




学生思考及讨论:Do you think most people like to gossip?

What kind of people like to gossip?

Val: Did you hear about The People Next Door?

Gary: No. What happened?

Val: Well, let me tell you! Brenda caught Stan—that's her boyfriend---kissing another woman.

Gary: That's terrible! What did she do?

Val: She ran out, got in the car and drove away.

Gary: The poor woman! So, where did she go?

Val: She ended up at the hospital. She was...

Gary: Why did she go to the hospital?

Val: She was driving too fast and had an accident. Anyway...

Gary: Wait a minute. Was she hurt?

Val: She broke her arm. But listen, the important thing is that she fell in love with

the doctor who fixed her arm. Now, as soon as she feels a little better, they're going to start dating.

Gary: Let me get this straight. Brenda caught Stan with another woman, got into a

car accident, and now she's going out with her doctor?

Val: That's right.

Gary: That's unbelievable. It sounds like a soap opera.

Val: Gary. It is a soap opera. It's called The People Next Door. It's on TV every day at noon.

教案:Teaching Plan

GZB Foreign Language School Xiang Qian

Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1) To make the students know some useful words and expressions.

(2) To improve the students' listening and speaking ability.

(3) To develop the students' communicative ability by learning the useful words and expressions.

2. Moral Objects

(1) To make the students learn about the teamwork by the pair work and the

group work.

(2) To enable the students to know about true love.

Teaching Key Points:

To enable the students to use good expressions to communicate.

Teaching Difficulties:

To enable the students to express themselves in a nice way.

Teaching Approach:

(1) Communicative Approach

(2) Teach students how to communicate with others.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: greetings and warming-up

Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Did you have a nice National Holiday? How many days off did you have for the holiday? (two days) Really? Then how long did you spend on your homework every day? Really? (CIA) I can't believe it! That's unbelievable! If you go on overworking like this, (CIA) I'm afraid you'll end up at the hospital. You'll be in hospital at last one day.

Step 2: lead in the new words and phrases

I'm much luckier than you! I had a 7-day holiday. I had a nice holiday with my friends. What do you usually do when you're with your friends? What do you usually talk about? Yes, we had a good gossip. (CIA) We talked about a lot of things. Do you want to know what we gossiped about? (CIA) We talked about Jay and Jolin. My friend said they fell in love. Do you know that? Is that true? Oh, I can't believe it. That's unbelievable! I only heard that Li Yapeng and Wang Fei fell in love, but I've heard that Jay fell in love with Jolin.

(CIA) One of my friends told me something interesting about her father. Last week, a thief was stealing something. My friend's father found it and caught the thief! Have you ever caught someone stealing? Have you ever caught someone doing something bad or something you don't like? I usually catch my students copying others' homework. (CIA) We also talked about this soap opera. Do you know this soap opera? What's the name of this soap opera? Yes, this is my favourite soap opera! My friends told me that this soap opera was on TV on

Channel 8 every day at noon, so I turned on the TV on time every day to watch it. Do you have your own favorite soap opera? What is it? You can tell us both in English or in Chinese!

Step 3: listen to the conversation and answer a general question

You see, this holiday my friends and I really gossiped a lot. We had a good gossip. Do you like to gossip? What kind of people like to gossip? (CIA) Today

Val and Gary are gossiping. What are they gossiping about? Let's listen to the conversation and find it out. (CIA)----Ss answer the question.

Step 4: Read the conversation after the teacher and then answer more questions. How many people did Gary and Val talk about in the conversation? Who are they? (CIA) What happened between these four people? (CIA)

Step 5: Pair work: Read the conversation in pairs.

Step 6: True or False (at the same time, some words and phrases will be explained here.)

Let's look at some statements about the conversation. Please tell me whether these sentences true or false. (CIA)

(2) So who caught whom kissing whom? --- Brenda caught Stan kissing another woman.

(3) Why did Brenda have a car accident? So it's not safe to drive too fast, isn't it?

If someone drives too fast, he may end up at the hospital, or he may end up dead.

(4) What's wrong with Brenda's arm? Yes, it's broken. So the doctor fixed her arm.

What else can you fix? If your clock is broken, can you fix it?

(5) Who fell in love with the doctor? (Brenda.) And what's the meaning of date?

(6)That's true! So in this conversation, Gary and Val are gossiping about a soap

opera called

Step 7: Pair work: Retell the story

Can you understand main idea of this soap opera? What happened in it? Let's have a look again. (CIA) Now work in pairs, tell your partner about the story.


Step 8: Group work: act the soap opera out

It's an interesting soap opera, isn't it? Suppose you were the characters in this soap opera, what would you do and what would you say? Now work in groups, please act it out. Maybe one of you was Brenda, Stan, the doctor, the woman, or someone else, like policeman. [check 2]

Step 9: Discussion

Do you think Brenda and Stan really love each other? Is there true love

between Brenda and Stan? How about Brenda and the doctor, Stan and that woman? Maybe yes, maybe not. Can you find true love around you?

Step 10: enjoy an English song about love.





