

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below.

“ Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.” ---- Madame Curie.

谈了居里夫人的这段话,你有何感想? 请结合生活中的具体事例对你的观点加以说明.


As a great scientist who has won the Nobel Prize twice in her whole life, words of wisdom delivered by Madame Curie are really of value. Also it is convincing from my friends Mary's experience.

It was last Friday when we got the math problem assigned by our teacher. Since most of us considered it beyond our power, I gave it up without second thoughts. However Mary refused to say „no‟ so easily. She made up her mind to accept the challenge. Try as she might, the math problem seemed to be such a tough stone that nobody could move it. But Mary held the firm belief that she could break it through. Finally, to our surprise, she made it after another two days of hard work.

Mary‟s experience again proves Madame Curie‟s words: We must believe in ourselves and work until we succeed. It is one‟s will power and passions that matters most with which we can bravely pursue our dream.


As we all know, Madam Curie succeeded because of perseverance. What was the key? Just as she said “we must work until we succeed”, with which I can‟t agree more. My father‟s experience might help illustrate.

Originally, my father, an engineer, worked in a company where there was no access to improving the way of producing to a more efficient one. Then, one year, he switched to another company in another city to realize his dream. Difficult and challenging as his work was, he managed to develop a better assembly line to produce. Afterwards, every time I saw him, he seemed to be thinner, but the sense of achievement made him look younger.

In bloom of youth, we are on the point to see our life unfold. It‟s time we asked ourselves what dreams we are going to pursue and go out of our way for them. My father‟s choice has confirmed me of the belief that we must work until we succeed, just as Madam Curie said.


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below.

“ Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.” ---- Madame Curie.

谈了居里夫人的这段话,你有何感想? 请结合生活中的具体事例对你的观点加以说明.


As a great scientist who has won the Nobel Prize twice in her whole life, words of wisdom delivered by Madame Curie are really of value. Also it is convincing from my friends Mary's experience.

It was last Friday when we got the math problem assigned by our teacher. Since most of us considered it beyond our power, I gave it up without second thoughts. However Mary refused to say „no‟ so easily. She made up her mind to accept the challenge. Try as she might, the math problem seemed to be such a tough stone that nobody could move it. But Mary held the firm belief that she could break it through. Finally, to our surprise, she made it after another two days of hard work.

Mary‟s experience again proves Madame Curie‟s words: We must believe in ourselves and work until we succeed. It is one‟s will power and passions that matters most with which we can bravely pursue our dream.


As we all know, Madam Curie succeeded because of perseverance. What was the key? Just as she said “we must work until we succeed”, with which I can‟t agree more. My father‟s experience might help illustrate.

Originally, my father, an engineer, worked in a company where there was no access to improving the way of producing to a more efficient one. Then, one year, he switched to another company in another city to realize his dream. Difficult and challenging as his work was, he managed to develop a better assembly line to produce. Afterwards, every time I saw him, he seemed to be thinner, but the sense of achievement made him look younger.

In bloom of youth, we are on the point to see our life unfold. It‟s time we asked ourselves what dreams we are going to pursue and go out of our way for them. My father‟s choice has confirmed me of the belief that we must work until we succeed, just as Madam Curie said.


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