aerobic exercise[J]. Hypertension,2007;50(2) :403-9.
@@10. Thijssen DH, Hopman MT, Levine BD. Endothelin and aged blood ves
@@19. Zheng Z, Kim JY, Ms H, et al. Anti-inflammatory effects of the 70 kDa eels: one more reason to get off the couch [ J ] ? Hypertension,2007 ;50
heat shock protein in experimental stroke [ J ]. J Cereb Blood Flow
(2) :292-3.
Metab,2008 ;28 ( 1 ) :53-63.
@@11. Kwak S,Weiss JH. Calcium-permeable AMPA channels in neurodegen
@@20. Li S, Zheng J, Carmichael ST. Increased oxidative protein and DNA erative disease and ischemia [ J ]. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 2006 ; 16 ( 3 ) :
damage but decreased stress response in the aged brain following exper
imental stroke[ J]. Neurobiol Dis,2005 ;18(3):432-40.
@@12. Terasaki Y,Sasaki T,Yagita Y,et al. Activation of NR2A receptors in@@21. Horowitz M, Robinson SD. Heat shock proteins and the heat shock re duces ischemic tolerance through CREB signaling [ J ]. J Cereb Blood
spanse during hyperthermia and its modulation by altered physiological
Flow Metab,2010;30(8) :1441-9.
conditions [ J ]. Prog Brain Res,2007 ; 162 ( 3 ) :433 -46.
@@13. Dos-Anjos S,Martinez-Villayandre B, Montori S,et al. Global ischemia
@@22. Badan I, Platt D, Kessler C, et al. Temporal dynamics of degenerative induced modifications in the expression of AMPA receptors and inflam
and regenerative events associated with cerebral ischemia in aged rats
mation in rat brain[J]. Brain Res,2009 ;1287:20-7. [J]. Gerontology,2003;49(6) :356-65.
@@14. Dos-Anjos S, Martinez-Villayandre B, Montori S, et al. Transient global
@@23. Buga AM, Dunoiu C, Balseanu A, et al. Cellular and molecular mecha ischemia in rat brain promotes different NMDA receptor regulation de nisms underlying neurorehabilitation after stroke in aged subjects [ J].
pending on the brain structure studied[ J]. Neurochem Int,2009;54(3-
Rom J Morphol Embbryol,2008 ;49 ( 3 ) :279-302.
4) :180-5.
@@24. Li S, Carmichael ST. Growth-associated gene and protein expression in @@15. Montori S, Dos-Anjos S, Martinez-Villayandre B, et al. Age and meloxi the region of axonal sprouting in the aged brain after stroke [J]. Neuro
cam attenuate the ischemia/reperfusion-induced down-regulation in the
biol Dis,2006;23(2) :362-73.
NMDA receptor genes[ J]. Neurochem Int,2010;56(8) :878-85.
@@25. Chung YH, Kim SI,Joo KM,et al. Age-related changes in erythropoietin @@16. Streit WJ,Miller KR,Lopes KO,et al. Microglial degeneration in the ag immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats [ J].
ing brain-bad news for neurons[ J] ? Front Biosci,2008 ; 13:3423-38.
Brain Res,2004;1018( 1 ) :141-6.
@@17. Montori S, Dos Anjos S, Rios-Granja MA, et al. AMPA receptor down
@@26 Anderson J,Sandhir R,Hamilton ES,et al. Impaired expression of neu regulation induced by ischaemia/reperfusion is attenuated by age and
roprotective molecules in the HIF-1 alpha pathway following traumatic
blocked by meloxicam[ J ]. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol,2010 ;36 (5) :
brain injury in aged mice[J]. J Neurotrauma,2009;26(9):1557-66.
