Commissioning 试车
Single-pass, shell-and-tube exchanger 单程管壳式换热器
Immersion electric heater 插入式电加热器
Maintenance 维修,保养
Plugging 堵塞
Ball is Type 316 stainless steel with an abrasion-resistant coating and the seat is satellite 阀芯是
Desiccant 干燥剂
Moisture analyzer 湿度分析仪
Dew point analyzer 露点分析仪
Needle valve 针形阀
Dilute caustic solution 稀释的碱液
Carbon Raschig ring 石墨拉西环
The strength of the caustic 碱液浓度
Demister pad 破沫网
Preliminary inspection, installation, testing and commissioning of vessels and equipment 容器和
Hydrostatic testing 静态水压试验
Pipe spool 短管
Utility 公用工程
Instrumentation 仪表
Clearance 间隙(如阀)
Relief valve 安全阀
Emergency Shutdown(ESD ) 紧急停车
Interlock 联锁
Remove trash, scale, and water 清除垃圾、铁锈及水分
Blowdown 吹扫(爆破吹扫)
Suction discharge line 吸入和排出管线
Metering orifice 测量孔板
Restriction orifice 限流孔板
V alve ’s transducer 阀门的传感器
In-line filter 嵌入式过滤器
Coalescer (燃油水分)凝聚过滤器
Steam Jacket 蒸汽夹套
Split-ranged control 分程控制
Cascade the upper combustion air flow controller to the oxygen analyzer controller 将上部空气
Stroke 冲程(泵,压缩机等采用活塞式)
Copper erode 铜片腐蚀
In local-automatic(manual ) control 单回路自动(手动)控制
Sulfureted hydrogen (Hydrogen sulfide)硫化氢
Preventive maintenance schedule 定期检修(维修)安排
Vibration 震动
Pyrophoric 自燃的
Two block and bleed assemblies in the inlet and outlet lines 在进出口管线上的隔离三阀组 Flare 火炬
Relief header 泄放总管
Wafer-type Spring-type 薄片式和弹簧式
Hydrochloric acid and chlorine 盐酸和氯气
Intermittent 间断的
Flooded bed 冲塔
A siphon breaking vent 虹吸排放 Educt 倒吸
Isolating the relief gas header from the line to the knockout drum and flare 将泄放总管与火炬
Apparatus 器械
Kerosene 煤油, 火油
Steam trace (加热) 蒸汽管道,伴热蒸汽
Exothermic 放热的 Endothermic 吸热的
Attrition 磨擦, 磨损
In situ 在现场,原处
Standby 应急备用
Block the manual valve downstream of the Chloride Valve 关闭注氯阀下游手阀
Evacuate 泄放,抽真空
This is to prevent the cooling catalyst pulling a vacuum on the tower这将防止冷却催化剂对再生
Dryout 干燥
V ents Drains instrument taps (气相)出口、(液相)出口,排放点、仪表接头
Close the blind in the catalyst line between the bottom of the reactors and the Spent Catalyst
Isolation Valve 将反应器底部与待生催化剂提升管线用盲板隔离
Tie-in 管道的接头
Test for adequate resistance to ground 接地试验
Thermal expansion 热膨胀
Light the pilots 点燃长明灯
Backpressure 背压
Hose 软管
Vice versa 反之亦然
Check valve 单向阀,止回阀
Manifold 歧管, (多) 支管, 集合[集气, 进气]管, 总[导]管, 管线[道], 集流腔
Swing the spectacle blind above the valve to the closed position 将阀上8字盲板转到关的位置 Turnaround 运转周期
Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂纹
Warrant 1、to need or deserve;2、to promise that something is true;
Affinity 亲和力,吸附力
Sweetened 脱硫的
Scavenger 净化剂
Irritant 刺激性的,刺激物
The operation of any unit processing gases containing H2S remains safe provided ordinary
precaution are taken and the poisonous nature of the H2S is recognized and understood如果采取一般性的预防措施并认识和了解到H 2S 的毒性,任何加工含H 2S 的工艺是安全的
Fresh air mask(gas mask) 防毒面具
Artificial respiration 人工呼吸
Technical advisor 技术顾问
Safety harness 安全带
Sump 污油罐
Piping and instrumentation diagram(P&ID)仪表管线图
Scaffolding 脚手架
Line flushing 管线冲洗
Effluent treating system 污水处理系统
Benzene Toluene Xylene([ ●⏹])and heavier aromatics 苯、甲苯、二甲苯和重芳
Detonation 爆炸
Equipment evaluation 装置标定
Isomeric [❍☜❒☜] 异构的 Normal 正构
