
Journal of Southeast U niversity (English Edition )  V ol . 23, Sup, pp. 124-127D ec . 2007 ISSN 1003—7985

Research on cho i ce of e m ergency procure m en t vendors

J iang X iaogan  Feng Q inchao  C hen Feng lin

(School of Econom ics and M anagem ent, S outheast U niversity, N anjing 210096, C hina )

Abstract:In order to m ake the supp ly chain select the best em ergency p rocurem ent supp liers in case the p rocurem ent system encounters unexpected risks, six indices w hich can reflect the comp rehensive abilities of alternative supp liers are selected, i . e . , the p roduct yield, the toll standard, the on 2ti m e 2delivery rate, the rate of turnover industry experience and custom er satisfaction . Then standardized p rocessing of evaluation is perfor m ed .

For quantitative indices, vector nor m alization is adop ted to perfor m standardized p rocessing, and qualitative fuzziness indices are quantified through assignm ent . Finally, each index can be transfor m ed into a standardized m ark w hich has di m ensionless 1and the sam e m agnitude . A nd an expert m ethod is used to deter m ine the index w eights and then the linear w eighted sum m ethod is used to calculate the alternative supp lier πs comp rehensive ability score and by comparing these scores, the op ti m al em ergency p rocurem ent supp lier selected .

Key words:em ergency p rocurem ent ; supp ly chain; vendor ; In the telecomm unications obile phones are supp lied by the Philips Com . , a led Philips not being able to supp ly computer chips a w situation, the t w o companies used different rem edial m easures, w hich resulted in results . N okia acquired alternative com puter chi ps from another chip m anu 2facturer, and Ericsson w as w aiting for the resum p tion of the supp ly from Phili ps . N o rem edial m easures had been taken . A s a result, in 2000, as far as the global m obile phone m arket w as concerned, N okia πs m arket share in 2creased from 27percent to 30percent, w hile Ericsson had to retreat from the phone m arket . In the field of m obile phone p roduction, Ericsson lost 1168billion US dollars . This show s the i m portance of choosing em ergency p rocure 2m ent supp liers .

A t p resent, there is m ore study on day 2to 2day risk m anagem ent of the supp ly chain . R isk analysis and recogni 2tion of supp ly chains are already quite m ature . How ever, sudden risks can cause m ore serious har m to supp ly chains . So it has aroused the concern of the comm unity and has m ore p ractical significance on how supp ly chains can adop t em ergency m easures to deal w ith sudden risks . A s just 2in 2ti m e and total quality m anagem ent are w idely

[1]used in the supp ly chain , supp liers have an i m portant i m pact on supp ly chain perfor m ance . Efficient logistics p ro 2

viders can help enter p rises obtain highly efficient supp ly chain system s . The higher rate of return on cap ital, the low er the cap ital vote; enter p rises can reduce logistics costs, inventory costs, i m p rove the inventory cap ital turnover

[2-3]rate and the rate of return . If the supp lier can p rovide high 2quality p roducts in a ti m ely m anner, it w ill i m pact

w hether the supp ly chain can be sensitive enough to deal w ith unexpected risks . D om estic and foreign literature

[4]have discussed the selection of supp ly chain vendors, such as the grey assess m ent act , the analytic hierarchy

[5][6]p rocess , and techniques for order p reference by si m ilarity to ideal solution . These research results are m ainly

[7-8]based on a single m aterials supp ly p rocess and a single vendor selection p rocess . They cannot fully reflect the

breadth of a supp lies p rocess in the supp ly chain system or the selection of vendors in a specific contingency envi 2ronm ent .