@@18. Tandara AA,Kloeters O,Kim I,et al. Age effect on HSP70:decreased
resistance to ischemic and oxidative stress in HDF [ J ]. J Surg Res,
河北北方学院微循环研究所/基础医学院病理生理学教研室,河北 张家口075000
1005-9202(2012) 13 -2899-04
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2012. 13. 123 全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)由各种严重损害因素引起,典是未来研究中必须关注的重要问题。本文主要介绍近年来防
金资助项目( C2004000649);河北省科技支撑计划 ( 09276101D-31、11276103 D-84)
@@4. Mohler KM,Torrance DS, Smith CA, et al. Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors are effective therapeutic agents in lethal endotoxemia and func
tion simultaneously as both TNF carriers and TNF antagonists [J]. J Im
munol, 1993 ; 151 (3) : 1548-61.
@@5. AiuraK, Gelfand JA. Burke JF,et al. Interleukin-I ( IL-1 ) receptor antag onist prevents Staphylococcal epidermit-induced hypotension and reduce circulating levels of tumor necrosis factor and IL-1 beta in rabbits [J].
Infect Immun, 1993 ;61 (8) :3342 -50.
@@6. Reinhart K, Weigand-Lohnert C, Grimminger F, et al. Assessment of the safety and efficacy of the monoclonal anti-tumor nccrosis factor antibody
fragment,MAK195F, in patients with sepsis and septic shock: a multi
center, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study [ J ]. Crit Care
Med,1996;24(5) :733-42.
@@8. Avontuur JA, Tutein Nolthenius RP, van Bodegom JW, et al. Prolonged inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis in severe septic shock:a clinical study
[J]. Crit Care Med,1998;26(4):660-7.
@@18. Schneider A, Markowski A, Momma M ,et al. Tolerability and efficacy of
@ @ 9山东医药,2.孟繁铭,吴云霞.00S8I;R4S干预在外科重症感染治疗中的应用进展[8(26):116-7.J].
a llowy-v oilulmel [enJt] Csulpiplnem eNntu ctornt,ai2n0in1g 1k ey; n3u0tr(ie5n)ts :in5 9th9e -c6ri0ti3c.
@@ 1 0 .沈建昕,医药,2张三明,010;3牛春雨.6(10):2NF-κB44与心肌损伤的研究进展[5-8.
@@19. Shimizu K.Ogura H,Asahara al. Gastrointestinal dysmotility is as sociated with altered gut flora and septic mortality in patients with severe
@@11. Christman JW, Lancaster LH, Blackwell TS. Nuclear factor κB : a pivotal
systemic inflammatory response syndrome: a preliminary study [J].
role in the systemic inflammatory response syncdrome and new target for
therapy[ J]. German medical, 1999 ;16(5 ) :262-4.
Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011 ;23(4) :330-5.
@@20. Ren IA.Mao Y,Wang GF,et al. Enteral refeeding syndrome after long@ @ 1 2 .[李群.J].实用医技杂志,2限制性液体复苏对创0伤失血性休08;15( 克患者发生S22):2876IR-S8的影响
t e1r8m 5t6o-ta6l0 .
parenteral nutrition[ J]. Chin Med J(Engl) ,2006;119(22) :
@@13. Sharma S,Kumar A. Septic shock,multiple organ failure,and acute re@ sp2i0r9a.
tory distres syndrome[J ]. Curr Opin Pu @ 2 1 .lm Med,2003 ;9(3) :199-
@@22.徐桂萍,叶少霞.健脾补肺口服液对反复呼吸道感染患儿免疫功@ @ 1[4J.]刘道生,.遵义医学院学报,2聂孝敏,胡敏.SIR0S早期应用小剂量肝素的临床体会
05;28(3):274-6. 能的影响[J].中国中医急症,2009;18(8):1237-8.@@23.陈海龙,吴咸中,关风林,等.中医通里攻下法对多器官功能不全
@@@16. Bernard GR, Vincent JL,Laterre PF,et al. Efficacy and safety of recom @ 2 4 .浙江中医药大学学报,石莹,王晓勇.血必净对全身炎症反2009;33应综合征的治疗作用[(4):497-8.J].
b in2a0nt0 1h um;a3n 4a4ct(i1v0at)e d :p6r9ot9e-in7 0C 9f.
or severe sepsis[ J]. N Engl J Med,
@ @2 5 .当代医学,焦鹏.参麦注2射液对全身009;15(炎症反应综36):8-9.
