



Ads and PSAs ⑴Copywriting for Visual Media

Before television, there was radio advertising and film advertising in

movie houses.You still see local ads in some movie theatres before the

program starts. So the principle of selling time between programming for

commercial messages grew up with the visual media. A format that is

probably unique to television was developed to deliver short visual

commercial messages very efficiently and effectively in breaks between

programs. The air time was sold to advertisers to generate the operating

revenue and profit for the television companies.

Television provides access to the majority of homes and, therefore,

to the largest audience. Before television, few people had dealt with the

pressure to communicate product or commercial information in a rapid,

attention-getting way that television needs. It was, and still is, very

expensive to buy air time. Because television is the most expensive

advertising medium, it has driven the writers and producers of

commercials to refine their techniques so as to deliver a complete

message in a small amount of time. The cost of this time far exceeds the

production cost of making the message itself.

The short ad has become a kind of twentieth-century art form with a

constantly evolving style. It has attracted much writing and directing

talent from around the world, drawn partly by the money they can make

and partly by the opportunity to graduate to longer forms. Ads are special

because they are so short —usually under a minute. Everyone has seen

them, which is not so true for some other formats.

Almost all television viewers have seen public service

announcements (PSAs),which are messages that are broadcast for the

public good. PSAs are sometimes paid for by sponsoring organizations,

but they are usually furnished to broadcasters to fill any empty spots in

the commercial break. This is one way in which television stations help

the community to which they broadcast and fulfill an obligation of their

FCC license to broadcast over public air waves. Of course, PSAs usually

run late at night or in other less commercially desirable time slots. Not

everyone can write a feature film script, but anyone can write a 30- or

60-second PSA, so it is a good place to start.

⑵Copywriting Versus Scriptwriting

Let us distinguish between copywriting and scriptwriting.

Copywriting includes print and media writing. National advertising

campaigns on television are devised and produced by advertising

agencies retained by the client company. Learning about this kind of

writing and the business of advertising and public relations usually takes

place in a specific track and specialized courses in communications

studies.Although visual writing is involved in some kinds of copywriting,

there are so many other issues involved in copywriting that it is better to

leave those dedicated issues aside and deal with visual writing that

happens to be part of copywriting.

However, small markets in the broadcasting world serve local clients

who cannot afford an advertising agency. Somebody has to write these

ads for the station’s clients. It could be a staff member, part of a unit that

sells the station’s time, or it could be a freelance writer paid by the station

to do this writing work when needed, or a local ad agency. We need to

keep in mind that these kinds of local ads are made on small budgets,

sometimes at cost, by the station selling the air time because their profit

comes from selling that air time. They often have spare production

capacity —a studio, cameras, a camera crew, and an editing facility. This

means that the ad must be written for that budget range without slick

effects or expensive graphics, without travel to expensive locations, and

without expensive talent. It brings us back to the perennial challenge that

every scriptwriter faces:to write creatively and invent original visuals

within a tight budget framework. The same holds true for local PSAs,

sponsored by organizations with no budget to spend on production.

PSAs are an excellent training ground for student scriptwriters. They

are short and complete TV playlets. They require all the disciplines of

scriptwriting. You can easily settle on a public service issue such as

smoking, domestic violence, education,drugs, or racism. You know the

issues. You can test your creative imagination. If you have a related

production course going on, you might be able to produce your PSA. You

can also take a familiar product and try to devise a TV spot for

it.However, a lot of ads rely on specialized production companies to get

pack shots or create computer-generated effects that might be difficult to

duplicate in a college production setup.

⑶Client Needs and Priorities

The PSA and the TV ad are works commissioned by a client. The

client needs a solution to a communication problem that the writer must

provide. We alluded to this discipline of the professional writer in

Chapters 3 and 4. You write for someone or rather someone who

represents the interests of an organization or a corporation. Later we will

look more closely at another kind of writing for a producer of

entertainment films or programs. The entertainment script is different

from commissioned works because neither the producer nor the writer

can know for sure what a good script is until it is produced, shown to an

audience, and validated by box office or audience ratings. Commissioned

programming doesn’t have an audience measurement expressed in terms

of box office revenue. Successful communication can only be measured

by quantifying audience responses as changes in sales or behavior.

Advertisers expect to measure the effect of an ad in increased sales.

Otherwise,there is no business sense in spending money on it. A PSA

often aims to change people’s behavior. It is much more difficult to

garner information that positively proves the effectiveness of the PSA.

Changes in behavior are much more difficult to achieve than changes in

the buying choices of the public.

