
One cold winter day a little girl and her father arrived in London. Sarah Crewe was

seven years old, and she had long black hair and green eyes she sat in the cab next

to her father and looked out of window at the tall houses and dark sky .

“What are you thinking about Sarah? ” Mr Crewe asked “you are very quiet ” he

put his arms round his daughter

“.I am thinking about our house in Indian.” said Sara. “And the hot sun and blue

sky. I don’t think I like England very much father.” “yes it very different form Indian.”her father said “but you must go to school

in London and I must go to Indian and work.”

“yes father I know. but I want to be with you please come to school with

me .I can help for your lessons .”

Mr Crewe smiled, but he wasn’t happy. He loves his little Sara very much, and he

didn ’t want to be without her. Sara’s mother was dead, and Sara was his only child.

Father and daughter were very good friends.

Soon, they arrived at Miss Minchin ’s School for Girls and went into the big


Miss Minchin was a tall women in a black dress. She looked at Sarah and then

gave a very big smile.

“What a beautiful child.” She said to Mr Crewe .Sarah stood quietly and watched

Miss Minchin “why do she say that? She thought I am not beautiful, so why do

she say it?

Sara wasn’t beautiful but her father was rich. And Miss Minchin liked girls with

rich father. Because it good for the school and good for Miss Minchin, too.

“Sara is a good girl.”Mr Crewe said to Miss Minchin “Her mother was French, so

she speaks French well. She loves books, and she reads all the time. But she

must play with the other girls and make new friends too.”

“Of course.” Said Miss Minchin .She smiled again. “Sara is going to be very happy

here, Mr Crewe”

Mr Crewe stayed in London for a week. He and Sara went to the shops, and he

bought many beautiful, expensive dresses for his daughter. He bought books and

flowers for her room, and big doll with beautiful dresses too.

Miss Minchin smiled, but she said to her sister Amelia “all that money on dresses

for a child of seven! She looks like a little princess, not a school girl!”

When Mr Crewe left London, he was very sad. Sara was very sad too, but she

didn ’t cry. She sat in her room and thought about her father on the ship back to

India “Father wants me to be happy” she said to her new doll. “I love him very

much and I want to be a good daughter, so I must be happy.”

It was a very big , and very beautiful doll, but of courses it could not answer.

Sara soon made friends in the school. Some little rich girls are not very nice

children They think they are important because they have money and lots of

expensive things, but Sara was different she liked beautiful dresses and she was

more interesting in people and books and telling stories. She was very good at

telling story. She was a clever child ,and other girl love to listen to her. The story all

about queens kinds and prinees and beautiful country the sea.

One cold winter day a little girl and her father arrived in London. Sarah Crewe was

seven years old, and she had long black hair and green eyes she sat in the cab next

to her father and looked out of window at the tall houses and dark sky .

“What are you thinking about Sarah? ” Mr Crewe asked “you are very quiet ” he

put his arms round his daughter

“.I am thinking about our house in Indian.” said Sara. “And the hot sun and blue

sky. I don’t think I like England very much father.” “yes it very different form Indian.”her father said “but you must go to school

in London and I must go to Indian and work.”

“yes father I know. but I want to be with you please come to school with

me .I can help for your lessons .”

Mr Crewe smiled, but he wasn’t happy. He loves his little Sara very much, and he

didn ’t want to be without her. Sara’s mother was dead, and Sara was his only child.

Father and daughter were very good friends.

Soon, they arrived at Miss Minchin ’s School for Girls and went into the big


Miss Minchin was a tall women in a black dress. She looked at Sarah and then

gave a very big smile.

“What a beautiful child.” She said to Mr Crewe .Sarah stood quietly and watched

Miss Minchin “why do she say that? She thought I am not beautiful, so why do

she say it?

Sara wasn’t beautiful but her father was rich. And Miss Minchin liked girls with

rich father. Because it good for the school and good for Miss Minchin, too.

“Sara is a good girl.”Mr Crewe said to Miss Minchin “Her mother was French, so

she speaks French well. She loves books, and she reads all the time. But she

must play with the other girls and make new friends too.”

“Of course.” Said Miss Minchin .She smiled again. “Sara is going to be very happy

here, Mr Crewe”

Mr Crewe stayed in London for a week. He and Sara went to the shops, and he

bought many beautiful, expensive dresses for his daughter. He bought books and

flowers for her room, and big doll with beautiful dresses too.

Miss Minchin smiled, but she said to her sister Amelia “all that money on dresses

for a child of seven! She looks like a little princess, not a school girl!”

When Mr Crewe left London, he was very sad. Sara was very sad too, but she

didn ’t cry. She sat in her room and thought about her father on the ship back to

India “Father wants me to be happy” she said to her new doll. “I love him very

much and I want to be a good daughter, so I must be happy.”

It was a very big , and very beautiful doll, but of courses it could not answer.

Sara soon made friends in the school. Some little rich girls are not very nice

children They think they are important because they have money and lots of

expensive things, but Sara was different she liked beautiful dresses and she was

more interesting in people and books and telling stories. She was very good at

telling story. She was a clever child ,and other girl love to listen to her. The story all

about queens kinds and prinees and beautiful country the sea.


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