1005-9202( 2012) 13-2902-03doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202. 2012. 13. 124
市的平均比例已达30%以上,个别大城市甚至超过50%,预计 到2025年空巢老年人家庭的比例将达到90%[1]。空巢老人的 生活照料和心理问题已引起了社会的极大关注。但是,随着社 会的发展和进步,老年人追求高品质生活的愿望越来越强烈, 近几年来出现了一个特殊的老年群体,即“空巢候鸟”老人,他 们的生活状况及心理需要具有什么特殊性、如何满足他们的心 理需求并进行心理调适,在人口加速老化的今天是一个新的研
王小荣, 李琳琳, 牛春雨, 赵自刚
河北北方学院微循环研究所/基础医学院病理生理学教研室,河北 张家口,075000中国老年学杂志
Chinese Journal of Gerontology2012,32(13)6次
1. 冯琪;郭在晨 全身炎症反应综合征的治疗[期刊论文]-临床儿科杂志 2002(02)
2. 徐德斌 抗内毒素治疗的基础和临床研究进展[期刊论文]-国外医学(呼吸系统分册) 2003(06)3. 刘禹赓;李春盛 全身炎症反应综合征和凝血系统功能紊乱[期刊论文]-中国急救医学 2004(11)
4. Mohler KM;Torrance DS;Smith CA Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors are effective therapeuticagents in lethal endotoxemia and function simultaneously as both TNF carriers and TNF antagonists1993(03)
5. AiuraK;Gelfand JA;Burke JF Interleukin-I (IL-1) receptor antagonist prevents Staphylococcalepidermit-induced hypotension and reduce circulating levels of tumor necrosis factor and IL-1 betain rabbits 1993(08)
6. Reinhart K;Weigand-Lohnert C;Grimminger F Assessment of the safety and efficacy of the monoclonalanti-tumor nccrosis factor antibodyfragment,MAK195F,in patients with sepsis and septic shock:amulticenter,randomized,placebo-controlled,dose-ranging study[外文期刊] 1996(05)
7. 郑敏宇;何颂华;张丽朵 全身炎症反应综合征的中西医治疗进展[期刊论文]-上海中医药杂志 2007(03)
8. Avontuur JA;Tutein Nolthenius RP;van Bodegom JW Prolonged inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis insevere septic shock:a clinical study[外文期刊] 1998(04)
9. 孟繁铭;吴云霞 SIRS干预在外科重症感染治疗中的应用进展[期刊论文]-山东医药 2008(26)10. 沈建昕;张三明;牛春雨 NF-κB与心肌损伤的研究进展 2010(10)
11. Christman JW;Lancaster LH;Blackwell TS Nuclear factor κB:a pivotal role in the systemicinflammatory response syncdrome and new target for therapy 1999(05)
12. 李群 限制性液体复苏对创伤失血性休克患者发生SIRS的影响[期刊论文]-实用医技杂志 2008(22)
13. Sharma S;Kumar A Septic shock,multiple organ failure,and acute respiratory distres syndrome[外文期刊] 2003(03)
14. 刘道生;聂孝敏;胡敏 SIRS早期应用小剂量肝素的临床体会[期刊论文]-遵义医学院学报 2005(03)
15. 方勇;孙毅;唐成和 超小剂量肝素佐治新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病并全身炎症反应综合征76例[期刊论文]-新乡医学院学报 2006(04)
16. Bernard GR;Vincent JL;Laterre PF Efficacy and safety of recombinant human activated protein C forsevere sepsis 2001(10)
17. 牛春雨;侯亚利;赵自刚 肠淋巴途径在失血性休克大鼠肠源性细菌/内毒素移位发病学中的作用[期刊论文]-中国危重病急救医学 2007(05)
