











西方世界文化丰富多样. 在全球化过程中, 各个国家和民族的文化, 相互融合, 互相促进, 呈现出多元和谐的发展局面. 面对东西方文化的差异, 我们应该平等对待. 我们要抱沟通的态度. 既尊重自己民族文化的价值, 又尊重其他民族文化的价值, 主张平等交流, 相互学习. 同时, 又要抱扬弃的态度, 取其精华, 弃其糟粕, 使我们自己的文化体现民族性, 突出时代性. 文化像火车,简洁高速的往前;而东方文化像房子,讲究结构,较固定,和保守。

对待中国传统文化,我的观点是应当以继承为主. 中国社会之所以能够延续了五千多年的发展历史, 一个重要原因就是我们的传统文化在起重要的作用, 否则中国早不叫中国了. 但是, 我们在近代的发展过程中, 对传统的东西一度采取了完全抛弃的方式, 对传统的精华造成了极大的伤害. 直到中国现在的改革开放, 由于人们的目光都集中在金钱和利益方面, 传统的东西更是被冲击的支离破碎. 等以儒家思想为主导思想一些国家包括日本, 韩国, 新佳坡以及我们国家的台湾地区在儒家思想的推动下快速发展时, 我们才发现, 产生于自己国家的精华思想并没有被我们所好好利用, 反而是其他一些国家保存的更加完好. 恢复传统文化并不是简单地返回到封建时期的状态和思想, 而是将有利于我们的精华保留下来, 不要让他在我们手中以创新等理由被抛弃. 创新是应该的, 没有创新, 社会发展就不会有动力, 但是缺少传统基础的社会, 还

叫中国吗? 长期以来,部分人士把传统文化与儒家文化等同起来表述,这种观点是片面的。传统文化的外延显然要比儒家文化宽泛得多,传统文化是一个民族各种思想文化、观念形态的总体表征,而儒家文化则仅仅是民族思想文化形态中的一种而已。传统文化除儒家文化外,还有各种各样的文化形态,如道家文化、法家文化、墨家文化、名家文化、佛教文化……等等。就儒家文化而言,在其历史演进过程中,大量融汇、吸收了其他各种不同的思想文化内容,从而丰富了自己的思想体系,如荀子集百家,自成一体;董仲舒重儒家、阴阳家,自立一说;宋明理学家更是融释、道于一身,终使儒家达到较完备的形而上理论形态。同时,儒家思想也不断被其他文化所融透和吸收,如魏晋以后的佛教思想,自觉不自觉地汲取儒家文化的内在精神,这是儒家文化与其他思想文化相叠合的一面。但是,在中国思想文化发展史上,还存在大量独立于儒家文化之外的文化内容,这些文化内容都程度不同地渗透、影响着传统文化的形成、民族心理素质、风俗习惯乃至人们的思维、行为、生活方式,譬如墨家主张的“兼爱”、“尚同”思想,道家提倡的自然无为、逍遥羁放的思想情趣和人生态度等,这些思想意识对中国国民心理影响至深至远,在意识形态上往往与儒家文化形成互补结构。这些内容不同、类型相异的思想文化与儒家思想文化相互激荡、吸收、融合,共同熔铸了中国的传统文化。因此,所谓“传统文化”是指中华民族共有的、以儒家思想文化为基线的、涵括其他各种不同思想文化内容的有机的构成体系。

3. 关于中国传统文化与西方传统文化

每个民族都有构成本民族精神凝聚力的文化传统。一般而言,中国传统文化与西方传统文化有着迥然不同的价值取向,如西方传统文化的价值取向中,强调人与自然的对立、强调人的独立自主和进取精神、强调只有真实的才是美好的,这种价值取向使得西方文化不断处于永恒的冲动和超越之中;与此相反,在中国文化的价值取向构成中,始终把谋求人与自然、社会的和谐统一作为人生理想的主旋律(这就是“天人合一”、“天人合德”观念的体现) ,反对人的独立意志和锐意进取,培养人的群体意识、顺从诚敬意识等,此种价值取向使得中国传统文化一开始就具有很大的惰性,它所寻觅的是一种中庸的、调和的途径。在中国传统文化中,价值判断总是与事实判断相脱节,而与伦理道德观念紧密相联,契合为一,就是说,美的东西总是与善的东西相联为一体,只有善良的,才是美好的。两种不同的价值判断组合形式,导致中西方思想文化中非常不同的内容形式和思维方式:一方是对自然本体的追求,一方是对社会人生的探讨;一方是纯知识体系的建构,一方是道德规范原则的叠加;一方是理论性思想的突破,一方是直观性思维的构想。两种不同类型的民族文化特征十分明显。通过这种简单的中西文化和思维方式的对比,我们可以看出,中国传统文化价值取向的一个重要特性就是具有浓厚的伦理道德倾向。