In the area of em ergency m anagem ent in a supp ly chain, research literature is very li m ited . Som e scholars have introduced em ergency m anagem ent in supp ly chain environm ent studies . In the area of p roduction p lanning, Yang et

[9]al . m ade a useful attemp t, considering how to use the em ergency m anagem ent m ethods to am end the original schem e to m ake the operation of system s s m ooth and the effects on p roduction inventory the s m allest . X ia et al . studied disturbance m anagem ent issues of p roduction inventory in the classical econom ical p roduction quantity

[10](EPQ ) m odel . N ext, X ia et al . studied real 2ti m e em ergency m anagem ent in a t w o 2echelon p roduction inventory

system composed of a m anufacturer and a retailer . A t p resent, som e dom estic scholars have already started qualita

2Rece i ved 2007209210.

Foundati on ite m :The N ational Key Technology R&D Progra m of China during the 11th Five 2Year Plan Period (N o . 2006BAH 02A 06) .

B i ography:J iang X iaogan (1953—) , m ale, p rofessor, jiangxiaogan @163. com.

Research on choice of e mergency p r ocure ment vendors 521

tive research on the issue of how to select and m anage vendors in em ergency p rocurem ent . They put for w ard a num 2ber of ex 2ante p reventive m easures and ex 2post treat m ent m easures . B ut there is no literature w hich addresses quan 2titative research on selecting em ergency p rocurem ent vendors . This paper starts quantitative research on an evalua 2tion index of em ergency p rocurem ent vendors and lists the p rocesses of choosing em ergency p rocurem ent vendors, hop ing to bring forth discussion and research by scholars on how the supp ly chain takes em ergency m easures . 1 Choice Evaluation Procedures of Em ergency Procurem ent V endors

Em ergency p rocurem ent vendor choice should be m ade on the basis of routine m anagem ent of vendors, by comp rehensively m astering the vendor situation in peace ti m e, p rocurem ent depart m ent evaluates vendors πability of science and accuracy at a crisis to select correctly . In the issue of vendor selection, the evaluation criteria of vendor

[11]selection began in the D ickson study of 1996. D ickson agreed that p roduct quality, cost, and delivery ti m e are the

[12]m ost i m portant criteria of supp lier selection . Synthesizing D ickson and W eber, and others πstudies , vendor selec 2

tion should be based on actual needs, m ake m eticulous investigation and analysis, fully aw are of the vendors πsitua 2tion and overall balance, and select a few alternative vendors . Then m ake a quantitative analysis of the com p rehen 2sive capacity of these vendors to select the best . The quantitative steps of quantitative analysis are as follow s:

1) Identify evaluation index system. W hile selecting vendors, supp ly chains generally lay stress on these fac 2[13-14]tors :quality, p rice and delivery punctuality . B ut on the em ergency p rocurem ent, the quality and delivery punc 2tuality should be required first . Therefore, this paper selects the indices ith quality and deliv 2ery punctuality . The indices of this paper are show n in Tab . 1. charge occup ies in the cargo value .

Tab . 1The e Index nam e

D i m ension %%2ti e rate %experience H igh 2low Rate of turnover Ti m e /year Custom er satisfaction %

  2) Standardized p r ocessing of evaluati on index . The differences of the indices πdi m ensi ons and magnitudes affect the evaluati on results and result in poor decisi ons . So we should perfor m standardized p r ocessing of evaluati on t o trans 2

[15]for m the m int o standard mark which has di m ensi onless 1and the sa me magnitude . Quantitizati on of qualitative

fuzziness indices is sho wn in Tab . 2.

Tab . 2 The quantitative scores of qualitative fuzziness indexes

Index status

Score V ery low L ow Comm on H igh V ery high 13579

  For quantitative indices,we adop t vect or nor malizati on t o perf or m standardized p r ocessing, the for mula of vect or


nor malizati on is as f oll o ws:r ij =x i =1x ij . 2

3) Confir m index weight . The index weight reflects the i m portance of the index; the deter m inati on of the weights must reflect syste m functi onal require ments . This paper uses the ex pert method t o deter m ine the index weight . On the


assu mp ti on that F 2ex perts gives the index weight vect or:w k ={w , w , ∗, w kn }. Here, 00

k 10k 20T ∑w

j =10kj =1, w kj ≥0, k =1,

L 0

2, ∗, L. On the assu mp ti on that the i m portance vect or of F 2ex perts is c ={c 1, c 2, ∗, c L },where

L T k =1∑c k =1, c k ≥0.