18. Schneider A;Markowski A;Momma M Tolerability and efficacy of a low-volume enteral supplementcontaining key nutrients in the critically ill[外文期刊] 2011(05)
19. Shimizu K;Ogura H;Asahara T Gastrointestinal dysmotility is associated with altered gut flora andseptic mortality in patients with severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome:a preliminary study 2011(04)
20. Ren IA;Mao Y;Wang GF Enteral refeeding syndrome after longterm total parenteral nutrition[外文期刊] 2006(22)
21. 徐志威 痰热清注射液治疗全身炎症反应综合征43例疗效观察[期刊论文]-中国现代药物应用 2010(11)22. 徐桂萍;叶少霞 健脾补肺口服液对反复呼吸道感染患儿免疫功能的影响[期刊论文]-中国中医急症 2009(08)23. 陈海龙;吴咸中;关风林 中医通里攻下法对多器官功能不全综合征时肠道屏障功能保护作用的实验研究[期刊论文]-中国中西医结合杂志 2000(02)
24. 石莹;王晓勇 血必净对全身炎症反应综合征的治疗作用[期刊论文]-浙江中医药大学学报 2009(04)25. 焦鹏 参麦注射液对全身炎症反应综合征的临床疗效研究[期刊论文]-当代医学 2009(36)
1. 杨晓燕. 梅劲超 两种稀释模式肾替代治疗MODS患者的效果分析[期刊论文]-临床医学工程 2013(11)
2. 瞿玉莲. 杨海峰. 陈建树. 陈红霞 髋关节置换术后老年患者自控镇痛对炎症水平的影响[期刊论文]-中华医院感染学杂志 2013(21)
3. 毛庆龙. 陈彬. 首家保. 唐哲明. 杨小辉. 梁国荣. 芦慎. 崔泽龙 持续负压封闭引流对急性软组织创伤炎症反应的影响研究[期刊论文]-中国临床新医学 2013(6)
4. 邱道显. 钟耕爱. 郭来成. 马志鹏. 邱振伟 经皮肾镜碎石术患者血清CRP、IL-6水平变化及意义[期刊论文]-山东医药 2013(35)
5. 瞿玉莲. 杨海峰. 陈建树. 陈红霞 髋关节置换术后老年患者自控镇痛对炎症水平的影响[期刊论文]-中华医院感染学杂志 2013(21)
6. 常玉光. 李鹏利 全身炎症反应综合征的评估及治疗研究现状[期刊论文]-实用临床医药杂志 2013(23)
引用本文格式:王小荣. 李琳琳. 牛春雨. 赵自刚 全身炎症反应综合征防治研究进展[期刊论文]-中国老年学杂志2012(13)
aerobic exercise[J]. Hypertension,2007;50(2) :403-9.
@@10. Thijssen DH, Hopman MT, Levine BD. Endothelin and aged blood ves
@@19. Zheng Z, Kim JY, Ms H, et al. Anti-inflammatory effects of the 70 kDa eels: one more reason to get off the couch [ J ] ? Hypertension,2007 ;50
heat shock protein in experimental stroke [ J ]. J Cereb Blood Flow
(2) :292-3.
Metab,2008 ;28 ( 1 ) :53-63.
@@11. Kwak S,Weiss JH. Calcium-permeable AMPA channels in neurodegen
@@20. Li S, Zheng J, Carmichael ST. Increased oxidative protein and DNA erative disease and ischemia [ J ]. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 2006 ; 16 ( 3 ) :
damage but decreased stress response in the aged brain following exper
imental stroke[ J]. Neurobiol Dis,2005 ;18(3):432-40.
@@12. Terasaki Y,Sasaki T,Yagita Y,et al. Activation of NR2A receptors in@@21. Horowitz M, Robinson SD. Heat shock proteins and the heat shock re duces ischemic tolerance through CREB signaling [ J ]. J Cereb Blood
spanse during hyperthermia and its modulation by altered physiological
Flow Metab,2010;30(8) :1441-9.
conditions [ J ]. Prog Brain Res,2007 ; 162 ( 3 ) :433 -46.