4. 传统文化进行现代转型的内在机理





5. 基于社会主义先进文化的前进方向,探索继承创新传统文化和发展繁荣先进文化的有效途径










What leads to the cultural difference?

The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.

The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own styles. Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture gradually went overseas to Japan, mixed into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same system.

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain ---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also crossed waters. When the colonists of England

settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn't distinguish from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the difference of the language systems adds to the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language (see the picture below) while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one I’m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from the other.

Pictographic charactors

Part II How differently do people behave in daily life?

The differences are everywhere. They affect people’s ways of thinking

and their views of the world. Even in everyday life, the cultural differences show up from the moment the eyes are opened to the minute the dreams are invited.

In the following, I’ll give some typical example of the differences.

Section 1: Greeting

Greeting is the first step to form a culture, because people begin to communicate with others. The individuals become a community.

How do we Chinese greet each other? Informally, if we meet an friend in the street, we are used to say: “Hi, have you had your meal? ” or “Where are you going?”. When it is the case of two gentlemen, they tend to shake hands.

However, in the western countries, the above questions are just questions, not greeting at all. They may think you’re inviting them to dinner if you ask about their meals. Usually, they ’ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “Hi. ”. They’ll shake hands only in some formal situations.

By the way, Westerners can leave a party or meeting halls without a formal conge, nor should they shake hands with every attendee like most of us will do here.

Section 2: Expressing gratitude

Think of the situations below. Y our mother is busy in the kitchen. She suddenly asks you to fetch a bowl for her. Y ou do so. What ’ll your mother ’s response be? Probably she’ll just continue doing the cooking. After a while, the dinner is ready. Your mother hands you your bowl of rice. What’s your response? Probably just begin to eat.

That ’s what I want to say. In Chinese families, we rarely say “Thank you ” to other family members for receiving help or service. Neither will we say so between good friends. It’s such an unpopular response that if you say it, the counterpart will think you are treating him as a stranger, otherwise you are lacking of intimacy.

But in the West, "thank you" is one of the most frequently used sentences. Teachers will thank a student for answering a question; husbands will thank his wife for making a coffee.

However, as an interesting phenomenon, it’s a custom to say "thank you" in Japan. No matter in family or among friends, Japanese chronically use it all the day. This is probably the aberrance of the culture.

Section 3 Dining

The ways people eat, that is, the table manner, really distinguish a lot. The reason for this is probably because of the different dining tools and menus.

Easterners use chopsticks, or sometimes even grasp rice straightly with hands as Indians do. The thin and long chopsticks cannot be used to cut food, so we usually use our teeth to act as knives. We hold our food, meat or vegetable, with the chopsticks, send them to the mouths, bite off a part

of it and remain the other part on the chopsticks. That’s the usual way we eat. We are also used to hold up our bowls when having rice or soup. Japanese hold bowls to have miso soup without spoons. But all these habits are considered rude in the Western countries.

The etiquette in the West requests that when eating, bowls and plates cannot leave the tables. Food should be cut by knives to fit into the mouths. Of course your mouth cannot touch the plates or bowls. So the regular process is like this. You cut your steak on the plate with fork and knife, send the meat cube into the mouth with fork and nothing will be returned back but the fork alone.

Section 4 Symbolizing

Symbolization is how people imagine or regard something. It actually reflects the way people think. Here I’ll only discuss some symbolization that frequently appears in daily life.

First is about the colors. We often give each color some meanings, because we feel differently when facing different colors. So people always have preference when choosing colors of clothes, decorations, etc. In the APEC summit held in Shanghai several years ago, in the last day, the presidents from all over the world wore the traditional Chinese Dang suits and took a photo together. The colors of the suits were chosen by themselves freely. However, it ’s quite interesting to find that most Easterners chose red while most of the westerners preferred blue. To explain this, it’s easy to realize that what red means is almost opposite in the East and the West. Red means luck, fortune here. We Chinese often use this color to decorate in festivals, such as red lanterns, red Chinese nodes, red bangers. But red stands for blood, revolutions in the West. So the presidents avoided wearing this unlucky color.

