

首先请允许我代表兰州32中全体师生,对你们一周来的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢,对这次交流活动的圆满成功表示热烈的祝贺!。 一周来,你们远离亲人朋友来到兰州,来到32中,你们克服了生活不便,交流上的障碍,把一颗颗火热的心投在了我们的学生身上,你们先进的教学理念和优秀的教育教学水平值得我们学习和借鉴。感谢你们为教育教学发展做出的贡献。



课堂上, 各位老师生动活泼的教学,使孩子们对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,他们争先恐后地发言,一个个举起小手向各位老师提问,表现出了他们强烈的求知欲和对美国文化的好奇。他们从不敢张嘴说话到敢于和各位外教进行简单的英语交流,能够试着用英语表达出他们内心的想法。这些变化对我们的孩子来说是多么的难能可贵。你们为



此刻千言万语只化成两个字 — 珍重,期待你们再一次来我校交流,兰州32中的大门永远为你们敞开!最后衷心地祝愿你们每一个人都够生活如意,身体健康。谢谢!

Dear American friends: First please allow me, on behalf of all the teachers and students in No. 32 Middle School of Lanzhou, to express my heartfelt thanks for your hard work in this week, and to express warm congratulations for the success of this exchange activities.

In the past week, you stayed away from your families and friends to come to No.32 Middle School of Lanzhou ; y ou overcame the inconvenience of life, the obstacles of communication and cast out the hot heart upon our students; and your advanced teaching idea and excellent education teaching level is worth learning and using for reference. Thank you for your contribution to the development of education teaching.

Although our communication is only a week, we teachers all have benefited a lot from you, with the subtle infection of you, our teachers are also reflecting on whether their education methods and education means are appropriate. Especially for our English teachers, they learned how to attract students’ interest in English learning as much as possible, and realized their shortages and then will improve their professional quality through learning. All of these changes and progress are inseparable from your dedication.

In addition, the children are very lucky to benefit too. Since you came here, great changes have taken place in the children. They wear more clean, speak more polite, write neatly. They are filled with happy smiles on their face, that’s because your love and enthusiasm influenced their young and small mind.

In class, it is your lively teaching methods that makes the children develop great interest in English. They rushed to speak and raised their hands one by one to ask questions, showing their strong thirst for knowledge and curiosity about American culture. They used to dare not to speak, but now they dare to communicate with the foreign teachers and can try to express their inner thoughts using simple English. These changes is how valuable for our children. And it is you who injected fresh blood to the education of No. 32 Middle School.

We express our gratefulness not only for your dedication, but more for your

painstaking spirit. You visited the students’ families in the weekend and had cordial talk with parents to know about the status of Chinese students’ family life, focusing on children’s growing environment. I believe No. 32 Middle School of Lanzhou will remember you and every child will remember you. “There is no ending feast”. Now that nothing can stop your departure, let this unforgettable week be your and my eternal memory! Let the feelings of the rivers surging in our hearts forever!

At the moment thousands of words into one word - treasure, only looking forward to your coming again to our school, and the door of No. 32 Middle School in Lanzhou is always open for you! Finally I sincerely wish every one of you to lead a happy life and live in good health. Thank you very much!


首先请允许我代表兰州32中全体师生,对你们一周来的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢,对这次交流活动的圆满成功表示热烈的祝贺!。 一周来,你们远离亲人朋友来到兰州,来到32中,你们克服了生活不便,交流上的障碍,把一颗颗火热的心投在了我们的学生身上,你们先进的教学理念和优秀的教育教学水平值得我们学习和借鉴。感谢你们为教育教学发展做出的贡献。



课堂上, 各位老师生动活泼的教学,使孩子们对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,他们争先恐后地发言,一个个举起小手向各位老师提问,表现出了他们强烈的求知欲和对美国文化的好奇。他们从不敢张嘴说话到敢于和各位外教进行简单的英语交流,能够试着用英语表达出他们内心的想法。这些变化对我们的孩子来说是多么的难能可贵。你们为



此刻千言万语只化成两个字 — 珍重,期待你们再一次来我校交流,兰州32中的大门永远为你们敞开!最后衷心地祝愿你们每一个人都够生活如意,身体健康。谢谢!

Dear American friends: First please allow me, on behalf of all the teachers and students in No. 32 Middle School of Lanzhou, to express my heartfelt thanks for your hard work in this week, and to express warm congratulations for the success of this exchange activities.

In the past week, you stayed away from your families and friends to come to No.32 Middle School of Lanzhou ; y ou overcame the inconvenience of life, the obstacles of communication and cast out the hot heart upon our students; and your advanced teaching idea and excellent education teaching level is worth learning and using for reference. Thank you for your contribution to the development of education teaching.

Although our communication is only a week, we teachers all have benefited a lot from you, with the subtle infection of you, our teachers are also reflecting on whether their education methods and education means are appropriate. Especially for our English teachers, they learned how to attract students’ interest in English learning as much as possible, and realized their shortages and then will improve their professional quality through learning. All of these changes and progress are inseparable from your dedication.

In addition, the children are very lucky to benefit too. Since you came here, great changes have taken place in the children. They wear more clean, speak more polite, write neatly. They are filled with happy smiles on their face, that’s because your love and enthusiasm influenced their young and small mind.

In class, it is your lively teaching methods that makes the children develop great interest in English. They rushed to speak and raised their hands one by one to ask questions, showing their strong thirst for knowledge and curiosity about American culture. They used to dare not to speak, but now they dare to communicate with the foreign teachers and can try to express their inner thoughts using simple English. These changes is how valuable for our children. And it is you who injected fresh blood to the education of No. 32 Middle School.

We express our gratefulness not only for your dedication, but more for your

painstaking spirit. You visited the students’ families in the weekend and had cordial talk with parents to know about the status of Chinese students’ family life, focusing on children’s growing environment. I believe No. 32 Middle School of Lanzhou will remember you and every child will remember you. “There is no ending feast”. Now that nothing can stop your departure, let this unforgettable week be your and my eternal memory! Let the feelings of the rivers surging in our hearts forever!

At the moment thousands of words into one word - treasure, only looking forward to your coming again to our school, and the door of No. 32 Middle School in Lanzhou is always open for you! Finally I sincerely wish every one of you to lead a happy life and live in good health. Thank you very much!


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