By the op ti m izati on method, the co mp rehensive weight can be calculated:w j =

k =1∑c w k kj , j =1, 2, ∗n , apparently, w j


4) Synthesis evaluati on on alternative vendors . This paper uses the linearweighted su m method t o make a synthe 2sis evaluati on on alternative vendors . First, this paper evaluates standardized N 2indices by the linear weighted su m


method:U (

A i ) =

n ∑w j =1j ij r , (i =1, 2, ∗, m ) , where the weight coefficient of the index is w j ≥0, j =1, 2, ∗, n, 3∑j =1w j =1. Then,we can achieve the op ti m al supp lier according t o A {A i 1≤i ≤m max [U (A i ) ]}.

2 Exa mp le of Calculati on

On the assu mp ti on that there are supp ly disrup ti ons in a supp ly chain because of supp ly 2side incidents, e mer 2

621J iang Xiaogan, Feng Q inchao, and Chen Fenglin

gency p r ocure ment is needed t o guarantee nor mal operati ons of the supp ly chain .

1) Select adequate alternative vendors and app r op riate evaluati on indices . Selecting e mergency p r ocure ment ven 2dors should be established on the basis of r outine manage ment t o vendors . By co mp rehensively mastering the vendor situati on in peace ti m e, the supp ly chain selects f our alternative vendors:S ={S 1, S 2, S 3, S 4}is the set of alternative vendors . W e use the above six evaluati on indices:p r oduct yield, t oll standard, on 2ti m e 2delivery rate, the rate of turn 2over, industry ex perience and cust omer satisfacti on . P ={P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4, P 5, P 6}is the set of evaluati on indices . The outco me is sho wn in Tab . 3.

Tab . 3 The com parison of evaluation indices of e m ergency p rocure m ent vendor

A lternative


A 1

A 2

A 3

A 4Product yield Toll standard O n 2ti m e 2deliveryrate Industry experience Comm on (5) V ery high (9) H igh (7) Comm on (5) Rate of turnover Custom er satisfaction [***********][***********]007588

  First,we quantify the qualitative fuzzy index of P 4(industry ex perience ) . Then, we adop t vect or nor malizati on t o perfor m standardized p r ocessing . P 5(the rate of turnover ) is taken as an exa mp le as f oll o ws:

x 15r 15==≈0146m 2222+20+212x

i =1ij

Concerning the above six index foll o 1w w 3w 5=0115,  w 6=0110

2) on standardizing the evaluati on indices,we obtain the standard 2ized index matrix:

[***********][***********]67015111R [***********][***********]37015301According t o the f oll o wing for mula, we can evaluate the comp rehensive evaluati on rate, s ort the m fr om high t o l o w, and finally select op ti m al l ogistics service p r oviders .


f (A i ) =∑w

j =1j ij r   i =1, 2, ∗, m

3) Obtain the co mp rehensive capacity score of all supp liers:

f (A 1) =01771,  f (A 2) =017735,  f (A 3) =017785,  f (A 4) =017645

33then, f =max{f (A 1) , f (A 2) , f (A 3) , f (A 4) }=f (A 3) =017785, A =A 3. Theref ore, the op ti m al supp lier is the third supp lier .