Centrifugal [⏹❒◆☜●] pump 离心泵
For air cooler: No. of Bundles No. of Passes No. of Tubes per Pass Slump [●❍☐]catalyst extra catalyst added to the top of a radial flow reactor to
compensate for bed settling during operation
Equivocal [☜☜●] 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的
Sock loaded density 装填密度
Quantitative [ ⏹☜] 数量的, 定量的
Qualitative [ ●☜] 性质上的, 定性的
Raffinate [ ❒⏹] [化](石油) 残油液, 剩余液
Corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂
Feed effluent [ ●◆☜⏹] exchanger 进料/产物换热器
Natural/force draft 自然/强制通风
PDRC (pressure differential recoding controller) PRC TRC LRC
A snuffing steam 消防蒸汽
Soot blower 吹灰机(加热炉上)
Damper 烟道挡板
Reciprocating [❒☐❒☜☠] or centrifugal
compressor 往复的/离心的压缩机 [⏹❒◆☜●]
Gasket 垫片
Bolt nut washer 螺栓、螺母、垫圈
Rotational [❒☜◆☞☜⏹☜●] equipment 动设备
Condensate must be drained manually as it forms to prevent steam hammering为防止蒸汽液击,一定要手动彻底排凝。
Flushing (装置)冲洗
Critical speed 临界转速
Surge 喘振
Snubber [ ⏹☜] n 缓冲器
Boil-out 煮炉
Flue gas 烟道气
Sour gas(water ) 干气(酸性水)
Water is injected into the inlet piping of the HCR effluent cooler which is upstream of the HCR Cold High Pressure Separator (CHPS) to remove any ammonium bisulfide salt which might form. Positive-displacement type pump 往复泵
Catalyst fouling 催化剂结垢
V acuum gas oil(VGO )减压瓦斯油 Deasphalted oil(DAO )脱沥青油
Trip 联锁起跳
Switch the rundown routing of all products to slop 将所有产品从正常馏程切换到不合格产品
A gradual temperature increase is usually called an excursion. A faster, rapidly accelerating temperature increase would be called a runaway. 温度慢慢升高经常称为偏离。快而加速温度升高被称为“飞温”。
Hydrostatic or Pneumatic Testing of Piping System 管线系统的水压及大气试压
Chemical Cleaning and Pickling 化学清洗及酸洗
Chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢的氯应力腐蚀 fluid catalytic cracking 流化床催化裂化
hydrocarbon cracking 烃裂化
hydrogen cracking 加氢裂化; 氢压下裂化
non-coking thermal cracking 非结焦热裂化
thermal cracking 加热分裂(法), 热裂化; 热裂解
Thermofor catalytic cracking 移动床催化裂化
Safe refinery practices and procedure 炼厂的安全规章及制度
Strainer 滤网
Refractory 难控制点、难医治的、耐热的(耐火材料,如加热炉内部)
Recycle compressor Knockout drum 循环压缩机入口分液罐
Pinch valve 限位止档阀(用于高压气相循环回路上以防止全部关死)
After the feed pump is operating smoothly, introduce feed to the reactor and quick increase the
feed rate to at least 50% of design rate within 3-5 minutes. This initial feed rate was selected to ensure that the heart release due to oil adsorption is quickly quenched by “cool ” oil behind the adsorption wave, and to avoid channeling. (注意和以前所说的最小流量开始有所不同)。
For 1/2-1 hour after initial feed in discontinue long loop circulation and route diesel to slop oil
tankage to remove catalyst fines from the system.(注意在最初进料是不能采用长循环)。 Adsorption exotherm 吸附热
Interface level 界面、界位
Sock/Dense load 稀相装填/密相装填
Skimming 撇头(催化剂)
A liquid-phase sulfuring process 液相预硫化
Amorphous/Zeolite 无定形/分子筛 copper Zeolite Y 铜Y 型沸石 silica-rich Zeolite 高硅
Gasoline/Kerosene/Diesel 汽/煤/柴油
Single Stage series 单段串联
cobalt/molybdenum or nickel/molybdenum oxides on a porous alumina carrier 以多孔氧化铝为
Fixed bed 固定床
High kerosene smoke point and diesel cetane number 高的航煤烟点和柴油十六烷值 Noble metals 贵金属
Asphalthenes 沥青质