Another interesting discovery is about the dragons. In the East, dragons are imagined as something like snake and are flowing in the sky for most of the time. The dragon is said to have the face of the horse, the horns of the deer, the ears of the ox, the body of the snake, the claws of the eagle and squama of the fish. We regard dragon as God and say that we Chinese are the off spring of the dragon. The God of Dragons of the four seas can charge the rainfalls, so we sometimes also call them the God of the water or rain. But in the West, people think dragons as dinosaurs, which can

stand on the ground with feet and fly with huge wings. They lay eggs just like dinosaurs. The dragons of the West have the ability to erupt fire, instead of water. The fire can destroy everything so the dragons are not welcomed at all. They even become the symbol of the Devil.

Dragons Imagined by Chinese

Dragon Imagined by the Westerners

Part III What can we do to treat the culture gap?

Now we have seen that there exists such a huge gap between eastern culture and western one. Then what should we do to face this gap in the gradually globalizing world?

Firstly, we cannot deny any of the cultures. Every nation has its own characteristics and it’s mainly through its culture that we first begin to know the nation and its characteristics. So we cannot say that this culture or custom is right and that is wrong. Equal respect should be attached to every culture in the world, even to those that are not in existence any more.

Next, we should get to learn how to coordinate the different cultures. We say the world is becoming smaller and smaller. More foreigners come and go everyday. When it is in the same country, the same city, the same

neighborhood, the cultural collision is expected to be more serious. So we should try to avoid this happening. One important thing is to get some basic knowledge about the other cultures so as not to misunderstand some actions or habits of the foreigners.

When the above two is done, we can start to communicate. I mean we can take in some strong points from the foreign cultures. Though there doesn’t exist correctness in terms of culture, it does have the terms of more advanced or more suitable for the world nowadays. Of course, we cannot throw away our own culture and accept another one totally. Every culture is a treasure to the history of the Earth, so we should only pick out those we lack to perfect our own.

Different cultures add the most colorful element to the world of 21st century. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.












西方世界文化丰富多样. 在全球化过程中, 各个国家和民族的文化, 相互融合, 互相促进, 呈现出多元和谐的发展局面. 面对东西方文化的差异, 我们应该平等对待. 我们要抱沟通的态度. 既尊重自己民族文化的价值, 又尊重其他民族文化的价值, 主张平等交流, 相互学习. 同时, 又要抱扬弃的态度, 取其精华, 弃其糟粕, 使我们自己的文化体现民族性, 突出时代性. 文化像火车,简洁高速的往前;而东方文化像房子,讲究结构,较固定,和保守。

对待中国传统文化,我的观点是应当以继承为主. 中国社会之所以能够延续了五千多年的发展历史, 一个重要原因就是我们的传统文化在起重要的作用, 否则中国早不叫中国了. 但是, 我们在近代的发展过程中, 对传统的东西一度采取了完全抛弃的方式, 对传统的精华造成了极大的伤害. 直到中国现在的改革开放, 由于人们的目光都集中在金钱和利益方面, 传统的东西更是被冲击的支离破碎. 等以儒家思想为主导思想一些国家包括日本, 韩国, 新佳坡以及我们国家的台湾地区在儒家思想的推动下快速发展时, 我们才发现, 产生于自己国家的精华思想并没有被我们所好好利用, 反而是其他一些国家保存的更加完好. 恢复传统文化并不是简单地返回到封建时期的状态和思想, 而是将有利于我们的精华保留下来, 不要让他在我们手中以创新等理由被抛弃. 创新是应该的, 没有创新, 社会发展就不会有动力, 但是缺少传统基础的社会, 还