3 Conclusi on

I n the anti 2“aty p ical pneu monia ”struggle in 2003, e mergency p r ocure ment of medical and health supp lies be 2ca me the f ocus of the p rocurement depart m ent . But because the p r ocurement depart m ent lacked the necessary un 2derstanding of e mergency p r ocure ment activities, the technol ogy related t o p r ocure ment was i m mature . A l ot of un 2necessary l oss was caused . It is thus clear that e mergency p r ocure ment in the supp ly chain is i m portant . I f relying on a single supp ly chain vendor mechanis m , the whole supp ly chain will lack flexibility . Once the supp lier has p r ob 2le m s, the nor mal operati on of the whole supp ly chain w ill definitely be affected; the whole supp ly chain w ill be 2come a crisis chain . Theref ore, supp ly chains should make a meticul ous investigati on and analysis of vendors in the day 2t o 2day manage ment of supp liers, while being fully a ware of the vendor situati on . Then we could select op ti m al l ogistics service p r oviders . I n day 2t o 2day circum stances, the choice of supp liers should f oll ow the “5R p rinci p le ”, right p rice, right quality, right ti m e, right quantity, and right p lace . Here, right p lace and right quality are the basic

require ments of emergency p r ocure ment . R ight ti m e, right quantity and right p lace are the core require ments of e 2mergency p r ocure ment . Vendor selecti on must f oll ow the standard in order t o select the correct suitable supp lier in the near future f or the p r ocure ment depart m ent . Supp lier selecti on must make it as the standard . Establish a comp re 2hensive, scientific index syste m of supp lier evaluati on in the comp lex syste m and quantify decisi on 2making in order

[16]t o make the p r ocure ment depart m ent choose the op ti m al supp lier in the short ter m . This paper makes a quantita 2

Research on choice of e mergency p r ocure ment vendors 721

tive analysis of the comp rehensive capacity of these vendors based on the needs of e mergency p r ocure ment . First, this paper selects six indices including p r oduct yield, t oll standard, on 2ti m e 2delivery rate, industry experience, the rate of turnover and cust omer satisfacti on and standardize vari ous indices . Then the index weight by the expert meth 2od is deter m ined and the linear weighted sum method is used t o make a synthesis evaluati on of alternative vendors . Finally, we can select the op ti m al supp lier . This paper addresses the initial e mergency measures when facing e mergencies . A l ot of work is needed t o deepen the study . I n the entire supp ly chain syste m , we only consider the area of supp ly chain risk; other areas are not involved . W e hope t o bring f orth discussi on and research by scholars on how supp ly chains take e mergency measures .


[1]A nthony T F, B uffa F P . S trategic purchase scheduling [J]. J ourna l of Purchasing and M a teria ls M anagem ent, 1977, 13(3) :27


[2]H okey M. Supp ly chain m odeling:past, p resent and future [J]. C omputer &Industria l Engineering, 2002, 43:231249.

[3]W ilbur I S. Target costing for supp ly chain m anagem ent:an econom ic fram ew ork [J]. J ourna l of C orpora te Accounting &F i 2

nance, 2000, 12(1) :6777.

[4]Yang Yuzhong, Zhang Q iang, W u L iyun . Technique for order p reference by si m ilarity to ideal solution on entropy w eight for

supp lier selection [J]. J ourna l of B eijing Institute of Technology:l , ) :3135. (in Chinese )

[5]L iu X iao . M odels and m ethod for supp lier selection based on ly ]J l Instrum ent, 2005, 26

(8) :890892. (in C hinese )

[6]Sun C haoyuan, Peng Q . grey selection and evaluation [J ]. J ourna l of

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[7]Kar pak B , R. m in the supp ly chain:m anaging a m ulti 2objective task [J]. European J ourna l of

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[8]Youngp il C, M ooyoung J. Satisfaction assessm ent of m ulti 2objective schedules using neural fuzzy m ethodology [J]. Interna tiona l

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[9]Yang J ian, Q i X iangtong, Yu G ang . D isrup tion m anagem ent in p roduction p lanning [J]. N ava l Resea rch L ogistics, 2001, 52(5) :


[10]X ia Yusen, Yang M ing 2hsien, G ilbert B oaz, et al . R eal 2ti m e disrup tion m anagem ent in a t w o 2stage p roduction and inventory