Commissioning 试车
Single-pass, shell-and-tube exchanger 单程管壳式换热器
Immersion electric heater 插入式电加热器
Maintenance 维修,保养
Plugging 堵塞
Ball is Type 316 stainless steel with an abrasion-resistant coating and the seat is satellite 阀芯是
Desiccant 干燥剂
Moisture analyzer 湿度分析仪
Dew point analyzer 露点分析仪
Needle valve 针形阀
Dilute caustic solution 稀释的碱液
Carbon Raschig ring 石墨拉西环
The strength of the caustic 碱液浓度
Demister pad 破沫网
Preliminary inspection, installation, testing and commissioning of vessels and equipment 容器和
Hydrostatic testing 静态水压试验
Pipe spool 短管
Utility 公用工程
Instrumentation 仪表
Clearance 间隙(如阀)
Relief valve 安全阀
Emergency Shutdown(ESD ) 紧急停车
Interlock 联锁
Remove trash, scale, and water 清除垃圾、铁锈及水分
Blowdown 吹扫(爆破吹扫)
Suction discharge line 吸入和排出管线
Metering orifice 测量孔板
Restriction orifice 限流孔板
V alve ’s transducer 阀门的传感器
In-line filter 嵌入式过滤器
Coalescer (燃油水分)凝聚过滤器
Steam Jacket 蒸汽夹套
Split-ranged control 分程控制
Cascade the upper combustion air flow controller to the oxygen analyzer controller 将上部空气
Stroke 冲程(泵,压缩机等采用活塞式)
Copper erode 铜片腐蚀
In local-automatic(manual ) control 单回路自动(手动)控制
Sulfureted hydrogen (Hydrogen sulfide)硫化氢
Preventive maintenance schedule 定期检修(维修)安排
Vibration 震动
Pyrophoric 自燃的
Two block and bleed assemblies in the inlet and outlet lines 在进出口管线上的隔离三阀组 Flare 火炬
Relief header 泄放总管
Wafer-type Spring-type 薄片式和弹簧式
Hydrochloric acid and chlorine 盐酸和氯气
Intermittent 间断的
Flooded bed 冲塔
A siphon breaking vent 虹吸排放 Educt 倒吸
Isolating the relief gas header from the line to the knockout drum and flare 将泄放总管与火炬
Apparatus 器械
Kerosene 煤油, 火油
Steam trace (加热) 蒸汽管道,伴热蒸汽
Exothermic 放热的 Endothermic 吸热的
Attrition 磨擦, 磨损
In situ 在现场,原处
Standby 应急备用
Block the manual valve downstream of the Chloride Valve 关闭注氯阀下游手阀
Evacuate 泄放,抽真空
This is to prevent the cooling catalyst pulling a vacuum on the tower这将防止冷却催化剂对再生
Dryout 干燥
V ents Drains instrument taps (气相)出口、(液相)出口,排放点、仪表接头
Close the blind in the catalyst line between the bottom of the reactors and the Spent Catalyst
Isolation Valve 将反应器底部与待生催化剂提升管线用盲板隔离
Tie-in 管道的接头
Test for adequate resistance to ground 接地试验
Thermal expansion 热膨胀
Light the pilots 点燃长明灯
Backpressure 背压
Hose 软管
Vice versa 反之亦然
Check valve 单向阀,止回阀
Manifold 歧管, (多) 支管, 集合[集气, 进气]管, 总[导]管, 管线[道], 集流腔
Swing the spectacle blind above the valve to the closed position 将阀上8字盲板转到关的位置 Turnaround 运转周期
Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂纹
Warrant 1、to need or deserve;2、to promise that something is true;
Affinity 亲和力,吸附力
Sweetened 脱硫的
Scavenger 净化剂
Irritant 刺激性的,刺激物
The operation of any unit processing gases containing H2S remains safe provided ordinary
precaution are taken and the poisonous nature of the H2S is recognized and understood如果采取一般性的预防措施并认识和了解到H 2S 的毒性,任何加工含H 2S 的工艺是安全的
Fresh air mask(gas mask) 防毒面具
Artificial respiration 人工呼吸
Technical advisor 技术顾问
Safety harness 安全带
Sump 污油罐
Piping and instrumentation diagram(P&ID)仪表管线图
Scaffolding 脚手架
Line flushing 管线冲洗
Effluent treating system 污水处理系统
Benzene Toluene Xylene([ ●⏹])and heavier aromatics 苯、甲苯、二甲苯和重芳
Detonation 爆炸
Equipment evaluation 装置标定
Isomeric [❍☜❒☜] 异构的 Normal 正构
