英文名称:Object-Oriented Programming and Design
学分:3 总学时:48
通过分析面向对象程序设计的基本思想及C++语言的实现机制,讨论面向对象程序设计的方法,培养学生采用面向对象的方法分析和求解问题的能力。要求学生掌握面向对象的基本思想和有关的基本概念、基本方法,掌握面向对象程序设计思想的C++语言实现机制,掌握C++语言的基本语法和VC++集成开发环境下的编程技术,能够运用面向对象程序设计的方法分析和求解简单的应用问题。具体知识包括:面向对象封装、继承、多态概念,类的定义和对象的声明、构造函数、析构函数,派生类和子类型、重载函数和函数模版、虚函数和纯虚函数、抽象基类,异常处理机制、类模版和命名空间,面向对象的分析和设计方法。 推荐教材或主要参考书:(含主编,教材名,出版社,出版日期)
1. 谭浩强. C++程序设计, 北京:清华大学出版社.2004
2. 郑莉, 董渊, 张瑞丰. C++语言程序设计(第三版). 北京:清华大学出版社.2003
3. 姚新颜. C/C++深层探索,人民邮电出版社.1999.
Course Number: 0002998
Course Title : Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
Credit: 2.5 T otal Credit Hours: 40
Students: Undergraduate students major in Computer
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics (Set and Graph Theory, Algebra and Logic)
Evaluation Method: Written Exam
Course Description:
Regular sets, context free languages, and their description models are introduced in this course. The students are expected to understand the basic concepts, theories, methods, and techniques of formal languages and automata and the related problem solving methods, through which their abstraction and modeling abilities will be improved. The basic topics include: the concepts of formal languages, grammar, derivation, language, sentence and sentential form; Chomsky hierarchy; deterministic finite automata (DFA); nondeterministic finite automata (NFA); non-deterministic finite automata with ε-moves (ε-NFA); finite automata (FA) and regular sets (RL); regular expressions (RE) and regular sets; pumping lemma and close properties of regular sets; Myhill-Nerode theorem and minimization of finite automata; derivation tree; ambiguity; simplification of context free grammar (CFG); Chomsky normal form (CNF); Greibach normal form (GNF); pushdown automata (PDA); pushdown automata and context free languages (CFL); pumping lemma and close properties of context free languages.
Recommended Textbooks/References:
1. JIANG Zongli, JIANG Shouxu. Theory of Formal Languages and Automata (second Edition).
Tsinghua University Press,2007
2. JIANG Zongli. Reference Book of Theory of Formal Languages and Automata (second
Edition). Tsinghua University Press,2007
3. John E.Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman.Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation (3rd Edition). China Machine Press,2007
英文名称:Object-Oriented Programming and Design
学分:3 总学时:48
通过分析面向对象程序设计的基本思想及C++语言的实现机制,讨论面向对象程序设计的方法,培养学生采用面向对象的方法分析和求解问题的能力。要求学生掌握面向对象的基本思想和有关的基本概念、基本方法,掌握面向对象程序设计思想的C++语言实现机制,掌握C++语言的基本语法和VC++集成开发环境下的编程技术,能够运用面向对象程序设计的方法分析和求解简单的应用问题。具体知识包括:面向对象封装、继承、多态概念,类的定义和对象的声明、构造函数、析构函数,派生类和子类型、重载函数和函数模版、虚函数和纯虚函数、抽象基类,异常处理机制、类模版和命名空间,面向对象的分析和设计方法。 推荐教材或主要参考书:(含主编,教材名,出版社,出版日期)
1. 谭浩强. C++程序设计, 北京:清华大学出版社.2004
2. 郑莉, 董渊, 张瑞丰. C++语言程序设计(第三版). 北京:清华大学出版社.2003
3. 姚新颜. C/C++深层探索,人民邮电出版社.1999.
Course Number: 0002998
Course Title : Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
Credit: 2.5 T otal Credit Hours: 40
Students: Undergraduate students major in Computer
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics (Set and Graph Theory, Algebra and Logic)
Evaluation Method: Written Exam
Course Description:
Regular sets, context free languages, and their description models are introduced in this course. The students are expected to understand the basic concepts, theories, methods, and techniques of formal languages and automata and the related problem solving methods, through which their abstraction and modeling abilities will be improved. The basic topics include: the concepts of formal languages, grammar, derivation, language, sentence and sentential form; Chomsky hierarchy; deterministic finite automata (DFA); nondeterministic finite automata (NFA); non-deterministic finite automata with ε-moves (ε-NFA); finite automata (FA) and regular sets (RL); regular expressions (RE) and regular sets; pumping lemma and close properties of regular sets; Myhill-Nerode theorem and minimization of finite automata; derivation tree; ambiguity; simplification of context free grammar (CFG); Chomsky normal form (CNF); Greibach normal form (GNF); pushdown automata (PDA); pushdown automata and context free languages (CFL); pumping lemma and close properties of context free languages.
Recommended Textbooks/References:
1. JIANG Zongli, JIANG Shouxu. Theory of Formal Languages and Automata (second Edition).
Tsinghua University Press,2007
2. JIANG Zongli. Reference Book of Theory of Formal Languages and Automata (second
Edition). Tsinghua University Press,2007
3. John E.Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman.Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation (3rd Edition). China Machine Press,2007