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江孝感 冯勤超 陈丰琳

(东南大学经济管理学院, 南京210096)

摘要:当采购系统遇到突发风险时, 为了使供应链能够迅速地选出最优的应急采购供应商, 选取了可以反映备选供应商综合能力的6个指标:产品合格率、交货准时率、收费标准、行业经验值

、货物周转率和客户满意度. 对于定性的模糊指标, 赋值使其量化, 对于定量指标, 通过向量归一化进行标准化处理, 最终把各项指标转化为量纲1、无数量级差别的标准分. 然后利用专家法确定各指标的权重, 采用线性加权法计算出备选供应商的综合能力评分, 从而选出最优应急采购供应商.

关键词:应急采购; 供应链; 供应商; 评价指标

中图分类号:F 25312

Journal of Southeast U niversity (English Edition )  V ol . 23, Sup, pp. 124-127D ec . 2007 ISSN 1003—7985

Research on cho i ce of e m ergency procure m en t vendors

J iang X iaogan  Feng Q inchao  C hen Feng lin

(School of Econom ics and M anagem ent, S outheast U niversity, N anjing 210096, C hina )

Abstract:In order to m ake the supp ly chain select the best em ergency p rocurem ent supp liers in case the p rocurem ent system encounters unexpected risks, six indices w hich can reflect the comp rehensive abilities of alternative supp liers are selected, i . e . , the p roduct yield, the toll standard, the on 2ti m e 2delivery rate, the rate of turnover industry experience and custom er satisfaction . Then standardized p rocessing of evaluation is perfor m ed .

For quantitative indices, vector nor m alization is adop ted to perfor m standardized p rocessing, and qualitative fuzziness indices are quantified through assignm ent . Finally, each index can be transfor m ed into a standardized m ark w hich has di m ensionless 1and the sam e m agnitude . A nd an expert m ethod is used to deter m ine the index w eights and then the linear w eighted sum m ethod is used to calculate the alternative supp lier πs comp rehensive ability score and by comparing these scores, the op ti m al em ergency p rocurem ent supp lier selected .

Key words:em ergency p rocurem ent ; supp ly chain; vendor ; In the telecomm unications obile phones are supp lied by the Philips Com . , a led Philips not being able to supp ly computer chips a w situation, the t w o companies used different rem edial m easures, w hich resulted in results . N okia acquired alternative com puter chi ps from another chip m anu 2facturer, and Ericsson w as w aiting for the resum p tion of the supp ly from Phili ps . N o rem edial m easures had been taken . A s a result, in 2000, as far as the global m obile phone m arket w as concerned, N okia πs m arket share in 2creased from 27percent to 30percent, w hile Ericsson had to retreat from the phone m arket . In the field of m obile phone p roduction, Ericsson lost 1168billion US dollars . This show s the i m portance of choosing em ergency p rocure 2m ent supp liers .

A t p resent, there is m ore study on day 2to 2day risk m anagem ent of the supp ly chain . R isk analysis and recogni 2tion of supp ly chains are already quite m ature . How ever, sudden risks can cause m ore serious har m to supp ly chains . So it has aroused the concern of the comm unity and has m ore p ractical significance on how supp ly chains can adop t em ergency m easures to deal w ith sudden risks . A s just 2in 2ti m e and total quality m anagem ent are w idely

[1]used in the supp ly chain , supp liers have an i m portant i m pact on supp ly chain perfor m ance . Efficient logistics p ro 2

viders can help enter p rises obtain highly efficient supp ly chain system s . The higher rate of return on cap ital, the low er the cap ital vote; enter p rises can reduce logistics costs, inventory costs, i m p rove the inventory cap ital turnover

[2-3]rate and the rate of return . If the supp lier can p rovide high 2quality p roducts in a ti m ely m anner, it w ill i m pact

w hether the supp ly chain can be sensitive enough to deal w ith unexpected risks . D om estic and foreign literature

[4]have discussed the selection of supp ly chain vendors, such as the grey assess m ent act , the analytic hierarchy

[5][6]p rocess , and techniques for order p reference by si m ilarity to ideal solution . These research results are m ainly

[7-8]based on a single m aterials supp ly p rocess and a single vendor selection p rocess . They cannot fully reflect the

breadth of a supp lies p rocess in the supp ly chain system or the selection of vendors in a specific contingency envi 2ronm ent .

