial to some areas, but it is not practical to popularize and spread.If cloning is spread, it is likely to raise panic and troubles.It is controversial. And it is against moral appeals and conscience. It's possible that lawbreakers especially terrorists make use of cloning to do something bad for human beings for the world.If diving in cloning, it should be under strict government supervision with the best trained professionals rather than letting some scientists do it and let his clone run loose.Considering the severe consequences,we emphasize that the disadvantages of cloning outweigh the advantages.From what have been said above, our team strikes that human cloning is not good.
Thank you for your listening.