叫中国吗? 长期以来,部分人士把传统文化与儒家文化等同起来表述,这种观点是片面的。传统文化的外延显然要比儒家文化宽泛得多,传统文化是一个民族各种思想文化、观念形态的总体表征,而儒家文化则仅仅是民族思想文化形态中的一种而已。传统文化除儒家文化外,还有各种各样的文化形态,如道家文化、法家文化、墨家文化、名家文化、佛教文化……等等。就儒家文化而言,在其历史演进过程中,大量融汇、吸收了其他各种不同的思想文化内容,从而丰富了自己的思想体系,如荀子集百家,自成一体;董仲舒重儒家、阴阳家,自立一说;宋明理学家更是融释、道于一身,终使儒家达到较完备的形而上理论形态。同时,儒家思想也不断被其他文化所融透和吸收,如魏晋以后的佛教思想,自觉不自觉地汲取儒家文化的内在精神,这是儒家文化与其他思想文化相叠合的一面。但是,在中国思想文化发展史上,还存在大量独立于儒家文化之外的文化内容,这些文化内容都程度不同地渗透、影响着传统文化的形成、民族心理素质、风俗习惯乃至人们的思维、行为、生活方式,譬如墨家主张的“兼爱”、“尚同”思想,道家提倡的自然无为、逍遥羁放的思想情趣和人生态度等,这些思想意识对中国国民心理影响至深至远,在意识形态上往往与儒家文化形成互补结构。这些内容不同、类型相异的思想文化与儒家思想文化相互激荡、吸收、融合,共同熔铸了中国的传统文化。因此,所谓“传统文化”是指中华民族共有的、以儒家思想文化为基线的、涵括其他各种不同思想文化内容的有机的构成体系。

3. 关于中国传统文化与西方传统文化

每个民族都有构成本民族精神凝聚力的文化传统。一般而言,中国传统文化与西方传统文化有着迥然不同的价值取向,如西方传统文化的价值取向中,强调人与自然的对立、强调人的独立自主和进取精神、强调只有真实的才是美好的,这种价值取向使得西方文化不断处于永恒的冲动和超越之中;与此相反,在中国文化的价值取向构成中,始终把谋求人与自然、社会的和谐统一作为人生理想的主旋律(这就是“天人合一”、“天人合德”观念的体现) ,反对人的独立意志和锐意进取,培养人的群体意识、顺从诚敬意识等,此种价值取向使得中国传统文化一开始就具有很大的惰性,它所寻觅的是一种中庸的、调和的途径。在中国传统文化中,价值判断总是与事实判断相脱节,而与伦理道德观念紧密相联,契合为一,就是说,美的东西总是与善的东西相联为一体,只有善良的,才是美好的。两种不同的价值判断组合形式,导致中西方思想文化中非常不同的内容形式和思维方式:一方是对自然本体的追求,一方是对社会人生的探讨;一方是纯知识体系的建构,一方是道德规范原则的叠加;一方是理论性思想的突破,一方是直观性思维的构想。两种不同类型的民族文化特征十分明显。通过这种简单的中西文化和思维方式的对比,我们可以看出,中国传统文化价值取向的一个重要特性就是具有浓厚的伦理道德倾向。

4. 传统文化进行现代转型的内在机理





5. 基于社会主义先进文化的前进方向,探索继承创新传统文化和发展繁荣先进文化的有效途径










What leads to the cultural difference?

The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.

The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own styles. Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture gradually went overseas to Japan, mixed into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same system.

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain ---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also crossed waters. When the colonists of England

settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn't distinguish from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the difference of the language systems adds to the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language (see the picture below) while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one I’m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from the other.

Pictographic charactors

Part II How differently do people behave in daily life?

The differences are everywhere. They affect people’s ways of thinking

and their views of the world. Even in everyday life, the cultural differences show up from the moment the eyes are opened to the minute the dreams are invited.

In the following, I’ll give some typical example of the differences.

Section 1: Greeting

Greeting is the first step to form a culture, because people begin to communicate with others. The individuals become a community.

How do we Chinese greet each other? Informally, if we meet an friend in the street, we are used to say: “Hi, have you had your meal? ” or “Where are you going?”. When it is the case of two gentlemen, they tend to shake hands.

However, in the western countries, the above questions are just questions, not greeting at all. They may think you’re inviting them to dinner if you ask about their meals. Usually, they ’ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “Hi. ”. They’ll shake hands only in some formal situations.

By the way, Westerners can leave a party or meeting halls without a formal conge, nor should they shake hands with every attendee like most of us will do here.

Section 2: Expressing gratitude

Think of the situations below. Y our mother is busy in the kitchen. She suddenly asks you to fetch a bowl for her. Y ou do so. What ’ll your mother ’s response be? Probably she’ll just continue doing the cooking. After a while, the dinner is ready. Your mother hands you your bowl of rice. What’s your response? Probably just begin to eat.

