

1.They have arrived in Shanghai.

2.I have just seen the film twice.

3.She has ever visited the USA.

4.I have already finished my homework .


1. I visit my grandparents on Sundays .------

2. She climbs the Great Wall .------

3. They worked in Beijing last year.------

4. I am seeing a film now .------


1. she gone ?

2. times you 3. have you 4. have read this book twice.

read this book twice ?

四、填入has/have been 或 has/ have gone .

1. A:Can I speak to Li Lei , please ?

B:He’s out . I’m afraid . He 2. A:Is your mother in?

B:No, she to Shenzhen.

there before ?

there several times

一、用for 或since 填空。

1. The film has been on 20 minutes .

2. Mr Green has worked here 3. His father has been in the Party 4.Betty and Tony have been at Beijing International School last year.

5.Betty has lived in Beijing 2003.

6.Tony has studied Chinese a year.


1. (就划线部分提问)

they here ?

2. Li Lei has studied English since 2 years ago .(改为同义句)

Li Lei has studied English

3. I have been in Baise for 20 years

I have been in Baise .

4. (就划线部分提问)

you known each other ? (就划线部分提问) she taught English in the school ?


5. My brother bought the car half a year ago .

My brother the car for a year .

6. I borrowed this book two weeks ago .

I this book for two weeks .

3. His grandpa died 6 years ago .

His grandpa since 6 years ago .

4.My father came to Beijing two days ago .

My father Beijing for two days .

5. They joined the Party 10 years ago .

They in the Party for 10 years .

6. Mrs Smiths left the USA there years ago.

Mrs Smiths the USA for there years .

7. The film began ten minutes ago .

The film


1.They have arrived in Shanghai.

2.I have just seen the film twice.

3.She has ever visited the USA.

4.I have already finished my homework .


1. I visit my grandparents on Sundays .------

2. She climbs the Great Wall .------

3. They worked in Beijing last year.------

4. I am seeing a film now .------


1. she gone ?

2. times you 3. have you 4. have read this book twice.

read this book twice ?

四、填入has/have been 或 has/ have gone .

1. A:Can I speak to Li Lei , please ?

B:He’s out . I’m afraid . He 2. A:Is your mother in?

B:No, she to Shenzhen.

there before ?

there several times

一、用for 或since 填空。

1. The film has been on 20 minutes .

2. Mr Green has worked here 3. His father has been in the Party 4.Betty and Tony have been at Beijing International School last year.

5.Betty has lived in Beijing 2003.

6.Tony has studied Chinese a year.


1. (就划线部分提问)

they here ?

2. Li Lei has studied English since 2 years ago .(改为同义句)

Li Lei has studied English

3. I have been in Baise for 20 years

I have been in Baise .

4. (就划线部分提问)

you known each other ? (就划线部分提问) she taught English in the school ?


5. My brother bought the car half a year ago .

My brother the car for a year .

6. I borrowed this book two weeks ago .

I this book for two weeks .

3. His grandpa died 6 years ago .

His grandpa since 6 years ago .

4.My father came to Beijing two days ago .

My father Beijing for two days .

5. They joined the Party 10 years ago .

They in the Party for 10 years .

6. Mrs Smiths left the USA there years ago.

Mrs Smiths the USA for there years .

7. The film began ten minutes ago .

The film


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