

五 年级 英语 学科 期中 单元 报告人 月




学校 ___________ 姓名 __________ 分数 __________


1 Listen and judge.听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符。(8分)

(!) Miss (2) tomatoes (3) play basketball (4) fish ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2 Listen and match. 听录音,连线。(8分)

Jack Tom WangYing Rose

A. tomatoes B. fruit C. mutton D. green beans and pork 3. Listen and do.下面是Mike 和Lucy的一段对话,听录音,并作答。(12分) A 听录音,请把对话中提到的活动圈起来。

a do the dishes b. play football c. play ping-pong d. use a computer e . do homework f. watch TV g. read books h. have class B 听录音,按一日三餐将下面食物分类。(写序号即可)

a. cabbage b. mutton c. tofu d. potatoes e. green beans f. fish g. noodles h. eggplant I bananas j. tomatoes 4. Listen and fill in the blanks.

(!) Mike likes watermelons. They are ____________. (2) John doesn’t like ______.They ‘re ____________. (3) Tom likes apples .They ‘re _______ and healthy. 笔试部分

5 读一读,判断下面单词划线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致。(3分) ( ( ) 2 ( ( ) 4 ( ( ) 6 6 照例子,写单词 。(6分) e.g. Monday ----Mon.

Wednesday---________ Thursday---_________ Friday---- ________ Sunday ---_________ Tuesday--- ________ Saturday---_________ 7 将下列单词或词组分类。(14分)

Smart strong Sunday cabbage watch TV Active do my homework tomato tall

8 读短文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。(8分)

Hello,I’m Amy .Today is Wednesday. We have Chinese, math, and art on Wednesdays. I like Chinese. Because our Chinese teacher is very active .She is tall and young .I like her very much. I have lunch at school. The food is yummy .At noon I often have soup ,meat and vegetables. I like vegetables, Because they are fresh and healthy .Look at me ! How tall and lovely . ( ) 1 Today is Thursday.

( ) 2 Amy has Chinese, math, and art on Wednesdays ( ) 3 Amy ‘s Chinese teacher is tall and young. ( ) 4 Amy likes vegetables

9 看图,填空。(15分)

(1)What would you like for dinner ?

_______ and _______ ,please .(茄子和土豆) (2) My favourite day is _________.(周三) ________ do you _________?

We have art ,computer and ________.(语文)

(3) I often ________ ________ in the evening .(做作业) (4) I like apples ,but I ______ _______ apple pies. (×) (5) What _______you have for lunch?

I have _______ and _______. (面条与鸡肉) (6) What ‘s he like ?

He ‘s _______ and _______.(又胖又矮)

(2) Jack has music on Mondays. ( )

(3) Nancy doesn’t like grapes ,They ‘re sour . ( ) (4) Jim likes cabbage and pork for dinner . ( )



五 年级 英语 学科 期中 单元 报告人 月




学校 ___________ 姓名 __________ 分数 __________


1 Listen and judge.听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符。(8分)

(!) Miss (2) tomatoes (3) play basketball (4) fish ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2 Listen and match. 听录音,连线。(8分)

Jack Tom WangYing Rose

A. tomatoes B. fruit C. mutton D. green beans and pork 3. Listen and do.下面是Mike 和Lucy的一段对话,听录音,并作答。(12分) A 听录音,请把对话中提到的活动圈起来。

a do the dishes b. play football c. play ping-pong d. use a computer e . do homework f. watch TV g. read books h. have class B 听录音,按一日三餐将下面食物分类。(写序号即可)

a. cabbage b. mutton c. tofu d. potatoes e. green beans f. fish g. noodles h. eggplant I bananas j. tomatoes 4. Listen and fill in the blanks.

(!) Mike likes watermelons. They are ____________. (2) John doesn’t like ______.They ‘re ____________. (3) Tom likes apples .They ‘re _______ and healthy. 笔试部分

5 读一读,判断下面单词划线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致。(3分) ( ( ) 2 ( ( ) 4 ( ( ) 6 6 照例子,写单词 。(6分) e.g. Monday ----Mon.

Wednesday---________ Thursday---_________ Friday---- ________ Sunday ---_________ Tuesday--- ________ Saturday---_________ 7 将下列单词或词组分类。(14分)

Smart strong Sunday cabbage watch TV Active do my homework tomato tall

8 读短文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。(8分)

Hello,I’m Amy .Today is Wednesday. We have Chinese, math, and art on Wednesdays. I like Chinese. Because our Chinese teacher is very active .She is tall and young .I like her very much. I have lunch at school. The food is yummy .At noon I often have soup ,meat and vegetables. I like vegetables, Because they are fresh and healthy .Look at me ! How tall and lovely . ( ) 1 Today is Thursday.

( ) 2 Amy has Chinese, math, and art on Wednesdays ( ) 3 Amy ‘s Chinese teacher is tall and young. ( ) 4 Amy likes vegetables

9 看图,填空。(15分)

(1)What would you like for dinner ?

_______ and _______ ,please .(茄子和土豆) (2) My favourite day is _________.(周三) ________ do you _________?

We have art ,computer and ________.(语文)

(3) I often ________ ________ in the evening .(做作业) (4) I like apples ,but I ______ _______ apple pies. (×) (5) What _______you have for lunch?

I have _______ and _______. (面条与鸡肉) (6) What ‘s he like ?

He ‘s _______ and _______.(又胖又矮)

(2) Jack has music on Mondays. ( )

(3) Nancy doesn’t like grapes ,They ‘re sour . ( ) (4) Jim likes cabbage and pork for dinner . ( )



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