
剧 本


People: A the biggest pig B the bigger pig C the smallest pig

D the butcher

A,B (sing) Old butcher has a little farm, E-L-E-L-O. Oh, on his farm

he has three pigs, E-L-E-L-O. There’s a LU LU here, and a LU LU there. here’s a pig, there…

C Hey! Be quiet brothers, the butcher is coming. Let’s hind there,

don't make so much voice. Be careful!

D Ah ha! Today is a find day. In the market the pork is 50 yuan half

a kilo. Em…I have three pigs. If I sell one of them I will be the richest person in the town. Ha ha ha…

B Wow… So scary. I’m scared of him. I hate butchers, and I hate men.

They never think of us and all of the animals, they only think of their hungry tummy.

A Yes, they use hot water wash us, pick away our fur, kill us, cook

us, eat us. Oh, I can’t bear this…

C Stop, Biggest Brother. Don’t say these bad, scare sentences.

A But we can’t refuse the truth.

D Oh my dear pigs, where are you?

A Hei hei, how clever of you, Smallest Brother. He can’t find us.

D Oh you aren’t in your pigsty, where are you? I won’t hurt you, please

come out.

B Really? (slowly come out)

D Of course…

B Yes. Right?

D Of course not. When did you see me don’t tell lies? Ha ha ha! I’ll

take you to the market tomorrow and sell you, you’re the fattest one, so I can have lots of money of selling you. Don’t be afraid.

B Oh, help, help! I don’t want to be selling! Help, help!

A what shall we do now, Smallest Brother? We can’t help him, but we

must help him, we’re brothers and closed friends.

C Let me think of an idea.

[the next day]

D Wait for me here, don’t run away. I must go to the market again,


I will weigh you.

B What? Am I really going to be selling?

C Don’t be afraid, he won’t sell you today.

A,B Why?

C Look!

D Why, why why? Why today’s pig is 5 yuan a kilo? (cry)Wu, wu,


A,B,C Oh yeah!

[the end]

剧 本


People: A the biggest pig B the bigger pig C the smallest pig

D the butcher

A,B (sing) Old butcher has a little farm, E-L-E-L-O. Oh, on his farm

he has three pigs, E-L-E-L-O. There’s a LU LU here, and a LU LU there. here’s a pig, there…

C Hey! Be quiet brothers, the butcher is coming. Let’s hind there,

don't make so much voice. Be careful!

D Ah ha! Today is a find day. In the market the pork is 50 yuan half

a kilo. Em…I have three pigs. If I sell one of them I will be the richest person in the town. Ha ha ha…

B Wow… So scary. I’m scared of him. I hate butchers, and I hate men.

They never think of us and all of the animals, they only think of their hungry tummy.

A Yes, they use hot water wash us, pick away our fur, kill us, cook

us, eat us. Oh, I can’t bear this…

C Stop, Biggest Brother. Don’t say these bad, scare sentences.

A But we can’t refuse the truth.

D Oh my dear pigs, where are you?

A Hei hei, how clever of you, Smallest Brother. He can’t find us.

D Oh you aren’t in your pigsty, where are you? I won’t hurt you, please

come out.

B Really? (slowly come out)

D Of course…

B Yes. Right?

D Of course not. When did you see me don’t tell lies? Ha ha ha! I’ll

take you to the market tomorrow and sell you, you’re the fattest one, so I can have lots of money of selling you. Don’t be afraid.

B Oh, help, help! I don’t want to be selling! Help, help!

A what shall we do now, Smallest Brother? We can’t help him, but we

must help him, we’re brothers and closed friends.

C Let me think of an idea.

[the next day]

D Wait for me here, don’t run away. I must go to the market again,


I will weigh you.

B What? Am I really going to be selling?

C Don’t be afraid, he won’t sell you today.

A,B Why?

C Look!

D Why, why why? Why today’s pig is 5 yuan a kilo? (cry)Wu, wu,


A,B,C Oh yeah!

[the end]


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