@@13. Dos-Anjos S,Martinez-Villayandre B, Montori S,et al. Global ischemia
@@22. Badan I, Platt D, Kessler C, et al. Temporal dynamics of degenerative induced modifications in the expression of AMPA receptors and inflam
and regenerative events associated with cerebral ischemia in aged rats
mation in rat brain[J]. Brain Res,2009 ;1287:20-7. [J]. Gerontology,2003;49(6) :356-65.
@@14. Dos-Anjos S, Martinez-Villayandre B, Montori S, et al. Transient global
@@23. Buga AM, Dunoiu C, Balseanu A, et al. Cellular and molecular mecha ischemia in rat brain promotes different NMDA receptor regulation de nisms underlying neurorehabilitation after stroke in aged subjects [ J].
pending on the brain structure studied[ J]. Neurochem Int,2009;54(3-
Rom J Morphol Embbryol,2008 ;49 ( 3 ) :279-302.
4) :180-5.
@@24. Li S, Carmichael ST. Growth-associated gene and protein expression in @@15. Montori S, Dos-Anjos S, Martinez-Villayandre B, et al. Age and meloxi the region of axonal sprouting in the aged brain after stroke [J]. Neuro
cam attenuate the ischemia/reperfusion-induced down-regulation in the
biol Dis,2006;23(2) :362-73.
NMDA receptor genes[ J]. Neurochem Int,2010;56(8) :878-85.
@@25. Chung YH, Kim SI,Joo KM,et al. Age-related changes in erythropoietin @@16. Streit WJ,Miller KR,Lopes KO,et al. Microglial degeneration in the ag immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats [ J].
ing brain-bad news for neurons[ J] ? Front Biosci,2008 ; 13:3423-38.
Brain Res,2004;1018( 1 ) :141-6.
@@17. Montori S, Dos Anjos S, Rios-Granja MA, et al. AMPA receptor down
@@26 Anderson J,Sandhir R,Hamilton ES,et al. Impaired expression of neu regulation induced by ischaemia/reperfusion is attenuated by age and
roprotective molecules in the HIF-1 alpha pathway following traumatic
blocked by meloxicam[ J ]. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol,2010 ;36 (5) :
brain injury in aged mice[J]. J Neurotrauma,2009;26(9):1557-66.
@@18. Tandara AA,Kloeters O,Kim I,et al. Age effect on HSP70:decreased
resistance to ischemic and oxidative stress in HDF [ J ]. J Surg Res,
河北北方学院微循环研究所/基础医学院病理生理学教研室,河北 张家口075000
1005-9202(2012) 13 -2899-04
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2012. 13. 123 全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)由各种严重损害因素引起,典是未来研究中必须关注的重要问题。本文主要介绍近年来防
金资助项目( C2004000649);河北省科技支撑计划 ( 09276101D-31、11276103 D-84)
@@4. Mohler KM,Torrance DS, Smith CA, et al. Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors are effective therapeutic agents in lethal endotoxemia and func
tion simultaneously as both TNF carriers and TNF antagonists [J]. J Im
munol, 1993 ; 151 (3) : 1548-61.
@@5. AiuraK, Gelfand JA. Burke JF,et al. Interleukin-I ( IL-1 ) receptor antag onist prevents Staphylococcal epidermit-induced hypotension and reduce circulating levels of tumor necrosis factor and IL-1 beta in rabbits [J].
Infect Immun, 1993 ;61 (8) :3342 -50.
@@6. Reinhart K, Weigand-Lohnert C, Grimminger F, et al. Assessment of the safety and efficacy of the monoclonal anti-tumor nccrosis factor antibody
fragment,MAK195F, in patients with sepsis and septic shock: a multi
center, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study [ J ]. Crit Care
Med,1996;24(5) :733-42.