Writing for clients is often challenging and exciting precisely

because you have a problem, know the desired result, and have to devise

a solution. The seven-step method of Chapter 4 is an excellent way to

approach these assignments. The process of analysis is really important

for writing PSAs. Although you do not now have a client, you must

practice writing as if you had a client to satisfy. Your creative ideas must

do the job. One of the constraints of this kind of writing is that the length

is fixed by the client. Because the resulting product is transmitted in

commercial breaks, its length must be exact to the second, as that is how

airtime is bought and sold.

⑷The 20-, 30-, and 60-Second Playlets

Ads in the form of 20- or 30-second playlets are almost a new art

form. They are a popular art form born of the television age and the need

to compress visual messages into very short, very expensive time slots.

The style and tempo of these ads continues to evolve at a furious rate.

The style of camera work, directing, and editing is quite specialized.

Some companies produce nothing but TV commercials just as some

directors spend their whole careers making these mini-movies. From their

ranks have come a number of feature film directors such as Ridley Scott,

Hugh Hudson, and Alan Parker.

Some TV commercials for national campaigns of major brands,

based on millions of dollars worth of air time, have very high budgets.

With bigger budgets than half-hour documentaries and budgets as big as a

television half-hour episode, these productions are made on 35mm film

with production crews that sometimes rival those for a feature film. The

local market spot for a car dealer or furniture store,however, is often

cheap, down and dirty. Clearly the national campaigns are developed by

advertising agencies whose copywriters develop the ads in collaboration

with creative directors, art directors, and account executives. The

copywriter is not a full range scriptwriter and also usually has to write

print media ads. Although this book primarily serves the interests of

scriptwriters, the visual thinking that underlies billboards and transport

ads relates to both copywriting and scriptwriting.

⑸Devices to Capture Audience Attention

Most of you have engaged in the subtle war between the viewer and

the television advertiser. Hands up everyone who has hit the mute button

during the ads, or gone to the bathroom, or gone to the fridge, or made a

tele phone call during the commercial break! This nullifies the advertiser’s

effort and expense. Sometimes,either by accident or by choice, we find

TV commercials entertaining or fun to watch. The challenge is clear. The

advertiser has a lot of resistance to overcome.Now you are on the other

side of the box. You have to be creative and capture the audience’s

attention in spite of itself so that it pays attention to your message.Your

device has to work for others. Measured by your own viewing behavior,

no audience will give you any quarter. You live or die in seconds.

What are some of the ways you have noticed writers of these

mini-scripts hooking the audience so that it will pay attention to the

message? You can recognize definite strategies such as humor, shock,

of course, sexuality. These strategies are more elaborately developed in

commercial advertising because for-profit companies have the dollars to

spend on high-end production values. PSAs cannot command the same

resources. They are made on lower budgets or created through the pro

bono work of advertising agencies and production personnel. Working

with a low budget is a creative challenge. Production dollars don’t

automatically buy creative and effective communication. Some of the

most ingenious PSAs are cheap but effective.

Consider how a PSA about a public issue such as gambling works.

In this case, the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling needs

to communicate to a population that suffers the destructive consequences

of this kind of addictive behavior.How do you solve the communication

problem? Let’s apply the seven-step method we learned in Chapter 4. Anthony Friedmann

Acquisitions Editor: Amy Jollymore

Project Manager: Andrew Therriault

Assistant Editor: Cara Anderson

Marketing Manager: Christine Degon-Veroulis

Cover Designer: Cate Barr

Focal Press is an imprint of Elsevier


广告和公益广告 ⑴文案的视觉媒体

在电视出现以前,我们可以在收音机里听到广播形式的广告和在电影院里观看电影时在影片开始播放之前一些广告。 因此,随着视觉媒体对商业信息影响的扩大,它开始被拿来销售。电视产生以后,在电视播放的时候被插入了很多有商业信息的广告。通过经营和销售这些带有商业信息的广告时间,广告公司和电视台都得到了一笔价值可观的收入。




几乎所有的电视观众都看到公益广告,这是,这对于公共利益的广播消息。公益广告所有的费用由主办单位承担,但它们通常在广播电台播放,以填补未被商业利用的空白时间。这是一种形式,电视台帮助社区广播和履行他们的义务,其联邦通信委员会许可在公共广播的无线电波。当然,管理公司通常运行在深夜或其他较商业利益的时段。不是每个人都可以写一个专题片脚本,但任何人都可以写一个30 - 或60秒的公益广告,因此它是一个良好的开端。


让我们区分版权和编剧。版权问题包括出版和媒体写作。在电视上国家的广告活动都是设计和生产中保留的广告机构客户的公司。学习这种写作的经营和广告和公关通常发生在一个特定的跟踪和专业课程在通信方面的研究。虽然视觉写作涉及一些种类的版权问题, 还有很多其他的问题涉及版权问题, 最好离开那些奉献问题放在一边, 处理视觉写作, 而且恰好是版权问题的一部分。




Ads and PSAs ⑴Copywriting for Visual Media

Before television, there was radio advertising and film advertising in

movie houses.You still see local ads in some movie theatres before the

program starts. So the principle of selling time between programming for

commercial messages grew up with the visual media. A format that is

probably unique to television was developed to deliver short visual

commercial messages very efficiently and effectively in breaks between

programs. The air time was sold to advertisers to generate the operating

revenue and profit for the television companies.