学生思考及讨论:Do you think most people like to gossip?

What kind of people like to gossip?

Val: Did you hear about The People Next Door?

Gary: No. What happened?

Val: Well, let me tell you! Brenda caught Stan—that's her boyfriend---kissing another woman.

Gary: That's terrible! What did she do?

Val: She ran out, got in the car and drove away.

Gary: The poor woman! So, where did she go?

Val: She ended up at the hospital. She was...

Gary: Why did she go to the hospital?

Val: She was driving too fast and had an accident. Anyway...

Gary: Wait a minute. Was she hurt?

Val: She broke her arm. But listen, the important thing is that she fell in love with

the doctor who fixed her arm. Now, as soon as she feels a little better, they're going to start dating.

Gary: Let me get this straight. Brenda caught Stan with another woman, got into a

car accident, and now she's going out with her doctor?

Val: That's right.

Gary: That's unbelievable. It sounds like a soap opera.

Val: Gary. It is a soap opera. It's called The People Next Door. It's on TV every day at noon.

教案:Teaching Plan

GZB Foreign Language School Xiang Qian

Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1) To make the students know some useful words and expressions.

(2) To improve the students' listening and speaking ability.

(3) To develop the students' communicative ability by learning the useful words and expressions.

2. Moral Objects

(1) To make the students learn about the teamwork by the pair work and the

group work.

(2) To enable the students to know about true love.

Teaching Key Points:

To enable the students to use good expressions to communicate.

Teaching Difficulties:

To enable the students to express themselves in a nice way.

Teaching Approach:

(1) Communicative Approach

(2) Teach students how to communicate with others.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: greetings and warming-up

Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Did you have a nice National Holiday? How many days off did you have for the holiday? (two days) Really? Then how long did you spend on your homework every day? Really? (CIA) I can't believe it! That's unbelievable! If you go on overworking like this, (CIA) I'm afraid you'll end up at the hospital. You'll be in hospital at last one day.

Step 2: lead in the new words and phrases

I'm much luckier than you! I had a 7-day holiday. I had a nice holiday with my friends. What do you usually do when you're with your friends? What do you usually talk about? Yes, we had a good gossip. (CIA) We talked about a lot of things. Do you want to know what we gossiped about? (CIA) We talked about Jay and Jolin. My friend said they fell in love. Do you know that? Is that true? Oh, I can't believe it. That's unbelievable! I only heard that Li Yapeng and Wang Fei fell in love, but I've heard that Jay fell in love with Jolin.

(CIA) One of my friends told me something interesting about her father. Last week, a thief was stealing something. My friend's father found it and caught the thief! Have you ever caught someone stealing? Have you ever caught someone doing something bad or something you don't like? I usually catch my students copying others' homework. (CIA) We also talked about this soap opera. Do you know this soap opera? What's the name of this soap opera? Yes, this is my favourite soap opera! My friends told me that this soap opera was on TV on

Channel 8 every day at noon, so I turned on the TV on time every day to watch it. Do you have your own favorite soap opera? What is it? You can tell us both in English or in Chinese!

Step 3: listen to the conversation and answer a general question

You see, this holiday my friends and I really gossiped a lot. We had a good gossip. Do you like to gossip? What kind of people like to gossip? (CIA) Today

Val and Gary are gossiping. What are they gossiping about? Let's listen to the conversation and find it out. (CIA)----Ss answer the question.

Step 4: Read the conversation after the teacher and then answer more questions. How many people did Gary and Val talk about in the conversation? Who are they? (CIA) What happened between these four people? (CIA)

Step 5: Pair work: Read the conversation in pairs.

Step 6: True or False (at the same time, some words and phrases will be explained here.)

Let's look at some statements about the conversation. Please tell me whether these sentences true or false. (CIA)

(2) So who caught whom kissing whom? --- Brenda caught Stan kissing another woman.

(3) Why did Brenda have a car accident? So it's not safe to drive too fast, isn't it?

If someone drives too fast, he may end up at the hospital, or he may end up dead.

(4) What's wrong with Brenda's arm? Yes, it's broken. So the doctor fixed her arm.

What else can you fix? If your clock is broken, can you fix it?

(5) Who fell in love with the doctor? (Brenda.) And what's the meaning of date?

(6)That's true! So in this conversation, Gary and Val are gossiping about a soap

opera called

Step 7: Pair work: Retell the story

Can you understand main idea of this soap opera? What happened in it? Let's have a look again. (CIA) Now work in pairs, tell your partner about the story.


Step 8: Group work: act the soap opera out

It's an interesting soap opera, isn't it? Suppose you were the characters in this soap opera, what would you do and what would you say? Now work in groups, please act it out. Maybe one of you was Brenda, Stan, the doctor, the woman, or someone else, like policeman. [check 2]

Step 9: Discussion

Do you think Brenda and Stan really love each other? Is there true love

between Brenda and Stan? How about Brenda and the doctor, Stan and that woman? Maybe yes, maybe not. Can you find true love around you?

Step 10: enjoy an English song about love.


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