In the area of em ergency m anagem ent in a supp ly chain, research literature is very li m ited . Som e scholars have introduced em ergency m anagem ent in supp ly chain environm ent studies . In the area of p roduction p lanning, Yang et

[9]al . m ade a useful attemp t, considering how to use the em ergency m anagem ent m ethods to am end the original schem e to m ake the operation of system s s m ooth and the effects on p roduction inventory the s m allest . X ia et al . studied disturbance m anagem ent issues of p roduction inventory in the classical econom ical p roduction quantity

[10](EPQ ) m odel . N ext, X ia et al . studied real 2ti m e em ergency m anagem ent in a t w o 2echelon p roduction inventory

system composed of a m anufacturer and a retailer . A t p resent, som e dom estic scholars have already started qualita

2Rece i ved 2007209210.

Foundati on ite m :The N ational Key Technology R&D Progra m of China during the 11th Five 2Year Plan Period (N o . 2006BAH 02A 06) .

B i ography:J iang X iaogan (1953—) , m ale, p rofessor, jiangxiaogan @163. com.

Research on choice of e mergency p r ocure ment vendors 521

tive research on the issue of how to select and m anage vendors in em ergency p rocurem ent . They put for w ard a num 2ber of ex 2ante p reventive m easures and ex 2post treat m ent m easures . B ut there is no literature w hich addresses quan 2titative research on selecting em ergency p rocurem ent vendors . This paper starts quantitative research on an evalua 2tion index of em ergency p rocurem ent vendors and lists the p rocesses of choosing em ergency p rocurem ent vendors, hop ing to bring forth discussion and research by scholars on how the supp ly chain takes em ergency m easures . 1 Choice Evaluation Procedures of Em ergency Procurem ent V endors

Em ergency p rocurem ent vendor choice should be m ade on the basis of routine m anagem ent of vendors, by comp rehensively m astering the vendor situation in peace ti m e, p rocurem ent depart m ent evaluates vendors πability of science and accuracy at a crisis to select correctly . In the issue of vendor selection, the evaluation criteria of vendor

[11]selection began in the D ickson study of 1996. D ickson agreed that p roduct quality, cost, and delivery ti m e are the

[12]m ost i m portant criteria of supp lier selection . Synthesizing D ickson and W eber, and others πstudies , vendor selec 2

tion should be based on actual needs, m ake m eticulous investigation and analysis, fully aw are of the vendors πsitua 2tion and overall balance, and select a few alternative vendors . Then m ake a quantitative analysis of the com p rehen 2sive capacity of these vendors to select the best . The quantitative steps of quantitative analysis are as follow s:

1) Identify evaluation index system. W hile selecting vendors, supp ly chains generally lay stress on these fac 2[13-14]tors :quality, p rice and delivery punctuality . B ut on the em ergency p rocurem ent, the quality and delivery punc 2tuality should be required first . Therefore, this paper selects the indices ith quality and deliv 2ery punctuality . The indices of this paper are show n in Tab . 1. charge occup ies in the cargo value .

Tab . 1The e Index nam e

D i m ension %%2ti e rate %experience H igh 2low Rate of turnover Ti m e /year Custom er satisfaction %

  2) Standardized p r ocessing of evaluati on index . The differences of the indices πdi m ensi ons and magnitudes affect the evaluati on results and result in poor decisi ons . So we should perfor m standardized p r ocessing of evaluati on t o trans 2

[15]for m the m int o standard mark which has di m ensi onless 1and the sa me magnitude . Quantitizati on of qualitative

fuzziness indices is sho wn in Tab . 2.