@@8. Avontuur JA, Tutein Nolthenius RP, van Bodegom JW, et al. Prolonged inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis in severe septic shock:a clinical study
[J]. Crit Care Med,1998;26(4):660-7.
@@18. Schneider A, Markowski A, Momma M ,et al. Tolerability and efficacy of
@ @ 9山东医药,2.孟繁铭,吴云霞.00S8I;R4S干预在外科重症感染治疗中的应用进展[8(26):116-7.J].
a llowy-v oilulmel [enJt] Csulpiplnem eNntu ctornt,ai2n0in1g 1k ey; n3u0tr(ie5n)ts :in5 9th9e -c6ri0ti3c.
@@ 1 0 .沈建昕,医药,2张三明,010;3牛春雨.6(10):2NF-κB44与心肌损伤的研究进展[5-8.
@@19. Shimizu K.Ogura H,Asahara al. Gastrointestinal dysmotility is as sociated with altered gut flora and septic mortality in patients with severe
@@11. Christman JW, Lancaster LH, Blackwell TS. Nuclear factor κB : a pivotal
systemic inflammatory response syndrome: a preliminary study [J].
role in the systemic inflammatory response syncdrome and new target for
therapy[ J]. German medical, 1999 ;16(5 ) :262-4.
Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011 ;23(4) :330-5.
@@20. Ren IA.Mao Y,Wang GF,et al. Enteral refeeding syndrome after long@ @ 1 2 .[李群.J].实用医技杂志,2限制性液体复苏对创0伤失血性休08;15( 克患者发生S22):2876IR-S8的影响
t e1r8m 5t6o-ta6l0 .
parenteral nutrition[ J]. Chin Med J(Engl) ,2006;119(22) :
@@13. Sharma S,Kumar A. Septic shock,multiple organ failure,and acute re@ sp2i0r9a.
tory distres syndrome[J ]. Curr Opin Pu @ 2 1 .lm Med,2003 ;9(3) :199-
@@22.徐桂萍,叶少霞.健脾补肺口服液对反复呼吸道感染患儿免疫功@ @ 1[4J.]刘道生,.遵义医学院学报,2聂孝敏,胡敏.SIR0S早期应用小剂量肝素的临床体会
05;28(3):274-6. 能的影响[J].中国中医急症,2009;18(8):1237-8.@@23.陈海龙,吴咸中,关风林,等.中医通里攻下法对多器官功能不全
@@@16. Bernard GR, Vincent JL,Laterre PF,et al. Efficacy and safety of recom @ 2 4 .浙江中医药大学学报,石莹,王晓勇.血必净对全身炎症反2009;33应综合征的治疗作用[(4):497-8.J].
b in2a0nt0 1h um;a3n 4a4ct(i1v0at)e d :p6r9ot9e-in7 0C 9f.
or severe sepsis[ J]. N Engl J Med,
@ @2 5 .当代医学,焦鹏.参麦注2射液对全身009;15(炎症反应综36):8-9.
1005-9202( 2012) 13-2902-03doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202. 2012. 13. 124
市的平均比例已达30%以上,个别大城市甚至超过50%,预计 到2025年空巢老年人家庭的比例将达到90%[1]。空巢老人的 生活照料和心理问题已引起了社会的极大关注。但是,随着社 会的发展和进步,老年人追求高品质生活的愿望越来越强烈, 近几年来出现了一个特殊的老年群体,即“空巢候鸟”老人,他 们的生活状况及心理需要具有什么特殊性、如何满足他们的心 理需求并进行心理调适,在人口加速老化的今天是一个新的研
王小荣, 李琳琳, 牛春雨, 赵自刚
河北北方学院微循环研究所/基础医学院病理生理学教研室,河北 张家口,075000中国老年学杂志
Chinese Journal of Gerontology2012,32(13)6次
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引用本文格式:王小荣. 李琳琳. 牛春雨. 赵自刚 全身炎症反应综合征防治研究进展[期刊论文]-中国老年学杂志2012(13)