Television provides access to the majority of homes and, therefore,

to the largest audience. Before television, few people had dealt with the

pressure to communicate product or commercial information in a rapid,

attention-getting way that television needs. It was, and still is, very

expensive to buy air time. Because television is the most expensive

advertising medium, it has driven the writers and producers of

commercials to refine their techniques so as to deliver a complete

message in a small amount of time. The cost of this time far exceeds the

production cost of making the message itself.

The short ad has become a kind of twentieth-century art form with a

constantly evolving style. It has attracted much writing and directing

talent from around the world, drawn partly by the money they can make

and partly by the opportunity to graduate to longer forms. Ads are special

because they are so short —usually under a minute. Everyone has seen

them, which is not so true for some other formats.

Almost all television viewers have seen public service

announcements (PSAs),which are messages that are broadcast for the

public good. PSAs are sometimes paid for by sponsoring organizations,

but they are usually furnished to broadcasters to fill any empty spots in

the commercial break. This is one way in which television stations help

the community to which they broadcast and fulfill an obligation of their

FCC license to broadcast over public air waves. Of course, PSAs usually

run late at night or in other less commercially desirable time slots. Not

everyone can write a feature film script, but anyone can write a 30- or

60-second PSA, so it is a good place to start.

⑵Copywriting Versus Scriptwriting

Let us distinguish between copywriting and scriptwriting.

Copywriting includes print and media writing. National advertising

campaigns on television are devised and produced by advertising

agencies retained by the client company. Learning about this kind of

writing and the business of advertising and public relations usually takes

place in a specific track and specialized courses in communications

studies.Although visual writing is involved in some kinds of copywriting,

there are so many other issues involved in copywriting that it is better to

leave those dedicated issues aside and deal with visual writing that

happens to be part of copywriting.

However, small markets in the broadcasting world serve local clients

who cannot afford an advertising agency. Somebody has to write these

ads for the station’s clients. It could be a staff member, part of a unit that

sells the station’s time, or it could be a freelance writer paid by the station

to do this writing work when needed, or a local ad agency. We need to

keep in mind that these kinds of local ads are made on small budgets,

sometimes at cost, by the station selling the air time because their profit

comes from selling that air time. They often have spare production

capacity —a studio, cameras, a camera crew, and an editing facility. This

means that the ad must be written for that budget range without slick

effects or expensive graphics, without travel to expensive locations, and

without expensive talent. It brings us back to the perennial challenge that

every scriptwriter faces:to write creatively and invent original visuals

within a tight budget framework. The same holds true for local PSAs,

sponsored by organizations with no budget to spend on production.

PSAs are an excellent training ground for student scriptwriters. They

are short and complete TV playlets. They require all the disciplines of

scriptwriting. You can easily settle on a public service issue such as

smoking, domestic violence, education,drugs, or racism. You know the

issues. You can test your creative imagination. If you have a related

production course going on, you might be able to produce your PSA. You

can also take a familiar product and try to devise a TV spot for

it.However, a lot of ads rely on specialized production companies to get

pack shots or create computer-generated effects that might be difficult to

duplicate in a college production setup.

⑶Client Needs and Priorities

The PSA and the TV ad are works commissioned by a client. The

client needs a solution to a communication problem that the writer must

provide. We alluded to this discipline of the professional writer in

Chapters 3 and 4. You write for someone or rather someone who

represents the interests of an organization or a corporation. Later we will

look more closely at another kind of writing for a producer of

entertainment films or programs. The entertainment script is different

from commissioned works because neither the producer nor the writer

can know for sure what a good script is until it is produced, shown to an

audience, and validated by box office or audience ratings. Commissioned

programming doesn’t have an audience measurement expressed in terms

of box office revenue. Successful communication can only be measured

by quantifying audience responses as changes in sales or behavior.

Advertisers expect to measure the effect of an ad in increased sales.

Otherwise,there is no business sense in spending money on it. A PSA

often aims to change people’s behavior. It is much more difficult to

garner information that positively proves the effectiveness of the PSA.

Changes in behavior are much more difficult to achieve than changes in

the buying choices of the public.