Centrifugal [⏹❒◆☜●] pump 离心泵
For air cooler: No. of Bundles No. of Passes No. of Tubes per Pass Slump [●❍☐]catalyst extra catalyst added to the top of a radial flow reactor to
compensate for bed settling during operation
Equivocal [☜☜●] 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的
Sock loaded density 装填密度
Quantitative [ ⏹☜] 数量的, 定量的
Qualitative [ ●☜] 性质上的, 定性的
Raffinate [ ❒⏹] [化](石油) 残油液, 剩余液
Corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂
Feed effluent [ ●◆☜⏹] exchanger 进料/产物换热器
Natural/force draft 自然/强制通风
PDRC (pressure differential recoding controller) PRC TRC LRC
A snuffing steam 消防蒸汽
Soot blower 吹灰机(加热炉上)
Damper 烟道挡板
Reciprocating [❒☐❒☜☠] or centrifugal
compressor 往复的/离心的压缩机 [⏹❒◆☜●]
Gasket 垫片
Bolt nut washer 螺栓、螺母、垫圈
Rotational [❒☜◆☞☜⏹☜●] equipment 动设备
Condensate must be drained manually as it forms to prevent steam hammering为防止蒸汽液击,一定要手动彻底排凝。
Flushing (装置)冲洗
Critical speed 临界转速
Surge 喘振
Snubber [ ⏹☜] n 缓冲器
Boil-out 煮炉
Flue gas 烟道气
Sour gas(water ) 干气(酸性水)
Water is injected into the inlet piping of the HCR effluent cooler which is upstream of the HCR Cold High Pressure Separator (CHPS) to remove any ammonium bisulfide salt which might form. Positive-displacement type pump 往复泵
Catalyst fouling 催化剂结垢
V acuum gas oil(VGO )减压瓦斯油 Deasphalted oil(DAO )脱沥青油
Trip 联锁起跳
Switch the rundown routing of all products to slop 将所有产品从正常馏程切换到不合格产品
A gradual temperature increase is usually called an excursion. A faster, rapidly accelerating temperature increase would be called a runaway. 温度慢慢升高经常称为偏离。快而加速温度升高被称为“飞温”。
Hydrostatic or Pneumatic Testing of Piping System 管线系统的水压及大气试压
Chemical Cleaning and Pickling 化学清洗及酸洗
Chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢的氯应力腐蚀 fluid catalytic cracking 流化床催化裂化
hydrocarbon cracking 烃裂化
hydrogen cracking 加氢裂化; 氢压下裂化
non-coking thermal cracking 非结焦热裂化
thermal cracking 加热分裂(法), 热裂化; 热裂解
Thermofor catalytic cracking 移动床催化裂化
Safe refinery practices and procedure 炼厂的安全规章及制度
Strainer 滤网
Refractory 难控制点、难医治的、耐热的(耐火材料,如加热炉内部)
Recycle compressor Knockout drum 循环压缩机入口分液罐
Pinch valve 限位止档阀(用于高压气相循环回路上以防止全部关死)
After the feed pump is operating smoothly, introduce feed to the reactor and quick increase the
feed rate to at least 50% of design rate within 3-5 minutes. This initial feed rate was selected to ensure that the heart release due to oil adsorption is quickly quenched by “cool ” oil behind the adsorption wave, and to avoid channeling. (注意和以前所说的最小流量开始有所不同)。
For 1/2-1 hour after initial feed in discontinue long loop circulation and route diesel to slop oil
tankage to remove catalyst fines from the system.(注意在最初进料是不能采用长循环)。 Adsorption exotherm 吸附热
Interface level 界面、界位
Sock/Dense load 稀相装填/密相装填
Skimming 撇头(催化剂)
A liquid-phase sulfuring process 液相预硫化
Amorphous/Zeolite 无定形/分子筛 copper Zeolite Y 铜Y 型沸石 silica-rich Zeolite 高硅
Gasoline/Kerosene/Diesel 汽/煤/柴油
Single Stage series 单段串联
cobalt/molybdenum or nickel/molybdenum oxides on a porous alumina carrier 以多孔氧化铝为
Fixed bed 固定床
High kerosene smoke point and diesel cetane number 高的航煤烟点和柴油十六烷值 Noble metals 贵金属
Asphalthenes 沥青质