That ’s what I want to say. In Chinese families, we rarely say “Thank you ” to other family members for receiving help or service. Neither will we say so between good friends. It’s such an unpopular response that if you say it, the counterpart will think you are treating him as a stranger, otherwise you are lacking of intimacy.

But in the West, "thank you" is one of the most frequently used sentences. Teachers will thank a student for answering a question; husbands will thank his wife for making a coffee.

However, as an interesting phenomenon, it’s a custom to say "thank you" in Japan. No matter in family or among friends, Japanese chronically use it all the day. This is probably the aberrance of the culture.

Section 3 Dining

The ways people eat, that is, the table manner, really distinguish a lot. The reason for this is probably because of the different dining tools and menus.

Easterners use chopsticks, or sometimes even grasp rice straightly with hands as Indians do. The thin and long chopsticks cannot be used to cut food, so we usually use our teeth to act as knives. We hold our food, meat or vegetable, with the chopsticks, send them to the mouths, bite off a part

of it and remain the other part on the chopsticks. That’s the usual way we eat. We are also used to hold up our bowls when having rice or soup. Japanese hold bowls to have miso soup without spoons. But all these habits are considered rude in the Western countries.

The etiquette in the West requests that when eating, bowls and plates cannot leave the tables. Food should be cut by knives to fit into the mouths. Of course your mouth cannot touch the plates or bowls. So the regular process is like this. You cut your steak on the plate with fork and knife, send the meat cube into the mouth with fork and nothing will be returned back but the fork alone.

Section 4 Symbolizing

Symbolization is how people imagine or regard something. It actually reflects the way people think. Here I’ll only discuss some symbolization that frequently appears in daily life.

First is about the colors. We often give each color some meanings, because we feel differently when facing different colors. So people always have preference when choosing colors of clothes, decorations, etc. In the APEC summit held in Shanghai several years ago, in the last day, the presidents from all over the world wore the traditional Chinese Dang suits and took a photo together. The colors of the suits were chosen by themselves freely. However, it ’s quite interesting to find that most Easterners chose red while most of the westerners preferred blue. To explain this, it’s easy to realize that what red means is almost opposite in the East and the West. Red means luck, fortune here. We Chinese often use this color to decorate in festivals, such as red lanterns, red Chinese nodes, red bangers. But red stands for blood, revolutions in the West. So the presidents avoided wearing this unlucky color.

Another interesting discovery is about the dragons. In the East, dragons are imagined as something like snake and are flowing in the sky for most of the time. The dragon is said to have the face of the horse, the horns of the deer, the ears of the ox, the body of the snake, the claws of the eagle and squama of the fish. We regard dragon as God and say that we Chinese are the off spring of the dragon. The God of Dragons of the four seas can charge the rainfalls, so we sometimes also call them the God of the water or rain. But in the West, people think dragons as dinosaurs, which can

stand on the ground with feet and fly with huge wings. They lay eggs just like dinosaurs. The dragons of the West have the ability to erupt fire, instead of water. The fire can destroy everything so the dragons are not welcomed at all. They even become the symbol of the Devil.

Dragons Imagined by Chinese

Dragon Imagined by the Westerners

Part III What can we do to treat the culture gap?

Now we have seen that there exists such a huge gap between eastern culture and western one. Then what should we do to face this gap in the gradually globalizing world?

Firstly, we cannot deny any of the cultures. Every nation has its own characteristics and it’s mainly through its culture that we first begin to know the nation and its characteristics. So we cannot say that this culture or custom is right and that is wrong. Equal respect should be attached to every culture in the world, even to those that are not in existence any more.

Next, we should get to learn how to coordinate the different cultures. We say the world is becoming smaller and smaller. More foreigners come and go everyday. When it is in the same country, the same city, the same

neighborhood, the cultural collision is expected to be more serious. So we should try to avoid this happening. One important thing is to get some basic knowledge about the other cultures so as not to misunderstand some actions or habits of the foreigners.

When the above two is done, we can start to communicate. I mean we can take in some strong points from the foreign cultures. Though there doesn’t exist correctness in terms of culture, it does have the terms of more advanced or more suitable for the world nowadays. Of course, we cannot throw away our own culture and accept another one totally. Every culture is a treasure to the history of the Earth, so we should only pick out those we lack to perfect our own.

Different cultures add the most colorful element to the world of 21st century. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.


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