

Good afternoon! I am glad to be here for the interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. At the same time, I believe chances favor the prepared minds.

First I will introduce myself. My name is ___. I’m from ___(学院). My major is ___.It’s in the year of 2009 that I entered ___ University. Since then, I began my college life. Now I am a sophomore. In the past two years, I have spent most of my time in the study. Not only major area of study, there are also some extra things, such as watching some biographies, novels and so on. Besides study, I also actively joined some clubs and participate in the activities. For example: my community education knowledge, my theory competition, young singer competition, etc

I am an optimistic, self-confident girl, like free but very substantial life. Like fresh and challenging things. Facing life ’s troubles, I will come to face. For the difficulties in life, I ’ll clinging to cope with them. I like listening to English songs and watching some English movies, not only because of their shocked pictures, but also can exercise my spoken English. Communicating with foreigners freely is my dream. To realize it, I will stick to practicing it.

A famous poet ever said:〝Darkness gives me dark eyes, but I use them to search for light. 〞No matter how hard the life will be, I will persist. I think the world is fair, 〝smile to the world, and the world will smile to you!〞


Good afternoon! I am glad to be here for the interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. At the same time, I believe chances favor the prepared minds.

First I will introduce myself. My name is ___. I’m from ___(学院). My major is ___.It’s in the year of 2009 that I entered ___ University. Since then, I began my college life. Now I am a sophomore. In the past two years, I have spent most of my time in the study. Not only major area of study, there are also some extra things, such as watching some biographies, novels and so on. Besides study, I also actively joined some clubs and participate in the activities. For example: my community education knowledge, my theory competition, young singer competition, etc

I am an optimistic, self-confident girl, like free but very substantial life. Like fresh and challenging things. Facing life ’s troubles, I will come to face. For the difficulties in life, I ’ll clinging to cope with them. I like listening to English songs and watching some English movies, not only because of their shocked pictures, but also can exercise my spoken English. Communicating with foreigners freely is my dream. To realize it, I will stick to practicing it.

A famous poet ever said:〝Darkness gives me dark eyes, but I use them to search for light. 〞No matter how hard the life will be, I will persist. I think the world is fair, 〝smile to the world, and the world will smile to you!〞


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