Writing for clients is often challenging and exciting precisely

because you have a problem, know the desired result, and have to devise

a solution. The seven-step method of Chapter 4 is an excellent way to

approach these assignments. The process of analysis is really important

for writing PSAs. Although you do not now have a client, you must

practice writing as if you had a client to satisfy. Your creative ideas must

do the job. One of the constraints of this kind of writing is that the length

is fixed by the client. Because the resulting product is transmitted in

commercial breaks, its length must be exact to the second, as that is how

airtime is bought and sold.

⑷The 20-, 30-, and 60-Second Playlets

Ads in the form of 20- or 30-second playlets are almost a new art

form. They are a popular art form born of the television age and the need

to compress visual messages into very short, very expensive time slots.

The style and tempo of these ads continues to evolve at a furious rate.

The style of camera work, directing, and editing is quite specialized.

Some companies produce nothing but TV commercials just as some

directors spend their whole careers making these mini-movies. From their

ranks have come a number of feature film directors such as Ridley Scott,

Hugh Hudson, and Alan Parker.

Some TV commercials for national campaigns of major brands,

based on millions of dollars worth of air time, have very high budgets.

With bigger budgets than half-hour documentaries and budgets as big as a

television half-hour episode, these productions are made on 35mm film

with production crews that sometimes rival those for a feature film. The

local market spot for a car dealer or furniture store,however, is often

cheap, down and dirty. Clearly the national campaigns are developed by

advertising agencies whose copywriters develop the ads in collaboration

with creative directors, art directors, and account executives. The

copywriter is not a full range scriptwriter and also usually has to write

print media ads. Although this book primarily serves the interests of

scriptwriters, the visual thinking that underlies billboards and transport

ads relates to both copywriting and scriptwriting.

⑸Devices to Capture Audience Attention

Most of you have engaged in the subtle war between the viewer and

the television advertiser. Hands up everyone who has hit the mute button

during the ads, or gone to the bathroom, or gone to the fridge, or made a

tele phone call during the commercial break! This nullifies the advertiser’s

effort and expense. Sometimes,either by accident or by choice, we find

TV commercials entertaining or fun to watch. The challenge is clear. The

advertiser has a lot of resistance to overcome.Now you are on the other

side of the box. You have to be creative and capture the audience’s

attention in spite of itself so that it pays attention to your message.Your

device has to work for others. Measured by your own viewing behavior,

no audience will give you any quarter. You live or die in seconds.

What are some of the ways you have noticed writers of these

mini-scripts hooking the audience so that it will pay attention to the

message? You can recognize definite strategies such as humor, shock,

of course, sexuality. These strategies are more elaborately developed in

commercial advertising because for-profit companies have the dollars to

spend on high-end production values. PSAs cannot command the same

resources. They are made on lower budgets or created through the pro

bono work of advertising agencies and production personnel. Working

with a low budget is a creative challenge. Production dollars don’t

automatically buy creative and effective communication. Some of the

most ingenious PSAs are cheap but effective.

Consider how a PSA about a public issue such as gambling works.

In this case, the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling needs

to communicate to a population that suffers the destructive consequences

of this kind of addictive behavior.How do you solve the communication

problem? Let’s apply the seven-step method we learned in Chapter 4. Anthony Friedmann

Acquisitions Editor: Amy Jollymore

Project Manager: Andrew Therriault

Assistant Editor: Cara Anderson

Marketing Manager: Christine Degon-Veroulis

Cover Designer: Cate Barr

Focal Press is an imprint of Elsevier


广告和公益广告 ⑴文案的视觉媒体

在电视出现以前,我们可以在收音机里听到广播形式的广告和在电影院里观看电影时在影片开始播放之前一些广告。 因此,随着视觉媒体对商业信息影响的扩大,它开始被拿来销售。电视产生以后,在电视播放的时候被插入了很多有商业信息的广告。通过经营和销售这些带有商业信息的广告时间,广告公司和电视台都得到了一笔价值可观的收入。




几乎所有的电视观众都看到公益广告,这是,这对于公共利益的广播消息。公益广告所有的费用由主办单位承担,但它们通常在广播电台播放,以填补未被商业利用的空白时间。这是一种形式,电视台帮助社区广播和履行他们的义务,其联邦通信委员会许可在公共广播的无线电波。当然,管理公司通常运行在深夜或其他较商业利益的时段。不是每个人都可以写一个专题片脚本,但任何人都可以写一个30 - 或60秒的公益广告,因此它是一个良好的开端。


让我们区分版权和编剧。版权问题包括出版和媒体写作。在电视上国家的广告活动都是设计和生产中保留的广告机构客户的公司。学习这种写作的经营和广告和公关通常发生在一个特定的跟踪和专业课程在通信方面的研究。虽然视觉写作涉及一些种类的版权问题, 还有很多其他的问题涉及版权问题, 最好离开那些奉献问题放在一边, 处理视觉写作, 而且恰好是版权问题的一部分。


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