

Women may say they are looking for tights abs or a sense of humour in their man, but he had better have a healthy bank balance to go with it. According to new research published yesterday in Germany, more women are using money as overriding criteria for choosing their partners. With women getting better jobs, they are looking for their men to have a spending power to match, said the study.


Taking control: Good looks or a sense of humour are increasingly taking a back seat to money when it comes to the criteria women use to find a partner, according to new research in Germany The Cologne-based Institute for the German Economy claimed women quizzed in a survey said they wanted to avoid stress and confrontation over big differences in earnings.


The findings showed that the number of households in which one person earns much more than the other has decreased in the ten years between 1998 and 2008. At the same time, couples with two average or high earners increased from 27.9 per cent to 30.5 per cent. Couples that included a high earner and a low earner in the relationship decreased by 2.8 per cent from 28.6 to 25.8 per cent in the same time span.


In a controversial study published in January by London School of Economics Professor Dr Catherine Hakim, more women were said to prefer to marry a man earning more than they do.According to the poll, 64 per cent said they aspire to find a husband bringing home more money. None wanted to marry a man who earned less. Dr Hakim claimed more women were

choosing to ‘marry up’ by picking wealthy men for their spouse than in the 1940s. After decades of gender equality campaigning many women now find it hard to admit that they want to be a housewife more than they want a successful career of their own, she said.

来自伦敦经济学院的教授Dr Catherine Hakim称:“越来越多的女人希望能嫁给收入比她们要多的男性。”调查中,有64%的人希望自己的丈夫为家庭在经济上能贡献多一些,没有一个人希望自己的老公比自己赚钱少。与四十年代相比,越来越多的女人希望能嫁给比自己经济能力强的男人,挑有钱人做老公。可悲的是,经过数十年来的女性平等权益斗争以来,还是有很多女人羞于承认她们内心深处更希望做一名家庭主妇,而非女强人。


Women may say they are looking for tights abs or a sense of humour in their man, but he had better have a healthy bank balance to go with it. According to new research published yesterday in Germany, more women are using money as overriding criteria for choosing their partners. With women getting better jobs, they are looking for their men to have a spending power to match, said the study.


Taking control: Good looks or a sense of humour are increasingly taking a back seat to money when it comes to the criteria women use to find a partner, according to new research in Germany The Cologne-based Institute for the German Economy claimed women quizzed in a survey said they wanted to avoid stress and confrontation over big differences in earnings.


The findings showed that the number of households in which one person earns much more than the other has decreased in the ten years between 1998 and 2008. At the same time, couples with two average or high earners increased from 27.9 per cent to 30.5 per cent. Couples that included a high earner and a low earner in the relationship decreased by 2.8 per cent from 28.6 to 25.8 per cent in the same time span.


In a controversial study published in January by London School of Economics Professor Dr Catherine Hakim, more women were said to prefer to marry a man earning more than they do.According to the poll, 64 per cent said they aspire to find a husband bringing home more money. None wanted to marry a man who earned less. Dr Hakim claimed more women were

choosing to ‘marry up’ by picking wealthy men for their spouse than in the 1940s. After decades of gender equality campaigning many women now find it hard to admit that they want to be a housewife more than they want a successful career of their own, she said.

来自伦敦经济学院的教授Dr Catherine Hakim称:“越来越多的女人希望能嫁给收入比她们要多的男性。”调查中,有64%的人希望自己的丈夫为家庭在经济上能贡献多一些,没有一个人希望自己的老公比自己赚钱少。与四十年代相比,越来越多的女人希望能嫁给比自己经济能力强的男人,挑有钱人做老公。可悲的是,经过数十年来的女性平等权益斗争以来,还是有很多女人羞于承认她们内心深处更希望做一名家庭主妇,而非女强人。


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