Tab . 2 The quantitative scores of qualitative fuzziness indexes

Index status

Score V ery low L ow Comm on H igh V ery high 13579

  For quantitative indices,we adop t vect or nor malizati on t o perf or m standardized p r ocessing, the for mula of vect or


nor malizati on is as f oll o ws:r ij =x i =1x ij . 2

3) Confir m index weight . The index weight reflects the i m portance of the index; the deter m inati on of the weights must reflect syste m functi onal require ments . This paper uses the ex pert method t o deter m ine the index weight . On the


assu mp ti on that F 2ex perts gives the index weight vect or:w k ={w , w , ∗, w kn }. Here, 00

k 10k 20T ∑w

j =10kj =1, w kj ≥0, k =1,

L 0

2, ∗, L. On the assu mp ti on that the i m portance vect or of F 2ex perts is c ={c 1, c 2, ∗, c L },where

L T k =1∑c k =1, c k ≥0.

By the op ti m izati on method, the co mp rehensive weight can be calculated:w j =

k =1∑c w k kj , j =1, 2, ∗n , apparently, w j


4) Synthesis evaluati on on alternative vendors . This paper uses the linearweighted su m method t o make a synthe 2sis evaluati on on alternative vendors . First, this paper evaluates standardized N 2indices by the linear weighted su m


method:U (

A i ) =

n ∑w j =1j ij r , (i =1, 2, ∗, m ) , where the weight coefficient of the index is w j ≥0, j =1, 2, ∗, n, 3∑j =1w j =1. Then,we can achieve the op ti m al supp lier according t o A {A i 1≤i ≤m max [U (A i ) ]}.

2 Exa mp le of Calculati on

On the assu mp ti on that there are supp ly disrup ti ons in a supp ly chain because of supp ly 2side incidents, e mer 2

621J iang Xiaogan, Feng Q inchao, and Chen Fenglin

gency p r ocure ment is needed t o guarantee nor mal operati ons of the supp ly chain .

1) Select adequate alternative vendors and app r op riate evaluati on indices . Selecting e mergency p r ocure ment ven 2dors should be established on the basis of r outine manage ment t o vendors . By co mp rehensively mastering the vendor situati on in peace ti m e, the supp ly chain selects f our alternative vendors:S ={S 1, S 2, S 3, S 4}is the set of alternative vendors . W e use the above six evaluati on indices:p r oduct yield, t oll standard, on 2ti m e 2delivery rate, the rate of turn 2over, industry ex perience and cust omer satisfacti on . P ={P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4, P 5, P 6}is the set of evaluati on indices . The outco me is sho wn in Tab . 3.

Tab . 3 The com parison of evaluation indices of e m ergency p rocure m ent vendor

A lternative


A 1

A 2

A 3

A 4Product yield Toll standard O n 2ti m e 2deliveryrate Industry experience Comm on (5) V ery high (9) H igh (7) Comm on (5) Rate of turnover Custom er satisfaction [***********][***********]007588

  First,we quantify the qualitative fuzzy index of P 4(industry ex perience ) . Then, we adop t vect or nor malizati on t o perfor m standardized p r ocessing . P 5(the rate of turnover ) is taken as an exa mp le as f oll o ws:

x 15r 15==≈0146m 2222+20+212x

i =1ij

Concerning the above six index foll o 1w w 3w 5=0115,  w 6=0110

2) on standardizing the evaluati on indices,we obtain the standard 2ized index matrix:

[***********][***********]67015111R [***********][***********]37015301According t o the f oll o wing for mula, we can evaluate the comp rehensive evaluati on rate, s ort the m fr om high t o l o w, and finally select op ti m al l ogistics service p r oviders .


f (A i ) =∑w

j =1j ij r   i =1, 2, ∗, m

3) Obtain the co mp rehensive capacity score of all supp liers:

f (A 1) =01771,  f (A 2) =017735,  f (A 3) =017785,  f (A 4) =017645

33then, f =max{f (A 1) , f (A 2) , f (A 3) , f (A 4) }=f (A 3) =017785, A =A 3. Theref ore, the op ti m al supp lier is the third supp lier .

