

2012-2013学年第二学期期末考试试卷 试卷代码: 04B12 授课课时:32 考试用时:30分钟 课程名称:英语演讲与辩论 适用对象:全校非英语专业本科班 试卷命题人: 杜景平 试卷审核人: 张建丽 姓 名:_____________________ 学号:_____________________ 专业班级:_____________________ 分数:_____________________

Directions: 100 points

You are required to make a persuasive speech on one of the 10 topics listed below. Your speech should last no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 7 minutes, then after your speech you will be asked one question about what is said in your speech. Your answer to the question should be no shorter than 1.5 minutes. Your speech will be filmed and kept on file.

Judging criteria:

Given topics for your speech;

1. Junk food should be banned in schools.

2. Vocational training is more important than liberal arts education.

3. Parents should not purchase war toys for their children.

4. The retirement age for women should (not) be the same as that for men.

5. Legal marriage age should be lowered.

6. Advertisement is a curse rather than a blessing.

7. China should establish English as an official language.

8. One child police should (not) be abolished.

9. Examinations do more harm than good.

10. College English Test should (not) be cancelled.

Please type your speech manuscript on the other side of this page:





2012-2013学年第二学期期末考试试卷 试卷代码: 04B12 授课课时:32 考试用时:30分钟 课程名称:英语演讲与辩论 适用对象:全校非英语专业本科班 试卷命题人: 杜景平 试卷审核人: 张建丽 姓 名:_____________________ 学号:_____________________ 专业班级:_____________________ 分数:_____________________

Directions: 100 points

You are required to make a persuasive speech on one of the 10 topics listed below. Your speech should last no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 7 minutes, then after your speech you will be asked one question about what is said in your speech. Your answer to the question should be no shorter than 1.5 minutes. Your speech will be filmed and kept on file.

Judging criteria:

Given topics for your speech;

1. Junk food should be banned in schools.

2. Vocational training is more important than liberal arts education.

3. Parents should not purchase war toys for their children.

4. The retirement age for women should (not) be the same as that for men.

5. Legal marriage age should be lowered.

6. Advertisement is a curse rather than a blessing.

7. China should establish English as an official language.

8. One child police should (not) be abolished.

9. Examinations do more harm than good.

10. College English Test should (not) be cancelled.

Please type your speech manuscript on the other side of this page:





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