3 Conclusi on

I n the anti 2“aty p ical pneu monia ”struggle in 2003, e mergency p r ocure ment of medical and health supp lies be 2ca me the f ocus of the p rocurement depart m ent . But because the p r ocurement depart m ent lacked the necessary un 2derstanding of e mergency p r ocure ment activities, the technol ogy related t o p r ocure ment was i m mature . A l ot of un 2necessary l oss was caused . It is thus clear that e mergency p r ocure ment in the supp ly chain is i m portant . I f relying on a single supp ly chain vendor mechanis m , the whole supp ly chain will lack flexibility . Once the supp lier has p r ob 2le m s, the nor mal operati on of the whole supp ly chain w ill definitely be affected; the whole supp ly chain w ill be 2come a crisis chain . Theref ore, supp ly chains should make a meticul ous investigati on and analysis of vendors in the day 2t o 2day manage ment of supp liers, while being fully a ware of the vendor situati on . Then we could select op ti m al l ogistics service p r oviders . I n day 2t o 2day circum stances, the choice of supp liers should f oll ow the “5R p rinci p le ”, right p rice, right quality, right ti m e, right quantity, and right p lace . Here, right p lace and right quality are the basic

require ments of emergency p r ocure ment . R ight ti m e, right quantity and right p lace are the core require ments of e 2mergency p r ocure ment . Vendor selecti on must f oll ow the standard in order t o select the correct suitable supp lier in the near future f or the p r ocure ment depart m ent . Supp lier selecti on must make it as the standard . Establish a comp re 2hensive, scientific index syste m of supp lier evaluati on in the comp lex syste m and quantify decisi on 2making in order

[16]t o make the p r ocure ment depart m ent choose the op ti m al supp lier in the short ter m . This paper makes a quantita 2

Research on choice of e mergency p r ocure ment vendors 721

tive analysis of the comp rehensive capacity of these vendors based on the needs of e mergency p r ocure ment . First, this paper selects six indices including p r oduct yield, t oll standard, on 2ti m e 2delivery rate, industry experience, the rate of turnover and cust omer satisfacti on and standardize vari ous indices . Then the index weight by the expert meth 2od is deter m ined and the linear weighted sum method is used t o make a synthesis evaluati on of alternative vendors . Finally, we can select the op ti m al supp lier . This paper addresses the initial e mergency measures when facing e mergencies . A l ot of work is needed t o deepen the study . I n the entire supp ly chain syste m , we only consider the area of supp ly chain risk; other areas are not involved . W e hope t o bring f orth discussi on and research by scholars on how supp ly chains take e mergency measures .


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江孝感 冯勤超 陈丰琳

(东南大学经济管理学院, 南京210096)

摘要:当采购系统遇到突发风险时, 为了使供应链能够迅速地选出最优的应急采购供应商, 选取了可以反映备选供应商综合能力的6个指标:产品合格率、交货准时率、收费标准、行业经验值

、货物周转率和客户满意度. 对于定性的模糊指标, 赋值使其量化, 对于定量指标, 通过向量归一化进行标准化处理, 最终把各项指标转化为量纲1、无数量级差别的标准分. 然后利用专家法确定各指标的权重, 采用线性加权法计算出备选供应商的综合能力评分, 从而选出最优应急采购供应商.

关键词:应急采购; 供应链; 供应商; 评价指标

中图分类号:F 25312


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